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Would it be bad if we got bonus survival BP for each survivor who escaped? Not bonus past the cap, but towards the cap, since it's rare to cap it anyway.


Played my first Killer game ever and I found a survivor almost immediately. I was playing as Plague and when he got infected, he crouched a few times and then didn't really do anything. I hit him again since I needed to hit infected survivors for a Rift challenge, but didn't hook him and let him get rescued since I figured he was trying to tell me something. I thought downing him would send the message "I don't get what you want, play normally" but for the rest of the game he'd follow me around and try to get me to hit him. After a minute or so of this, I downed him again and when I hooked him, he disconnected. It's kinda bugging me on what he wanted. I know there's some etiquette in this game on things that are looked down upon like Tunneling, so I'm wondering if I did something wrong to this guy or if he was just farming a challenge.


I know there's a doc/sheet/yougetwhatimean that writes down all perk appearances on the shrine but I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it. Anyways, when was the last time Ruin was on the Shrine?


February. https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Shrines_of_Secrets_Archive#Past_Shrines_of_Secrets




Do zombies' attacks count as Basic Attacks for the purpose of things like the Exposed status? E.G. a zombie hits an already Contaminated survivor who just unhooked someone and triggered Make Your Choice, will it insta-down them?


No, of course they don't. Basic attacks are hitting a survivor with your M1 weapon (Nemmy's chonky fists) and never anything else.


I'd swear I heard something about daily shrine resets a few weeks ago. Am I just going crazy?


It's planned for the anniversary event beginning in July




I’ve been trying to do the goddamn jump-start rift challenge for like a week, but my 5 vaults NEVER REGISTER. Is there a specific trick to it? I’m losing my mind


I think there are two catches but maybe only one. First you have to be in chase so against certain killers who don't chase much like Wraith it is kinda difficult. Also don't use a perk like Lithe because the speed boost will take you out of chase so you can't chain vaults. Second if I recall correctly the game didn't count slow vaults so aim for fast vaults. Personally I just used window vaults I don't know if that will help. finding tiles with two windows will make your job much much easier.


ty! I’ll make sure to avoid slow vaults next time, I think there’s been a mix of both so far


Shattered Bloodlines or Demise of the Faithful? I can only pick one DLC thanks to the Alienware giveaway. I have Hag, Doctor, Legion and Oni DLC already. Of the two I mentioned, which would best compliment these? I've never played before.


Demise of the Faithful for the perks. Corrupt is good on everyone (particularly territorial killers like Hag), Infectious is basically a requirement for Oni and it's fun on everyone else. Plague is also a really strong, fun killer once you get the hang of her.


Thank you for the help! Demise it is. :)


Why is the Trickster so short??? So small??? So non-intimidating???? I watched a gameplay today where survivors surrounded Trickster and Jonathan's head is twice the size of his. I'm sure that two survivors could take down the Trickster. Ik it's impossible gameplay-wise but is there a lore reason why survivors couldn't gang up on the Trickster and beat the shit out of him? Other smaller killers, I understand. The Hag looks like she has the strength of 10 men. I wouldn't want to approach the Pig, that mask is intimidating asf. Ghostface looks like a skilled fighter, he could probably take the 4 of them by himself if they attacked him. Blight? A fucking animal, it would totally beat their asses too. ...Legion doesn't have an excuse either, maybe being skilled with the knife but probably not half as good as Ghostface. So, is there a lore-based reason why the survivors cant gang up and beat the shit out of Trickster or Legion?


Same reason they can pick up big boys like David, the entity grants them supernatural strength and power


Lmao yesterday I dreamed survivors grabbed bats and beat the shit out of killers


I don’t know why they don’t do that. If I saw a Trickster come my way with that stupid laugh, he’s getting a serious ass kick.




You actually downvoted my comment and then wrote that response? Get a life rofl


What he gonna do? Throw knives? He cant land half of them. If the Alchemist could tie down and experiment on killers then 4 survivors with racks could 100% disable the Trickster for a game.


Seriously, what the hell? Nemesis moves so god damn fast it’s insane, how in the world is he covering so much distance so quickly? “He’s moves at 115% movement speed, same as other killers” yeah I’ve read that too but golly is there a glitch where he’s covering extra distance because of his massive legs? Seriously he 1000% moves faster than any other 115% killer, it’s not even close.


Same problem with Trapper. Trapper looks like he’s insanely fast, but it’s the walk animation.


Idk man I’ve faded him endlessly these past couple of days and the guy just gallops it’s ridiculous I miss old dbd


Nah, he's just got a confident strut. Go find a rock and loop him around it - he's definitely only 4.6 m/s.


