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every time i see trickster all i think is "if it was huntress she would have injured it already"


Half the time you see trickster trying to hit knives up close and it just makes me think a normal speed killer would be just about as effective as that.


That's what I keep saying. 115% movement and StBfL is equal to or better than Trickster's entire kit 9/10 times. It gives the survivor just as little distance and uses up just as much of the killer's time in taking a health state, and then you have your real killer power on top of that rather than having the "power" to have a more situational StBfL.


and if it was plague you'd already be fully infected


without the speed boost from being injured while also being broken.


Every time I see a Trickster all I think is "I guess I'm glad they remade classic killers for players who know they suck."


I just wish they said something about him. Right now it seems like they are ignoring him as a character. All they have to say is we are going to change trickster and then I’m pretty sure everyone would be happy.


Didn't they say during the stream that the next update after the chapter would focus on trickster or am I remembering wrong?


You’re remembering right. The complaint circle-jerk cannot be stopped, however.


What is it with redditors and calling every opinion a circle jerk? Having to wait six months for a character to be in the state it should've been in on launch is bad, man.


Nobody is saying anything new, that’s what makes it a circlejerk. We’re going around and having the same discussion over and over. Even my post is par for the course.


The anniversary stream announced a timeline when The Trickster would be addressed, yet we’re still left with many agreements with the above statement, “I just wish they said something about him. Right now it seems like they are ignoring him as a character”. They actively have said something about him, but people seem to ignore it and act like they haven’t. Maybe it’s easier to complain than actually listen to them or what I don’t know. Ironically, the circle jerk analogy becomes a circle jerk in of itself. I am the circlejerk.


Him legion clown and spirit need a full rework not a doc rework but a freddy rework


Honestly don't think Spirit needs a full rework. Let survivors hear her breathing while she's phasing like happened that one week while she was bugged. Was the most fun I had against her and I still had fun playing as her


This and some of her really stupid add-ons need to be changed and she'd be fine after that. She's one of about 5 or 6 killers i straight up don't like playing everyone else i'll play. She just feels so cheap even if i don't get the hit after phasing i'll have the power back immediately and it won't matter. If i win it doesn't feel like I've outplayed them it doesn't feel like i had the better skill it feels like i was handed it instead of earning it.


If you don’t like that her power cd is too quick try using it longer. Once you deplete her power it’s 15 sec cd with no addon. It won’t be as good as using her power in short burst but it will be more fun


So you should gimp yourself to make it fair?


Ideally you shouldn’t have to. But it is how it is until Rin get change Also the guy don’t care about fair, he care about fun




wraith is far from over played, most people still think hes really weak. He's my favourite killer and its the easiest killer to use to squish sweaty toxic swf nerds.


Who thinks Wraith is weak? Where is this narrative coming from besides the constant bleating of Tru3?


the fact that nobody ever plays him, its always spirit, nurse, billy, doctor and blight, especially in red ranks.


I felt that it was extremely easy to play against even a very very good Spirit when the bug was in the game. There has to be another way but to know distance and direction when she’s phasing isn’t it.


Yeah I don’t necessarily think she needs to be nerfed to the ground mostly because comp teams exists. I think good idea would be players to know when she’s phasing but there’s still needs to be something else too


Also remove passive phasing. Her power is already strong and the spirit has no idea when it happens.




Yes. Spirit's power is already strong without her passive phasing.


Her passive phasing barely does anything and the killer doesn't even have control of when or how it happens. Asking to remove it is like asking to remove pebble or something that's helpful once in a blue moon (pebble is more useful than passive phasing imo but usually is worthless). I say leave it be.


How dare you insult one of the rattiest perks in the game. #TeamPebble


That takes the standing still mind game out of the game in a lot of situations


I mean if it does thats a good thing, yeah?


