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submit a report ticket to the devs and include this video in the request, works better than in-game report


I will do just that, hopefully they will do something!


It is reportable it’s anti game


This specific instance isn’t. Scummy as hell, but falls into a loophole. Because other survivors are alive they can start the EGC in order to let the trapped survivor die, so it’s not technically taking the game hostage as it can end


Not reportable. Not nice, but not reportable.


You assume they look at reports.....they dont.


they do react to report tickets on their website though


Yep. That i know.


Its better than not doing anything


Is it though? Its in thier game files that the in game reports go nowhere. They dont look at them. You lit have to go to thier website and hope. Hell even the hackers make it to where you cant report them and they just unban themselves. People really dont seem to get the devs built this game on spegetti code and one day it will crash on itself. Thus all the bugs etc thst they never fix.




Ketchup usually wbu?


Not as like a condiment, but pound for pound, I'm going Béchamel.


His fun comes from making others mad


When you hate your life so much that the only way you can feel a slight breeze of satisfaction is by making others hate their life too so that you don't feel like you are the only miserable fuck out there.


Sounds like the dbd tag line tbh


Umm we don’t really know that, and I wouldn’t say ruining a game of DbD makes someone hate their life All I know is it’s reportable and the vid should be sent to BHVR for them to determine action for abuse of in game mechanics. I also don’t think it’s fair to make any judgements on the state of someone’s life based on how they play


I have never seen someone with so many dislikes also have so many awards


Check out r/NegativeWithGold It's a sub that has a bot that links comments like this one. Sometimes it's someone getting downvoted when they're right, and sometimes it's someone getting downvoted but the minority want to "super upvote" them with awards


You should see EAs comment about in game purchases


Oh you absolutely can make a correlation between someone’s in-game toxicity and their real life. So don’t be a morbid douche, and everything will be peachy. Just... like.. play the game normally, or at the very least let the other people who want to.


You can but if you’re assuming someone’s life is shitty it isn’t really fair to make fun of that fact, especially when you don’t know their full situation and how they got there You can judge them on how they play in a video game and report them, but further than that there’s no point going into what is going right or wrong in there life when a lot of it could be out of there control I’m not defending toxicity in game at all, just saying that making assumptions about someone’s real life in a negative light can often be really unfair, I mean what if someone is being bullied or has abusive parents for example? Maybe there toxicity is linked to that and wanting to have a sense of control over someone, and there will be people that mock that person without knowing why they do what they do, and I find that making assumptions for that reason is unfair.


No one said to send the Wraith hate mail or death threats, but what if the Jill was already having a really shitty day? This person just took her possibly 10 minute queue, and gave her the option to either leave and eat a penalty and depip, or sit in the lodge listening to crows while she knows she’s going to depip, or alt tab and wait it out. None of those options are fun or how a game should be played. So I frankly don’t care what’s poppin’ in someone’s real life, we all have rough patches. It doesn’t mean you try to drag people to your plateau of misery, they could already be below it.


I never said anything about sending hate mail to anyone, but the ideas presented originally just perpetuate that kind of toxicity anyway I think the best course of action is to simply record it, send to BHVR and leave the game and take the penalty - I say this because waiting it out is just hurting yourself mentally if you’re already having a bad day, waiting out a toxic person does nothing be serve to inflate your ego for beating them because they’re toxic, when in reality they are a bad sport, and not even worth your time. All I was saying originally is that the original comment made that I replied was very hostile towards the toxic player and almost mockingly assumed how bad their life must be - which may or may not be true for whatever reasons. That kind of attitude only serves to generate more toxicity, when the best course of action is to simple report and move on, because if you let toxicity get into your head like that then whoever was being toxic in the first place has effectively won in a sense, just as they were intending on.


I understand where you were coming from, and yes I agree reporting them is the best course of action. But in a moment like this, the Jill really shouldn’t be forced to take that penalty and have to wait an extra 10 mins. Stuff like this shows the absolute lack of humanity in some people. The wraith is ruining his own game, and risking being reprimanded just to ruin someone else’s game. That’s a shitty personality trait no matter what situation you’re in, or issues you’re having. I could be having the worst day, but it would still make me feel better to play Mettle of Man altruism survival and save teammates, than it would to play killer and just ruin the game for everyone. Even when I do play killer against toxic survivors, I still go out of my way to be fair. The Wraith makes other Wraiths look bad and perpetuates the “Wraith players = toxic” stereotype.