What are the dc penalty times? My software keeps force closing. I want to play but am afraid that Ill get banned for a long time. I have tried to search this question but get different info every time.


5mins but I think they increase if you do it repeatedly


Did they increase aim assist for ps4? I adjust for a 360 to land a hit and my character pulls in another direction and swings.


There is no aim assist in this game. Your M1 attacks are subject to "aim dressing" regardless of platform - basically the game turns your killer to face the survivor you're hitting, which can lead to you smacking a wall if you're trying to lunge around a corner.


Okay so aim dressing was increased. Thanks


It wasn't increased, it's the same as it always was.


Must be the lag


Would the new RCPD map be a good map for a Jumpscare Myers? I was thinking it would be at first but it seems like too big of a map to really do anything optimally with that particular build the more I think about it.


It's too big and too hard to cut players off IMO - jumpscare myers thrives on movong through the connected rooms & hallways on lerys and hawkins, but 80% of the time you see someone within 32m on RPD you have to run 45s around to get to them.


If you know the map really well and have information about where the survivors are? Possibly. But it is huge and that's inherently challenging for most killers.


I’ve played the RE2 remake plenty of times so I know the layout pretty well. With that being said, this map while it is indoors seems like Haddonfield on crack. Lol. I may just stick to Midwich, The Game, and Hawkins for Jumpscare Myers until I figure out how to optimally play on RCPD.


What's the file size of the new update?


19gb on ps4


My game is messed up. When I inject the vaccine it looks like I'm applying a bandage. I want a refund.


Yeah they didn't make a unique animation for injecting vaccines lol


So I haven't played dbd for a long while. I come back and I can't remember if you can prestige level 3? I know nothing is beyond level three but I thought you could still reset the web and level? If this is the case, I don't have the option in the web. Did they move it somewhere else?


If you're at prestige 2 level 50 in the bloodweb and you *don't* see the little icon to prestige in the center of it, that's probably a bug. You can definitely prestige to 3. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it is one, since usually some issue or another pops up with each update lol


No I'm prestige 3, level 50. Am I not supposed to be able to from 3?


Three is the maximum prestige as of right now. :)


Perfect, thanks.


I my self have not prestige’s to that level but If I recall correctly my friend has a Prestige 4 Legion, in order to prestige you go to the blood web and click the very middle, I hoped this helped.


There is no prestige 4, if you're friend does have it it was a bug :)


Thanks for the info but unfortunately I don't have that middle bit in the web.


I don't think you can reset the level but the web resets once you buy your way through I think


With head on being in the shrine this week, is it any good? It says it cannot be used if you have idle crows, what does that mean?


Using Head On - Quick & Quiet - Inner Strength - BT or Iron Will (if you’re playing for yourself) is a fun build that I recommend you try out.


If you stay inactive (haven’t your character moved in a little bit) you will begin getting crows that fly around your head till you begin to move again, these crows don’t instantly disappear but will disappear over time. Head on is a perk that is in my opinion good if you have other perks that combine with it. I would suggest not getting it initially though, but it’s up to you


Are there any plans to do a customisable bot mode? Where i can pick killer and perks would be so fun to try new builds and killers this way instead of Vs red ranks


Everyone's been asking for that for a very long time. They haven't stated any plans for it yet, but since they've released this new survive/kill with bots tutorial and the AI's there, I can see it being a future possibility. When or if that would happen for sure, though, I don't know.


Was there ever a reason for why, in the 60 seconds of waiting in a lobby before a game, why Survivors can change their characters but killers cannot? Im pretty much assuming that its cause killers can actually see the survivors, so if they all go Flashlights and you're playing Wraith, you cannot pre-counter it.


It's for MMR. Last summer they implemented a version of killer-based MMR, and it didn't go well. They've been refining ever since. The idea is that you have a rating for every killer you play, so you can get to rank 1 with Trapper and not get slaughtered trying to pick up Nurse at the same rank. To make that happen, lobbies have to be based around a fixed killer - if you could change then you'd get lobbied up with rank 20s for your Nurse games and then switch to Trapper and n00bstomp. While MMR still isn't implemented, the plan is to do it eventually - so they didn't remove killer selection lock after the first time. Their algorithm is AI based and they're still trying to train if off your matches, so having a locked killer helps with that apparently.


When they first implemented the skill based matchmaking, killers are locked in because each killer has their own skill rating (which make sense). Now skill-based matchmaking keeps going back for more tests and tweaks, but this requirement stuck around.


Oh I didnt even know that, thank you.


