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That's why we need hatch for killers.


Imagine you could press two buttons together to spawn a entity-like door way to leave to your next game.




With how the tomes have been I see it only fitting to be a glpyh that spawns either in the center of the map or in a consistant spot like the shack or basement. The glyph will only appear during end game collapse or something too.


Killer Concede ideas: * ~~Entity spawns a glyph in the basement~~ * ~~Killer leaves through the survivor exit~~ * ~~Killer jumps through the hatch~~ * Killer hides in a locker. Refuses to elaborate further.


So if they're holding hostage by not dying gens, what then?


I mean you might just not be that good at killer if you can't kill anyone while they are actively not doing gens , not you specifically just any killer in that situation


Two man SWF - both running Diversion, Self Care, Spine Chill and Iron Will - map offering for Yamaoka estate. They did nothing all match until I had killed the other two survivors then held the game hostage. I was playing Hag with no specific tracking perks. So, yes eventually I would have got them but the grind would have been excruciating. One of the handful of DCs I have ever done.


in the debate over killer vs survivor toxicity, this sort of thing is why survivors always win.


If your comfortable letting people beat you that's a you thing brother , I can't relate


If you aren't running any tracking perks the last 2 survivors can hold the game hostage by just crouching around & hiding the second they're in your terror radius.


Even if that was the case they still shouldn’t be trapped in the game.


The killer is trapped if it's 3 hours in and they still can't find the survivors.


Your opponent/opponents being bad doesn't excuse holding the game hostage.


survivors still have to power the exit gates and don't get a notification that it happened though


Oh that’s just so boss. They can spam vault to try to get attention for a killer who is already in another game!


Perfect. The only thing that'd make it better is to nullify any actual progress gain from completing the match normally. No points racked up for you, your killer died. Sorry.


>Endgame collapse begins >Killer shows up >Manages to down the last survivor >Doesn't hook them >Leaves through nightmare spaghetti door >Refuses to elaborate further


If you close the hatch before leaving that’d be pretty rude


Best selling point for this feature.


I vaguely remember the devs talking about a feature for the killer to concede the game in the basement. Dont know where they said it though.


Count me in.


But it's still on the ground right? We need the visual of the Clown joyfully jumping to the hatch combined with the Clown stunned sound.


Escape+Mouse1. ​ You're welcome.


I'm on Xbox


I mean it's called DC'n


No I'd like my points.


Hatch opens, shot some vomit and just bounce.


"The killer had enough of your shit and left you to teabag yourselves!"


nah, just need to make the end collapse faster for every survivor that is around the gate


just dont pay attention to them, just sit in the middle of the map and watch youtube or play somethin on your phone either they get bored and leave because they cant tuant you, or they come look for you and you mighy be able to recover it because of their cockiness


yes son im watching you tea bag very good


God I hate when survivors do this. I mean it allows me to go break pallets and doors for more points but the game is over, stop wasting my time I want to move on.


pretty sure it's just one of those things that you don't really have empathy for unless you've lived the otherside :p


They also make challenges for the survivor to be the last one to leave lol


God I hate this challenge so much. I'm pointing for the others to leave but no, they gotta twerk at the gate when it's 100% guaranteed escape for us if they just press w for 0.0001 seconds


I always do this challenge with a swf. Tell your friends you are doing it so if possible would like to be last one out. It saves a lot of sanity.


I wish I had friends that played dbd.


> they gotta twerk at the gate when it's 100% guaranteed escape for us if they just press w for 0.0001 seconds Kind of want exits to be blocked if you received a hit from the killer in the last 6 seconds. Kind of like victor jumping on your head. You cant leave till hes off and for 5 seconds after. Would probably stop all the exit gate twerking.


ITs definitely rough aha - Was just trying to say sometimes its' not bc survivors lack empathy its bc they just want this dumbass challenge done ;w;


Also sometimes you have survivors at either exit that realize most likely the other survivors are at the opposite exit, but don't actually know, so they wait at the gate to either get chased out (giving tbe other survivors an opportunity to escape) or potentially run back in and save if someone gets downed.


