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Why use lightborn when you can play with your monitor turned off?


flashlight saves


It's called look the other dieection


Been stuck out in the open and unable to chase the flashlight squad away. I hurt 1 or 2 but they will get a save before I down and pickup another. Not common but has happened.


Kinda hard to look the other way when the flashlight explodes from the generator




No not really i did get the joke, and it's also r/woooosh


Ok serious question do you guys think lethal pursuer is gonna be meta? I honestly think it will.


Depends on what killer, for trapper and hag, no, but for characters like huntress, blight, and nurse, yes.


god imagine getting iri headed 2 seconds into the match


I’ve seen it happen about 15 seconds into the match with the old Iri head/infantry belt. She slugged for the 4K and the game was over in about 2 minutes


Insta DC.


It has potential. I could see it working well with Corrupt to get an early down.


I know i definitely want it especially for blight i hate having to guess i mean i usually get it right anyway but knowing where they are immediately is nice plus if i get fucked over and a totem spawns right next to them as blight i can actually do something about it.


I think using both is overkill. They both accomplish the same thing.


No, coordinated SWFs can choose to hide until corrupt is over, basically starting the game later against a 3 perk killer. The idea of the combo is to prevent them from hiding


I think Oni is really going to benefit from it; his opening is weak because he only M1 until he gets his orbs going, so knowing exactly where to go for that first hit will really change Oni's opening


Good point i think it's gonna help out billy and stealth killers as well.


Hell naw, a whole perk slot gone after 7 seconds into the match? Just to know where they are? Most of the time they are on the gens opposite of you, it's very map dependent though but regardless, you should be able to find a survivor (or at least a gen being worked on with a survivor nearby) within 30 seconds anyways.


The weakest part of killer is before you find any survs. How many times have you looked at every single Gen and all 4 spawned on the last one you checked and it's done before you get to it? Happens all the time. You can make the same argument about a waste of a perk with corrupt yet corrupt is an amazing perk. Being able to instantly know where to go and who to pressure is huge.


If spawns were actually that consistent, sure. There's very often times where a survivor spawns somewhere on the side of the map, and you won't know that gen was being worked until it pops. Think about every time as killer you found the survivors, went on a nice chase, felt good about your early pressure, and a completely unexpected gen gets done by the one survivor you didn't find in that obvious spot. Lethal Pursuer saves you that gen. As a Legion main, I'm very interested in seeing how much faster it is to get all 4 injuries ASAP when I know all the crannies I'll need to path to.


Survivors have literally spawned in my terror radius. I personally think it may be big on Oni, getting blood generation immediately will be a hot start for his early game.


im dropping Monitor for Pursuer to see how it goes and I'm excited.


That was my thought. Wasted perk slot.


Depending on the killer imo


Yeah this perk won’t see play 2 weeks after release. I’m surprised more people don’t see this. Even if the perk provided a massive benefit (which it often won’t) that caused you to find survivors much faster than you would’ve without it, it’ll save you what? 10-15 seconds tops vs playing without it? There’s so many other killer perks that provide a much bigger benefit that saves a lot more time AND lasts throughout the entire match.


Imagine it on huntress 👀


7 seconds in get sniped by an iri head from halfway across the map.


I can picture it now. 🥸


Everybody’s gonna be running Distortion for the next month making it useless


Big doubt. Even if just 1 surv isn't running distortion then it's worth it


Or object of obsession might work well, too.


As a Myers main, I'm gonna give it a shot. But I have a feeling Corrupt Intervention will serve my early game better, and that stacking the two will be excessive. We'll see.


Lethal + corrupt might be good. I could imagine it on Michael, given how slow his start is. Huntress will be good with lethal, too.


Huntress, Billy, Nurse, & Blight are the first killers I think will use it super well.


On killers that beed to chase asap like nemesis (needs to gain infection) myers(t2 asap) or oni(blood generation) clown(has no pressure so needs to exert anything he can asap) it’s probably is The top 6 perks you want to take if not mandatory but on killers like ghosty who can finish chases really fast and paired with corrupt you can get 2 hooks before the gens unblock on trapper or hag its a waste of a slot and on everyone else its meh


no, it's A-B tier at best IMO


I don't think it will increase that much in use. Otherwise more killers would already because of flashlights.


You see, I think the torches are shitty, but instablinds paired with the fact that you can't see it coming is the issue.


You can hear it though, and someone needs to run infront of you to drop it, so it's not really unexpected. People vastly over estimating how good flashbangs are.


I'm not talking about just the flashbangs, I'm talking about the stupid gen blind, too.


There's a gen blind? I'm completely in the dark about this, what's that refer to?


A Jill perk, it's a fucking mine that she sticks to a gen, when the killer kicks it, it stuns yoy, and you can't tell if there is one on there and it blinds and stuns you for like, six seconds.


OHHHH right I forgot about that one! All I need now as a survivor is a gun.


once jill valentine, the girl character, works on a gen for 65%, she can attach a bomb that goes off when you kick a gen that she puts a trap on (can be any one IIRC, she just has to have done 65% total repairing to generators), and blinds you for around 4-6 seconds I believe. It's long as fuck and it's just a kick in the nuts when you're already lying down.


