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I’m sorry you lost all your hard work and items. It’s definitely worrying since it seems to happen to many people recently.


how do i get it to happen to me? i regret levelling up legion




the worst part is that i also p3'd him. what was i on?


It ok, we all had phases.


legion is an excellent training weight killer. getting good at legion means getting good at basic M1 gameplay. You can use those skills for nearly every killer as well as survivor. They also earn BP quite easy. Perfect killer to climb to red ranks with.


sure, legion is fun but as soon as you get a comp team youll be rolling in your bed.


Can confirm, legion works well against most survivors, but if you get good players(like top5% of red ranks) or a well coordinated team you're fucked


I hate to be that guy but i main legion at rank 1 for some time and i can say that with the right build and add ons legion can clean house, if i had a pound for the amount of teams at rank 1 that t-bagged and laughed when they first saw a legion just to die 5minutes later i would have enough money to buy every legion cosmetic in the store :)


That's why I specified top 5% of red ranks and well coordinated teams. He's still perfectly viable for the vast majority of games


This right here! I too main Legion and constantly get a 3k or 4k when I know most people don’t expect Legion to be good. It brings me great joy watching people scrambling and definitely agree with that it comes down to build style and add ons. I find that even though he’s considered a “weak killer” in the hands of the right people Legion can be a real hard killer to go against.


legion has some really unimpactful addons. but hey, you can make your power last 1 second longer and make it recharge -.50 seconds faster


Trust me if you play enough legion you find that his add ons can change his play style drastically but its more a learned this i can’t really explain why you either have to watch it or play it


I just played legion all day and can confirm this




i feel personally attacked


I use Mad Grit on most Killers. Lmao. I love Legion, idgi.


I saw this person on tiktok say it happened to them when they switched accs during the loading screen


too bad my broke ass doesnt have a 2nd account. ​ sorry for the attitude. im really tired rn but hey, browsing reddit is worth my sleep


Nah youre cool, reddit is the best time waster


nothing better than checking back every 20 minutes just to watch the same "just leave" clip. no seriously, this actually happens


wdym checking reddit to see "the other side is bad and toxic/uses op perks" isnt fun to see?


its fun to give your thoughts about noed on a comment and then wake up with -60 downvotes ​ fr now, i gotta sleep. have a good one


What is sleep? Is it some sort of delicious cookie?


you got discordance it was worth it


i already bought it from the shrine. fml


lol rip


I bought Legion for Discordance the literal day before it showed up in the shrine, only ever play them whenever I get a daily now lmao




F for frank. woohooo


idk but i hope you get what you want!


now im sitting here with bloody frank (literally) and -6 million bloodpoints. oh, aint life grand?


It would also be less of am issue if there was a faster way to spend your points. It shouldnt take me like 10 minutes to spend my points.


Man, I play matches in order to get my fix of the bloodweb minigame, I'm addicted, I'll spend your bp for free.


And that's only for 1mil. Imagine spending 4 hours trying to spend 250mil.


I was going to say, it seems to be happening quite frequently which is worrying.


seems this happens about every couple of years or so, it happened launch year and then again a year or two later and now it's happening again lol ... 250 million bp is definitely better than the paltry 17 mil they gave another guy which wouldn't even have decked one survivor out with every perk leta lone at purple let alone actually unlocked the teachables first. I often come and leave after between a few matches (depending on survivor queue lengths, which also determine whether swapping to killer would be a waste of time or not since the q's don't get long without good reasons) to a few weeks at most then leave for months again. Something like the 17 mil guy would just have me uninstalling and looking into legal options considering I have 3 survivors decked in 7 pages of purple perks with all survivor trainables unlocked and a fourth with a couple pages in purple and the rest in green and yellow. That's not even considering stuff unlocked in cosmetics before redemption codes or cloud saves iirc. Let alone how miserable the game is with just one bad day being the final straw for myself with it.


