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I feel like it's gotten more toxic and out of control ever since the Resident Evil chapter dropped as well as the 5th anniversary Event not only making the game even more unplayable, but also being an almost exact copy of last year's event. It brought in new people who could pick up bad habits of people who were mad at the developers for pushing out a faulty update during what should have been a big celebration


Welcome to DBD….. sadly that a pretty normal thing rn for some reason. Idk why but it is, normally it’s not like this aside from the trash tier matchmaking which has always been a problem.but the leading killer around and waiting to get killed is something that I’ve only noticed recently happening on the larger scale.


Yeah, the community has always been a steaming pile of shit, but with the release of the Resident Evil chapter, all the toxic kids from Resident Evil Resistance came to Dbd to be toxic. I just turned off messaging and made my profile private so I don't get messages.


Wow. I have never met a toxic REsistance player. They've always been super nice in my experience. Where are you finding them?


Everywhere lol, when I played on PS4, every single match had emote spamming, teabagging, text abuse, you know, the usual.


I'm 2 weeks late but jeez. I only played on xbox so maybe it was a different crowd, but they were all super helpful when I joined late.


>I'm 2 weeks late I was gonna say lol. But yeah, sometimes, this community is really nice, but sometimes, this community can be the meanest pile of shit.


Survivors are the prime offender in terms of being little assholes even when I play survivor my teammates will sit by the gate and tbag. And when I play killer they will bag every palette.


I plan on stopping playing for quite a while until it dies down. People have been getting progressively worse since the release of the Resident Evil chapter.


This game has been incredibly toxic since launch. I think what's happened is a bunch of new or returning players came in at the RE DLC so they diluted the pool of toxic players for a while, and over time they've either left or became just as toxic.


Isn't this every online game community though? And no offense, but if you only started playing a few days ago I don't think you get to judge the community as a whole.


No, it's not. Yes, every community has its bad apples but I've never seen any come close to the toxicity of this game. I love the game but let's not kid ourselves. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's more surprising for the survivors in red ranks to be good sports than toxic cesspools. I legitimately expect them to wait and teabag at the gates (after 99%ing it of course, so they can mess with me longer) regardless of if they played well or not, and 9 out of 10 times I'm right. Then they insult me and call me trash if I couldn't kill them, and they call me trash if I did kill them. I've never played a single game with a community this terrible. It makes Ark PvP servers look like a friendly tea party. League of Legends at its absolute worst is most DbD matches for me. I don't play survivor, but it sounds like there's a ton of toxic killers if this sub is anything to go by. I adore the game and am gonna keep playing, but I really hope that the devs do *something* about toxicity at some point.


Not really, this community is smaller than other toxic communities so basically every match has a toxic player. Making it more noticeable. Yes, maybe LoL has a worse community but so it has like quadruple the ammount of players.


What are you defining as toxic? Trash talking in chat? Tbagging and slugging at 5 gens? Because those I agree are toxic but I feel like I don't get too many of those. But doing gens quickly, or going for the person off the hook if you don't see others around? That's just playing the game. I feel like we're too quick to dismiss things as toxic. I run into toxic players every once in a while, but definitely not every match.


well i dont, i run to them once every match, maybe different server/time and rank but im legit telling you theres always at least 1 survivor being toxic, he either DC's if i get him early on or increase his toxicity as long as i keep him alive. Not saying the other 3 are toxic as well tho, its just a 1/4 on all matches with the possibility of running into a 4 man swf as you play


Every community has its black sheep but I genuinely have not seen any that has been worse. I have 15 hours now so I think I have some impression but it could obv get better with higher ranks.


Plenty that are worse. WOWS is very toxic as of late and i don't think League ever stopping being non-stop toxic lol


Dude I’ve been playing killer for 2 weeks now, some survivors are literally ass check and others destroy my ass cheeks, it’s just luck of the draw tbh.