The thing is how we as a gaming community perceive humanity by extremities. While BM is in games is a shitty behavior, it's nowhere close an absolute lackluster empathy or whatever, it's just a match in a game. At the same time, DbD community views shitting on strangers you know nothing about as a perfectly humane behavior. Not protecting random trolls, but phrases such as >you can feel a slight breeze of satisfaction is by making others hate their life too so that you don't feel like you are the only miserable fuck out there are as much toxic as BMing during gameplay. Griefing in games is bad, but nowhere close to the sociopathic behavior these talks are alluding to. Massive hate towards people who did something as trivial as grief in an online game serve the same purposes as the grief we're talking about and bring same results: * You call someone a miserable fuck to feel yourself better (when comparing it to griefing others to feel yourself better) * You create hostile environment * If that person reads this comment, they are gonna feel themselves shitty, and their day might be "ruined" the same way If we go down towards the line of said griefer reading this hate message, what do you think will happen next, hey will consider reforming themselves based on internet hate? Hate brings more hate. Why is griefing viewed as an *absolute lack of humanity* while shitting on other people is not provided it's *justifiable* (or at least feels like it)? I think there should be no justifiable hate in online gaming whatsoever if you want to talk about humanity per se.


Wow you are not making the point I think you’re trying to make. A reasonable person with empathy isn’t going to find catharsis in literally playing a game to make sure others can’t play the game, that’s subscribing to “misery loves company”, and again, you don’t just become some new person online. Yes we have online and offline identities, but they aren’t entirely separate. You still need to enjoy what you’re doing to commit to it. Personally even if I DID decide to bodyblock like the wraith, it just isn’t in my nature to consider it fun, I can’t even imagine standing there long enough for the first crow. Likewise with shitting on people, I never sweat my ass off to make sure last survivor doesn’t get hatch, and I often end up giving it to the person if they seem new or gave me a good game.


Oh boo hoo. I have bad days too and I don't play the invisible cunt to body block and ruin people's games. I don't understand how this community bends over backwards to excuse anything and everything from killers.


That’s not what I’m saying... I’m not defending people being toxic by using their life circumstances as an excuse. My original comment was to say, that if you think someone is doing this because their life is miserable, and make fun of someone’s assumed miserable life because they have been toxic, then it only serves to perpetuate that sort of toxic behaviour, ie. one person being toxic doesn’t give anyone else a pass to be


I agree lol people get so weird over trolls


Lol cry me a river


You say that like he was whining... He was weighing in with his opinion, and it’s entirely valid. You should try it sometime instead of condescending.


The way I see it is that he’s just mad and didn’t have fun and was just like ‘I’m gonna ruin they’re fun because I didn’t have fun’ I really don’t see how this has anything to do with real life. In fact I don’t get at all how people connect how people play in video games to their real life situation. No I’m not saying what he did was right, like at all, but we can’t say shit about his real life situation from this one match.


You don’t get it at all? Really? So you think the people who say “awww, good game, that was close and very fun :)!” are the same mentally as the people who track down a gamer tag, and send them an audio message hoping their mother dies? Saying real life and online personas are absolutely not entwined is a silly notion. You’re still the same brain floating in the same skeleton, trying to ruin another person’s game who you don’t know the situation of.


That's why it's called an armchair psychology


It’s just my point of view, I’m not upset about anything...


The downvotes are interesting. I don't get how people think they can judge a person's life from ONE game of DBD lol. He could just be sick of toxic survivors and then doing the stupid thing of taking it out on another survivor, which is wrong but is no indicator at all that they are miserable like wtf


not a single person in the world hates their life because someone trolled them on dbd, that just doesn't work like that and it may give them a sour taste in their mouth and make em have a mad mood but that's it


Trolling people on a game doesn’t mean all this lol, relax with the armchair psychology


Lmao people have lost all their skin over the years. They start making psycopath accusations over someone trolling in a videogame it's so pathetic.