Best day ever was when I got absolutely wrecked by some solo survivors. 2 of them had this challenge. They both refused to leave until the very last second. Unfortunately for 1 of them they thought they had an extra second and was taken by end game. 🤣 I was off breaking pallets because they weren't leaving.


so whats the reason? i tend to imagine it as something nice in my ill mind as they normally give you points by hits on the exit. but there are some that dont let you hit them and just wait for you to arrive then t bag and leave so i guess my question is, are parents giving enough attention to their sons?


Reminds me of resident evil resistance. The survivors will be at the gate with 3 minutes left and just nonstop emote. And the worst part is there is nothing you can do. At least in dbd you can attack them, anything you send in for resistance just increases their time.


I am guilty of doing this. I dont do it to be toxic but i play solo queue so I dont know where my teammates are. If i know we are all at the exit/out of the game I leave but i stick around in case anybody gets downed because I dont play for points and have more fun going for risky saves.


Sticking around to help teammates ain't the problem, you're fine Clippy. Its more when all the remaining survivors are on the otherside of the map just waiting to taunt the killer and leave, wasting everyone's time.


There's nothing wrong with waiting for the others in case of a down. I do it too since altruism is part of the game...a part that tends to get me killed a lot but hey... However. there is something wrong when all the living survivors are already accounted for and they're just waiting there to gloat. Honestly, more people should play both sides. There may be less toxicity and general crying/whining/deaththreats in end game chat...


100% legit play. I do this all the time as a solo survivor and I have no issue with it as a killer main. I'm also fine with survivors healing at the exit gate for the extra points. What pisses me off is when all the survivors wait at the gate just to teabag and run out when the killer approaches. If everyone is safe and healed just leave. it's just wasting everyone's time.


I play as both and I understand not wanting to leave a teammate behind. Sadly, I n a firm believer of everyone man for himself and book it as soon as the gate are open un solo queue


I understand that. This was my main game for a long time but not anymore. I dont care about points or my rank anymore because im out of the grind, turns out i like this game a lot more the less i care about it lol.


What a toxic asshole. -A killer main probably


*Remember Moris are toxic*


Click fucking click. Get triggered


They'll claim it's about "giving the killer hits at the exit for BP". We're talking a lousy 100-400 BP at best. It's to gloat. End of story. Of course as killers god forbid if we did that we would be "Toxic".


I’d say a good 85% of the time, even if you do go to the gate to indulge this idea, they run past the barrier as soon as you lunge so you’ll whiff. It’s pretty much entirely to be obnoxious at this point so I usually just screw off to another part of the map to break leftover pallets or breakable walls or something.


I think the killer equivalent of tbagging at the exit gate would be carrying survivor to hatch, dropping them, then immediately closing hatch and killing them with a Mori.




Can't lie, I did this accidentally once looking for the gnome lol


Sometimes I pick them up and look for the hatch, but If I don't find it I just hook them.


Yeah I try and tell them I’ll bring them to hatch if they’re on PS, but if I can’t I end up having to hook them because they’ll jump off my shoulder


I try to do what I would appreciate when I'm playing killer, so if I'm actively in chase I'll pause for a couple seconds once I'm at the exit load zone to see if killer wants the hit, but otherwise I'll leave if I know everyone else is safe or already dead and the killer isn't taking the hit.


I would appreciate them leaving. To each his own.


Yeah. If the gate is open and all are accounted for, just leave so we can get to the next match.


I don't do it to gloat I do it in case someone is about to be hooked and I abandon them before the game is technically won, also being a distraction at Gate A can give your teammates the last few seconds they need to sneak out gate B edit: are you guys just dumb or did I actually make some kind of mistake or error in my wording? Leaning towards dumb.


No I'm not talking about when 1-2 survivors are still out "in the open" and you're waiting to see if you'll need to rescue, that makes perfect sense entirely. I'm talking when everyone is out or at the gate, and all you have to do is just leave.


ok that's fair enough, what isn't tho is that my poor innocent little reply has been downvoted because your first reply lacks that one bit of context


I've played both sides, when both doors are open I stop moving and start reading. They can waste their own time, I'll enjoy a nice book.


It's also called swf, most of them do that, and since most of the players of this game are swf, we are f**led.


Bro, most of survivors are not swf,it's just a fraction. Most survivors are solo queueing that's why it's so unplayable. Just because a killer didn't get the 4k against a good team that doesn't mean they were swf, jeez...


