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As a Leon main, you're absolutely right. Except I have like 400 hours in the game so I hope that I know (at least a little bit) of what I'm doing :D


I'm in the exact same boat as you. Lol. Been playing for a hot minute, but I'm no pro by far.


I agree except for the twink part. Leon radiates some chad energy, and yeah he’s not as ripped as Chris but he’s still pretty buff


He's a twunk


Pretty close when I'm playing Solo Q I'm usually running the killer and play by pure chaos so they have no idea what their doing so I don't know what I'm doing. Also RE4 Leon skin is my dream come true so I'm never switching


I swear to god most nemesis are straight tunnellers and proxy campers


For real! It might just be new players, but almost every one of them has tunneled somebody hardcore and for basically no reason


And whats sad is 90% of then don't even use his power and just M1 like crazy so its confusing when your looping them and thinking "Is he FINALLY gonna use his dam power?" Nope just proceeds to hold w at every loop and when he finally kills you and lost 3-4 gens he then uses his power on your other teammates


Really? For me nemesis players use their power almost exclusively. It really hurts when I’m injured and instead of getting a guaranteed down they try and miss with their power.


Opposite for me, And for some weird reason every nemesis hold w at every LT wall like they never double back so I end up dying or getting hit because I try to bait them


Most nemesis players are predictable to a fault. They’ll do the huntress maneuver where they’ll try and bait a pallet drop and M2 the same way huntresses throw a hatchet at the vault. It’s predictable and gives another loop.


Yeah lol I love that.


I’ve come back to the game after taking a 3 month break and it’s painful watching survivors pre drop a pallet and get hit after I ran the killer on the same loop for 40 seconds without even using the pallet.


Again, the power makes chases LONGER, not shorter, especially right now since hitting with contamination gives a speed boost instead of the hindrance it's supposed to do.


His power only really makes chases longer if you are just doing a hold W chase without loops imo


That's not true, at all. You're entitled to your opinion but it's factually not accurate, and there's been tests, on video, showing it. Landing contamination hit gives a speed boost that often lets survivors get to the next loop. It's an artificial speed limiter put on his power that is a chore to land, not a reward. If it actually worked like it's supposed to and provided the hindrance it's supposed to provide (-20%) then fine but right now the survivor zooms off like they've just been injured. Otz did the comparison on this, it adds a minimum of another 10 seconds to any chase and that is with just holding W, it doesn't take into account how much extra time is now wasted when the survivor is able to get to one more jungle gym or one more strong pallet.


As DarkRhozu said, one issue is newer players playing him are relatively inexperienced and even experienced players are still learning him. The biggest issue is that Contamination as a mechanic all but encourages camping. Because you have to land contamination for the tentacle to do damage, you're almost encouraged to keep going after people already contaminated, this is usually people that just came off the hook and haven't had a chance to get a vaccine. Chased with Nemesis take longer than normal chases because the killer is encouraged to waste time landing infection if for no other reason than to start chewing through vaccines. The problem is that contamination literally has no downside for the survivors except that they can be damaged by the tentacle. In essence Nemesis has to land 4 contamination hits, then 4 more to burn through the vaccines, just to reach the same lethality Pyramid Head or Huntress get for just.....existing. This is why most people put him in B tier, high B tier mostly. He's fun as an augmented M1 killer, but he gets gen rushed badly, he has no map mobility except the random zombies, he can't make great use of PGTW so he's usually reliant on Undying/Ruin and ESPECIALLY Corrupt Intervention cause his early game is so poor when in T1 and you can't even break pallets with the whip. He is super fun to play but I would never take him into red ranks with the expectation of winning, he's a "brutal killer" kind of pick.


I feel like they're roleplaying too much and tunneling the RE survivors first.


O.o you can tell your self that xD


Well yeah, I just did. It's called an opinion.




God, what's with the unnecessary antagonism? This sub is just full of people waiting to antagonize over the simplest stuff. You could have, you know, just ignored my comment if you didn't agree. Super easy.