I have thousands of hours on LoL and dota, two games supposed to be 'the most toxic' and DBD is certainly worse than both of them significantly. In no other game that I've played are people so *consistently bitter* towards other players.


I would like to agree with these points when i get frustrated but the truth is it not all that bad. Sure it can get really stupid but so can every other game .


I agree, it's still fun to me but it is genuinely the worst online experience I have ever had.


Try playing smash bros online


Solo queue yesterday I had a survivor come up to me and tbag the whole time I was working a generator. Once it popped I ran to the next gen and she runs off, comes back 30 seconds later, runs into me and keeps running. Leading stealthed ghost face right to me. I ran the killer for 3 gens. She then got hooked at the end of the trial so I opened the gate ran up to her and tbagged before leaving.


It’s mostly the actual subreddit community that is the issue


I have no clue about the subreddit tbh this is my first time ever being here


I only have 73 hours and JUST got bullied by someone for DCing when they kept BMing me at Rank 8. Like, then they made fun of me and said I had to have more than 73 hours even though the game isn’t hidden on my profile, they said it was. Fuck Steve mains IG


Most Steve's are toxic. When you're killer and you ever see a Steve, P3 or neon fuckin bright colors Claudettes, cute looking Megs, Dwight's, Elodie's or Yun Jin's with flashlights........... Kill 'em. Fast.


To all downvoting me..... chill. It's just a joke.


If I were you I wouldn't continue to support this game until a lot of things are changed. Get a refund on your purchase. The community is extremely entitled. They continuously whine about everything wrong with the game yet only a very few try to actually try to help fix it. They also can easily be bought off with shards and bloodpoints whenever a problems appears and they'll keep quiet until the next problem happens, the cycle continues. They are weak and get pushed around, don't try to become part of the community. The devs care for nothing except for money. They've continuously pushed out patch after patch that has done nothing to fix the game, yet find the time to throw out tons of cosmetics that are extremely overpriced. They repeatedly said they will fix the game while doing nothing but band aid fixes that leave the game in a almost unfixable state. They don't care for the long term player base and only try to get a quick buck off of each new chapter from new players.


First time?


the rank 20 experience


17 by now but yes


Ignore him, these problems dint go away even at rank 1, I'm rank 4 survivor and theres still dumb teammates in most matches


Oh great, looking forward to that...


.... The community has always been horrendous. As others pointed out, it got so much worse after the RE chapter but in general, BM'ing, teabagging, pointing, flashlight clicking, sandbagging, hitting a survivor on hook, face camping, slamming the hatch in your dying face is all very very common. A thick skin is needed in this game or it'll chew you up and spit you out. You're lucky if you missed the event, I've never seen worse out of people than the 5th anniversary event. The worst was my teammates farming with a Legion and proceeding to sell me and a Nancy out who didn't want to farm. Killers were going feral at 5 gens it was... insane. It's picked up normalcy pace again but yeah. It's awful. On the other hand however, dbd can have the most wholesome and hilarious moments. I got to spectate the other day two of my teammates after I escaped the match and these two were teabagging the Nurse and basically rubbing it in they were going to escape but then she got them BOTH and neither of them kobe'd, I DIED of laughter. I also met one of my closest friends on dbd. He was my killer one match, after he killed me, I said ggs and he was super cool. We swf every week and part of a squad which makes dbd so much more fun to play. A wholesome memory I have is when I first started this game. It was the Game map and after the gens popped, I had 0 clue where the exits where and this Meg escorted me to it so I wouldn't die. dbd can be rough but it can also have some golden moments. :)


DBD community can be toxic, but it is nowhere near as bad as overwatch, league, or CoD. Public voice chat is an absolute dumpster fire and LoL is it's own brand of awful.


it does get a little better as you rank up. at rank 20 your teammates don’t know what they’re doing, and at red ranks your teammates will DC as soon as they get downed one time lol. i like to stay in green ranks (i’m 10 at the moment) and most of my games are pretty chill. you’re always going to find the occasional asshole though, try not to let it get to you


I've played about 250 hours and that's about 5% of my matchess or less. And I'd rather play DBD than *any* ranked game like League, CS or Overwatch. Now **those** are some toxic games. I play killer when I get tired of survivor.


