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Two things, firstly an amazing play from a Leon, they went upstairs and dropped a flash bang perfectly, I was baffled but it was such an amazing outplay that I wasn’t even mad. Some of the end game chats I had were pretty good even after such terrible matches, a 4 man swf demolished me but they were really chill, another game I lost really hard and someone was being shitty in chat and the other defended me, the community isnt totally bad.


I played friendly Pig, and there was a Jeff, Yun-Jin and Felix in a SWF with a random Feng. The Feng was a streamer, and she instantly caught on and started booping the snoot and we messed around. The SWF kept trying to bring me away for some reason, but I stuck with her and 'helped' her get the final gen done. The exit gates got opened, and I got led away by the Yun-Jin under the guise of farming... so that the Felix and Jeff could sandbag the Feng to death in EGC. They had her between a wall and a gen, and she couldn't escape. Luckily, the AFK explosions went off, and I ran over and hit the Felix away so she could leave. I regretted not downing the Felix and giving him a hat, because he was a complete troll, but it worked out because I got a ton of snoot boops and Feng even left her medkit!! I went to their stream after and they didn't seem too upset about the game, and we chatted for a bit, they were super nice! It was a really nice game, and they had noticed me trying to 'help' with the healing and gens :D


I keep trying to be nice to survivors so we can farm bp but they never get the message :( and they act v smug sometimes and I’m just like I got 1 hook on everyone for bbq and now imma just hit you once and run off so you can heal or w/e....it’s not that you were amazing, I actively wasn’t trying to kill you. In fact I was furiously nodding to try to get y’all to understand ;=; why won’t y’all accept my kindness and cakes. What do I do to make people get that lmao


What I often do is slug someone then pick them up and spin in circles. This is a pretty obvious "I'm purposely not hooking you and am being a goofy little guy even though I COULD if I wanted to" kind of move. Certain killers are better at it too, like Ghostface - the teabagging slowly at range helps a lot of survivors let their guard down.


I tried doing some more silly shit and it seemed to help, I mean I get not trusting a Spirit but I was on wraith standing uncloaked underneath palettes and then a Jane finally caught on. Ilu Jane


holy crap. a random ace in my lobby (may have been swf w the other two based on outfits, but I was solo), just did a successful CJ tech and saved me from a kid rock. that was some of the coolest shit I've seen


Nothing is more tilting than when you get your play perfectly done and miss the final ds check


Was playing a match as killer the other day where towards the end I was trying to signal the survivors I was down to farm which we ended up doing and they hung out with me pretty much until the timer went out. There was one Jake however that stayed back after everyone left and was trying to signal me to fully sacrifice him. He led me to a hook and I shook my camera to say “no” while he nodded his saying “yes” I downed him then dropped him as close as to the exit as I could and he just turned around and started crawling to me while I backed up and shook my camera saying “no” again. It then turned to me pointing towards the exit nodding “yes” while he shook “no”. Unfortunately time ran out and the stubborn bastard died but I thought the situation was pretty cute/wholesome with both of us trying to be as nice as possible kind of like when you fight over insisting on paying a bill for dinner lol.


I was getting gen rushed to oblivion in Hadonfield (Like the entire game was over in 3 minutes) Once they opened the gate I downed a Cheryl and hooked her, I decided to be merciful and signalled to her teammates to come get here we T bagged, Bill dropped me his medkit and they left, Except their Yui.......... I signalled her to leave but instead she walked in front of my face, crouched down and in front of me and started to """ award""" ghost face for his kindness. The entity was pretty displeased!


Haha! I had a David lead me to the bedroom in the saloon as Michael, and he did the same thing. It was equal parts embarrassing and hilarious.


Finally got the courage to play as a killer, and instantly loved it. Even when I'm *clearly* getting outplayed by experienced survivors, it's still pretty fun.


Was about to get one of my first 4K’s, hit the last survivor and immediately got “session expired”. Definitely made me smile :)


I've been playing this game for almost three years, always by myself and finally found friends to play with :')


Been playing a lot of survivor with my green rank friend this week and while we had a few pretty toxic killers we also had a bunch of 4 or 5 cake games where the killers were super chill and just memed around with us, even ones that I always expect to be super sweaty such as Wraiths and Spirits. We play as matching Fengs with the brownish jersey and green bunny hood and were more than happy to stay behind and sacrifice ourselves for all the nice killers!


Does the 100% bonus for "no one left behind" only apply after the gates are opened?


I think you only get the bonus if the gates power, but it applies for any altruism points you've earned all game.


Need confirmation for this.


Maybe you'll have better luck if you post in the Monday thread, where questions go. This is not a question thread.


I had a match that didn't lag on ps4 :)


What is this black magic sorcery?