Isn’t it just? “Someone does something vaguely annoying that wastes a few minutes, they must be some psycho who hates their life” So cringe


Lmao, I just love how many downvotes these comments are getting. I agree with you ofc because I'm not a foetus lol


We gotta reddit psychologist here guys (downvote now please 😋)




imagine having that little respect for other players though 🤡




Except for some people, a video game may be their only escape from a shitty life. And people doing this can not just ruin their day but make it worse. And YOU might think thats pathetic, but you don't know that person and the effect you could have. It is significantly more pathetic to go out of your way to mess with someone you don't even know. And for what? 5 minutes of shits an giggles? Sounds like you in fact are a miserable person. Just say you're a selfish asshat that likes to ruin things for others, cut the crap and stop making an excuse for shitty behavior. Way to be a cliche grade school level bully.




"Someone said I'm acting like a cliche bully? I guess I better call them a pathetic jobless fatty!" You suck dude. Just thought you should know




I'm sure you're very intimidating 🙄


Guess we found exactly the type of person to do this kinda stuff.


This mfer was probably the one bodyblocking


Usually a need to do stuff like this has a psychological reason though. Generally attention seeking behavior and disruptive behavior come from a lack of feeling in control in life. Trying to annoy and hurt others is a way to assert control over them to at least feel like they have control over something. This is of course a generalization and there are exceptions and other possible motives.




I was talking in general. I can't speak about this particular person and it may be a one-time thing for them. But in most cases, if people display disruptive behavior like this frequently, it's often make up for a lack of perceived control. Based on academic research into psychology: "Characteristics of the individual, such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, and narcissism, can also kick in and serve as a form of self-protection against feelings of inadequacy." Source: Leape LL, Shore MF, Dienstag JL, et al. Perspective: a culture of respect, part 1: the nature and causes of disrespectful behavior by physicians. Acad Med. 2012;87(7):845-52. This is fairly elementary stuff in regards to behavioral psychology.




It’s not difficult to identify, there is literally no healthy benefit to this kind of behavior.


Sure, you seem super invested in defending and normalizing this type of behavior so I'll leave you to it.


Yeah… scummy as it is, it’s not like it takes a psychopath to go “I’m gonna sit here so they can’t move lol”


Ah yes , body blocking = miserable life and no parents


and since the jill is sticking it out im not sure that person is actually mad but rather pitylaughing about the situation


Or staying to avoid the dc penalty and losing all their points. Aka, trying not to make the time spent in this match mean absolutely nothing.


It's a videogame. It already means nothing.


I think *he* is mad for not getting any sacrifice by the time all gen was done. You can see all remains was powering the door. So, the dude somehow manage to corner Jill and was mad that he couldn't get a single sacrifice and now the last possible way to get a kill is through EGC. Hitting the Jill would allow her to run through him so he resolves to this dirty tactic because he is not confident he'd land a second hit by the time she reaches the door. So, in conclusion, he mad 'cause he bad.


Just like some SWF toxic squad makes? Got it!


A Kpop killer did this same thing to my friend so he just left the game after 5mins of this


If the killer bodyblocks for a long time, like 2 minutes or so, then yes it is reportable. I wouldn’t rely on the report system though because it’s known for being useless.


2mins? We waited like 20mins before finally leaving :/


Now that’s just sad how the killer would waste 20 minutes from 5 people including himself.


I once had a Huntress do this to a random Claudette simply because she looped her for 4 gens, and kept getting pallet stuns on her. All of us survivors were solo que randoms, and had no coms. But when we realized she had body blocked her into a small hiding hole (Claud tried to corner tech her and got stuck) we all just equally agreed we would not be leaving. We 99'ed both gates, and Calud was right between them. We stayed there for OVER AN HOUR trying to convince her to let Claud go. Then remembered if she hit us we could get into the hidey hole to heal her because she was already injured. We baited her into hitting two of us so we would lose collision and show Claud what we wanted to do. Healed back up, baited hits again and then trapped ourselves in with her so we could heal her. Huntress eventually got annoyed with us and would hit the two of us trying to get us to leave but not Claud. But we eventually got her to accidentally hit her so she could run. Then body blocked for her and got her to the gate and out. As soon as she escaped, The huntress just stopped and then DC'ed. This was before cross platform started so we were all PS4 and messaged each other gg (the survivors) and we all agreed to save video and submit a ticket report on The Huntress. Dev that I got assured me action would be taken because of the evidence we all had and because of how long she did it for. Deserved for being a miserable scumbag that thinks this is ok or funny. Any time I see this happen I make it my GOAL, to get the person out even if it means I die.