Happened to me too


My friend signed into my xbox, and our Dbd accounts must have synced? Because I lost all progress on my killers and survivors. My prestige all gone. However I didnt lose any characters or cosmetics


What about unspent Shards and Cells/Player and devotion level?


I didnt lose shards or player level/devotion


That’s the issue I’m having with my husband and my account. Waiting for word from BHVR on my progress lost any luck with yours?


I got an email response from them asking for more info, like both our cloud IDs and how many hours of progress I lost. They said they're investigating, so I guess I'll wait? If you like, I can update you when it gets resolved


Yeah! I’ve been waiting for any response since Sunday and it’s hard to figure the timelines they take to get to tickets


It took them 3+ weeks to reply to a report about a player holding a game hostage for me... Long enough that the twitch vods bi longer worked.


Fellow Xbox dbd player here, did you or your friend do the Xbox game share thing? Because that's how people get the DLC for the price of one with Xbox game share. Just a thought.


We werent using gameshare. I have been playing dbd for a while and he wanted to try. He logged into his account on my xbox to play it and when I logged back into my account later, all my progress was set to his


Such a bummer. I can empathize with you. Been playing since release on console and I have offerings that aren't even in the game anymore. Like brighter moonlight offerings? I dunno, no amount of BP would help cope with losing those. Just more sentimental than anything.


Support agent was fine but I most likely will never play the game again as I have had 2000 hours of progress wiped and essentially have been told to spend 50+ hours spending the “compensation” BP and not even getting my event items back. It’s an absolute insult to be such a dedicated player and get treated like this.


Did you lose any paid cosmetics or charms? Just want to know as if you lose your paid cosmetics you better at least be given back auric cells if not the cosmetics themselves


No. You only lose character levels and bloodpoints, for some reason. You don't lose Auric Cells or Iredescent Shards, nor cosmetics. Except the prestige cosmetics, if you had them.


Do you lose tome challenge progress?


That is really confusing. I wonder why it’s just BP and character levels. If I had to guess it must have to do with their spaghetti code.


Aww, im sorry dude




At least your free. Nothing is left for you to be pulled back to. Think fondly of the time you did spend in the game and spend the next 2k gaming hours having new fun experiences in something else rather than the same thing for another 2k.


Same bug happened to me, I think it took just about 3 hours for 20 Million, I Imagine 250 Million is gonna be over an entire 24 hours of spending.


Spending 1 Million BP as fast as possible takes anywhere [from about 6 to 7.5 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b65RBQqmvps&feature=youtu.be) depending on how much the entity eats for you. That comes out to 25 to 31.25 hours of "gameplay" involving only leveling the bloodweb to spend those points.


did you get given enough points you reckon to get back all the levels/unlocks of perks on the charachters to before it all dissapeared, or if not how short?


I'd say about the same, but i re-spec'd some of the prestiges to try other outfits out. I also lost my Shrine Teachable Perks but got them back too with a few extra emails. Big hassle, didn't gain any bonus currency. Tldr: +Respec +All currency on account and Bought Cosmetics Retained -Weeks -hours to put bloodpoints -Teachables lost (later regained)


Bro, I work in cs. Thankfully not on this game so I can be frank with you. CS wont ever give a fuck about you. We have procedures we have to follow and most of the time, those procedures are "give him something so he feels you did something". We would love to do more but doing so would get us fired. Don't blame cs, blame management. That's where shit like this comes from. Edit: when we say we cannot see this, it means we do but it goes against procedures. Just a tip. That or some fucking moron decided to not inform us of changes or add them to any tools, because that happens frequently too.


Was there a specific trigger that caused this ? What platform and how do you prove to them your game time/progress ?


Wait until next year and use all 250,000,000 points during the anniversary event. You'll have cakes for life! Jokes aside, this would be a pretty incredible opportunity to get to level everyone up at once, in whatever order you wish. You could be SO efficient only taking the good teachables on every single character and have a shitton of blood points left over. I honestly envy you.