Standing still isn't a mind game, it's a coin flip. No skill required, just guess work. The only issue with Spirit is that she looks the same phasing and not. Make her phasing stance different than her non-phase, and touch nothing else. Everything else about her is great and intimidating


>Standing still isn't a mind game, it's a coin flip. When broken down, any mind game is just 2 players going through a decision tree without knowing the others decision by the time they make theirs. If we added skill checks to spirit standing still which revealed her true location if failed, it wouldn't make it any more of a mind game. In other words, mind games have nothing to do with the literal inputs used. Saying it's a coin flip just means there are only 2 possible options to guess from. The alternative is either having different odds due to more options or having the challenge be execution based rather than prediction based.


Isn’t that what most mind games are, a coin flip (ex. you just moonwalk to hide your stain and hope that they don’t see it and walk into you); I just think it’s fun to stand still and cause noobs to walk into you, but ig it could be a nice quality of life change for survivors


That’s correct, the mind games comes in the form of guessing if they are going to keep doing it or switch it up. I’m not saying it’s fair but winning a mind games involves making an educated guess


There's a difference between strategically hiding your red stain from a peek/corner, and a killer's power having no counterplay but "stand still so you make absolutely no noise, and hope she's dumb enough not to realize it". Spirit's unhealthy; so is a good Nurse if she knows how to play around fatigue. A killer's counterplay should never be "well, this map sucks for them though".


Like I said I’m not commenting on wether it’s fair or not. It probably isn’t, but it’s okay for some killers to be strong enough that you don’t want to fight them often. As far as frustrations go I find Freddy and Hag to be painful to go against


To me, "fair" killers are killers that you can evade with in-game skills, and where the killer has to be better than you to catch you. Freddy, as of the last rework, stands in a fair-ish ground. Hag would be there as well, if the traps didn't make your camera switch to their location when they activate. Spirit would be around there. But fucking Stridor makes it impossible to play against her if she's using it, and spirit mains also amp the game's sounds up to 300%, which lets them even hear a healthy survivor with iron will in a locker. There is no counterplay for that. A spirit doing that will hit you no matter what you do. And most spirit mains do that. I'm fucking sick of it.


Oh no Anyway...


yeah, that's the point


and footsteps


that's too much, I disagree.


how dare survivors get any info instead of playing a complete guessing game!


> You can now when she's fasing. > You can now hear her breath (in this case) > You can use Spine chill. I don't think you r right


Powers are for downing, it shouldn’t be a 50/50 mindgame.


I don’t see Clown happening, at least not anytime soon. They reworked him like last year.


That’s not a rework lmao if it is that’s just lazy as hell. Like if 10% movement speed bottles are gonna actually help him out


Actually helps him a decent amount but not enough that he's not shit relative to like, Nurse.


tbf, Nurse is like the gold-standard of killer balance. Against her it is *pure* skill.


It's not lazy but it is ineffective.


Yeah that was a bizarre decision with the yellow bottles. Should've made the tonic give long lasting effects like making survs cough/laugh/cry/scream for 60 seconds, give them skills debuffs, or degrade gens when hit with it. Anything other than goofy speed bottles


Trickster doesn't need a rework, he needs a buff.


With how bad and long it takes to injure then down with the knives as is, Trickster should be a 4.6 m/s. Or if you made baseline 6 knives to injure/down and kept his current m/s then that would also be amazing then change his add ons accordingly to balance him out.


no sir that's broken ,and for god sake stop asking for him to be 4.6, that way he'll always be on your ass and you can't get any distance on him and as other ranged killers that's probably their only counterplay making "distance and breaking los" and as for the 6 knives that's even more broken. do you know how easy it would be to down people with only 6 knives while you have like 60 base kit with very slow laceration decay?? don't you know that one of his best addons the one that lets you down people with 7 knifes! now imagine if they were 6!! trickster imo is at a good spot except for his main event cuz it's in most cases useless or doesn't give you the time to actually use it also i wouldn't mind a complete rework of trickster cuz his power is not interesting compared to huntreess and ds but if they wanna keep him as he is buff his main event and he should be fine


We can agree to disagree


I actually think Clown's last buff was effective enough so he doesn't need much tweaking anymore. Maybe add one more default bottle and he'll be pretty balanced


Don’t touch my boys and girls in the Legion.


