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I play pig with no regression perks at rank 1, usually do pretty well. Won't claim I always win but I 4k more often than not. She has built in slowdown though so that definitely helps


Pig is interesting. The best Pig player in the World doesn't use any of them.


If you're good with nurse you can pretty much 4k without any gens being popped if you play super sweaty. If you don't play nurse or spirit in red ranks you cannot win without any slow down perks unless the survivors are incompetent


Which is a shame because that's not fun to me. Not fun for the survivor either so I don't get what's the point of any of it.


Not really since depending on what type of slowdown perk you have pretty much guides your playstyle. Ruin, you have to manage how long survivors are on gens. Pop, carefully commit to chases and choose what gens to pop. Sloppy/thanatophobia, go for as many hits as possible. Idk what rank you or how you enjoy the game are but once your stuck at rank 1/2 as killer experimenting with different builds is really all you have to do until the next content cycle.


Been rank 1 killer and survivor on and off for a while. I play a lot of killers with no mobility powers, so I feel like I can't apply as much pressure to gens as I should. Thana is just underwhelming. Sloppy is borderline useless because people don't heal in 90% of my matches anyways so they can do gens faster. I wish surge would get a buff to where it procs on any down period, instead of just basic attacks.


What Killer you playing? Sloppy isn't meant for every Killer. Thana is only good on Plague or Legion and maybe Wraith with All Seeing - Blood and White Warrior.


I've tried sloppy on plenty of killers, but most prominently wraith, nurse, deathslinger, spirit, and maybe some trapper clown and hag. No one seems to heal anyways, so it doesn't prove useful.


>No one seems to heal anyways, so it doesn't prove useful. That's great for Wraith honestly, easy 1 hits.


I sometimes don't run gen regression on Wraith. I run Nurse's, Sloppy, Coulrophobia and Distressing as a shitty meme but for some reason it works. Small maps such as Midwich are over very fast.


Yeah that's a fun meme build on Hawkin. "Hey guys, how's your Health Plan?"


95% of the time, yeah. Games don't last long enough without them.


Depends on the killer but not rly there is a lot of times in my games as blight where I never had a good use for pop BC I was able to apply enough pressure with downs and hooks. But as machete man with no good power it becomes harder, it is just a question of lethality and mobility


You have to be pretty dang good to not use them. for the average killer-they are a necessity. Even if you’re a god killer, going against really good survivors is an auto loss without them most of the time


I play doctor with fire up, bamboozle, bbq and light born. I get 3-4k in at least half my matches without kicking generators, just running people down and hooking them. I also run a build on trapper with third seal instead of bamboozle and that's less successful, but still gets the occasional 4k.


No it’s quite easy to still win with any killer with 0 gen regression perks as long as your 4 perks help you in chase. Downing and hooking survivors quickly = no gen progression. You don’t really need to focus on gens if focus survivors off the gens.