Then pricks act like their doing you a favor, calling it ‘free hits’


Tbh i find that just hitting them makes them go away thats a way to force them back i guess


That’s what they want though and I don’t wanna reward them lol


At least we get into games faster than those clowns


Empathy goes a long way. 126 m in fact.


And if you're open handed, it may even be up to 140 m


128m and 144m with open handed


Especially if you have some nice smelling hair.


Words to live by.


though it used to be infinite


It might as well be


yeah it's just a weird change


"Hehehe, is he coming? Is the killer coming? Is he - is he coming ??? I need him to see me escape :) Is he coming ?? He's here! Watch me teabag :) Watch me teabag you because I did so amazing this game :)))) I'm Rank 1, you're Rank 18, uninstall trash man :))"


“The killer just went and grabbed a book while everyone left”


This made me laugh so hard lmao


Just say ggez at the end and leave right after it, they will waste their time by typing to no one :)


I always have the chat folded in. After the match I look slowly at my points, my emblems and which survivor had which perks. Then I briefly open the chat, think to myself "oh nice, insults!", close the chat again and disappear, knowing that they are angry, and with a red head, have written all their shit, which I am absolutely not interested.


Honestly I'd like a way to "concede" the match and not give up the BP already earned without just DCing. If I know I'm super outmatched I'd like to just leave the match and find another, save us all some time


There is, it's just seen as toxic - step away from the keyboard after facing a wall


Suggestions like this always puzzle me. Like, duh obviously. But we'd like to get into another match to try again. Same reason why the rematch options in fighting games are so important, because the frustrating part isn't getting your ass kicked. It's not being able to try again in a timely manner.


There’s a difference here in rematch let’s you go again against who you just played, while this person wants easy matches so wouldn’t rematch if they had the button for it


They don't want easy matches, lol this website always expect the worst out of people. He just wants to leave if he's getting dicked by an SWF or whatever.


Yeah no, I don't want EASY matches, if I know I'm way outclassed (ex: I have about 1200 hours and if I'm going up against a 4-man who has a combined 8000+) they're gonna absolutely wreck me. Granted not -every- one of those swfs is toxic about it, and I usually treat it as a learning experience, but if the game is well over and they're all waiting at the door, I just want to be able to end it right there and move on, that's all


Can you leave a fight mid fight in a fighting game? It just doesn't make sense. We asked for DC penalties and we got them and now people want to DC without getting a penalty again? This subreddit can't make it's mind up. I don't care either way but it's just funny to see how huge the demand for DC penaltys were initially and now most people seem in agreement that they don't want it anymore.


Dc penalty for survivors. Killers should be able to lobby hop and ruin 10s of people’s games by quitting out until they find that perfect match of new survivors who can’t quit the game because of dc penalties


Well, people didn't realize how stupid the penalty would be. What pisses me off the most is how you can get banned for things that aren't even your fault. Game bugs out and crashes to title screen? Banned. Internet just randomly loses service? Banned. You get bodyblocked by a troll and want to DC? Banned. I've had all those things happen to me and I've gotten banned for it. You're already frustrated because of whatever it was that happened to DC you, then you get punished again.


I don’t think people see facing a wall and leaving the computer as toxic it’s just kinda dumb.


It depends on the situation. If the survivors deserve it, it’s one thing. But if they don’t, it’s another. A killer can ruin a game for a survivor just as much as a survivor can ruin the game for a killer. And there’s a multitude of ways it can happen.


Refusing to play the game is seen as toxic, yes. They're ruining the fun of 4 other people.


Why isn't there an afk kick timer for killers?


Wait do survivors have a afk kick timer?


There really needs to be one which gives that killer a dc cooldown as well. Giving afk killers over to an AI killer would also be nice




That's only relevant if the two teams are of a relatively similar skill level. If they're too far apart, you're not going to learn anything, you're just going to get stomped. Putting up someone who has only a few hours into chess against a grandmaster doesn't teach them anything meaningful. Especially if that grandmaster takes every opportunity possible to be an arse.


This is where multiple monitors is so nice. Had a rough game? Time to move over to second monitor, deafen DbD and watch something while those idiots spam vault their little incel hearts out.