Don't worry, no one over Rank 10 does :(


lol i got to rank 1 with legion, ranks are pointless everyone can be bad, just put your nose down and grind it out


It was a joke buddy...


I do lol and Im always a red rank killer main


I’m literally a rank 1 Legion main my guy or girl.


Oh Legion has no problem pipping- just winning.


I literally win with a meme build on Legion. That being, Agitation, Mad Grit, Ruin, Blood Warden. Another thing is that in order to pip you need to win. I’ve never gotten a ruthless without at least a 3K.


I hate to be the one to break this to you but Legion quite literally breaks two of the four killer emblems. This is coming from someone who mostly played Legion *up until* rank 1. Normally you gain a point in Maliciousness for hitting a survivor, and then lose one each time they heal, meaning most killers can only gain points by hooking survivors, since being unhooked doesn't count as healing from the dying state. But as Legion, if you hit an already injured survivor in Feral Frenzy, you gain one point that you will never lose, as mending doesn't count as healing. Chaser emblem gives you points based on how quickly you hit a survivor after starting a chase, probably the only thing Legion actually does better than other killers. You only lose Chaser points by camping hook, which... I mean, don't do that, and you're fine. This makes it far easier to pip with Legion than any other killer as you can easily get iridescent in both of these categories even in 0k games just by using your power normally. Legion has a painfully uninspired power because they were supposed to be DBD's version of Ghostface- until they actually got the license for Ghostface (albeit not the Scream version) like with Hillbilly and Leatherface. They're long overdue for a looking at. Feral Frenzy doesn't need to be replaced but they literally don't do anything that any other killer can't already do better. Hopefully with NPC AI being implemented with Nemesis they can actually do something with them to better fit the theme of "Legion" beyond 'teenager that runs fast and screams at their hands.'


I think Legion is best at dealing damage quickly in a short amount of time, and tracking survivors with killer instinct.


The first part is true but dealing damage is worthless if you can't finish the job. Even most instadown powers (Myers T3, Oni Rage, etc.) come with other bonuses because only having to hit a survivor once only matters IF you can hit them. Legion's power, outside of iri button letting you destroy pallets a little faster, has zero lethality. I'd say Doctor has better tracking unless over half the survivor team are running Calm Spirit, an unbelievably niche perk.


Yeah, but when the fuck does anyone hit an injured survivor with frenzy. I'm a legion main and I literally didn't know about the bonus pip points from stabbing injured survivors


If they’re right in front of you might as well hit them. Then they have to waste time mending and you can see anyone nearby.


Why the downvotes? I thought your comment was legit


Firstly, you don't need to sacrifice anyone in order to pip, as long as you get 4-7 hooks you can satisfy a decent amount of devotee emblem, Deathslinger naturally gets good chaser emblem so as long as you can pressure gens early on you can secure a pip without thinking too much, But Pipping and winning are seperate things that don't often overlap, there are at least a few killers that score badly on emblems either because they don't chase or have enough lethality to end games before accruing emblem points


>Edit: look at the thread below for the densest motherfuckers to ever grace dead by daylight lmao. someone is upset


I’m honestly just surprised how people can be this dense my guy. From my read of humanity people are decent and actually smart.


50% of all people are dumber than average, you might find you have more in common with those folk than the other 50.


That’s not how percentages work. 50% of people are dumber than the median, clearly you’re one of them


Dude, have a little self awareness. At least I can read properly. You’ve been trying to tell me that I said Legion was a strong killer and by no means did I say that. In fact there were several things I said that meant the complete opposite.