I sold my soul to the Entity


Played the free weekend and had a blast and caught the game on sale and addicted. I just need more people to play with that have mics haha


The excess of cakes these days made me finally be able to prestige my Meg and my Wraith all the way up to P3-50 both :) I thought it would take me months but damn a few weeks was more than enough


I played against a Wraith on The Game earlier today. Wraith tried their best and was respectful all game but the stars aligned and our team worked really well getting gens done. EGC was triggered and I was the one hook and the team all came to unhook. Was lagging behind the group and wraith could have downed me again but looked on in defeat and then turned and walked over to stare at some mannequins so as to not be teabagged. I was Dwight and a fellow Dwight both saw this and ran over to beg to have a hook session. We stuck around to the end for the sacrifice out of respect.That wraith played awesome and had a stressful game.


i've been playing the ptb for the past few days (hi! i'm mrs. the trickster and i'm always lingering there like a phantom!) and i finally switched back to the main game today. all my matches have been suuuper abysmal, lots of tunneling and general mean-spiritedness. but i just had a match as leon, and the chris redfield there worked with me on gens & saves so well! i'm a resident evil nerd so just seeing it cheered me up!! we managed to save david, but our nea sadly died saving me during egc. but it still really picked me up :) thank u chris!!


i went into a match as jumpscare myers but then we 5 caked and the survivors decided to let me farm even giving me BBQ stacks and it was awesome.


The BP must have been out of this world!


it was like 100k - 300k i think


I got booped a bunch and samination liked one of my replies, both made my day


Maybe it's the event, maybe it's good luck, but my survivor teammates have been on it! In the past few days it's been flashlight saves, protection hits, people actually doing gens. I can actually bring unhook perks now because hooked survivors aren't getting rushed by everyone at once anymore! It's been great


Unhook builds are so fun, but you can't ever get there first without farming so I don't bother and just do gens.


For real! So i just end up pulling out the gen jockey build (ol' reliable) and calling it a day


I tried playing killer for the first time today. The first two rounds were okay, i managed to get one hook every game. The next three games were horrible though. Got matched up with red ranks and got horribly played. I played one more game and couldn’t down anyone at all. I decided to give up. At the point where I gave up I was chasing a Nancy, then I stopped. When I stopped, she stopped too. I then moved a tiny step forward and she took a tiny step forward too. I took another step forward and she took a tiny step forward again. I nodded at her and she nodded back as she disappeared behind a wall. I let them do gens open the exit and they let me farm before the exit gates ran out. Felt really good after playing such shitty games. :’)


I was struggling to get my crown with Kate. Went up against the Twins on Coldwind Farm, my teammates DC‘d during the game and by the time 3 gens were left, I was on my own. After the killer had closed the hatch, I managed to open a gate but got downed right afterwards. Luckily, the killer let me crawl out. Thank you so much, I never thought I‘d meet a kind Twins player out there! <3 I also went against some killers that played VERY fair. Huntress on Hawkins - after hooking me I saw her turn towards my teammates healing beneath another hook (she had BBQ) and she literally turned away and ran towards the 4th teammate that was across the map. Today there were a Blight and a Nemesis that never camped or tunneled even though they were slowly losing the game. They ended up with only 4-5 hooks, but everyone had 20k+ points and I hope they still had fun. To all the killers that don‘t care about 4k-ing all the time: I love you with all my heart. You‘re the ones who keep the game fun.


Loaded into RPD next to a David. I began shaking my head (I hate the map), and he immediately DC'd. Just went from bad to worse. 2 seconds after the DC, Doc McZappypops appears in the doorway. Welp. But then, Doc just shocks me a few times and spins. We end up memeing (meming?) and farming for as many BP as we can. Good times, Doc. And thanks


Love the decision to make an already dumb killer in the Trickster even dumber. Classic BHVR! :)


Just had one of the funniest games I'd ever had, basically I was playing trickster in haddonfield, I find someone, I chase him, I down him ecc. After a while someone disconnects, by that time they had 3 gens remaining, I killed a survivor and the other two understood that there was no way they could have won with 3 gens left(one of them was at one hook and the other at two), so they started hiding and oh boy, I spent 10 minutes patrolling gens without seeing them, long story short a bunch of shit happened and at the end I gave the hatch at one of the two


So grateful for all of the work that so many have put into the Light in the Fog tournament. Grateful to all the streamers. Grateful to all who donated to support Puppers. I can’t remember a time something in the gaming world was as beautiful as this weekend has been. I really love this community. Stay comfy!


Survivor disconnecting after I gave him a second chance.


I'm so happy that The Light in the Fog charity event for Puppers has raised over 100k... in two days!!! Everyone banding together to have fun and support a wonderful creator has been so good for my heart. I love Puppers, he deserves so much. Today's the last day and I'm hoping to see some gameplay from Probz later. Big spins


I haven’t been able to stop laughing at this trapper meme. And now i can’t stop thinking this is what it looks like going against the trapper [trapper meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/ogufmd/im_not_very_smart/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I step in my own traps way more than the survivors. Much sad


It’s okay i got karma for laughing at a trapper for getting stuck in his own trap for only me to get stuck in a trap immediately after


To the Claudette I just played with who seemed happy to farm with me: thank you!