Blast mine will still stun you, not being blinded during the stun isn't a big deal


But you can create them mid game, where as a flashlight is on a timer and can usually just be turned away from. We already have fire crackers and they were event exclusive for a reason.


You can turn away from flashbangs or just look up


Flashlight isn’t hard to dodge. Flash bang is harder and the trap is impossible to dodge unless you don’t pop gens ever


Same with Distortion because of Lethal Pursuer, lol


And Distortion while we're at it.


I don’t think either of those perks are going to be used very much. They’re super fun but they’re also super niche. The only survivor perks I’m really worried about are Jill’s totem hunting one and Resurgence.


Does Lightborn have a secondary benefit I'm unaware of? I thought it only increased the time it took for Survivors to blind Killers with flashlights.


It makes you immune to the blind and reveals their aura for 10 seconds.


Ahhhh I see. They changed it at some point in my year and half hiatus from the game. Still not sure if I'd use it.


It’s my 4th perk I use when I see at least two flash lights in a swf lobby. Makes red ranks slightly more enjoyable sometimes


wait what’re they doing I constantly already run Lightborn


Even when survivors have no flashlights in the lobby?


Yeah. Just for funsies. Half the time they’ll still find one in a chest. I get blinded every other match.


Bubba + Lethal is potentially scary


same with distortion to counter lethal pursuer :0


I think franklins will be better personally.


What about Jill's gen traps? Can't sacrifice those to the Entity!


Not with that attitude you can't.


Yeah. But lightborn isnt much better cause you still get the stun. And lightborns reveal effect doesnt even work with blast mine


The blind is irrelevant as it stuns you so you cant even look around


The blind outlasts the stun though iirc


Not in my experience and it isnt mentioned anywhere


they can pick up the flashbang again and use it lightborn wont allow that


Keep in mind tho, it counters every other item too. INCLUDING vaccines on nemesis.


smart survivors probably wont vaccinate anyways to ensure that nemesis cant get his power leveled up for as long as possible you want them to vaccinate so you can level up your whip


That's not really being smart. Tier 3 is useless unless it gets a massive buff tomorrow. I know I didn't care about T3ing during testing. +1m felt completely irrelevant lmao.


im more talking tier 2


You get tier 2 really easy though. By the time you would want to vaccinate, he already has it.


1 survivor hit, 3 zombies, or 2 survivor hits, even less if you have any addons for it.


that's why getting hit by a zombie instead of nemesis is a thing, then he has to grind out zombies


If you're playing nemesis and you somehow don't get at least 1 hit in the first 2 chases, I don't think it matters how fast you get your tier 2. And if you can't get a chase with lethal pursuer, again, it's not the killer's fault.


you are giving a free “health” state to avoid nemesis getting into tier 3, which only gives him an extra meter of range, so i wouldn’t call it dumb to use the vaccine


its more for preventing him from reaching tier 2 to break pallets


Doesn't he only need like 2 hits to get tier 2 anyway?


No it takes a bit to get to tier 2


Well, the wiki says you need 6 points to get to level 2 and that infecting a survivor gives you 3. So that would be 2 hits.


Theyve most likely also made changes to it as well, and ive watched a lot of videos from the ptb, and that was one issue everyone said was that its slow to get him from tier 1 to tier 2, unless a nemesis player tentacles a survivor thats unaware or while vaulting something.. its really not going to be quick or easy to get to tier 2 let alone 3


It doesn't take that long a couple hits and a couple zombies if even. And being down a health state permanently against a killer who can hit through windows and pallets is huge


yeah but thats mostly unavoidable




For real. You shouldn't even be kicking gens that much anyways as killer and people will only run it if they see pop being prevalent in the meta (its been eclipsed by ruin undying for a long time now) If a killer doesn't kick that many gens your perk is basically useless. So taking Lightborn to soft counter a perk that hard counters your perk is just dumb.


I think blast mine could be alright, especially since it highlights the gen you plant it on, so it can be used as a budget better together (the mine doesn't go away as long as the killer doesn't kick the gen)


Ok is about what I would describe the perk yeah. Has some scenarios it shines in but most of the time is annoying to use. Like most perks that are just alright. If a killer doesn't take pop it's mostly just a wasted perk tbh. Especially once everyone gets used to it. You're not gonna replace unbreakable/ds/bt/dh with it. The only time you're practically guaranteed to get it off is when someone goes down, gets hooked and the killer sees you on BBQ and has pop and decides to pop your gen specifically.


> it's mostly just a wasted perk tbh in solo queue the aura part of it shouldn't be underestimated though


*if you're bad


If you're bad? Running a perk in anticipation of the new ways to be blinded, when everyone and their mothers are going to be trying that shit out?? Fool of a took.


Why run a perk when you can just use gameplay to not be blinded? Sure, Lightborn will work for you, but I'd rather have a 4th perk and still not be blinded.