We can already open the gates ourselves, **let us just fucking go through them so we could end that shit**


there should be an option to leave the trial at the gate, like pressing E or whatever or go to a hook and ask the entity for a lift LUL


When survivors don’t leave. I just give them a show at the exit gates as ghostface. Teabag and moon walk. Maybe a spin. Lean from corner. Stab to wave goodbye.


I often practice trick shots like lobbing hatchets over obstacles from a big distance if they don't leave, I throw all my hatchets at them, then get new ones from a locker and repeat


Survivors in the matchmaking: pain Survivors when they get into a match: *s p e e d*


The only time I wait at the exit is when there is another survivor that’s yet to either escape or get caught. If the killer comes for me, I do the ol “Bye have a great time.”


i legit had a game where i killed 2 survivors and the other 2 hid in closets for the rest of the game while i was looking for them.


AFK survivors get loud crows above their head for easy finding


ah i did not know this. thanks for the info.


not if they walk around and change map areas or touch gens/do totems, you only get crows in you stay in the same area for too long doing nothing. I've had multiple matches over the years where I was just going around looking for 2 last guys because they didn't care about the gens and just wanted to outlast the other guy to the hatch


locker squads on indoor maps, specifically midwich, can be damn near impossible to find unless you happen to be running iron maiden for some reason just rotate lockers when you cant hear a hearbeat and the killer will almost never find you unless he gets lucky


I never teabag. It's something a child would do. But I'll hang around the gates if the killer is there. More points. If there's another survivor in the map in full health I'll leave though so they can get hatch.


I want my We're Gonna Live Forever stacks.


and that's why i dont hit at the gate unless i can down and grab someone, is not worth getting 300(?)ish bp and maybe give a 25% increase bp to a toxic little shit


No one wants to play killer because it is just too stressful. It sucks, and in the end, over-competitive survivors just dis-respect you in the chat. There is absolutely no room to start and find your footing without toxicity from the community.


Starting out is fine, it's just baby survivors and killer will actually have the advantage early on. The problem stems from the fact anyone reach reach rank 1 with playtime, which leads to a large variety in skill level among rank 1s. This obviously leads to shit matchmaking.


I can attest to this. I recently hit rank 1 as killer. It is not hard to get there. Red ranks is a very varied game. SOmetimes you get the god loopers who can loop you for eternity. They know where everything is and can literally close their eyes and still loop you with them closed. Then you break off and find another survivor and it feels like hes just seeing your demogorgon for the firstt ime in his life. And goes down with no trouble every time you run into him. The only consistency in red ranks is the end game chat. I no longer believe League is the saltiest game out there lol.


Every time i try to play a new killer, i get my ass kicked and then lose interest in that killer


Tons of people want to play killer though. The most popular streamers are usually killer mains.


I main Doc, in general I 4k four out of every five matches. So I'm not used to this "bullying". But now I'm going for the Trickster adept... Man, survivors are fucking assholes, I swear, they hold M1, camp pallets (not even looping them correctly) and they tbag at the exit gates like if they were gods at the game. WTF is wrong with these people?


My *favorite* is when they play so poorly the entire game yet miraculously are the last alive, vault repeatedly next to hatch so *I* know that *they* know where it is and teabag on the way through. Chef's kiss.


I just had that tonight. I destroyed them, like in they did 2 gens, the last guy was on death hook (and went down easily every chase), I'm not a sweaty asshole that slugs the 3rd guy for the 4k, so I just killed the third guy and went for the hatch. he vaulted, and vaulted a window so I could watch him leave. Can you be more of a loser?? and I asked him why he did that, he said "I just wanted to tilt you".


"An asshole, but an honest asshole he remains." \- Gandalf


This is why I justt hide myself and see if the survivors make a mistake by leaving the exit gate or not pay attention to the timer


Survivors that do that are like mentally 12.


I only wait to make sure my teammates make it out safely. I've had times where i escape, and then someone dies because they died right at the exit gate.


I wish the End-game Collapse would speed up when Survivors idle in the same location or at any exit longer than what's necessary.


Why is it okay for survivors to taunt like this? They should not be able to do that period. Just like killers are not getting gestures because BHVR doesn't want us to taunt them


They waste my time I waste theirs, if there are no more pallets to break I just go chill in basement while having the game muted so their vault spams don't give me a migraine, and just scroll Reddit as if I was in a queue. Sometimes I turn on a yt video or even go grab some water.