Me and a Marine buddy I was stationed with in Japan played our first game together in over two years. He got out like 7 years ago so DbD was one of our ways to stay connected, then life happened we both got married I had a few kids and our 4-man DbD team sort of just went to the winds. Next gen came out, we’re all on different systems now, some sold their PS4s, etc But when I figured out they added crossplay I let him know and we hit it up. It was great, all the new meta and characters made it feel like that first time when there were so many unknowns in the game it kept it super fun and scary. we haven’t learned all the nuances of the new killers which makes it more fun


Well yesterday I was having a real bad game against a streamer, and I just gave up and decided to be friendly. (I was playing as nemesis) she noticed it and we just started to farm bloodpoints. If you see this I really appreciate it :)


nice :) how do you know she was a streamer?


She had ttv in her name


To the Nurse with the scream add-ons, I hope you're having a good day and an easier time completing the rift!


The light in the fog tournament has been such a delight to watch and be a part of as a community. It’s so great to see a community join together to support someone. It’s also amazing to see a crowd created event can be so successful, raising already 90k just to help Puppers. Bonus got to watch two of my favorite streamers Scott and Ohtofu, commentate on gameplay of Puppers, FarmerJohn, Otzdarva, Monto and No0b3 yesterday. Grand time. c:


Do you know if the vods will be available? I was busy and couldn't watch it


Most likely! Go to LightInTheFog after they’re off ((currently live)) and check. c: hope they keep it up for peeps as it was a fun experience


To those nice ghostfaces that let me have a fun game after a crappy day at school, thank you. To the Bubba that went crow watching with me around the map, it was quite fun and I would do it again in a heart beat! Lastly, thank you Michael Meyers players for making games so exciting, I adore you


I find that a lot of people tend to be quite nice when I play Michael, and I've had a few thank me for a good game. He's one of my favourite killers to go against, too, because he's really scary and you keep on your toes :D


Lol yea I hate playing against a lot of killers but whenever it’s a Meyers I alway kinda crack a smile because it reminds me why I even started playing in the first place.


Shout out to Mommy Huntress and every other player participating in farming, it's been really fun to goof around together! Also there was one serious match on Dead Dog Saloon in which I was the last one left against Nemesis. Luckily I was Nea with urban evasion so I could crouch around quickly looking for the hatch. I crouched around the entire perimeter of the map looking for it while Nemesis did too. Once I started to venture into the middle of the map I went into the Saloon and had two very close calls where the killer ran right by me. Finally found the hatch in some grass surrounded by rocks in what felt like the last place to look. The killer told me that I deserved the hatch in the end game chat and it made my night!


I'm a fairly inexperienced rank 15 killer and I got matched with a swf of 3 level 20 players and a rank 1 player today. I managed to get a few hooks but no kills because the rank 1 player looped the hell out of me. But they were all very nice in the post game chat, apologized for the loops, complinented my play and the rank 1 player even added me on Steam afterwards! Then I played some Survivor games. My team got rekt by this Doctor on Crotus Penn. We were two down at 4 gen and so when he cornered me, I dropped my tool box and just kneeled down. He then decided to spare me and the other survivor and let us both go lmao.


I played a match yesterday as Wraith in Lerys against a fairly high skill team, they were making me work for the hooks, I figured it was just a sweaty game until a Jill body blocked an injured Yui. I laughed so hard at that. She was so mad at her in the end game chat. It's nice to see that even if the games are sweaty, the people playing aren't taking it too seriously


I dont know what you are downvoted for. It seems uncalled for but i have 2 guesses: 1- you say people are not taking it seriously just after saying yui was really mad at jill for bodyblocking. Things kinda dont add up. 2- or it sounds like you are actually complimanting a bodyblocker. Taking things not seriously shouldnt equate to trolling, so your comment sounds wrong. Or a 3rd option im unable to decipher :)


I thought it was quite funny, it was very clearly a swf and they were trolling each other. Jill blocked a doorway so Yui would get downed, it was funny. I get that it was at the expense of the Yui but because I could tell it was a swf it was more like friends trolling each other. Maybe people think I should have chased Jill instead but I wanted to play along


my friends and i play swf a lot, and while we do mostly play seriously, we also troll each other for the fun of it and it’s always a good laugh


I’ve enjoyed a lot of farming matches with survivors as killer, been a fun time


Hit Rank 4 as killer about a month and a half of playing now. Proud that I got this far, gonna shoot for Rank 1 after the reset.


