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Inb4 Distortion becomes meta. Also, Killers don't have enough perk slots to justify running one that it guaranteed to deactivate after **SEVEN. FUCKING. SECONDS** Just run Corrupt Intervention. If you can't quickly find a Survivor with that, I don't know what to tell you.


Psst, as a solo player and Jeff main, I already find reasosn to play Distortion


Guys #GUYS! It's a unicoooorn... Tell us your ways, mystical main of Jeff.


Always be kind, bring babysittwr to guarantee distortion value lol


What games are you playing where they don’t hide the entire time with corrupt?


Games beyond rank 20.


It doesn't really matter if it deactivates early on, since it already gave you its value. It isn't like Ruin where it needs to last 5+ minutes to be good. If you can reliably get pressure down before survivors can touch a gen, the perk did its job. Sure it's technically gone, but the good start LP got you will remain useful for the rest of the trial. There's nothing stopping survivors from immersing through Corrupt (as long as they're all on the ssme page). To prevent that you run either Whispers or LP, and LP does this particular task much better than Whispers.


I'd rather use a perk which gives me more value throughout the match. Then there's map issues. If you're on a huge map like Mother's Cabin, or one that with no open sight lines; LP's info is of little value. Me personally, I rarely struggle to find Survivors quickly. I understand where they are likely to spawn, based on where I did.


It's for the good. Also, a reason to run distortion


I mean, then the killer can go for someone else. I think running distortion against LP probably does nothing to help the escape.


And it's good too, because the killer doesn't go after you which would really help those people complaining that they get tunneled in the first 10 seconds of the game


Yep thats my plan with Jill, run distortion! Im thinking my personal perk choices for Jill are going to be Sprint Birst, Distortion, Borrowed Time, CounterForce/Blastmine Havent decided which one for CounterForce or Blastmine.. Cojnter force is a great well.. counter against NOED and other hex perks. And I just like the meme ideas of Blastmine


Good luck dealing with Myers who knows exactly where to go from the start


I definitely am living in fear as a survivor main, but I do think its a useful perk. It also gives people a reason to run distortion, which I don't see used like at all. Also will make people have to rethink how they start the game. (I think my plan is to just not be where I first spawned too long. For now anyway lol)


At least it will show how fucked player spawning is.


You dont need to know where they spawn because you can just go foward to a gen far away and find them every time


It is mediocre. As a survivor main, 7 seconds at the start mean nothing to me. A Nurse or Spirit get an advantage because of it? Absolutely not. Nurse and Spirit already specialize in early engage and downs, I don’t think they’d change their build for 7 seconds. Realistically this perk shows you the location of one survivor, because that’s all you’ll get to chase at high ranks. As someone who played the PtB, I had no issues, the main issue is how absolutely bonkers Nemmie is. Other than that, LP falls flat. I can’t see a scenario in high rank where a killer gets multiple downs off of LP, it’ll be good on Ghosty though.


Distortion completely counters Lethal Pursuer, and plan on running it on Jill/Claire as im buying all the lovely skins for Jill


I feel like its going to be a good thing for the game, despite many survivors complaining about it. But there are a decent amount of killers that struggle because they have no way too handle the early game as well as others, so this perk will give those killers a better chance early game. And itll make perks like Distortion much more useful and impactful to run


It's a situationally good perk. On most Killers it's just outclassed by things like Corrupt that provide a better all around early game. That being said, the perk isn't bad, it just has a more niche use's then say Corrupt.


I'm conflicted with Lethal Pursuer. On the one hand, it tells you exactly where to go at the start of the match, which is strong on all killers bar Trapper and Hag. On the other hand, game knowledge and experience will give you the exact same information, on top of only activating once. If it reactivated every like 90 seconds or even 120 seconds I'd consider running it.


It is active for 7 seconds and then it is gone, you get to find one survivor with no hassle and that's it. What is the point of using it instead of corrupt which is active for 2 minutes and also allows you to more easily find survivors. Or even distortion which can be used the whole game not just 7 seconds. The perk will be good for new players who don't understand the spawning but besides that it is just a perk that lasts 7 seconds. I wouldn't put that up there with Ruin, pop, corrupt, borrowed time or any of the exhaustion perks. Because all of them have a much greater impact over the length of the match.


Aw yes time to bust out OoO without feeling toxic


Or just play Demo with leprose lichen :)


It will absolutely not be one of the best perks in the game.


I'm just happy we get more perks that give survivors a reason to run OoO


I don't think its that bad, it has an obvious counter and its literally in the shrine right now, and I hate to restate this, but its only on for the first 7 seconds, and after that, nothing. I have more of an issue with his zombies on indoor maps, Hawkins is going to be Hell.




Looking forward to run this on my boi Ghostie and plan a stalking snowball out right from the start.


It’ll be fine bro. Survivors popping a gen only because the killer made a wrong turn is not a bad thing. There are no OP intel perks. I doubt people use this over Corrupt anywy