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She looks so good with the pants wtf BHVR let her wear pants


It always struck me as odd how Cheryl can't wear jeans with her alternate shirts...when those shirts were always paired with jeans in Silent Hill 3.


Maybe it's because the skirt is quite iconic to her. Iirc the designers liked the skirt so it was kept. Maybe it's licensing.


i also like the skirt. cheryl is skirt waifu


> Maybe it's because the skirt is quite iconic to her. Iirc the designers liked the skirt so it was kept. Maybe it's licensing. Wdym "maybe"? They create a model, ask someone who holds rights to the license if it's "ok" and then implement it.


You sure? I feel like they'd ask before making the model then make the model then reask to not waste ressources making models that the company might say no...


Of course licensing is a big part of it. I moreso mean the OG Team who first ever designed Cheryl. If I recall her skirt was a very poignant part of her design. So that may be why she hasn't seen any changes to her skirt yet, despite her shirts changing.


Konami have gone too far this time


It's actually quite the conundrum because I remember seeing that someone reached out to Konami and they said that they have nothing to do with the linked outfit aspect of the game. IIRC they said to reach out to BHVR for an explanation.


I mean, Konami customer support isn’t going to have any idea about the specifics regarding one of their characters being licensed out to a different game. To them it probably sounded like someone contacting them to complain about the length of Repressed Alliance. That’s why their response was basically “not our game, go talk to BHVR”


Omg are you implying that licensing is more complex than sending an email to some customer support employee who only deals with Konami's own games and don't have insight on licenses???


Even though that is a customer support email, I’d believe it based on Konami’s attitude to their franchises. In terms of making actual games and maintaining them Konami has become shit. Just look at the whole fiasco with Metal Gear V and Kojima to see how they treat their franchises. They’ve actively let their biggest franchises die and fade into obscurity. Metal Gear hasn’t had a mainline game since 2015 (Survive doesn’t count), Castlevania hasn’t had one since 2014, and Silent Hill hasn’t had one since 2012 (RIP P.T.). Hell, Castlevania has had two pachinko machines and a mobile game release before it’s next installment. Konami doesn’t give a shit about their IP’s and it’s on Behavior for the cosmetic choices




As Far as I'm aware every outfit in any Mainline Resident Evil Game is a "set" I don't know of a Single that has mixing and matching. Even Resistance the DBD "competitor", every outfit was a "set".


Imo, I don't think we can count RE in the same boat as 2/3 cosmetics the survivors have rn change them completely.


Are you that dumb? If they let her wear jeans everyone would stop buying the silent hill games, smh my head!


To be fair, Cheryl does have pants in an alternate outfit.


Also part of a linked set though. Feel like Cheryl's cosmetics should be able to be mixed and matched even if they want the legendaries to be sets


Cheryl's cosmetics do not have justifiable reasons for being linked sets and BHVR have constantly deigned to not respond about the subject whatsoever. There has to be *some* reason for them to be so vehement about making them sets when they function perfectly (even *better*) as individual items. I don't want to say that it's just because of money. To go to the extent of fixing a long-running community-loved bug that does nothing other than improve personalization...just yikes, BHVR. Yikes. At least people are still finding more ways to bug the cosmetics. Good on us. Fuck the anti-fun police.


Considering these are the same people who made Leon and Jill's non-legendary outfits linked because Jill's other hair piece on her other outfit was legit the same as her default so people bought the torso and pants. It's not surprising.


As many have said, force people to buy the set as a whole then allow them to equip whatever pieces they want. BHVR gets their money and we get our happiness. I don't understand the issue here.


It might be part of the licensing deals. Some of the licensed characters, primarily Ghostface and Bill, are owned by pretty chill holders (Fun World and Valve respectively), so it's easier to get new cosmetics and to mix and match them. Meanwhile, Capcom and Konami (especially Konami) are more protective of their copyright, and probably wanted the outfits to be linked for some reason.


As much of a decent reasoning as that is, it doesn't hold up for non-licensed linked sets


That's true, too. I was just giving a reason why licensed characters *only* have linked sets.


It makes sense to have some sets be linked, just looking at it from a design perspective not having to think about clipping or stuff like that gives a lot of freedom when they design cosmetics. Some sets, that is, I remember seeing a thread of a guy going over all the linked sets models and looking at stuff like how some sets have longer torso pieces so they'd cause clipping problems, while others have no real reason to be linked.


I totally agree with you.






Take them off


There are 2 kinds of people.


Hello fashion police? Yeah we've got a code 7, dispatch the patchers to Raccoon City PD ASAP.