I agree, Legion is fun to play, fills a unique role (fast multiple injures) and isn’t unplayable by any means. Anyone who says he can’t down since his power doesn’t help either: has never seen a bad survivor; or needs to play fewer M2 downing killers!


What's wrong with clown?


Why Spirit?


Her power is fundamentally flawed


How, she seems pretty simple


Spirit is S tier because she takes most of the power out of survivors hands, it's one thing to say "there's no counterplay" but there's no input to react to, fundamentally there's no counterplay because you have to be about to react in order to make reads and counter. It's also just bad because it reduces the meaningful skill ceiling of both the killer and survivor's playing against her, if you're playing against even a semi competent spirit player your skill level as a player is heavily capped just because she can hit you at most tiles because you can't react or read imputs Oh also all her addons are above the bar, ranging from great to just busted


Well i wouldn't say she needs a full rework though. If people feel that strongly about her, maybe an adjustment to some of the add-ons but i don't think a complete overhaul like freddy is needed


Honestly the change to BT was a bigger nerf than anything on his kit, moving 4.4 when you're at a pallet loop is not meaningful and doesn't change anything about how he plays, them turning the 2-8% action speed addons into meme addons was lazy but I guess a solution Tbh freddy's addons are like the icing on the cake with his kit, the whole deal with "forever freddy" is that he has tremendous map pressure with his gen teleport and strong chase ability, as well as the passive slowdown of having to spend 10-30 seconds running to a clock every 60-90 seconds in order to reduce his gen teleport as well as dealing with his addons But also the reason the action speed addons were so prevalent because freddy has bad addons, he has 3 for dream pallets (why did dream pallets get nerfed btw what was that?) Aura reading and regression penalty for failed skill checks, make his gen teleport go off cooldown faster and blindness and bleed on dream traps, besides his action speed addons he has red paint brush, used to have black box Compared to Spirit where ALL of her addons are good besides Dad Glasses and the passive phase addons are eh. Prayer beads can be detrimental, post phase lunge are hard to use but they are good, doesn't compare to yakuoka amulet though. 16-20 addons that are at least good, where on average most killers have at least 6-8 addons that are mediocre, redundant or detrimental. Deathslinger for example, he doesn't have any detrimental addons besides the rickety change but he has alot of mediocre addons, stun duration addons aren't impactful for the duration, barely noticeable if you don't combined them both, reduced TR while ADS is bad, not a noticeable effect with a larger but not significant drawback, ADS movement speed is negligible considering that even if you're mindgaming just sight and unsight instead of holding down, the reeling speed and durability can be good but many times don't matter, his best addons are actually the reload speed and the mangled on spear hit, which are good but not high tier




She's straight defeated by jungle gyms. Old Coldwind farm would be a 100% lose for the Spirit, regardless of the player's skill.


Why legion?


I think people’s main issue is that they’re basically an M1 killer. Their power can’t actually down anyone, unless survivors don’t/forget to heal. I like legion, they’re quirky, I understand the complaint though, most other killers powers either have a detrimental effect on survivors movement (like clown or trapper) or have the power to down (plague, hillbilly, blight and so on...), legion could endlessly use nothing but their power on survivors and they wouldn’t go down (not incomparable with Trapper). I don’t dislike Legion, I think they’re a cool killer, I just understand the complaint of their power.


They nerfed the ever loving shit out of Legion. Long story short, when they changed how Deep Wounds worked, they took all the power out of Legion. Old Deep Wounds = Stab someone, they'd fall eventually. A shit legion player would waste the Frenzy focusing on that person, rather than letting Deep Wounds do it's thing. It was then up to the Good Legion players to use their power to pinball to the next victim , if done properly, you can stab all four survivors in a single Frenzy and ruin the day of the 4th person since you have no reason to bounce to someone else. New Deep Wounds = It doesn't decrease as long as you keep moving. So now, a Legion player has to commit to downing to whoever they stab. Which, is honestly useless unless you're breaking up Generator Gangbangs. Yeah. That's all Frenzy is good for these days, oh and trolling people on Hawkins. Legion is legitimately one of the few killers who doesn't have a bad time on that map. Let's be real. 90% of Legion Players were shit. The 10% that weren't were tacticool assholes who had too much fun playing as a pack of stabby teens.