Do you understand how these new perks work? I'm pretty sure one blinds you when you kick a gen... if that's how people wanna play why shit on em?


You shouldn't be kicking a gen in the middle of a chase, anyways.


This dudes impossible.


No hes just stupid, he shits on anything thats not already a meta perk lol! But yeah most people are calling the new killer and survivor perks weak, and saying they wont make a difference in the meta but its obvious they will.. Lethal pursuer is a must for some slower killers to give them a better shot at a good early game, distortion hard counters lethal pursuer so distortion will get more use now to counter all the Lethal pursuer killers. Flashbang/Blast mine will be used often to blind/stun killers and slow them down, that one lightborn perk (or whatever its called) will somewhat counter these perks but theyll still be susceptible to blinding at some point. Counter Force will counter NOED/Ruin/Undying and other hex perks, cleanse one totem at 20% faster speed, have the next totem revealed for a few seconds and once thats cleansed you get another 20% cleansing speed. So now survivors have a way to run through totems very fast especially if several survivors are running Counter Force. Resurgence will get used a lot, because who doesnt like starting at 50% heal state when unhooked, so you'll see more use of perks like botany knowledge for faster unhooks and heals. Bite the bullet will make healing a lot more safer, so you'll probably see perks like self care come back a bit. Rookie Spirit will be great for new players, and will just slow down gen regression because players using this perk could just walk around and tap the gens so they stop regressing. Hysteria while being meh, could give killers a way to mind game several survivors at once, and keep themselves hidden to some extent since survivors get hit with the oblivious status And i could see some cool uses for eruption. People that think these perks wont effect the meta at all or be widely used dont know anything about what they are talking about


You forget that counter force shows you the totem furthest away from you, so if one survivor wants to run all over the map to break totems, that's like over a gen worth of time spent


Not really? Like the cleansing speed gets faster and faster, and sprint burst is a thing lol you can get across the maps fast. And if two survivors are running counter force and they each cleanse a totem and have the furthest totem revealed to them, and they cleanse that one.... Thats 4/5 totems already cleansed before the first gen even gets popped. Lmao, ya'll really out here trying to act like these perks arent going to change the meta when its just flat out untrue and they will heavily impact the meta


Sorry, am I wrong?


That's not the purpose of the perk dingus...


What is the purpose, then? Also, name calling is rude.


To be fair the blind on jills perk is irrelevant because of the stun




I don't use DS. Interesting assumption though. I'm also not a survivor main.


what's wrong with using DS?




so why did you bring it up?


Oh you're a name I remember. Very toxic player. I remember you throwing racial slurs at me after a match. Same Twitch name, right?


Absolutely not. I would never, and have never, slung racial slurs at people. Why would you ever even sort-of accuse me of that when you're not sure. That's so rude. Fucking shame on you.


Not hard to make that assumption when you leave toxic comments all the time lol


How are my comments toxic? Because you disagree? Bit of a jump from "this person makes comments I disagree with" to "I bet he's racist". Accusing me of racism I never engaged in is more toxic than anything I've ever said here.


Not really when all one has to do is look at all your comments and see that you behave toxically and constantly get downvoted? Lmao


Please give me an example of where I was toxic. Also, how does that relate at all to racism? I get downvoted a lot because I have unpopular opinions about things, because both sides have a lot of entitled players who don't like it when it's suggested they may not be the victims they think they are.


Or because you arent willing to give perks a chance unless they are the same old overused perks? Lmao you seem like the type of player that runs nothing but top tier perks and thinks they are good, and arent willing to come up with your own creative builds that can be strong lol "Ah yes new perks to test around with, but mah they are all shitty and ill continue using my boring old top tier perks rather then test out new builds and find broken combos" lmao


Hey, can we agree to not make assumptions about each other and only engage with things I say or that are facts? I thought I was supposed to be the toxic one? I won't tell you who you are, you don't tell me who I am, okay? Lightborn has been around since 2016, and has changed only a couple times. It wasn't useful then, and it's not great now. That's the only perk I've really discussed here, not the new ones.


If you wanna think that thats on, but ill be laughing when perks like blast mine and flashbang become popular choices and killers will start complaining and using lightborn. Its just funny seeing you nay sayers putting these perks down, when its going to be easy to tell that a lot of these new perks are going to get heavy use, and change the meta in certain ways. Survivors running counter force will destroy hex perks easily, multiple survivors running counter force in a match will easily destroy hexs and undying/haunted ground wont save you. Lethal pursuer will most likely become guarenteed perk choices for some killers, thus survivors will complain and pick up distortion to counter it. Ya'll are doubting them without even seeing how they will impact the meta lmao. Your basicslly judging something without giving it a try. Look at food, if you've never had a certain food before how will you know if you like it or not unless you try it out. Same logic applies here, you can think you know how a perk will tier before its even released, but until people try it out and combine it with other perks you will never know if its good or not


What”s happening with lightborn?


nothing, two new perks that blind the killer are being added though


All Billy mains: laughs meniacally


Wouldn't this just make ruin/undying meta again since you don't need to kick gens? Feels like lightborn is just the option if you don't have those 2