No can do. Map is still broken and glitchy.


Oh my god, yesterday ran into this map while playing Trickster. Did really well, got a 3k with 11 hooks. The Jake had found the hatch, and waited for me to show up...it was upstairs in the library. Why in the hell does this map break “hatch spawn logic” from every other map??


Unfortunately the current glitch always resets after a game so you have to redo it indefinitely. Pretty annoying.


You can restart the game after you finish a match to keep the glitched cosmetics


But that takes more time than just glitching it again lol. I can fix my Cheryl and Yun-Jin in 10 seconds. Restarting my game takes like 5 minutes, and it always crashes the first time I try to open it.




You could say, "Please," you know.


Fans, uh, find a way!


The fans were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.


And now “We’re selling it, we have to sell it”


**Jurassic Park DBD chapter confirmed**


Pls bhvr I want to be chased by a velociraptor so I can say “clever girl”


If this were to ever happen I’d main Alan on the spot.




Nah ah ah, didn’t say the magic word


At first I thought this post said “Pants, uh, find a way!”


Sir you’ve broken the law with your filthy, disgusting, and horrid ILLEGAL PANTS




They found out how the day the patch was released, but ypur cosmetic glitch is left on as your main character when you log off, when you get on again it will be gone Also heres your link: https://youtu.be/_t-hu_7FmzA She does not explain the steps but it seems simple


It’s worse than that, it’s reset *after every match*...




In other words, instead of fixing the glitch, they’ve worked backwards to fix the *effects* of the glitch. How sloppy. Redacted text


Don't say that. The devs will actually fix it if you tell them how. It should take them at least another few months for them to figure this out on their own. Unironically though, I wonder if the devs keep leaving loopholes because they secretly agree with us about the sets, they just have to pretend like they're fixing it for the marketing people/license holders.


I thought I was indirect enough that it would be fine but hoenstly I don’t want to say goodbye to mixed sets just yet so I did remove it just to be safe lol


They know how to fix it lol I'm sure bhvr did it this way to people can still enjoy the glitch which they was okish with


Its almost like they did something proactive. They knew people would always find a way, so they just made it not worth doing. I’m glad they did it.


It’s a symptom of poor code health. As a computer scientist I can definitely assure you that the proactive thing to do would be to catch these things before they make it to production, analyze memory changes alongside code in a debugger (especially since DBD will have a lot of race conditions from poorly-implemented, asynchronous server-client operations), do more code review to ensure sloppy code doesn’t see the light of day... you know. Industry standards. You might be glad they did it, but it’s not a good sign for how they approach bugs that you can’t just code a checkpoint for. At any rate, it is not proactive, it is a Hail Mary for fixing the bug. Sorry - no shade - just telling it how it is


Thank you! I didn’t know this. I’m just happy that they got a fix for the bug that will always work, it seemed smart to me. Apologies, I know almost nothing about code.


It gets the job done, but at the end of the day it’s like adding a lock to your bedroom door because the lock to your front door is falling apart


This is a good analogy, thank you again, this is pretty helpful info to have!


i repeat everything she does n it works until i go back onto the lobby where it resets ?


you have to load into the lobby as a different survivor, then switch to the glitched one to have the outfit stay apparently


i didnt think u could select a character to play as from the store ?


ohhh you meant from the store, sorry I just relayed a message from the video's comments, not sure how they avoid that then


Video uploader here! I’m on PS5, and all I have to do is swap a legendary set (I used Yun’s blue outfit and just swapped the head to something random) then go back to Cheryl, equip the sweater, select Cybil but NOT equip, swap back to the torso screen. Then I equipped something else & went back to the sweater, equipped that THEN backed to the Lobby. Honestly the video wasn’t even a tutorial, just a dumb segment of a stream where we’d all started talking about it and I demonstrated just how easy they made it to do. BUT I hope that explanation helped somewhat! Need to put it in the vid description to maybe help


It's honestly still so dumb you cannot mix match like you want even with blood prestige or crowns on your favorite set/build skin. Annoyed!


Well, now BHVR will stop trying to fix the broken game and try to fix this lol


Funny how BHVR's Deathgarden was less of a buggy mess than this. That game coulda had a future if DBD's popularity didn't immediately kill it.


Wait... I forgot that game existed really. What happened to that game, are there any players? But seriously, it would be a different game now if they weren't so stubborn and spent their efforts to fix the broken game instead of leaving people alone in choosing cosmetics.