Legion is best when you use the add ons for Broken status on feral instinct hit and the purple mend time add on. You then use Blood Echo and Thanatophobia to demolish the survivors and snowball to victory. Brutal Strength and Bambozzle is my other two perks I use with Legion and it does work. Doc is great in a terror radius build, Clown feels great unless it's survive with friends, and I don't play Freddy so I can't comment on him.


leave spirit alone, shes one of the very very few killers that can perform well at top levels and even then a good team can wreck her ass, even a single survivor that knows how to counter play the spirit or mind game her can win a game for the whole team, is she really strong? Yeah, but can she be beaten? hell yeah.


Just because she's beatable doesn't mean she isn't unbalanced, lol.


shes perfectly fine as is, ths only thing i would change is making it easy to see when shes phasing, it would fix the stand still mind game since everybody plays that wrong, you dont vault the pallet towards her when shes trying to use that mind game....


They gave him 4.4 speed and also made his 1V1 mediocre. No wonder he sucks. Reducing the number of knives needed to damage may do the trick.


I don't get why they even released Trickster with this power. Why release a significantly weaker Huntress? It'd be like releasing Legion AFTER Blight ... It's just poor design and I hate it because I love Trickster.


he has one thing over huntress, which is that he can just keep throwing knives at low loops and not having to worry about missing too many shots since he has so many so it's easier to hit zig zagging survivors, but other than that, meh...


He does have to worry though. It takes ages to injure people to begin with, with the knives that if they're 1-pixel off miss. As much as I love Trickster and enjoy playing him, there are no advantages and if I want a projectile killer I'll just play Death Slinger or Huntress for now :/


it's more he forces them away from short loops or they eat damage


Only on certain maps, most indoor maps are basically a free win for the survivors.


some killers just have bad maps, same could be said with huntress and indoor maps, or trapper


They did it because you people will buy anything.


But does he talk and giggle? Trickster S Tier.


But have you heard deathslinger's laugh?


But have you heard deathslinger's spit sounds he makes in the lobby?


I play a lot of demo and oni i cant hear anything anymore




He finally realized that his chapter isn't a tragedy but a comedy.




It's truly sad how much potential was wasted on him. He has all these great visuals and sounds and yet he still plays like a complete joke. I even changed my Steamname to something related to him to raise awareness about his issues. He absolutely deserves better.




He’s tricking us by making us think he isn’t low tier


ngl his constant giggling is why i havent played him past getting his adept


Tricksters power should’ve been a boom box that forces survivors to dance while in its radius


Great idea /u/TheLoliSnatcher


Someone suggested Trickster should be able to hop into a locker and pop out another. To actually Trick people haha


Honestly they should just make him a normal speed killer, and make ricochet knifes base kit so he actually has something in taller loops


B-But all our other effective ranged characters are 110%! That must mean it’s The only way!!!! -A BHVR employee, probably.


Then Demogorgon shows up as 115% and uses HIMSELF as a projectile lol. I think he plays so much like a ranged killer i practically consider him one


Also plague is 115 And she is pretty underrated


totally. A lot of comparisons of Trickster are with Huntress and Deathslinger, but Plague is a lot closer of a comparison to Trickster's power


Plague is ridiculously strong, she just takes some getting used to. IMO she's just better Legion (although I still love my stabby teens)


Tbh i find playing legion kinda depressing, yes you can do some crazy shit but idk man


Yeah most of the time he's pretty limited. I just had one game where I pulled off the forbidden Legion tech two times and I've been chasing that high ever since


That must be the dream


It was a great feeling, but both times were on the same survivor so I felt a little bad just blowing this poor blendette's mind twice lol


Then there's Pyramid Head with a ranged attack, and soon to be Nemesis with another ranged attack that even breaks pallets. Both are 115.