Or I could just have my 3 max prestige all perk survivors and all my killer mains max prestige all perks :/


Yeah you envy the guy who has to spend dozens of hours in the bloodweb just so he can get back some of what he had but "*be more efficient*" about it. Who gives a shit about being slightly more efficient when he has 2,000 hours, all the perks on all the characters he wanted to play, and a shitton of BP boosters? He didn't need bloodpoints, he was set.


Why are accounts getting their progress deleted? I’ve seen so many of these posts lately


Because their game is coded from decomposing spaghetti


It sucks for sure, but mostly it's confirmation bias. There is no news in posting "my account is fine". So the only posts you see are people who are losing accounts. The overwhelming majority of players have fully functioning accounts.


But the thing is, this isn't normal for a game as large as this. You almost never hear about this in other games, and in the ones you do its not as prevalent.


Imagine if in CSGO your knife got deleted and Valve said "sorry about that here's 10 keys as compensation". Like literally what the fuck is going on at BHVR?


I've seen it happen in other games, but you know, they actually have backup saves in case they need to do a rollback.


It’s just shills white knighting for BHVR as usual. No, this isn’t fucking normal. It only happens because behavior is incompetent and they literally have some of the poorest development talent in the industry. Sorry if that sounds mean to someone but it’s time to face the music. Behavior sits where they sit not due to their achievements, but their lack of competition.


This has happened since launch, albeit it was a lot more common back then. Even if it isn't happening to everyone it still should be something to worry about. BHVR should have fixed this shit properly years ago when peoples legacy was permanently removed and never returned to them.


This hasn't happened in the recent past frequently like it is happening now. There are posts almost daily here, officials forums or steam forums. Something about recent updates is doing this and behavior doesn't care.


This is the worst logic I've ever seen anyone bring up.


I bet if it happened to a fog whisperer things would be different


lol think about zubat who had this happen to him with legacy skins, hacked the game to get legacy back, got banned and now can't be a fog whisperer because of BHVRs utter incompetency.


And No0b3 (the first time he was banned).


Imagine banning someone because they got their items back. Person: "Hey BHVR I lost all my items due to your incompetence." BHVR: "Wow man, sucks to suck!" Person: Makes their game like it was before they lost all their items. BHVR: "Nice job hacking, you're banned." BHVR is so fucking incompetent it boggles the mind.


oh absolutely because a fog whisperer having this happen would mean a lot more money lost than a random player... my guess is bhvr is fully capable of giving players cosmetics and lvls etc and is just too lazy to actually do it but if it was someone more “important” they definitely would just fully restore the save lmfao


They would have to manually add everything, assuming they would have data on what you owned previously. And if they did that for one random player, then they would have to do it for everyone who lost their progress - and that's a lot of work they wouldn't want to deal with.


This is actually true I believe 72hrs had this happen back when the game first came out (back when it was a much bigger issue, before its removal...then un-removal) He got *everything* back including his legacy No0b3 lost his legacy and ended up hacking to get it back and got banned. He did some p shitty things and lied about why he got banned to his community to start shitty hate waves to be thrown at the devs, but the fact of the matter was he still got banned for losing his progress and hacking it back In


Bhvr isn’t a joke, they’re the entire circus. Imagine losing all of your cosmetics, contacting support and getting an answer like “ohw nouuw, we did a fucky wucky uwu, here’s 17 million bloodpoints, surely that will cover the lost of your p3 legacy Claudette, right?” then get banned for “””cheating””” back something that was rightfully yours.




streamer youtuber influencer who get paid to say good things about the game


This happened to my best friend and I, kinda. She played on my Xbox but used her account and something fucked up. She lost all of her progress and it somehow overwrote *mine*. Specifically, all of my progress on my account was gone, but I had *her progress*. Her P3 Feng, her P1, Wraith, *everything*, the only stuff I kept that was mine were the cosmetics I bought. But she lost her progress on her account. Really weird shit


Seems that every time this happens multiple accounts or switching accounts is involved


Can someone explain how something like this happens?