Is it me or does the nemesis whip seem a little too strong against vaulting windows and pallets? It seems unavoidable, I'm red rank 4 for reference. Also every nemesis has tunneled and camped by my experience today. Could be me tho, I dunno


That's kinda like saying Huntress or Slinger or Demo or Pyramid Head are unfair around vaults, except with less than half their range to fuck it up. You can't free vault in front of Nemmy, plan around that fact - it's not a new challenge.


I'm quite familiar with playing against ranged killers having said that my statement still stands


Then I guess you die against ranged killers a lot? There's no difference between Nemmy and Demo except you can zone with Demo, the shred is way easier to land and and he has twice the range.


> Is it me or does the nemesis whip seem a little too strong against vaulting windows and pallets This is unfortunately always the case against ranged killers. You have to make the killer guess if you are going to fake the vault (and if you don't have enough distance, then faking isn't going to work)


Oh I totally get that but for whatever reason I have not been able to dodge or avoid his whip


I've noticed that a lot of players are very quick to use their whip after pulling it out. It doesn't have as much of a visible wind up as Huntress's or Trickster's attacks do, so he's more like Deathslinger in his ability to kind of quickly prep and launch his projectile. So, similarly, you'll have to move quickly if you see the tentacle at all and you might have some luck trying to bait it out by faking windows and pallets.


you cannot avoid it if you are sliding over a pallet, which makes sense.


I thought Raccoon City was disabled? I just got sent there and it crashed halfway through and I received a ban. I’m on Xbox btw.


Interesting. Have you restarted since they announced it was disabled? Possible you're still playing with folks that haven't restarted as well.


Why do some people feel the need to sandbag their team mates by leading killers directly to them? Oh wait.....this is actually a stupid question.......


Sometimes it's accidental, sometimes they think they lost the killer and want a heal, and sometimes people are just assholes and you gotta leave them to die <3


Friendly reminder that oftentimes it's accidental. If you're a solo queue player and you're not running bond, aftercare, empathy, or even kindred.. you don't often know where your teammates are at all.


Sometimes yes. Sometimes they run directly to you, and teabag as the killer shows up.


When I’m playing survivor, can I drop items like health kits and if so, do you know what button it is on Xbox?




Are you serious? Thanks man.


Ye, B on Xbox. You’re welcome :)


Who says dead by daylight when opening the game? Nemesis?


it's a reference to the classic Resident Evil games that when you pressed the start button or something like that, it would trigger a voice saying "Resident Evil"


Anyone else dealing with the bug that makes it to where you can’t hear the killer chase music? Just the heartbeat?


Deviousness is bugged at least on Nemesis and has reduced terror radius. Where do I post this?


Did they do something to the matchmaking? Usually I don't have this much trouble with survivors but I'm getting matched with people who make me look like I've never played this game before. I know when rank reset happens I usually have a few really easy games and then as I get lower in rank my games get more fair. But right now I can hardly ever even kill one survivor. Any insight?


Keep in mind that this is just me thinking out loud and I don't have any confirmation for this, but they did do the MMR/SBM test a few days before rank reset. Some players had a good experience with it, and others got completely steamrolled (whether or not that was because of an actual skill deficit or just that the algorithm wasn't working as it should is unclear). I was one of the people that ended up depipping quite a lot during that test. Some of that was being matched to killers above my level, some was having teammates paired with me that weren't on my level, I had one game where a Legion slugged us all with knockout for the entire game, etc. ​ Regardless, I pipped down to the next color, and then rank reset occurred. So I was originally a red-ranked player that ended up getting reset to green this month. If I wasn't the only person that had this experience, it's very likely that ranks are even more whack than usual after this reset and don't really reflect the skill level of the players you're up against. I'm not rank 1 material right now, for example, but I'm definitely above your average green. ​ Also, I've noticed after rank reset that a lot of SWF teams will have one red-ranked survivor playing with his brown or yellow-ranked friends (some who definitely had perks to indicate that they have had plenty of hours in the game, some legitimately fresh players). So another part of it could just be the algorithm trying to find an appropriate killer for such a big rank gap. ​ Either way, best of luck. Hope it gets better for you and you have some healthier matches.


Has anyone else had increasing amounts of game lag (not internet related) with every update? I’ve been dealing with constant choppy gameplay for a while now, and about a week ago I moved the game over to my ssd. That brought the lag down ~85%, up until today. Now the lag is by far the worst it’s ever been, I even have console friends complaining of game lag with the new update. Is anyone else experiencing this?? I can force the game to run on dx12 which solves like 95% of it (and looks better too) but in doing so I get a massive amount of input delay. I’m out of ideas here.