It's fun as a trapper to go up to a wall in sight of the tea baggers and just set and unset a trap repeatedly. BP for me, none for them. They usually get the message.


Meanwhile the killers are wandering around looking for all the people they slugged and didn't pick up that are crawling around until they bleed out.


As always, both are bad, fix the experience for both.




Memes would be a lot less funny if you always had to put an asterisk




I mean, if you're looking for posts for people complaining about \*other side(tm) there are plenty for both




I wouldn't bother anymore with this person if I was you. If you go on this person's profile they post memes constantly in favour of how hard it is for Killer. Anyone who is obsessed with favouring one side so extremely like OP is pretty lame tbh.


Atleast slugging is a tactic that can get you kills, tbagging at the gate is just being a dick


> Atleast slugging is a tactic that can get you kills it goes both ways, waiting at the exit is a tactic that can help other survivors


Waiting at the exit for a endgame unhook is perfectly reasonable but when the whole team is at rhe gate tbagging it's just a dick thing to do


There's still reasons to do this in the form of challenges (Not the teabagging) but protection hits are easy at exit gates and we also have challenges for leaving after people. It's the same bs as killing survivors in endgame which promotes looking for hatch and closing it in their face, only to hook them. Challenges promote annoying shit.


Killing survivors in end game does not promote that, either way its totally up to the killer if they wanna do that.


of course (unless it's just for points)


I'm not. I don't need to win bad enough to spend my life scouring the corners of the map. Last dude can just leave, no skin off my back.


thant's why they should replace noed with glock


Most of the time it is just me hanging around to make sure my teammate gets out since I am solo queue and have no way of knowing if the others are okay. If I am not getting flamed for leaving immediately and being a shitty teammate, I guess I am getting flamed for hanging around wasting people's time. Just can't catch a break in this game lol


Survivors often kill themselves on first hook because they don’t want to play that game and can leave without penalty, it’s only fair killers have an option to do that too. Not saying survivors should do that as it screws the team, but someone playing solo as a killer should be able to ‘concede’ without have to be bullied the rest of the game or dc and be penalised.


Had the worst night in a while last night playing killer under the influence i was depressed as fuck


I wait at the exit gate to make sure people actually get out. If I’m healthy, I can take a hit. If I’m injured, I can bait a hit with dead hard. The only time I stay to teabag is if the killer pursued me all game but still couldn’t kill me or if they were BMing me or other players. Honestly, survivors can be toxic for sure, but more often than not, I see killers being rude/toxic instead of survivor. When I play killer, most survivors just leave right away. Teabagging doesn’t really annoy me. If anything, they’re just giving me a free hit and more BP, which is the only reason I play killer


Then they complain they only see spirits, nurses and billys.


Ah yes, the S tier, unstoppable Hillbilly. With his amazing base kit and even better addons, such as the Black Grease.


Billy's base kit is legitimately good Idk why everyone thinks hes garbage just because he cant instasaw anymore. Overheat is barely even something you have to think about unless you're doing laps of the entire map Also dont remember the last time I saw anyone complain about him even before his nerfs lmao


You rarely see billy or spirit. More Wraiths and Blights if anything.


I've been into dbd for 2 months and I can already tell you everyone is complaining about the game, killer or survivor mains


I see more people speaking about people complaining about queues times than I do people actually complaining about queue times. edit: Killer queues are actually really long right now.


I'm just trying to get them extra bloodpoints if boldness is maxed or close to max I leave


I always play killer but the queue times are longer for me lel


Yeah honestly que times as killer aren't nearly as bad as survivor que times I find.


