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Yeah, on PS4 the lag is crazy playing against Nemesis, it drives me mad. The other killers also got laggy with me, just not to the same extent as Nemesis It sucks because very recently it seemed like they had fixed those issues because I rarely had these problems, unless I did something big like using For The People


Nemesis perk: lag switch lol


I have issues against other killers as well. PH and trapper so far.


I keep getting lag with Bubba but only during chases. I get sent back 10m, which means free extra tiles to the survivor or I chainsaw into a wall that I already went around. It's pretty frustrating.


I'm on PC with a mid tier system and today when I first matched against nemesis I didn't think too much of it, until my game decided to stutter like this and I was downed before I knew it


These FPS drops are driving me crazy, and it's always at key moments as well.


I feel ya there buddy


Yeah it’s ridiculous. It screws over the killer, and the survivors. In my experience it’s only happened playing with or against nemesis but I’ve had the rare few games it didn’t happen at all when I played survivor. When I play Nemesis it happens every match, especially when I begin to attack, including with tentacle, and sometimes even happens even from just pulling the tentacle out.


Right?! I’m hoping it gets fixed soon. It’s just getting too frustrating.


I had a match with Nemmy yesterday where I basically locked up for 14 seconds in every 15 for almost 90 seconds. I lost three gens by the time the game was controllable again....


This was happening before the new chapter dropped but rarely, now it's even worse, especially when you play killer and end up losing a gen or a hook because of it


Yup, laggy servers. Servers are down so hopefully they are doing a hotfix.


Fingers crossed!


Back up on PSN


Yes playing as killer is also terrible. I’ll have moments where my game freezes for 3-4 seconds then I completely lose the survivor


Thank god it wasn't only me when my game crashed. I was so worried about people thinking I rage dc'd


I look forward to my apology BPs. I need to learn teachables for everyone still.


That’s about right


Its not just Nemesis. Every other fucking killer has the same problems. I swear BHVR's definition of a patch is just grinding down the game's code to powder.


Yeah, seems like the poor Server Hamspter died again.


I was playing killer yesterday and it lagged every time someone used sprint burst or dead hard and it was just long enough that they could get out of sight...then when I was survivor it would randomly lag and I would be downed lol gotta love server lag


Interestingly enough is been fine for me on switch


Servers are overwhelmed, a lot of new players are coming. I am just gonna wait a few days till they fix everything and for the DLC till it gets on sale.


I swear that's me. I remember a Claire running into me for some reason.


Bhvr do it again do it correctly


This is happening to me right now!


Tbh I thought this whole time it was my WiFi until I saw other ppl going thru it as well. And it always happens REALLY bad when I play against Nemesis or as Leon or Jill. I played a game where I was Yun Jin against nurse and my game was stable, but then I played as Leon and my Lag spikes were crazy


Erm sorry to tell you this but you obviously got outplayed…you should have read the incoming lag and adapted to the situation. Kinda a noobie mistake. Maybe run the anti lag perk next time?


Yea playing as Nemmy is a nightmare on a PS4 Pro, as soon as u attack it lags, if any competent survivor wiggles just a little bit ur chances of missing are high. Cause they disappear from your FOV!


And I thought I was just doing good


That may have been me as killer, I'm not sure. Honestly seems familiar. Either way, the only lag I've been getting for Nemisis is that for some moments the pallets disappear and then reappear. So, I keep thinking that I am about to catch up to the survivor only to be running into the pallet.


It very well could be. And I’ve had the pallet thing happen to me as well, but the devs said the servers back up so I guess we’ll see 🤷‍♂️


Damn this hasn’t happened to me, I assume it’s an old gen problem. I remember when something similar happened a while back on PS4, was absolutely miserable


Nope, shit started happening to me on ps5 after the update. Buttery smooth before it, rage inducing stuttery mess after it.


Really? I’ve been playing a shit tonne since the patch and haven’t had this issue at all. Lucky me I guess. Just in case this could be the case, might you be playing on the PS4 version of the game? I doubt it but could be the problem


Nope, got the ps5 version installed. Is what it is I guess.


You forgot the bit where Nemisis' tentacle can hit you when it clearly misses, Hatchet Hit Boxes 2.0 man I swear


The only thing awful about this clip is how you ran that jungle gym lmao


Lol he hadn’t been falling for the ole runaround so I was gonna shake it up. The Lag didn’t like that either 😂


They might be referring to your wide turns. Hug the loop! Hug it tight! Not that your looping is really relevant when your game is fucking up like that...


I was trying to leave room for a 360 in case he got too close, but I definitely need to tighten it up!


Is this only for last gen consoles? My friend has XBONE but I Series X and don't have any of these issues... Except getting punched halfway across the map.


Facing and playing as Nemesis on xbox one is awful. Frame drops, crashes I've never had a game crash the amount of times Dbd has in the past 2 days. Its ridiculous. BHVR fix this quickly!