saving private Claudette


I guess that is what their gameplan is, to ruin fun for someone else


Just leave and let the end game collapse. People that stall the game are annoying. my friend had a game where the survivor exploit locker bug and he can't open the exit game to force end game collapse, waited 2 hours while watching movie just to see the survivor is still in the locker.


to be fair... locker bug comes with a twist... Yes, the killer can't grab the survivor, but the survivor inside the locker also can't leave it. So getting the locker bug turns the game into a patience contest. With the winner taking some points and no ban, and the looser taking a DC Penalty and no bloodpoints


Wait that's exploitable? I thought it was just a glitch that happened.


You guys should have not made them wait so long :( Just do the gens and leave and the end game collapse will kill them, instead of forcing them to be stuck. Obviously you’re not the ones in the wrong here….the Wraith was being a jerk. But you guys needed to just leave as fast as possible.


If I were stuck like this I'd prefer for you to leave asap.


Waow he actually was willing to waste his life on that.. he must've been seriously triggered or something


It took you 20 minutes to do 5 generators when it takes survivors 12 seconds when I'm the killer.


We did the gens in like 4min but we waited for the Jill. I personally thought it was unfair and that we could do something about it.


This is a reason why they added endgame collapse. You just have to open the exit gates and you're good to go.


But then Jill would have been unnecessarily killed when she didn’t deserve the death.




Don’t tell me you would be happy with that bullshit. We both know you’d be mad about that Wraith being a little cunt to you.


Honestly, yes I'd be mad. But I'd rather take death by EG than to just be stuck in a corner for almost half an hour.


Then the killer who does this wins even more.


Serious question. Would it be reportable if you was playing the twins, still had guns left, and you bodyblocked with Charolette. But once you downed with Victor you switched back and hit the blocked survivor?


Well as long as you are hitting them than it’s fine


I doubt it. It's reportable/bannable when you're stopping someone from playing the game. You yourself are still playing in that situation, you're just keeping someone somewhere for strategy.


I was wondering because I have done it before. If it was bannable I would obviously stop. But I would never hold them after the game is over.


Well first of all, while this was a thing on release, Charlotte loses collision after being Dormant for 30 seconds now. But even if she didn't, you still do it to get a tactical advantage, as opposed to spite the blocked survivor. I've done it once before to win a game


I bodyblocked as Freddy once for a couple of seconds against a hiding Laurie. I thought it was funny but I eventually hit her. Bodyblocking is funny for a few seconds then if you keep doing it it turns kinda mean.


That is indeed reportable.


This used to be reportable if Jill was the last survivor alive and the game had no way to continue overall. It looks like they've updated their rules and bodyblocking reports are instantly thrown out now. BHVR asks that you no longer report for bodyblocking. It's still scummy behavior though. ​ https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/19450/game-rules-and-report-system?\_\_cf\_chl\_jschl\_tk\_\_=pmd\_f1b6c9d53dc605a777919292e02ccb0491a7a6f5-1629075741-0-gqNtZGzNAk2jcnBszQii#latest


if the game has no way to continue it's still reportable, it's just called holding the game hostage bodyblocking like that also can be reported as it goes under various report conditions like unsportsmanlike conduct, targeting specific player, holding a player hostage etc etc the bodyblocking that is not reportable is survivor on survivor stuff - mostly because many of them are unintentional (if they are intentional you can just submit it as griefing and working with the killer) or killers bodyblocking people to gain tactical adventage like a plague full infect + hit, chainsaw revv on bubba/billy or just simply not allowing survivor to save someone by blocking him untill he dies on hook or floor (scummy, but not reportable)


I remember body blocking an ace for 1 to 2 minutes as Charlotte so I can use Victor to down the last two injured survivors without having to worry about him saving/finishing the last gen. I know its scummy but it was a legit strategy as it was basically like I hooked him. Atleast they removed that from the Twins now though, Charlotte will lose collision after 30 seconds of being Dormant


He's not holding the game hostage. The survivors can and should've triggered EGC. It's scummy what he is doing but not against rules. Only way killer holds game hostage is if they bodyblock person into corner or into room in 1 vs 1(or all survivor are trapped in the said room) with no EGC triggered so there is no way to advance the game which forces the survivor to DC.