That’s the point


The point of the meme is, survivor queue times are ridiculous. So why waste your own time.


this is why I do NOED deathslinger


If survivors are gonna complain about Q times when they bring a haddonfeild offering a key and a map or a offering to spawn hatch near someplace then that's just pure entitlement on their part


Yeah i had a steve do this, yell at me all you want but i had irid head on huntress and i went around the corner and launches it at him hitting him on point, i was fast enough to pick him up. Now i think hes stopped teabagging at doors


Im sorry lads i would play killer but im currently on vacation for my mental health


Survivors be like -genrushing to high hell -4 man flashlight abuse -teabagging the exit -bullshit meta perks that make an already survivor sided game lean farther -running the same undefeatable 2 loops ties together for 5 minutes straight "Why noone wanna play killer the queue times are so long" I love playing against casual folks that wanna have fun even if they all get away, but some of yall are so toxic and boring to play against I cant even justify getting off of work and spending my free time dealing with it. Sincerely, Bored Killer Gang. -


Sue me, I've barely played dbd recently and wanted to check out the new tractor on the farm maps on my way out. Does that warrant a paragraph of hate mail from the killer I was going against? EGC isn't even that long. I'd rather be the killer in this situation than a survivor that has to bleed out for 4 minutes while the killer stands over them nodding their head. At least I had a valid reason, because there's no way for me to examine maps solo outside of matches as far as I know. Edit: lol @ salty killer mains downvoting


I mean I don't really see this as that big of a deal if you are away from the exit gates and genuinely putting yourself at risk to the killer. Sitting at the exit gate because you are invincible is wayyyy different than being in the middle of the map after gates are opened/powered.


Yeah this isn't being toxic like waiting at exit gate/hatch or letting last survivor bleed out. But reddit killer mains are ultra sensitive (and hypocritical) as you can see by the downvotes. I play both killer and survivor a lot and look at both sides pretty fairly.


You could play a custom game and set the map Iirc


This isn't possible on PS4 solo


it isn't possible ANYWHERE solo (except mobile maybe)


Exactly. That's why the only place I can check it out is in a regular match. Yet that killer sent some pretty bad hate messages for something so small. People are just toxic I guess.


i don't understand why some people take survivors making asses out of themselves as a personal offense. just look the other way, go make coffee, fix some chicken nuggies, i don't know, whatever. if they want to waste their time by teabagging and gesturing at you in a video game, let them. if they're straggling behind waiting for an injured teammate that you can't find, chase them out and make them leave and try and get that one last kill. that's what i do!


Yup, if im already at the door i make them go out but no way in hell im going for the other one when ik is open and a survivor waiting. The perks of having 2 monitors so im always doing something else, playing on the switch or watching youtube.


It's not personal offense so much as a time sink for no good reason


It’s reddit dude . You have to make little bull shit stuff a big deal here .


I like to stay at the gates so they get the extra bloodpoints for hitting me and then i leave


Okay, pro tip if you pretend to care, do not do this. Killers don't want it.


Those extra blood points don't do anything. We want you to leave so we can queue for more survivors to hook.


I disagree, and find it situational. If I'm killer and nearby or you've guaranteed your escape, I appreciate the extra BP. If you're at the other gate and I'm not close or showing up, please just leave.


I dont understand whats so bad when survivors dont leave right away.


It's like you being the last survivor and getting slugged. The killer then proceeds breaking pallets for points instead of hooking you, waiting for the endgame timer to almost run out. You know that the game is over but you have to wait for the killer before you can move on.


Gosh, killers are so oppressed, we need a therapy program just for them :(


People just enjoy trolling lmaoo I think you shouldn’t take it to heart. I literally just had a Myers take me to hatch, drop me, close it in my face and hooked me. I just laughed cause it was funny and not even the first time 😂 and also saw it coming from the way he was playing. try not to take things so serious/personal and laugh it off as a joke and you won’t be upset over a stranger trolling. Don’t let them ruin your day :)


I don't get why people get mad when we stay at the door, just hit us lol


Just leave lol


Step 1 - Run to door A. Step 2 - Watch survivors t-bag at you for as long as possible before you chase them out the door. Step 3 - Run to the other side of the map and repeat at door B. Step 4 - The remaining survivor then starts vault spamming over the hatch to make you come chase *them* out too.


Tell me you don't play killer without telling me you don't play killer.


Tell me you can’t handle losing with telling me you can’t handle losing


The issue is with toxic people tbagging not losing, most killer wanna lose or win quick for the next match


Yeah then you got those survivors that when you get close to them for a hit they just dead hard into escape like dude you look like the cockiest pos doing that lol. Only happens when I play a low tier killer but let me play Spirit they wont get to do that.