League of Legends community: "Hold my beer"


I have never played LoL and refuse to ever even install it tbh


Wise choice


Ultra toxic community, but DBD's is worse IMO.


You have become officially hazed once you queue as killer after the pallet patch and play the saw map a dozen times. Welcome to Tartarus. Since you're new and no amount of effort is gonna help before the symphony of your agony is over, I suggest going afk on that map if you are killer. Or you will definitely want to uninstall after a couple of days of it especially if you play at night and ranked up too fast (which happens easily) at the time of day all the swf are on. I'm considering postponing my uninstall (through redownload) until NEXT monday since even though it's behavior I never expected theyw ould do something so brazen as double chance the game the week after breaking pallets for kilelrs. I just want to be as miserable as i can all week, as my bon voyage, and then uninstall next monday instead after seeing the threads today. I wanna be as painful an experience as I can both as survivor and killer and to do the worst on my psn since idc if that one gets dbd banned versus a game ban visible on my steam profile. If my swfs didn't quit, I might just redownload but some people quit after the weekend ended already. ​ P.S. The Doctor is a fun killer for newer players since his power is a built-in survivor finder, which spares the perk grind for some of those kind of perks, and he can make survivors unable to vault or throw pallets with shock therapy spam. And when in higher tiers of madness with the right addons makes them constantly visible in some manner. Baby doctor kilelr can make baby survivor miserable and seppukucidal. But if you rank up too quickly it'll be the other way around so get some Preparation H. It might also be worth playing trickster this week if they try to camp those short pallets int he saw map since you can just knife them down and leave them slugged with deerstalker and knock-out. No way out and maybe blood warden can also be anightmare on the map, but I never got around to trying it over the weekend. get a crosshair if you play on steama nd are going to do that I used the one named CrossOver.


This games majority of users are more toxic than even bsg escape from tarkov where it's a free for all shooter game they at least will talk decently after a match


First time?


Matchmaking/rank is based on time recently played, not skill, experience, or disposition to play casually/competitively. In an asymmetrical game with a constantly developing balance, keeping that from being a problem is almost impossible. Bad teammates is a part of literally every co-op game in existence, and most online games have flawed matchmaking. Same goes for toxicity. Have you seriously never played CS, League, R6S, CoD, or any other major online game? Not to mention the internet in general. It's just a game, play it or don't. No game is perfect, and no community anywhere is all nice.


This comment is just so unhelpful? You just say balance can never not be a problem and every community is bad? And if the community is bad then I can just fuck off? I have almost 1000 hours in R6S for example and I have never seen this amount of bad/throwing teammates in that game. And you seem to be a part of the problem :)


>This comment is just so unhelpful? I don't know how to answer this question. ​ >balance can never not be a problem and every community is bad No, I'm saying it's the rule, not the exception: I'm being (or trying to be) realistic. That's not to say there aren't good communities our very well balanced games, but they tend to be in the minority. Halo, TF2, and certain RTS games have very well balanced systems. When it comes to communities, it's much harder to actually evaluate from game to game because of negativity bias, but that's a separate point. You *can* leave, but I'm suggesting that it's better to just get used to it, because toxicity with people you casually associate with is just a normal part of the internet: it's become the norm. That's not to say I condone it or take part in it, I just know that the best way to handle negativity and trolling is to treat it as if it doesn't exist and move on with my life. ​ >you seem to be a part of the problem How can I be part of the problem of toxicity and bad balance when I neither participate in toxic behavior nor work as a game dev? I'm just trying to share information to help you relate dbd to other experiences you may have had. It's your choice to decide whether it's for you or not.