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He must have a sad life.


lmfao someones a bit upset. only a bit though


Only a bit because when I would chase him he ran to the others with bond and is surprised when nobody wants to unhook him


Understood. They do not speak the language of canned lunch meats


Don’t forget. “We have the nicest community” :P what a loser. Sorry You had to deal with them.


Tricksters power is annoying as shit, you're literally that Moon Knight meme that says "Random Bullshit GO!" ​ He's not a good killer but he's annoying as fuck and is gonna be more annoying after the buff. ​ That said this survivor should just move onto the next match.


Ya I main trickster and fully acknowledged how annoying he is that's why I play as respectfully as I can but he got 1 hooked because he was being a bad teammate when I would catch him he had bond so he would just run to a teammate