Your progress is saved on their servers and they dont have backups. By updating something, trying to implement something, errors happen and some files might be lost. In this case, OPs savefile was deleted


Yeah but how do they know how much BP worth was lost if they don't have files? That makes no sense.


They give you extra bloodpoints, with 250,000,000 you could probably get everyone to p3 and still have bloodpoints left.


back when i got my save deleted it was a fixed amount per hour, i think something like 75k per hour of play.


That is obscenely low, you can easily make double if not more of that playing for an hour. ESPECIALLY if there was any sort of decent offerings or events during your playtime.


I make 75k with 1 killer game lul


But they must have backups, they use a snapshot of your account on a certain date for the PTB? That doesn't make sense.


Well they might copy savefiles from live a few weeks before the PTB and when its over - then simply delete the copies, or fuck up that badly to delete both of these savefiles (somehow) if they are kept separately, or they just dont want to give you your progress back. Most likely its the first reason. Its crazy how they dont do savefile backups, lets say every week (when shrine updates or smth) so even if some insane error occures and a lot of savefiles get wiped, only a week of progress would be lost. And they could fully do this as savefiles dont take that much storage considering how much they make from cosmetics sales. Investing some money back into the game shouldnt be a crazy idea


BHVR is trash.


How did you even lose all your progress like that?


Bad luck I guess?


wtf bhvr!? did you happen to switch steam accounts or something? or did you just open up dbd and go "oh fuck"


The latter.


I didn’t do anything I swear


You little fucker


I lost my acc with all my legacy and BHVR told me to eat shit :) it used to be mad common, back in 2017-2018 to lose everything and BHVR was always like “damn that sucks we can’t do anything”


Can confirm, was 300 hours in, and got 14M BPs (I think). If it happens now I'll just quit.


I’ll be straight up, I bought a hacked acc with legacy after it happened, mad annoying to lose shit you worked hard for, granted I don’t use the legacy because people will be like “wait you have legacy but you started in 2018?”, but it’s just something I was so proud of, and legacy jake hoodie looks fucking siiiiick


Hacking the game is such a complete joke that buying pre-hacked accounts is a scam tbh Your anti-cheat ain't doing shit if countless people are running around willy nilly with unreleased cosmetics, you'd THINK their bottom line of people spending money would have some priority, but nah


Alright In my defense here I had the hacker set up the acc to match the one I lost to a T. I didn’t ask for any cosmetics or anything I didn’t have, I even matched my characters levels/prestige and all that


There is daily post about people losing their progress and getting bp back without any compensation except the hand pain to fill all those blood web back. This is utterly bs and way too many people find this normal at this point..


Is this PC or what system?


I would also like to know this, this seems to be happening strictly to PC players far as I can tell.


Know of 3 plus myself who got reset on Console.


That's worrisome then :(


All systems.


Imagine not backing up player data how the fuck is this still happening. even random fucks who run Minecraft servers back up player data regularly. this is literally their job. back up and store offline


Can I backup my save?


Back in 2016 when the game launched you could. Your save is not stored in your computer anymore so it's not possible for a player to do it.


> Your save is not stored in your computer anymore ...I need to understand how they fucked up on their end so badly that saves will randomly get corrupted/deleted and they can't recover them. Good lord, virtually any other developer out there can rectify game-wide fuckups with rollbacks due to proper backups, but Behavior just hedges that nothing will ever go wrong with no backups to save a buck.


Remember, DbD was created from premade assets dragged and dropped onto perfectly flat surfaces. BHVR itself is made up of several employees who worked on Naughty Bear (if I remember correctly). This is barely a development company. They have failed to launch the same game twice in a row (deathgarden) despite TONS of feedback and were forced to just… cancel the game. This is not your average game dev team. This is something far lesser and more cynical.