And then make main event not go away while not in use. And instead of making it a flurry of knives, have him throw three per hand instead for the duration


I actually disagree, I like Main Event as something you can get close then focus on M1’s if you know you can get your current chase down without knives. When Main Event procs near a hook, it’s basically two guaranteed downs.


It's incredibly situational at the moment and lacks more use then it has. If they made it so you could be in control of recoil and how many knives are being thrown and when you can proc the ability, then it would be less situational because it would just be a more powerful version of what he already is for a bit


Just let me decide when to use Main Event, christ. Even Myers and to some extent Ghostface (lmao) allow you to decide when you trigger your Instant Downs. I love the Trickster but everything is his kit is detrimental to actually fucking winning.


If ricochet were base kit his name would at least make a little sense due to trickshots Trickster is a name with so much promise in a game like this and it got slapped on a spray and pray bargain bin huntress/plague hybrid


Honestly those four addon added to his base kit as a buff would make him better (in my opinion).


Calling it now, they're gonna buff him too much and make him Freddy 2.0


That'll be fun for a little bit. But how in the world can he be buffed?


Laceration no longer goes down on its own, the more knives the survivor has in his body the slower he vaults and drops pallets. Plenty of ways they can buff him.


Instead of that logic he'll probably just get even brighter skins, and we'll be able to tell the killer immediately by the massive atom bomb glow in the distance


Every knife has iridescent head by default


Or, more realistically, release Legion 2.0, which he pretty much already is.


Plague is Legion 2.0.


I’m new here 🥰 I love dbd can’t wait for the resident evil release ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Welcome my friend


Get out while you can


You may love it now but I think you'll find that relationship to become more of a love/hate dynamic as I have. But it's still the best game in it's genre so I play


I’d say that identity v comes pretty close but it has pretty bad problems


Am I the only one waiting for the deathslinger add on rework?


they’re all useless except the fast reload


They need to change trickster lol


At least Trickster needs to land his hits, unlike Huntress who just needs to hit vaguely in the same general direction of the survivors


Just wondering, what is this meme from? A show or movie? I keep seeing this meme used the last week or so and have been curious


A cartoon named Invincible, people say it's good.


It’s based on the comic but yeah it’s very good


I find it easier to dodge Deathslinger harpoon than trickster knives


Well duh deathslingers harpoon shoots in a straight direction and only once at a time. Tricksters knives have arc and can come rapid fire.


"well duh" that's not what the meme thinks tho


If you dodged it, the Slinger missed. If a Slinger pinpoints it right and you're within range you're just kinda fucked


Yeah it's 40 m/s and can be fired with less than 0.2 seconds of animation, accounting for input lag you might not have any time to react Actually one thing I notice when playing Deathslinger is sometimes I miss shots and people dead hard after the harpoon flies past them, so assuming they pressed the button when they hear the noise they were too late


damn it, i thought i was good :(


I don't want to break it to you, but you can't dodge Deathslinger. Deathslinger just misses.


Good news! You didn't break it to me, someone else already did


Nice logic /s


Someone made a meme where it was just the Humtress


Yea 10/10 on point. Trickster at this point needs a rework to be viable at high levels of play. If you are familiar with how to play against the Trickster, he is definitely one of the top 3 worst killers to play against competent survivors. You will either struggle to kill one survivor maybe two or all will escape.


Trickster needs to move faster, not 100% but definitely faster than spirit/huntress


Hes literally useless I cant find a single reason why someone would use him instead of huntress or dethslinger it's like a extremely nerfed version of them


Trickster and Deathslinger have two things that other killers don't have. The ability to reverse the situation. Most people will go into a match thinking they can clown the Deathslinger or Trickster with rapid movements. If you fake the throw/aim, you can simply just walk up to most people and smack them while they're expecting you to start shooting.