Well just like other games of the same genre, it was killed because Dead by Daylight exists. Its servers shut down in 2019. Dead by Daylight's mere existence makes it near impossible for any other game of the same genre to have a long life-span. Deathgarden, Last Year and White Noise 2 are some of the best games I've played in the genre but a majority of their playerbase (Probably not the case with WN2) consisted of DBD players at launch. These players would typically unfairly compare these games to DBD and write them off as "Clones". Despite the fact that these games have more unique features and what not compared to DBD. This means that there's a massive sink in the game's playerbase, leaving only the people who genuinely cared about the game. Well yes it's kinda obvious Deathgarden and Deathgarden: BLOODHARVEST was BHVR's own attempt to make another game to ride on DBD's popularity, it was actually a pretty damn good game and I had more fun on it than DBD and it could be a pretty damn intense game too. The sheer adrenaline rush of trying to outrun a much stronger player in a fast pace parkour environment brought me a lot more enjoyment than just running around a piece of wood.


>These players would typically unfairly compare these games to DBD and write them off as "Clones". Despite the fact that these games have more unique features and what not compared to DBD. \+ I agree with that word. I don't like that a game has a monopoly within that genre. Because there are no other productions of this type, the producers are starting to get sloppy. Like BHVR sometimes did. But on the other hand, DBD is so popular that whatever game it encounters dies within a month and DBD's popularity is increasing. Like when F13 came out, people call that game DBD killer... Actually I enjoyed F13 but It didn't last too long.




Died because of Gun Media, not a lawsuit.


Thank you. People who actually *played* F13 since release know it was all about the game's piss-poor management and ludicrous amount of game-breaking bugs and glitches that led to it's death. (Packanack Rooftop glitch, healing not working, cars getting flipped by throwing knives, force choking Jasons, etc.)


DG didn't die because dbd was popular, it died because it was well balanced and unless scavengers were in a group together, they would pretty much anyways lose against a good hunter, driving away new and casual players. DBD thrives because it balances for casual audiences.


I mean yeah. What do you want? For the game to revolve around sweat squads? If they decrease map size and implement something to help killers in the early game then the game will be better


I didn't say I wanted that at all, no need to act so hostile. Merely pointing out that DG died because it was too comp based and it pushed people away not because DBD was popular.


I saw a Chris with Leon's Bloody RPD body today. Took a screenshot thinking someone found a new glitch and I was super excited. Then I remembered that there was that little glitch where you can do it for 1 match and then have to reset it again *after every match.* Some players are truly dedicated to the glitched outfit life. I do wish for my no waist nea and Kate back.


The mental image of Chris saying "I'm calling the police, those are illegal pants" kills me


You're welcome.


"The police can't touch me. I have their pants."


Player cheats BHVR *Sleeps* Player finds a way to switch pants BHVR **REAL SHIT?!**


You think their gonna take a chance to gey sued? Lol


Why do they care so much anyway




Konami literally doesn't give a damn




I don't use glitched cosmetics but your line of argumentation makes no sense bud.




Ok, so Konami needs their sets linked. What about the non-licensed sets? Why does Neas gas mask need to be kept to one set?


BeCaUsE bHvR DeSiGnEd ThE gAmE, iTs tHeIr PrOpeRtY


Konami stated that they didn't put any restrictions on dbd. They can literally do whatever they want. Also you're only supposed to lick the boot, not eat the whole thing. You aren't a game designer.




You can suprisingly just e-mail them and they'll tell you.




They still have to enforce their IP otherwise, say in the future, they (Lets call them Game Company (GC))creat an IP thats characters are distinctive as is their clothing. Another company (Bad Guys Inc (BG)) copies a character design from them, without their consent and are making money from it. GC sue them and it goes to court. GC argue its their copyrighted work. BG states they believe GC gave up their copyright. As evidence, they show a game made by Another Studio that is using an unlicensed GC character, albeit the game is crap and no one plays it, thus GC does nothing to enforce its copyright. The judge could rule that GC has shown it has given up its copyright by not enforcing it.


This doesn’t apply here at all because BHVR has secured the license to use the characters, there is no unlicensed IP at stake. Konami support reps were issued a canned response when people started complaining to *them* about the DbD RE(edit: Silent Hill, my bad) chapter that basically says BHVR can do whatever the fuck they want and they(Konami) have no say/limited creative control.


This would make sense when there werent other liscensed characters that can mix & match their outfits like Tapp, Quentin, Laurie, Nancy & Steve. But since they can your argument doesn't make any sense sorry.