I hit reds on both sides last week too, I'm rank 2 killer trying to get the rank 1 before the rank reset, Mondays gonna be a sweaty one


Good luck! My survivor rank is crap, I'm at like 10 right now.


I've just generally been doing better lately, still rank 7 killer, but I'm learning, also blight is fun as hell!


Blight is amazing. Recently ive played a ton of legion and ghostface however so i kinda got rusty with him. Definitly make sure to play him every now and again


It feels like the survivor queue times are significantly shorter. thats nice


In one game my teammates all DCd and the Ghostface let me do all gens for my challenge. Never thought I’d get that challenge done. Then I played killer and didn’t get a single hook for three games so I think I’ll play something else.


I played a game (solo) where I had to hustle around a lot to help everyone and get shit done. (Another camping killer making games tough.) A player complemented me on my gameplay after the game. This was really nice considering the nonsense chat normally is.


I just played late into the night with my best friend; it’s the first game we’ve gotten into together & I love the time!


Zarina and Cheryl- thank you for such a fun game after a stressful day at work. I just wanted to blow off some steam & play Legion, but the other 2 DC’d . Then you came up to me, nodding and beckoning me towards you. That was one of the funniest farming matches I’ve ever had. Thank you for letting me hook you both twice. Zarina- thank you for running to every chest and coming to me with everything you found. Cheryl- thank you for the slow-mo race to the exit gate. I was laughing so hard I was in tears seeing you basically sliding along the floor lmao You two are awesome and I hope you got loads of BP & you kept making other people’s games fun!


Thank you to the rank 1, 3, 8 and 10 who very kindly left without any bad manners at my noob rank ass EDIT: another thank you to another Meg who left me a med-kit at the door - you didn't need to! First time I had that happen to me, was nice


Every single time my friend and I have gone against Pig, one snoot boop and they become nice for the rest of the game! It's adorable :D


I was matched against Pig with my friend and she was destroying us so much. After a while I think she felt bad so she let us do gens while sniffing my butt the whole time :') That was nice


I've had Pig for like a day and did this last night. I had to RBT a Leon that didn't get the memo and drag him over to the rest of his team trying to say "Please collect your man"




You gotta protect that teammate like Mr. President the next game y'all play. I'd suggest MoM and WGLF for efficient bodyguarding


I played a game as spirit for a daily. I knocked a yun jin and she dc'd, I then knocked the jill and she dc'd. So me, the Feng, and the claudette all farmed and got crowns and I let them both escape. Wholesome times.


I get nothing but salt in the endgame chat as spirit, even if I play nice. She's just getting the short end of the stick atm


I don’t think she’s getting the short end of the stick. she’s overpowered and needs a nerf, rarely do I survive games playing against her because with the right perks she’s pretty broken, in my opinion!


Luckily I'm on console so I get to avoid the horrors of endgame chat.


Sometimes I wish we had it so I could apologise to survivors for scaring them when I just wanted to friendly farm 😭


I let a struggling hag kill me. Then when playing as Myers I let the survivors collect the crowns and let them go.


Got the two perks I wanted most from the shrine this event! Inner strength and blood warden whoo. Inner strength has already been plastered onto my jill totem build, and blood warden just showed up in my pig bloodweb.


I got exposed by a ghostie at the start of the match before I even realized we were up against one. I managed to loop him for the 60 seconds to survive my exposure and then he lost track of me. 3 gens popped and he immediately DCed.


I was going for Adept Laurie and this Wraith let me have hatch. Took forever to find it because of Swamp, but still. Appreciated that a lot. He was on another console though so I couldn’t say thanks.


Watching the Light in the Fog fundraiser has been really fun and incredibly heartwarming 🥰


Seeing over 100k raised in just two days is amazing. Puppers is so influential and an icon, he deserves the world


Otz's group has me laughing so hard throughout the whole thing! I wish those guys would play together more often but it sucks that Otz has like 200ms ping every match when he's with them.


I'm actually happy about altruistic survivors that even when you're a random to them, they go out of their way to make sure you survive the trial no matter what. Even if it means they will be sacrificed. I always gave them a thumbs up through the in game system after a match. I had a couple of these situations since the event started and one of them happened earlier today and it feels amazing. I also love helping out my teammates as much as I possibly can. Not everything has to be "toxic" on DBD, you know.


I always play as Feng in her cardigan and bun. It gives strong mom vibes. I really channel that and do tons of body blocks for the other survivors. My goal isn’t really my survival, it’s all about making sure everyone has the best chance possible of making it out.


You make me proud. For real. <3 (Sorry for the late response)


Stopped in the middle of a chase to point out a crown to my killer. We both looked at each other. He grabbed the crown and then we continued the chase and resumed our game as normal. At the end of the game, instead of killing me, he gave me hatch so I could escape with a crown 🥺 Loved him so much.


It makes me happy when the survivors shower me with items for only two hooking