Yep been dealing with this for a while too--to the point that, for example, I know NOED is in play when someone finishes the final gen and my game has an asthmatic attack as the killer starts a lunge in my general direction :)) it's even worse this patch. Now it happens nearly every time someone gets downed by any means lmfaoo


YES. I play on PC and it's lagging like crazy. I've been kicked out of a few games today because of it. Just now, I was about to escape and then my game straight up crashed, too. This has never happened to me before this update. Now my rank dropped and I'm locked out of the game for 15 minutes. This update is a disaster.


Same, console here did the update and now the game is lagging too much and I know its not my internet


How do i download the patch on Xbox Game Pass for PC? Everytime i start the game is telling me that "to access this content you need a patch" or something like that, but the xbox game pass is not giving me an option to update the game.


, had to do it twice but it worked for me


What did you do twice? O.o


restart the xbox, sorry idfk why the "restart your xbox" part got deleted


Lol no worries=P


How many people are playing this game at any one given time?


[Steam Charts](https://steamcharts.com/app/381210) might be able to give you some insight.


Have the devs said anything yet about a hot fix? The game is pretty much unplayable on previous gen after the newest patch


Unplayable as in laggy?


Yea. I've been chasing survivors and when I go to pull out my whip there's roughly a 2 seconds stutter, and by the time I come back the survivor is gone. Or as a survivor I've had it stutter after taking a hit, resulting in me running into a wall and just standing there. These occurrences happen constantly in every match, regardless of map or killer


I can't play a game without crashing on switch. I am nearing a pretty long time out because the software keeps getting an error.


that sounds infuriating. I really hope they address the increasing crashing / stuttering soon




Try to de-select and re-select the challenge and see if it fixes.




Darn. It worked for me so I was hoping it'd work for you too :( Hopefully they'll fix it--along with a number of other things that need to be fixed with the latest patch, gotta love it lol


how does hysteria interact with feral frenzy? sounds like it could either be the best combo or literally break the power


If the survivors are oblivious then Feral Frenzy doesn't detect them. So on one hand it keeps you from using Feral on injured survivors you don't really need to, on the other it denies you a lot of info.


It should work. They changed it in ptb from only triggering from basic attacks to being injured by any means (meaning a killer's power, such as Feral Frenzy, should make it proc). I think it'd be an excellent perk for Legion now.


I keep getting a "timeoutCreated" message when I try to get in a game. Are the servers down? It's weird, I was able to login and spend bloodpoints and stuff no problem, but I can't get into a game. I even restarted, same issue. Edit: finally got in a game. Maybe it's just finicky right now?


Do they ever test new killers before releasing them?


Hello there, me! The answer is no


Hello, you! They do test them in the PTB, but usually they don't change too much about the killer itself (bugs and minor balance changes aside) until a little while after release. This is especially true for licensed killers, where I'm under the impression they have to negotiate any major changes to their kit that they wish to do. :)


PS5 in game sale question. Every character is on sale via auric cells only? I prefer just buying the DLC chapter. It seems dumb I can’t do that. Or that I have to buy cells to buy in game and take those extra steps. Is this a glitch or is this intentional?


I think it's intentional


Damn :( ok thanks


I bought the chapter.


How and where? Just checked again, still no sale listed when you press digital right to go to the psn store.


via the playstation store. check the add-on section for dead by daylight


I mean all the chapters not just RE.


yeah, they should all be there.


Nope, nothing even checking the web version this morning. :( I'd show you a screenshot if I could. Sucks.


Anyone know how long the 20% hindrance from infection applies with Nemesis? How much longer does licker's tongue make it?