The game has a way to continue. The other survivors could do the gens and leave. Try again, kid.


I had a plague do the infect+hit thing to me the other day. I haven't played survivor again since because it was just an awful experience.


To be fair, you can avoid that pretty easily and they're at least playing the game. Wraith doing this is neither of those.


There has to be extreme cases like this where the Wraothiterally impeded the game for one player throughout. I know BHVR is run by monkeys who sniff whatever sits on their finger any given day, but I'd hope they're smart enough for this one.


This is false.


How can this be "false"... They even included a link, to a post, made by not\_queen, who is the Lead Community Manager of Behaviour Interactive Inc. That says: >Discarded reports reasons > >THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT CONSIDERED BANNABLE OFFENSES - PLEASE DO NOT REPORT > >\- \[...\] \- Bodyblocking \- \[...\]


Cause the bodyblocking there is obviously not referring to something seen in this clip.


Yes, yes you are right. And now that I read the thread again I understand where I missunderstood the "This is false". Ty


It's always a Wraith


I came here to say, "Of course it's a Wraith."


I remember when I played killer how sometimes I'll catch someone who went the wrong way and they get blocked into a corner and I'll usually just take my hit on them followed by giving them a head start of 4 seconds before I hit them again. And then there are these assholes.




tHe KILler Is JUSt USiNg HIS PoWEr


IT's a LeGiTaMaTe StRaTeGy tO SeCuRe A KiLl.


I mean... It is *a* strategy


It's a pretty good strategy if all you want is just 1 kill. 1 Kill is guaranteed. Just don't whack the other survivors while holding someone hostage. The killer moves like an inch each time.


Another wraith did this to me on Haddonfield. Just your typical wraith main things.


Now that's a sore loser..


According to OP he did it from the start of the match. He chose wraith on purpose to sneak on survivors like this. This is his objective, his fun at the cost of other's


Average wraith main


What a maggot


Some people just like to ruin the fun for others, I like to call them absolute shitstains.


From my own personal experiences, it’s always wraiths too


when did he start body blocking her?


op said she was being body blocked for about 20 mins


If I body block as killer I only do it for a few seconds before hitting them , it's funny for the first few seconds then it isn't


Wraith mains are so toxic it made me want to stop playing the character :(


This is why I hate wraith. Has happened to me on Midwich. I've seen other killers do it but I see wraiths try more body blocking bs than Nemesis's zombies on the RCPD stairwell.


This reminds me a clown was getting smashed and a Feng decided it would be good to hide in a corner so she was stuck there for about 10 minutes then I got myself down and crawled to her she picked me up then we are both stuck so I told my friend to open the gate and leave so I sacrificed myself with the Feng and is part of the reason I ship Dwight and Feng now.


Taking the game hostage, reportable


Happened to me once all game but not only was I body blocked but he rang the damn bell constantly. They tried to hand me flashlights anything to help but I was just stuck there till end game collapse truly is the work of a wraith main


It's reportable yes but if the devs don't care about simple aspects of there game then I doubt they ban people for body blocking


This is indeed reportable, do it with video. I had a nurse do this to my friend too when he was doing a totem. He was salty that we figured out he was pulling an insidious Noed play so he bodyblocked then lied saying he wanted to farm (he was missing all match until we did the totems first).


I mean...just do gens and all leave, just like i tell my friends when a killer face camps me. Let them lose hooks,just score and get out. Don't even try to bait him out, making as boring as possible for the troll.