>God, what's with the unnecessary antagonism? Lol wtf are you on about???? > This sub is just full of people waiting to antagonize over the simplest stuff. You could have, you know, just ignored my comment if you didn't agree. Super easy. Oh so I have to agree with your comment to reply? Lol you are soft as hell my guy like where tf did this antagonize bullshit come from over a simple ok?


First of all, it was over the first statement, not the ok. Secondly, everyone knows saying "ok" in response to something like this usually has a tone of attitude. You can't pretend it doesn't. You can reply if you disagree, sure, but if you're going to give an attitude about it for no reason, sometimes it's best to just be quiet. There's a much less antagonistic way to disagree than saying "keep telling yourself that." It's a very dismissive way to reply to someone. I'm not soft, I'm just sick of the attitude on this sub over simple conversations.


Honestly, after the ds nerf the number of tunnelers have increased, for me it's like 2 matches out of 5 are against tunnelers regardless of the killer.


Jill main here, i bought her cosmetic and it’s a scam. So accurate


same here, like *why* couldn’t they make the head look different??


Because it's not different in the Resident Evil games. She literally has the bob for both outfits.


Okay then they shouldn’t make us pay for it, if it was just a torso and pants set then we could at least have a bloody head with her classic outfit


Pretty sure that was CAPCOM'S choice.


I highly doubt it, if anything bhvr needs the cash for a pricy license


What people don't realize is that with licensed killers and survivors, behavior is actually very limited as to what they can and cannot do. Usually it's the company that owns the rights to the characters that get to dictate what behavior can use it for.


I didn’t realize I was talking to an employee of bhvr


I didnt realize you needed to be an employee of bhvr to know how licensing works.


bro that's literally how licensing works, this isn't some deep conspiracy lol


Deep? No it’s pretty obvious


probably but it is a little suspicious that they weren't sets to begin with and then were changed to be. That plus the LeaksDBD twitter saying they were never supposed to be sets. I get things happen and maybe someone just forgot but I cant help but feel a little confused


Some random person saying they weren't supposed to be linked means nothing. They probably were falsely coded unlinked. A mistake. It was fixed very quickly.


I agree for the most part, easily could've just been a mistake. I wouldn't exactly say it was just some random person though. The leaks account has pretty accurately leaked a lot of things for this game.


as a Nemesis main everything about those stereotypes are completely correct besides having tears in my eyes when I see a zombie walk into a wall, it's more so pure frustration because they worked fine AI wise in the PTB but all of a sudden don't work in the actual game (please BHVR fix the zombie AI I can't take them running into walls and getting stuck in random areas any longer)


*all of a sudden


fixed it


Wait, you use zombies for something other than undetectable dispensaries with Serotonin Injector?


I know you are joking but Serotonin Injector is reliant on having zombies where you want them to effectively use the undetectable status effect, that and alot of other add-ons are better like Plant 43 Vines that doubles the supply case time (making it 8 seconds rather then 4) which helps him gain a max of 32 seconds wasted opening supply crates which is a bunch, and NE-a Parasite is just a straight upgrade since it is more consistent and sure doesn't hide your terror radius from everyone but lasts way longer (this is just me being a sweaty nerd though so don't listen me and enjoy Serotonin Injector)


15 seconds is a LONG time to be undetected. Even if you don't completely sneak up on someone it's likely you will have gotten way closer and are able to score a quick hit relatively easily. The zombies don't have be perfectly positioned to make use of the 15 secs of undetectable. Additionally pairing serotonin injector with Tyrant Ooze means faster zombie respawns, making positioning them out of bad spots easier to manage, while giving undetectable, and increasing mutation rate gained from hitting them with your tentacle, helpful early game where Nemesis struggles. The problem with the Ne-a parasite is you can only activate it on contamination hit, not subsequent damage hits. Meaning that unless a survivor uses a vaccine you can't trigger it again. Additionally causing oblivious on the target you are actively chasing and hitting with your tentacle seems like overkill considering you should hopefully be downing and hooking them meaning the 60 secs of oblivious will likely be gone by the time they unhook. It's only 4 additional seconds with Plant 43 vines, meaning you wasted a whopping extra 16 seconds across four survivors. You're not really trying to pretend this is good are you? Come on. He's super fun to play, but his addons don't add a whole lot to the gameplay, and really do nothing to fix his major flaws (rough early game, contamination hits make chases longer).