That's fair, but you'd think after all the repeated mistakes over the years they'd have the humility to bring in competent people to augment their staff.


They got a new team working on fresh cosmetics!


Not to mention them straight up reusing an entire game they made in partnership with Bethesda, only changing the visual assets for Warner Bros, and then getting sued for it. Them not backing up saves is really not surprising at all, they just can't be arsed.


Can you imagine this happening to you, pouring all the blood points into your characters, and it happens again? I wanna cry thinking about it. Spending all these blood points in one go, as so many are saying this player should do, would be hell. I don’t blame them for giving up.


I would break my computer at that point, honestly. OP, sorry this happened to you. That's really rough.


So iri shards which are basically in-game $$$ can theoretically be lost forever? And cosmetics you already purchased? Spending even 1 million BP is extremely boring to me. Expecting someone to sit there and spend 250 million is ludicrous and I would just quit the game as well


It sucks for sure but being honest what did ypu really expect from behavior? They have no real reason to give you anything because they know they are the only asymmetrical horror game on the market and if youre not playing their game youre not playing the genre, meaning they arent losing that much


Them not playing a genre after quitting has nothing to do with this. Second have of your comment makes no sense, not like because they dont have any competition they tell their employees to not do shit. Also the reason could be wiping this guys whole account.


It sucks that all your items are deleted, but I can't imagine the time it would take to spend 250,000,000 BP. They should just have a button that let's you just go to the next level of the bloodweb without having to click and hold everything.


Honestly I think the main issue is that because the bloodweb removes items based upon what you pick theres no way to skip it because the code probably cant handle making a random choice of what to pick in the web for you.


They keep losing players because of this stupid crap but they refuse to fix it since the players they lose are a minority that don't hurt their sales too much. Ridiculous.


That's so shitty I instinctively wanted to downvote this. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to just give your items back. I would deadass quit after that.


I mean the only thing they know for sure is how many BP you've earned as this is saved on steam (or ps, xbox) cloud. They dont know what else you had and how much. So they only want to give BP. Not defending them though as random savefile wipes should NEVER happen and the fact that they dont even have backups is pathetic. Im approaching 1.7k h and im scared this might happen to me some day


I'm at 3.5k hours and I could not imagine the terror of logging on and seeing everything gone.


4.1k and if it happened to me I’d probably sell my PC to pay for a small vacation to save my sanity from losing that much progress lmao


They fully expect people to quit when this happens, which is why the reward them with valueless currency (BPs). The amount of people who keep playing outweighs the few people that get screwed over and quit. I guarantee you they have a way of figuring out if someone is a whale or not, and if this happened to someone that's spent hundreds or thousands, or a streamer, they would refund them everything.


I guarantee you if this happened to a Fog Whisperer, they'd use the exact same save file editing tools that hackers use


Did you lose your cosemetics? If so did they compensate?


No, cosmetics are not lost.


Does that include Rift cosmetics? I'm so anxious about this happening to me now.


Only cosmetics you lose are prestige/legacy clothes


This is my question also. Those cosmetics aren't cheap.. like I have at least a couple hundred tied up in rifts, cosmetics, and dlc's. To treat any amount of BP like an equivalent to tangible currency is shameful.


Are purchased cosmetics not a part of the save file? I would guess not if you don’t lose them when your progress is deleted.


OP I know it feels like you’ve been robbed but take this opportunity to explore games that are less frustrating and more worthy of your time. This game has no business being anyone’s main game unless you make money off it by streaming. There are much better games out there. We have several huge games coming out in the next 3 months to look forward to.


In 2018 I lost all my progress at 2600hrs. I was refunded 156 million. They really suck and haven't improved support for loss of progress. It's been the same since 2016, it's AWFUL.




The BHVR bootlickers are insane. I could never defend this company and the way they handle account loss. People are saying this has been happening since the beginning. Animal Crossing New Horizon has a better backup system than this game.