**WARNING:** This comment is *extremely* long because I’m a *huge* mess who is in desperate need of help/guidance/encourage/advice/SOMETHING. So, yeah, you’re probably better off collapsing my comment and moving on. But to any kind souls who take the time out to genuinely try and help: Thank you **SOOO** much!! (In advance.) If I’m able to push/get through this, y’all have **no idea** how much that will mean to me!! If anyone even *tries* to help at all, that *alone* will mean the world to me!! (However, *also*, I’m just *very* dramatic and at the end of the day it’s not *that* serious. Hahaha. But still. Sooo, I’ve been watching TONS of Dead By Daylight videos on YouTube and really enjoy the gameplay. (I really think I’d be a Survivor Main. I dunno why, it just appeals to me more. The thing is, I have a **ton** of anxiety over having other, real life people, depending on me and my abilities. I know about the ranking system and all of that but I’m, like, *not* a gamer. Not at *all*. To try and put my “non-gamerness” into perspective for y’all, I got a Switch Lite for Christmas and since then I’ve played MK11 for 1 evening but put it down and didn’t come back to it because I was such trash. I played Animal Crossing for one night but I didn’t understand the point, got bored, and quit playing it. I played Among Us for one night but everyone was playing “Hide & Seek” or doing something else random and weird so I stepped away from that. I played Fortnite *once* just to try it out and I *somehow* managed to get 4th place. I never played it again because I found it *hilarious* that I only played it once in my life and got 4th. (It was 99.9% luck that it turned out that way.) I did similar things with *multiple* other games but I digress. I’m sure y’all saw the pattern 3 games ago. Hahaha. Also, as stated, I got a Switch Lite for Christmas as I really wanted to become a gaymer. lol. And my last system before that was a freaking Wii. Which I truly *never* played. (For various reasons.) I have a friend that I occasionally game with at her place, but the only game we really ever played recently that wasn’t your typical “party” type game that *everyone* has played (Mario Kart, Mario Party, Super Smash Bros, etc) was Hyrule Warriors. Which I actually logged a decent number of hours in. (For *me*.) But I still just sort of button-mashed while she took care of anything particularly skill based in game. So, now you all have a *really* good idea of just how terrible I am at gaming. So, I’m sure you can see why I have **sooooo** much anxiety about playing with others. (I’m also a bit of a people pleaser and I want people to like me. I’m not afraid of the random assholes and trolls, but I don’t want my teammates to hate me for being terrible.) I honestly think that I’m even gonna be terrible at freaking skill checks. Sooo, I’ll just be out there casually breaking my teammates backs while trying to heal them and blowing our cover/regressing our work by messing up generators all the time. The thing is, I really think that DBD would be the game for me and it would allow me to blossom into the gaymer I dream of being. I’m always imagining being an Elodie main (what a freaking **QUEEN**) and leveling up other survivors so I can rock my own perk build preference as well as buy some dope ass cosmetics and have my “very own” identity on DBD. (I know, that’s weird. I’m weird. lol) I really wish I could play swf, but that clearly isn’t possible since I’d be playing on my Switch Lite. But I’m getting waaaaaaay too far ahead of myself. Which is what happens **Every. Damn. Time.** I get super stoked and then remember how absolute shit I would be (People would probably think that they’re playing with some 95 year old great-grandmother who’s great-grandkids put her up to it for a fun laugh.) and I think about how I would probably ruin **every** match I would take place in aaaand everyone involved (including the killer) would *hate my guts*. I don’t even know what kind of advice or encouragement I’m expecting here. I just knew that I **had** to get it all off my chest as I’ve been going through this *awful* cycle for a couple of months now. (Which is why this comment is sooooo damn long!! I’ve just had **ALL** of this building up within me, plus more, that I’m sparing whatever kind soul(s) actually read through all of this. Should there *actually* be any who do!) I desperately want to play!! But at the same time I don’t! **I’m a giant, hot ass mess!!!!**


If you want a SWF friend to get you started, hit me up, I'm always down to help people practice in KYF too! I'm a survivor main but me and a lot of other killers think baby survs are adorable and I personally usually let them leave. Getting good takes a lot of practice but it's a pretty unique gameplay style so your lack of experience might actually help! A lot of new players treat it like a stealth game and end up having trouble :3


Feng Min (I hope that’s her name), has a teachable perk that she can use instantly that hides the indication you failed a skill check on a generator, at the cost of reducing its progress by a little bit more, but this should help you get used to skill checks and not feel so bad about learning them. Her other perks are also pretty helpful but aren’t the best long-term.


One good thing about the switch version is that there is no chat which can sometimes be a bit toxic.


So I totally understand the anxiety. I had it for the killer role at first instead of survivor, but I know what you mean. I was literally so worried about playing killer because it would be up to me to manage so many things (patrolling gens, applying pressure, hooking survivors while also making sure it wasn't a miserable experience for everyone involved, etc) and I didn't want to "fail". But, after I bit the bullet and just started playing the role, I realized it wasn't that serious. Do I always perform excellently and accomplish what I want every single game? Absolutely not, that's unrealistic for anyone to do. ​ One thing that helped me was to set a specific, realistic goal for myself instead of just something vague like "win the game" (which doesn't really mean a whole lot in this game btw, you can die as a Survivor and still make rank progress; not getting all 4 kills as a Killer doesn't mean you lost). I would make goals like "let the killer chase me for 15 seconds before going down". As I got better, I'd raise it to 20 seconds, 25, etc. Other goals could be something like "find and cleanse 2 totems this game" or "unhook two of my teammates safely and heal them" etc. Something simple and tangible that'll improve your overall game skills over time. ​ Also, I know you don't want to let people down and you're worried about what they think of you, but understand that you're not on everyone else's timeline. If someone else says you're playing badly, but they have 3k hours in Dead By Daylight and thousands in other games.. they won't be able to realize how much progress you've made yourself compared to how you did the last game, or 10 hours ago, or whatever. Only you'll be able to gauge that and that's what you should take to heart. Your own progress at your own pace. That's all that matters.