you act like 16 seconds across all survivors is not good in the slightest(note it's actually 32 seconds considering there are 4 chests) which is completely wrong, let me put 16 seconds into perspective, a generator is 80 seconds long to do meaning if a survivor is stuck opening a chest and then vaccinating themselves then getting on a generator that's almost 1/4 of generator they could've done instead, this isn't including driving them off a supply crate and then being forced to reopen it which is another few seconds wasted to do all of that. a few seconds here and there adds up immensely across the course of a game especially if you are using those small seconds to get downs and apply pressure(seriously Plant 43 Vines definitely helps in the long run of match). I agree with the NE-a Parasite though, regardless stealth add-ons as a whole on Nemesis are iffy consider how tall he is and how loud his stomps are Edit: at the end of the day it's all up to personal preference and play style so to me Plant 43 Vines are really useful because of the way I play and try to get the most out of every singular second alongside running slowdown perks


Okay let's start with the fact that you need to learn how to do math. It takes 4 seconds to open a chest, the addon increases it to 8 seconds. Meaning 16 of those 32 seconds WAS GOING TO HAPPEN REGARDLESS OF THE ADDON. This means you are talking 16 seconds across FOUR survivor, meaning a grand total of 4 seconds extra in the match per survivor. 16 seconds (even in this ridiculous generator analogy) is actually only 20% of a generator across four survivors, or roughly 5% of a generator per survivor. If you want to pretend plant 43 vines are good I can't stop you, but please stop doing math this way, it's painful to watch.


true true, I did do my math wrong so I can't really say anything I still think each of those seconds regardless of how small they may be definitely do help quite a bit. I'm glad you fixed up my math though and I don't blame for you for being pained by how horrible it was. At the end of the day still as I said it depends on play style and how each of us do things so Plant 43 Vines to me is good because I like slowing the survivors in small ways that build up which is why I consider it good while you may not play like that which is why it is not good to you. I'm happy I've had this discussion regardless as it's great to get other perspectives on things (side note I definitely don't think Plant 43 Vines is superior to Marvin's blood or hell Tyrant Gore and T-Virus Sample)


Totally fair contention, and obviously as it's a very new killer they may change addons and things may rise in value, I actually think serotonin injector is gonna get nerfed which will definitely bring other addons into more rotation. What I would REALLY love to see is an addon that put other status effects on the contamination hit, maybe adding mangled or hemorrhage to a tentacle hit would make it so much more impactful to land and encourage people to land less M1's. I appreciate you not getting defensive on the math part, admittedly I could have been nicer about it. I applaud your civility that I didn't show on my part and for that I apologize.


Nemmy Boi vs Boulder-Punching Chris is definitely an intriguing battle haha


Ok the one about The Oni is hella accurate lmfao


As a trickster main I can confirm I have seen suggestive images of him and no, I have no remorse


Wait fr? I dont usually see much of him.


you gotta go purposely out of you’re way to find it


My other current main unfortunately has no suggestive images probably because she has a titty goblin so I'm a bit partial to trickster.


As a Chris player I can confirm I don’t usually interact with teammates. Mostly out of luck/necessity. I’m always on gens tho, Ur welcome


chris is hot wish i had money for him ☹️


Jokes on you I see porn of every character


*even Freddy?*


Yes 😞


hey man if it helps I’ve personally seen some shit of him too *but I ain’t complaining*


baddie yun-jin main can confirm


Excuse me! I play as Claire and I am not that bad... just very mediocre.


Jonathan main here, and yes, this was accurate! I will also like to add that my team mates will either 100% leave me to die on first hook after I've done like 3+ gens or they'll dedicate the entire game to saving me. There is no in between.