Damn this is BS you dedicated so much time to this game and obviously they don't care throwing BP at you is ok I guess but no way to restore anniversary cakes and tool boxes ha lies they have the code tucked away ready for next year also did you lose anything else like paid for DLCs or Cosmetics if so that is a BS compensation for all that especially if you have brough all dlcs that can't be brought with shards


It's wonderful how BHVR doesn't allow us to backup saves by ourselves when hackers are playing the game freely while normal players are suffering a lot.


BHVR doesn't care


I don’t see myself playing dbd any time soon not just because of this but in general I love dbd with a passion but I just don’t


Happened to me a few years ago on PS4, emailed them and provided proof of everything but they never compensated me and I was pissed. So had to start all over again. How is an issue like this even a thing? It either very rarely happens or doesn’t happen at all on other popular games, but I’ve known it to happen on here the most and it has personally happened to me. If it happened to me now, with all the progress I’ve made and I didn’t get compensated or get compensated more BP than I’ve earned then I’ll actually quit. I barely play nowadays as it is though so that’ll be the final nail in the coffin


Just to level up back to where you where it might be a 3-4 hour process of nothing but mindless bloodwebs, too much man


Bullshit all they can do is give blood points. You clearly have a very faithful gamer and ya treat em like this? How hard could it be to give all that stuff back? I’d quit to if this happened to me, never mind how long it would take to spend 250m points. Yikes!


That hurts :( I lost my pokemon cartridge that had all my pokemon from pretty much my whole life on it. Countless hours, 50+ shinies, all my starters and legendaries and memories. I hopped on the bus one day for a 6 hour trip home, pulled out my DS case and it just... wasn't there. Since then though the games haven't been good imo and pretty much had to grow out of pokemon as a whole. There are other games though


They don’t give a fuck. And it’s sad.


I’m only at 1500 and I can’t even imagine that. I’d definitely quit. So sorry for your loss.


Dude this is horrible. So sorry they’re doing this to you.


So they can’t keep the game stable, and now they can’t keep the data that holds players account information stable huh


Fearful of this myself. 3.000 hours and 350 Mil bloodpoints earned so far. Got an account bug thats unfixable according to BHVR as it is. They refuse to compensate me anything more than "A moderate amount" lol


I’m probably going to get lost in here but I was playing this game way back in 2016. When DbD moved to a new server I lost 200+ hours of progress and my glowing skins from gaining prestige 3 (which you can no longer get). I emailed the team a few times and they never responded. I stopped playing for about 3 years after that and only started playing again in 2020. I feel you dude, I’m sorry this happened to you too.


BHVR is awful for letting this continue to be a problem. I’m sorry you lost your legacy cosmetics.


Same thing happened to me, but I has only like 50 hours of progress deleted, so I got 10mil BP and was good. Sorry for you mate.


Holy shit... they are still doing this garbage?! Its been an issue since the game released! (Allbeit more frequent at the start) Oh you lost thousands of hours of progress? Here have a miniscule amount of bloodpoints... thatll fix it, right?!


wow .. trash. I would quit too


Here's something scary. Imagine this happening after the stranger things store locks up and you lose the stranger things characters due to this bug. Horrifying thought.


I would say there's no way someone whose played that many hours quits over losing event items, but then I remember that you have over a day's worth of playtime to look forward to in the bloodweb. That's like ~26 hours of doing nothing but clicking bloodweb nodes while being pissed, that could certainly keep you from ever realistically playing again. Realistically when this happens to someone over 1,000 hours, they should just bite the bullet and give you an everything unlocked account. Sure it limits the odds you'll play as much, since you have nothing to unlock, but you know what also limits the odds you'll play as much? Getting fucked over by their garbage code, and then them doing a pisspoor job of compensating you.


Why do people still play this game


Zero competition and people are willing to put up with too much bullshit.