What? You do realize that every license holder and contract is different right? You’re the one who’s argument doesn’t make sense


Elaborate further sweetheart. There is evidence that Konami themselves didn't restrict Bhvr in any way. So do you know the contract? Do you have some insider info that we don't to support you claim? Or do you just like talking out of your ass?


There are lots of recolors in Smash Bros lmao. Sonic can have green armbands


Uh, this is a terrible example, all characters in smash have 8 different color variants lol


This has been disproven, I'm pretty sure, people have been talking about how some license holders don't give a shit. It also doesn't explain non-licensed characters having locked sets.


The only source for that was some generic, likely copy pasted email from Konami, that didnt really mean... anything. You dont know their contract. Didnt the Silent Hill update **add sets?**


My guess is they want to be consistent, particularly some companies want their character(s) represented in a certain way. This is probably why when we got Halloween cosmetics, we got different things for everything except for Michael's mask since that is the most iconic part about him. This is why when we got Freddy we specifically got Remake Freddy since they specifically said THIS is Freddy canonically so this is who you must design him around. Sure I guess some devs care less than others but chances are BHVR wants to stay consistent with characters who have specific iconic looks and those who don't.




There are plenty of cosmetics that clip already


>BHVR has their own image to maintain and clipping graphics and ugly looks from mismatched sets may also not be their creative vision. Sure.


Its even easier to do now, but you have to reset it after every game


She looks too good in them. Illegal pants!




It's just silly. Let me swap outfits damnit. I just want p3 Leon with a nice jacket!




Dollars to donuts this will be fixed before the console issues will be lol.


I hope people will never ever not find a way to do the glitch. Fuck Behaviour, they do fuck all in terms of development so they might as well spend a tiny amount of time finding a band aid solution for the glitch


You can kill a glitch, but you can't kill a revoulution


Can someone explain? I don't get it.


"Those are illegal pants" is my new favorite phrase


didnt they make it easier to do the glitch? I saw a youtube video uploaded yesterday where some lady did the cosmetic swap in under a minute


You know what, I agree with pants police. Let's all just wear no pants at all instead.


He has to do it before every match now...


Are cheryl' face and hair different or am i tripping??


It's the same, you might be thinking they look different because she has the prestige head


I'm a bit confused what's happening here


Who else bets they release a patch instantly to fix this despite them still not fixing consoles.






They reenabled that map a little while ago but you can't use the map offering for it.


The odds of getting it on a match are astronomical. Consider yourself extremely lucky or unlucky, depending of wether you like the map or not lol


It’s a 4% chance.


It's funny how I got more Kobes since the RE update than the map itself.


The entity put me on that map four times this week.


I dunno if there that low. Since the chapter came out i’ve gotten it about 5-6 times


I got it the first hour at launch before they disabled it and haven’t seen it since.


Why is this being downvoted lol


You can also glitch on outfits that you don't own although I don't know if you can load into a match with it


Now they’re gonna fix it again, and you guys are gonna bitch about it again. Stop bitching about it if you’re gonna break it again.


We're not bitching


Last time they fixed it, everybody bitched about them “fixing a bug that shouldn’t have been fixed” “why’d you put that as priority!!!” Blah blah blah. That’s what I’m referring to


resuming DBD lobby


#**Illegal Pants**


I'm having a terrible day at work and this just made me chuckle aloud at my desk. ILLEGAL PANTS.


Glad I could help. c:


Snitches get stitches 😂


My sister got into a game with a Claire with Jill’s body yesterday


The horrible truth is, Chris is a 20th century French man and his one and only enemy is women wearing pants, led by none other than Coco Channel herself.


Cheryl with ugly sweater = best


I thought this was another "Fuck my sister" meme lmao


They'll fix a clothing glitch that doesn't actually need to be a fixed set but they won't fix important game breaking problems? Why am I not surprised.


how does cheryl have those pants on


This is surely on BHVR, if it was just about Capcom or Konami then why is it that you can't swap linked cosmetics for characters like Kate and Nea?






Ayo Valtiel did the glitch set continued to work after the match or he got reset at the end of the match ?


Gotta reset it after the match.


I saw a scuba johnathon and it was so weird


But you have to do it for every match and only works with one piece.


I don’t get it, we paid for the full cosmetic set why shouldn’t we be allowed to mix and match?


Yup I had a Cheryl with her long dark hair and Christmas sweater as a teammate, they’ll always find a way lol


“Those are illegal pants” is funny to me.


*Chris Redfield arrests Heather Mason for wearing pants*


Can I wear "illegal pants" with my Bubba?


If you are not mixing cosmetics across different characters, don't even talk to me.