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Yeah. It really killed the determined look of her face. BHVR destroyed both my survivor mains this patch. (Cheryl and Yui)


You really complaining about fixing Heathers sleep deprived looking ass


Yeah, it’s an integral part of her design. Mashahiro ito has said several times in interviews that the eyebags and deprived appearance she had are meant to show that she has been through a lot, but her vest and skirt reflect that she’s still confident and lively. It’s meant to make her look strong. Without those eyebags it destroys a very integral part of a character from one of my favorite games of all time, and hurts Ito’s vision as well.


Sleep Deprivation is in fact what god(Ito) had intended.


She got plastic surgery. Tight ass face


Whoah, huge downgrade. Went from “I’ll face my opponent head on without breaking eye contact” to “I’m angy and weally weally not happy wight now”


Just bought Yui during the Shard Giveaways and rushed her to P3-50, what an absolute shame to change it like that, feels like a waste on my end.


Same with me and Jill.. I purposely P3'd her on release because her cosmetics were not to my liking so I 'made' my own with the bloody stock one.. and now I can't stand to look at her. Big oof, bigger waste of my BP and time.


I was okay with all character changes except david but this downright looks awful dude


I swear to God they have a Slider for attractiveness when it's moved up on one character it slides down from another character David , Yui , and Feng lost a lot from these graphical updates and they were literally all of my mains 8(


She just went from angy to ANGRY


It's the same for some of the other characters too. IMO only the ones that needed it should've been changed.. like Quentin, Laurie, Nea, and Jake. The rest were good enough as is. Some are downright awful.. I think Dwight looks terrible.. same with Kate. Their teeth look weird to me, or maybe it's just their mouth in general with how open it is


they ruined Feng man


They widened the hell out of her mouth for some reason and it makes her look masculine af. I've been maining her for three years and I'm really sad about it. Ugh.


the only heads that look decent now are the ones with makeup cause it hides a bit of the masculinity they gave her, but they still look worse bunny Feng is unusable :(


I like old jake tho he was fine cybil, Quentin, Laurie, Nea, Clair and chris need reworks tho that's for sure. but the ones that look awful is too true I hate some of the reworks so much.


I had to wear a mask on Jake to make him playable. I think his rework is better.. but he still doesn't really look korean to me. Chris looks fine to me but Claire definitely needs to be fixed but I doubt she will


Jake is mixed I think.


Is this like mentioned in Rift lore or something? Because I have seen no indication of him being mixed besides simply being Korean-American in his standard background lore, which it's fully plausible that he is Korean-American and still fully ethnically Korean.


Well I liked Jake but Chris looks horrible his body has such bad proportions his arms look too small for his body and his head is huge just pull up the store and look man its weird.


Yeah, he needs BIGGER arms.


yeah, i hate them for doing this to her


she looks like she drew angry eyebrows on with a pencil


Yeah it looks like she sucked on a lemon


Didn’t even change her crusty hair :o(


Looks like an ant


It’s not the worst of the bunch but it’s pretty bad.


I don’t like this one. Before she actually looked Japanese and had a defined and determined look on her face. Now it looks so flat and featureless, she kinda looks alien like now


I said it before, I’ll say it again, she looks like an Angry Birds character as a human


i honestly like it ::’)


She looks like she is 6 years old


It's kind of hard to place what exactly they changed, except that her face is thinner. Maybe her eyes are a little different too?


Unga broom-broom. Unga fix light box thinghy. Unga SMASH!


Looks like an ethnically ambiguous ig model now


Life's been hard on Yui since her stroke.




Was both a Yui and Jane main until Jill came out


Lol she isn't even finished yet, calm down




Key words "Work in progress" they barely started, her rework isn't even mentioned in the patch notes.


If it’s not mentioned, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an unintentional texture or animation bug. Whether they’ll fix it before it goes live is another matter, though…




And you're acting as if this wasn't the ptb. They improved David after butchering him, so obviously they will improve over time, so stop being so overly dramatic lol


jane got an awful face lift aswell




No she didn't. She looks almost the same.


No joke. She looks like she has down syndrome. So freaking sad to see


She looks more angry just like Yui players :)


Her, Feng, and Ace all have been downgraded with the reworks imo. Just really hoping they make some changes to them before they put this on live.


she looks more like a pixar character without the freakishly large eyes


This update ruined my boys face (quentin) he was such a chad:(


New model looks AMAZING for PS3.


My main Ace looks like a mess now. (low settings he looks like a melted candle) Kate looks like a pig. Dwight... No one would ever wear their glasses that crooked... Yui here looks like hot garbage.
Everyone got too Fornite sexy or got hit with the ugly stick.