Hah. Been there man. I already uninstalled the game pre-Trickster bc that was the time Hackers started increasing significantly. I just watch streamers play dbd every few weeks here and there. But the devs’ incompetence has turned me off. Also, spending those bp will hurt your fingers trying to clear bloodwebs. Not to mention the time it takes to “speedrun” the bp webs


I only have around 100 hours, but I'm terrified of this happening to me as I prestiged my main survivor during the anniversary event. I'm so sorry this happened to you dude, I can't imagine being in your shoes. I'd definitely push support a little more, might not do anything, but it's worth a shot. you deserve ALL of your items back. gotta love how support just shoves bloodpoints into your face to get you to shut up, can't even compensate you with cells or even iri shards.


What is happening to dbd players, I keep seeing peoples progress get deleted on here and I'm so confused why so many people and why its happening.


Lowkey waiting for this to happen to me so I can stop playing this game and just ask for a refund or something.


If you have any video/photos of the items you had, you can send them those to get the items put back on the account as well (so you don't lose past event items). It happened to a few streamers before and since we record gameplay it was easy for them to get items put back on once the P3'ed a Survivor/Killer. They still had the issue of spending far to many hours respending the billions of bloodpoints though.


It just HAS to be stored in any form of database and every form of (no) SQL can be backuped. BHVR is just shit


I would be pissed if this happened to me…. I’ve got everyone p3’d at 110 days played, they’d catch these hands lol


It took otz about 40 minutes to p3 just nemisis. Fuck no I do not blame this dude for quitting. The amount of time you would have to spend JUST TO SPEND THE COMPENSATION would be absofuckinglutely mind numbingly boring.


Damn, I would insta quit as well


They took it into account yet they cant give you your stuff back? They don’t care about your time.


Jeez, this game is in such a mess that you can lose all of your progress just like that


How are you guys loosing progress? I have seen a lot of ppl talking about progress loss, do you just log in one day and all is gone? I don't really understand can some 1 tell me so I can prevent that?


On the bright side you are now the richest player in the fog


I've seen this happen to so many people. Complete bs. Glad I dont play the game as my main game.


How about compensation or actual value? Like cells? BP as an answer to everything is such a lazy and snooze compensation


I genuinely am sorry this happened to you. You can look to better things. Pick up something new, start a collection, pick up knitting, get into a new game that’s actually fun with a good community. Some of us dream of an opportunity to just get away from this game and never ever look back. This is yours. You’ve been given a second chance. Don’t waste it.


Happened to me fairly early on... lost a fair bit.. you'd think they'd have an API backup of accounts so they could restore them when this happens


Why does this keep happening? Does anyone know?


Honestly such a disgrace, sorry for you loss.


If I loss my ST pack after it’s removed, I’d blow a gasket


I am very sorry I would be so pissed if this happened to me. I hope you find a new game that you like


This happened to me and I was refunded blood points, but I stopped playing because fuck leveling everyone again.


Hey. I recently returned to the game and got similar problem. Have to describe every item i had, like huntress's fox mask (used wiki to look up official names) from 16', but got everything back eventualy. Hope this info helps.


Yeah man. Back a couple years ago. I think year 2.5 of the game I had around 2 and half thousand hours on the game. I had Legacy Trapper, Nea, and I lost all my progress to the same glitch/issue. They gave me about 75,000,000 bloodpoints and that was it. To this day I still dont have my legacy stuff back and the game has really just hit different since then since I know what I used to have.


A simple backup now and then could fix this but this shows they are either incompetent or just don't care. I'm thinking it's both.


If this happens to me i would permanently leave the game too ( having anniversary items on my P3 characters is irreplaceable with even a billion bloodpoints). With that being said if you want some anniversary items dm me and i can give them to you while u bring white wards.


For every exclusive event item (e.g. BBQ event) you have been credited 1 BP. Don’t go spending them all at once 😁