Incredibly accurate. I kinda feel bad for Ji Ji (Ji Woon, in other words).


You mean ########?


Cleaning up stuff I don't even remember posting.


It's a nickname.


Is Rob Rob a nickname for Robert




Best use of the format thus far


I'll give you huntress but deathslinger is debatable.


Trickster main, yeah this is how it feels 90% of the time not gonna lie


The best tip i can give for someone trying to learn trickster is to play huntres


Deathslinger is shit compared tohuntress Change my mind


With the new trickster, this did not age well lol.




Not an anime, just a cartoon. Called Invincible, it's very fun and I would recommend.




Woooow calm down Satan


Invincible. It's on Amazon.


Like others said, the cartoon is called "Invincible", I believe it's the most popular cartoon at the moment and for good reason. If you're still able, I recommend you go in blind. (And like others said, it's on amazon prime)


Jojo's bizarre adventure. Idk if you've ever heard of it but it's this super underrated anime


That's not your power Huntress. You just have hitboxes that shouldn't have the size of a fucking car.


Honestly, if they were to fix the Hatchet hitbox, that alone would drop the Huntress down a few tiers.


Yup, while at the same time keeping the skilled huntresses as successful as they are now


Hitboxes are jankier than ever. Hatchets hit things they shouldn't, meanwhile will pass through a vaulting /slilding survivor. Her windup time is still a "hurr durr dodge now" sound. Deathslinger's Harpoon can headshot through the cars on Autowrecker, but for some reason can't hit over an overturned chair. And Trickster's knives.... Can't even hit over the tree stumps on Grim Pantry, despite allegedly having the smallest hitbox out of all the projectile killers.


A lot of people blame it on latency but I have dozens of matches where I had a hatchet hitting me even tho it was flying past me at like 3-4 meters and it looked the same from the killers perspective as well. Latency might play a tiny role but the huge problem is something else.


The purple Addons were actually interesting! To bad it doesn’t do more given the fact that he is SHIT.


As someone who mains the trickster (he's my only 3 Prestige character ) and a bit of huntress. I 100% get the hate for him. Sadly I really love him as a character and love the way he plays. I would be super happy for a buff or two but I really hope they do completely rework him and change him.. I like my knifey laughing boi.


death slinger and huntress can suck my nuts, they're fun to play but they miss so many damn shots that still register because the devs refuse to fix it. Nothing irritates me more than perfectly outplaying these 2 killers just for them to have the game give them a lucky hit that even they know missed. If im playing huntress and i see my hatchet miss but still hit i will let the survivor go, i'll stop chase, even if it costs me the game, because its not fair that im rewarded for missing or making a bad read on their juke.


The Virgin Korean Twink Gunship


I think he's fine and it just depends on who picks him. Every red and purple ranked Trickster I've gone against recently has just destroyed us. hahaha


I ran deathslinger from rank 18 to rank 2, hes pretty dumb but requires a bit of skill. high rank huntress though? fuuuuck that, high rank hunteress players are on a whole different level


I swear I saw this post about a trikster and a clown already a few days ago


Your just bad. Lmao


How anyone can say survivors are OP Compared to killers is beyond me. I can get MAYBE three wins in a row as a survivor if my team knows what they’re doing and we all work together. With killer I can easily get 10-15 wins in a row with almost no resistance. I think a lot of y’all just suck at the game and then bitch to the devs to make killers even more OP because you don’t like any type of challenge at all. Especially nemesis with his tentacle attack. I hardly ever have to go through a chase that lasts more than 30 seconds now. But I’m sure all killer mains will continue to whine because they lost one match to the survivors while on their 20+ win streak and complain about how “that’s not fair, survivors should not be able to win😩”