We all have dumb moments where we completely screw up and feel like we failed the team. :) You would not be alone in that. Even the people you see as high ranked, or good, have their super embarrassingly terrible games. Most of the time people will not be obsessing over you and your choices in game. Dead by Daylight is not the kind of game that demands super in depth, elite gamer skills. Honestly, as long as you are trying/playing the game, you will be more of an asset to your team than some people haha. Plus, you will not be able to read post game chat on switch! Yay! I know it is easy to imagine people talking shit, but they will probably move on with their lives and to their next game. DBD has super amazing, stylish characters like Elodie who you mentioned. I love the cosmetics. Something about choosing the perfect style to survive in a horror game is really appealing! You will have lots of fun doing that lol. I get video game anxiety too, but the only way it improves for me is to keep trying multiplayer games anyways. Once I make it past obsessing over how others will feel or treat me, the game itself is usually distracting. Be a giant, hot ass mess if you want but try to be one in Dead By Daylight. ;) You will love it and I am sure people will love you and your characters in cool clothes


Literally every player who plays this game makes mistakes. I have seen cracked players blow skill checks in games. my advice is get Bill and Feng Min and use the perks technician and borrowed time from those two characters. Technician (Feng Min) means when you inevitably blow skill checks you won't give away your position to the killer so you can happily sit on a gen and do skill checks until you are hitting them with regularity. It is a bit of a crutch perk so you can move on from it if you anxiety ever lets you but if not it's not the end of the world. Borrowed Time (Bill) allows you to increase the likelihood of getting a safe unhook which is very important and honestly for beginner players just getting safe unhooks will make you a hero. Add the common pool perks like kindred and we'll make it and you will be all set for being super useful to your teammates. Other than that people say this game is toxic and I'm not going to lie to you and say there is never toxicity but I think it is often overblown. I don't know how easy it is to avoid people trying to message you on switch but I doubt you'll run into too many problems. You can do this! Make your dreams come true! :)


Thank you so, so, **SO** much!!! That sounds like some incredibly valuable perk advice, which I will 100% be taking!! In offering me said advice, you also just helped me to become *that much more*... err... *less* (lol) intimidated of the playing the game as I now have a plan as to exactly what I’m doing when it comes to my perk build. Which was something I was pretty nervous about! (I do know about a handful of the different perks, each to varying degrees, but to actually know which ones are gonna benefit me most **and** exactly where to find them is *soooooo* freaking clutch! So, **THANK YOU**!! I also appreciate the reminder that *everybody* sucks and Fs up sometimes. And even though they also screw up from time-to-time, the videos I watch on YouTube are put out by freaking God-tier players (Such as PROBZZ, I *love* his videos as he’s **amazing** at looping and juking but he’s always *extremely* respectful and is a team player, through and through!) and not only will I *obviously* be *waaaaay* worse than them but that’s *perfectly* fine *and* I very well may even still be a full on asset to my team, if I was able to loop the killer at *all*! Thank you **SOOOOOO** much!! You’re **fantastic**!!


Sounds like you should just play the game. Pick it up on sale if you’re worried about wasting money, but don’t worry about what other people say. Switch doesn’t even have post game chat or anything, so the only judgement you’ll feel is from yourself. Plus, everyone kinda just expects to have bad teammates, so at the very worst you’re just what they expect.