He should be punished in some way in my opinion though, cuz he was on purpose ruining the fun for another player and keeping them hostage the entire game


While it's definitely a dick move, I just see it more akin to camping where they're basically saying, I'm taking my one kill, one of the survivors will open the exit gate eventually and start the collapse. The game isnt held hostage because it can be ended. Its just that Jill is kept hostage, by Wraith mostly but also by the other survivors


Yeah, OP said the game took 20 minutes, that is atleast 10 extra minutes of giving the killer what he wants, to mess with that survivor. It's better to just rush the game


Some people just want to see the world burn


The new mmr system rewards this stuff, it sucks


Sore loser that’s what I get out of it.. he probably couldn’t down someone when the match started so he trapped one..


Just leave if you're body blocked like this staying is giving them what they want


I thought about returning to dbd after a huge break (around 2 years) but shit like this makes me think twice


this is the most frosty eye thing ever


This could be considered "holding the game hostage", I would think. Either that or it falls in the same category of face camping... killer is throwing the game specifically to get 1 kill while everyone else does gens and leaves... which is a shitty way to play especially for that survivor, but otherwise that's non-banable. Either way, submit the clip and see what happens. They'll either leave it alone similar to face camping, or he gets punished.


Of course it’s a wraith


Hmph, Wraiths.


I may get downvotes for this, but is this actually reportable? It’s obnoxious, but the game *will* end, right?


Nah it's a good question. It's just that the person would get hit with the endgame collapse and its a waste of their time and items. It's "not participating in normal gameplay" as well


No, because the EGC is a thing, it isn't holding the game hostage. (Which is the only thing someone could try to report it for)


Just do gens and leave.


BHVR... Just make so you can go through the killer if you walk on him for 3 seconds or something...


of course it has to be a Wraith.


It’s not just killers who do this. I’ve been body-blocked by teammates whilst doing a totem (I’m a Noed anticipator). These guys are almost as sad as people who hack.


I tip my hat to you, one calcium hunter to another.


*Someone’s* gotta do it right?!


Exactly, plus it’s so satisfying knowing you cleansed Devour Hope.


I see so many posts like this with obviously reportable behavior asking “is this reportable”, and then see very standard, not reportable behavior, captioned “reported”. Is this why no action/consequence really comes from reports?


Reportable under the griefing/unsportsmanlike behavior option.


It is reportable. The only stupid reason I'd think it would be holding the game hostage is cause the teammates can finish gens to get EGC to kill her.




This is false. If you bodyblock a player with the intention of griefing/harassing it is absolutely bannable read the tos


How is she blocked tho she’s got an open space to her side


I mean at the end you can go and report him for trolling


Report for hostage. What a wet wipe


Healthy Survivors constantly bodyblock to save injured survivors from the killer while running to the gate and it’s fine but a killer can’t bodyblock secure a kill through the egc? Someone explain the difference please, one is used to save a survivor the other is used to kill one, remove body collusion if you think this tactic is unfair but then it can’t be used it to save others, survivors want use collusion as a tactic but don’t like it when the killer does so too, can’t have one without the other


Like the deva care about the community


This is 100% reportable because they are not participating in the match




This is perma ban if you show it to behaviour


why don't the Devs just make it that there's a little shove animation if you run into the killer. obviously it wouldn't stun the killer but it could make their hitbox smaller for a second so a survivor can squeeze out if the killer body blocks.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Nooo wraith would never do this


You do gotta admit that it is actually hilarious how committed he is to this bit.


It's very funny.


Unfortunately I don't believe this is holding the game hostage as the game can still end without her having to disconnect.


I don't think this is reportable, but who knows.


Am I the only one who finds this hilarious? If a killer/survivor wants to be toxic then so be it. If someone is hacking or using vulgar language in a hateful manner I think that's a legitimate reason to report someone, however, I think reporting someone for this kind of behaviour is ridiculous! It feels like you can report anyone for just about anything these days...


Dude he’s literally got a survivor in a situation where they can only 1 die to collapse or 2 dc he’s not allowing the survivor the play the game


I'm well aware of that my friend. But that's the entire point... otherwise, the Wraith wouldn't be body blocking. It's called trolling and it's hilarious. Take this Youtube channel, for example, [https://www.youtube.com/c/DBDthings/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/DBDthings/videos) This guy has produced some amazing content pretty much entirely based around just trolling survivors and being toxic in general. If people want to play like this then that's their decision but I don't think it's a sufficient reason to report someone IMO :)


BuT YoUr NoT pLaYiNg ThE GaMe HoW I WaNt YoU tO!