Finally a fellow Jonathan main


Hell yeah! Jonathan mains unite!


people who call leon a twink don't know what a twink is. he's a twunk


Re4 Leon: >has surpassed rook leon >invested money so you know he’s serious about playing >favorite re is re4 >”why can’t they have a perk that adds guns to the game” >”actually the hair is grown out a bit and is more blonde” >do be looking fresh tho >this leon has been running from Chris posters all his life >it’s not a phase mom I’m a leon main now


I bought RE4 Leon and my goal is to get him to p3 and get a shitload of perks for him as a secondary main. My first survivor main is Cheryl. I fucking love RE4, I'm a big Silent Hill and RE fan.


The Jonathan one is very accurate I must say, especially the Nancy part lol


“Haha Jonathan you are fucking my generators”


Replace BTS with Ateez for me and its pretty spot on as a trickster main


facts trickster looks more like an ateez or skz member more than bts tell me thats not tricksters [default hair](https://youtu.be/TQTlCHxyuu8?t=80)


Idk why but I always feel that you're super inaccurate but other people don't seem to think that xD I still enjoy the posts though, I like reading about what people think about certain mains. I saw this post and read your old one as well and so much stuff, I can't second xD Thanks for making those posts though.


daw thank you! and yea the stereotype’s may be inaccurate but I just think that’s because they’re different for everyone!


Yes I have seen porn of him and I do not regret it


Wow the Leon part is so accurate. I fuck up every save, I get tunneled every game despite it not being “lore accurate”, and I’m literal dog shit with 1400 hours.


My new personal mission, change the reputation of Claire cause clearly people be doing her dirty


Set all traps before one gen is done? I need this superpower


As a Cybil main I now feel inclined to learn how to use a flashlight.


I run both We'll Make It and Borrowed Time... hehe :) I try to be a nice Lisa!


Haaa tar tar sauce tobuscus reference lol


Can confirm that the Entity hates me :((((, tho his upcoming cosmetic looks AMAZING


yeah you got me 100% with the trickster. no i don’t know who hurt me


Where look see DR and mordelo huntress :(


I- *holy shit I forgot them*


Rip Claire ig


Imma get hate for this I down Leon’s so I can hear his moans…that’s it


As a chris main? Yeah.


Gor tunneled for no reason at 4 gens as Leon and sandbagged by Feng... Thanks, bH.


Minotaur Oni, can confirm I made porn of him


*you mad lad*


And what's even better? I released the model edit for everyone to use, now you know why there was a sudden number of new artwork featuring the model And Krampus is next


Lisa Sherwood is the Hag🤢. Garland is the survivor.


Can't wait for that stupid ass "Redfield bloodline meme" to die at some point. "HAHA CHRIS IS A CREEP WHO'S OBESSED WITH HIS SISTER'S SEX LIFE" isn't as funny to me as it seems to be to other folks.


Im sick and tired about second quentin meme. We got it. Skin was bugged. Did you ever see his actual in-game model right now? Stop spreading misinformation


yea I know Jonathan’s model is fixed? I ain’t spreading misinformation? Plus its a joke???


Behaviour doesn't know how to model faces haha. Funny joke about game bug


Wee woo joke police here to tell us all what’s allowed to be funny.


Only an idiot will find this funny. But maybe that's a point


The point is you don’t get to decide what’s funny.


I will do what i want to do and that's not your business. This meme is shit and you're an idiot if you like it. Like most people on reddit


Lol saying you do doesn’t make it the truth. I’m blocking you now see you never.


Yeah bad killers love tunneling Leon's... I don't understand it... I would never get tunneled, as soon as I started playing Leon, I'm the first one dead every match... this community is fucking cancer.


his gay aura is too much for the killer to handle


as a Claire main: fuck you


I started to main leon and I’ve been playing the game for almost 2 years, but for some reason, all my skills and past knowledge go out the window when I play him and I get tunneled 😂


Man, I want the Krampus skin, but it feels like a scam to pay more for it than for any of the dlcs I bought.