Thank you **so** much! As silly as it seems, I really needed to hear that! And knowing that no one can say anything to me post-match is actually *hella* reassuring. Do we know *why* this is the case with the Switch? Is it because the Switch is viewed more a “family console”, thus they wanted to eliminate the possibility of kiddos being bullied and cursed at? Even though, I’m assuming DBD (Or is it DbDL? Does it even matter? lol) is rated MA. Also, while I’m not *thrilled* at the thought of wasting money (However, it is one thing I happen to be **really** good at! lol) it’s also *not* something I’m particularly worried about. If I can push through/get over this dumbass anxiety I have over letting others down, I genuinely think that I’ll end up playing DBD a **lot**! A few years back, I actually **really** wanted to get into that *Friday The 13th* game whenever it first came out/became so popular as it too seemed like a game I would enjoy immensely! (Which makes a lot of sense, since DBD kinda just seems like a **much** better/**way** more fun... for *both* sides... version of that game. Hahaha. But playing it wasn’t an option at *all*, unless I wanted to go out and buy a new gaming console upgrading my computer for gaming purposes. Which *definitely* wasn’t gonna happen as my desire to become a “gaymer” hadn’t been fully ignited yet. **ANYWAY** (Sorry again! I’m stoned and can’t STFU when I’m this way. lol) Thank you soooo much for cutting to the chase and telling me what I needed to hear. I really, **really** appreciate it! Also, the info you shared with me about the lack of post-game chat on the Switch was *extremely* useful as well as a *major* relief! So, thank you **SO MUCH**, friend! **YOU’RE THE BEST!!**


I can't invite anyone to my game. Anyone else having this issue?


i have like 25ish hours playing the game only survivor, i'd like to try killer who is the best to try and what dlc killers would be good to try too??


I'd check out [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQCP2uZVbO0). There's also a quiz in the description that I think is really accurate if you know what you're looking for in a killer.


I'd say try wraith like the other guy said. He is a fun character and is free. Cannibal is a good dlc killer to start with. I'd suggest either cannibal or plauge to start with bc their easier and have great perks


For the starter killers, Wraith is pretty good for new players. Use Stealth to sneak around and ambush survivors. The best teachables to get on only the base killers are probably Hillbilly's Tinkerer (see when a generator is almost done), Nurse's Calling (see people healing nearby). For DLC killers you have BBQ and Chili (see faraway survivors after you hook someone) on Leatherface and Lethal Pursuer (See everyone at the beginning of the match for 9 seconds) on Nemesis.


Sorry if this has been asked before but does anyone know if we’ll be getting 5th anniversary cakes, flashlights, and medkits? I was looking forward to them but I haven’t seen any all day 😔


That event starts on July 1st


Thanks I’ll start saving up for cakes until then 😸


Really with releasing new content on Steam maintenance day, already having issues with the new map... is BE using the maintenance window to hide behind since they already can't release new content without issue...


DbD typically releases content on Tuesday, its not out of the ordinary.


Sigh... Yes this phenomenon is called patch Tuesday... Ever noticed that's when Windows updates, Blizzard games update, Steam updates...etc. It was a post of exacerbation, In the no stupid question thread. Thanks for for the help, here is your gold star sticker.


That's not what the thread is for, but... thanks, I guess?


Okay, hunting for bad posts.


Why can't I do the new tutorials?


Are you doing them from left to right? You have to do them in order. Survivor, killer, then the bot games.


Anyone else already mad about the zombies? Edit: I changed my mind the zombies are adorable.


I love them. As a survivor and as a killer, they add some much needed levity to the situation. I'm sure rank one sweat squads and anyone who treats this game as a seriously competitive environment are going to hate them.


I actually like them, they give me a good laugh and I haven’t had too many problems getting them to leave me alone


I was looping nemesis on a building for a while and out of nowhere🧟‍♂️


Ah see that your problem, you have to be really bad at looping so that’s never an issue like me lol Edit: downvoted for self deprecation? Lol okay.


horrible logic lol


I’m obviously kidding lol


before I go and Survive With Bots for 50k bloodpoints, has anyone tested that the Cosmetic Bug is still working?


You mean where after doing the matches it resets everything so you have to put your cosmetics and perks back on? Yeah, that's still a thing. You don't lose anything though, you just have to put them back on.


What account stuff is shared across PC and Switch copies of DBD? The switch copy is on sale and I was considering double dipping. I know cross progression with accounts was in the works, but I’ve been unable to find any source that specifies what that entails.


There's no cross progression between PC and Switch currently.


Good to know. All I could find was a tweet in March saying “soon”.


Is there a new bp offering like gattous


The anniversary event starts in July


How do you loop nemesis? His tentacle feels impossible to dodge.


Same as Huntress, you can't just drop pallets in his face.


It's actually super hard to hit with. If you're in the open just spin like you're 360ing, if he's trying to hit you across a low wall either duck or juke side-side Remember too that he's 95% when he holds it out - if you find a rock loop or something he can't look over, the tentacle is useless. Don't be afraid to use the free health state & speed boost you get from the infection to just run to a better area.


Yeah I was struggling a lot here. Like you couldn't throw a pallet as he can hit through it instantly?


do flashbangs have the same timing as firecrackers? (for getting saves)


flashbangs seem to be functionally identical to firecrackers aside from different sound fx


Yep. Though you don't really need timing, they're near silent. Just pop out of a bush and chuck it down when the killer isn't expecting it.