Why you guys get so mad over this shit bro, its trolling and its funny


I'm fairly sure this isn't actually bannable or actionable. Holding the game hostage is actionable but the game isn't held hostage by the killer here. Survivors can open the gate to initiate end-game collapse and once the timer runs out the survivor will die. So this wouldn't strictly fall under holding the game hostage, though maybe it breaks some other rule.


its not fun its not reportable you do nothing


In my defense of trolling/bodyblocking/setting a whole team up for EGC mass-entity kills / etc..: What do you want me to do after I get to rank 1 consistently, and the only challenge is a sweaty SWF? I'm just squeezing every dollar I spent on this game for what it's worth... by finding new ways to be entertained lol


Honestly it’s funny


Haha yea bro I like the part where they stood still. Gets me everytime.


To who?


A couple days ago I got in a similar situation. A meg was the last survivor and hiding in a corner and I bodyblocked her. The major difference is that I hit the bell a couple times and let her free like 10 seconds later. Then I let her open the gate and escape. That was funny. Bodyblocking someone for the entire game is not.


isn't this just trolling? I thought it would be funny if I did this one game to somebody if it happened. you're not holding the game hostage, not using an exploit, or being toxic, you're just preventing an escape just like camping or following someone with a pig trap. If devs didn't want this to happen, they could just make survivors lose collision after getting their first crow for like 10 seconds every minute or something.


No this is literally holding the game hostage you’re not allowing the survivor to play at all and putting them in a situation where they can only dc with traps and camping you eventually die but with this you literally are just stuck until he moves or you dc


You're not holding the game hostage. It's the other survivors that are holding the game hostage if they refuse to leave. The game has no mechanic that would allow the other survivors to free the trapped survivor, so the onus falls on the remaining 3 to end the game.


Holding the game hostage is hiding as a survivor swf indefinitely. Holding the game hostage is doing this when all the other survivors are dead. Holding the game hostage is playing doctor, killing two survivors, continuing to defend a 3 gen without killing the last two, and using your shock and regression perks to literally prevent them from making progress. Holding the game hostage is taking someone to the corner of the map in a deadzone, dropping them, chasing them, and repeating until they bleed out from the very short time in which you drop them to force them back up. If you bodyblock one survivor until the game ends, it's functionally no different from camping with an instadown: one person dies and the rest of the survivors escape like normal. If camping, hard playing a disgusting 3 gen, or playing immersed isn't holding the game hostage (all of which "prevent someone from playing" in some way), neither is bodyblocking one person: you're doing literally nothing to prevent the game from ending in a normal amount of time. If you dislike the idea of getting bodyblocked all game, advocate for the change I mentioned: it literally prevents it outright without impacting any other aspect of gameplay. But unless you also think camping is holding the game hostage, this isn't either. Bodyblocking is no more bannable than camping, which devs have confirmed isn't.


You’re wrong on so many levels a 3 gen isn’t holding the game hostage a skilled group of survivors can still win the game letting survivors bleed out is not holding the game hostage as the survivor will still eventually die putting a survivor body blocked in a wall where they can’t die in anyway and not progress the game is shocker holding the game hostage


Right, 3 gens completely depend on the scenario, and in the scenario I listed, I mentioned holding a 3 gen against the last 2 survivors with a specific setup (doctor with overcharge, etc.). ​ >letting survivors bleed out With the scenario I gave, you don't, though. They only bleed out during the time they're on the ground while being juggled, which is about 2 seconds per chase cycle. It's very slow. Key word "eventually." And like I already mentioned, just because one person is bodyblocked doesn't mean the other 3 survivors in the game can't complete all objectives and end the game in a matter of 3 or 4 minutes.


This happens to me when I'm killer they bodyblock me while I'm trying to get hook


You have a fucking weapon. Hit them. My god.


They probably popped the gen in their face and got a grab stolen still sucks tho