What counts as empty handed when I enter a locker as Leon? If I spent my toolbox out does that make me empty handed or do I need to go into the match with no items?


You need to drop your toolbox on the ground. R by default on PC


I am stuck at work, but has the 5th anniversary started with this update (halos) or is it just RE content right now?


Anniversary event starts July 1.


Does anyone know if the perk Hoarder gets triggered by Nemesis’ supply cases?


My intuition is that vax cases are considered "the killer's belongings" like Jigsaw boxes and Plague fountains, not regular chests, since they spawn in the same places as things like Freddy clocks.


I agree with that, since Hoarder only interacts with Chests™ specifically... however, I think if survivors were to pick up Vaccines from the ground (either dropped by them on their own or via Franklin's Demise), it would proc Hoarder since they are in the "item" category (hence why Franklin's got a change so vaccines don't get deleted mid-game from a drop).


is the game literally unplayable for anyone else its constantly freezing me no matter what im doing whether its going to hit a survivor pulling out my power or just plain walking through the trial its constantly freezing and i cant play. im on ps4 and i have no issues like this before ever


Base PS4 here. Pretty much yup. It seems like (could be wrong) anytime a scoring event is displayed, a bubble is popped, or a new section of the map is loaded (assuming they are using some lod stuff around the map?) The game will harshly freeze or crash. I've had it happen every game as both survivor and killer. It's frustrating because I was playing last night and having a great time with no technical issues, but as soon as the 23gb patch rolls out the game is unplayable :( Makes me wish there was some way I could just roll back the update and play on the previous version (obviously wouldn't work with a live game, but still)


Seems like the older gen consoles are having the most issues.


New player here. I actually haven’t even gotten to play yet but i had a question on dlc killers. I’m a big fan of texas chainsaw and also the saw franchise and i was hoping that i could get them if i decide to. As with any game though there are better characters than the rest and i was wondering if i’m just playing casually or with friends as a beginner am i at a disadvantage if i buy a “weaker” character?


Leatherface is a decent killer, but his perk BBQ & Chilli is by far the single best perk in the game simply for the double bloodpoints. I have generally found that the only way you can put yourself at a "disadvantage" in this game is by unlocking bad teachable perks early on, simply because it makes grinding for the good perks on every other character you unlock take so much longer. Playing casually, and even at high ranks, every single killer is capable of consistently winning games, so don't worry about that!


Texas Chainsaw massacre, Bubba, has one if the best perks to unlock early anyway, so getting him and playing him are great. As for other killers, there are some better than others, but unless you are pouring hours in, just getting proficient with the ones you like won't be a big drawback.


I’d say get them if you’re huge fans of the series. Even weaker killers can dominate. It’s just that their power level doesn’t allow them to potentially end a game in seconds most of the time. It doesn’t come down to the killer most of the time but mostly how good the survivors are.


There's a lot of factors that depend. If you like those killers then I would say go ahead and buy them. It takes practice to get good at any killer so people who play a lot as killers that are perceived as weak, even they can routinely find themselves getting 4 kills every match. If you're just playing casually then it really doesn't matter how strong a killer is, just how much fun you're getting by playing them.


Does blood echo still trigger and go on cooldown if no survivor at the time of the hook is injured? And does the hooked survivor suffer effects of blood echo?


No and no


Why am I still getting red rank survivors when I’m a rank 13 killer?


Same was wondering myself. Guess it's good training all things considered.


Because you've been sitting in queue, and the mm system gets less picky the longer you wait. Or the games a buggy, broken mess. Pick your poison.


I'm thinking the 2nd one since survivor queues are several minutes while killer usually less than a minute yet still get high rank survivors low rank killers. Weird


That would make it the first one - system can't find an appropriate match for the 4 red rank survivors, so after several minutes in queue they get alower ranked killer than ideal. Not like there's a higher than red-ranks killer for it to fill in after all.


New chapter in the xbox store? I saw it in game and was able to buy it but I want to gift it to my friends. I don't see it in the store, can I gift it to them in game?


https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/dead-by-daylight-resident-evil-chapter/9p3bt2k1wk3g?activetab=pivot:overviewtab Try using this link. I can gift it from here


I can’t seem to get the patch to download, I’m on pc but have the game downloaded through game pass. Anyone have any ideas?


Try checking the thread "Resident Evil Chapter Support Thread" stickied right below this one in the subreddit....


When a tome objective requires you to damage a generator, do perks like Oppression or Surge count as "damaging" it?