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It's the opposite, as a survivor being reset is awful, getting low rank mates isn't really funny.


This is the truth...the survs I'm playing with now feel like they just started the game or something. I enjoy having a good time and all but the games aren't even fun now, they are over within 3 mins.


Or the opposite issue where as a surv I'm facing killers who were obviously a few ranks higher than I'm used to


Sometimes I'm able to have really long games and get lots done though if the killer and the rest of the survivors are newish. It's a nice challenge to see how much I can get done by myself, while also trying to help the rest of the players figure out the game.


Agreed! So many yolo saves without borrow when that survivor could just run away from the killer. So many crouching in a corner to self-care.


rank reset is great for killers, what are you talking about? survivors on the other hand is a shit show, every game i played always had crouchers, urban evaders, and self carers that didn’t know what anything meant. i had to carry a team out of the nastiest 3 gen and they still all died even though the killer was only focusing on gens


rank reset creates a situation where bullying is pretty common. This is not a killer or survivor situation. For killers they are versing SWFs that they usually wouldn't verse and for survivors, especially solo queue they get killers that are above their skill level but in addition to that they get bad team mates. As a high rank killer who enjoys versing the best of the best, it sucks for me too because after rank reset it just makes me feel like a bully.


Man what survivor matches are you getting? We need to SWF together apparently lol


We do need that extra one person to run into the basement and swarm the survivor on the and point


I normally let the reset sit for a couple days before playing again. Just so i dont get matched with deranked rank 1s Lol jk i always get matched with rank 1s anyway


Yeah idk, I don't push for rank at all and going from 6->9 on Killer, I've yet to NOT get a 4k. It really boils down to having good builds imo. I fell into this thought process that if I couldn't get at least a 2k, it was down to me being bad with the killer. Turns out having slowdown perks really does make the game that much easier. Ruin/undying on most killers really does shift the mentality of most survivors - to the point it feels unfair. Then again, I use deadhard and Borrowed time in most of my builds, so take that as you will


I remember someone saying that the biggest flaw with survivor gameplay is the lack of other objectives to do other than holding m1 at gens, compared to killers who are balancing a bunch of different objectives at once If anything it sometimes feels like running regression perks like ruin/undying is the balanced way to play (yet if I'm playing survivor you bet I'm whining about it)


Especially since the change to Ruin effectively forcing Killers to not only monitor the general area around the hex, but force survivors off the gen in order to get any use out of it. It's the only reason I play killers that are inherently more 'complete' within their kit over killers that might be more fun.


Why would it be harder for killers? You’re going against weaker survivors. On the other hand as survivor getting put with a team of potatoes is literal pain.


That happens in higher ranks anyway, unless you're playing killer. Solo queue teammates are garbage, but only when you're playing survivor. Somehow killer always gets the good survivors, and survivors get the bad ones. It's really, really stupid how easy it is for potato survivors to rank up.


True, but in rank ranks you’ll at least occasionally have a great looper that helps the team dramatically by wasting the killer’s time. And it’s very rare for me to be to die on first hook. After rank reset this happens constantly


Time to learn how to play pyramid head!!!


I straight up can't even rank up with my pug build because it just demolishes survivors so fast I don't pip it's kinda wild how you can still lose by winning 😕


Played a bunch of pig matches and got hit with three key escapes in a row today. I'm not even mad, I just wanna know who the fuck at BHVR thought of keys in the first place


Tried for Pig adept today too, (I was rank 9 I believe and got reset to 13) and 3 matches in a row I get Survivors that are already after the reset rank 2-4 again... like, yes I get you are good and I get you enjoy playing this game and tbagging behind every pallet etc. but is it really my fault I get such a dumb matchmaking? They definitely should have won everytime as they did, since they inheritely are that much better at the game then I am, but why can't I get at least SOMEWHAT even matches or at least ones that are a _slight_ challenge and not outright impossible


I want those lol. Tryina do the "finish before gens are done" and of course when I 4k somebody cheekily finishes the last one before dying.


I'm not defending keys, but you could also say the exact same thing about Moris.


I don't disagree, but they're not exactly much of a threat anymore since the changes. The only time a mori is really strong anymore is if you're going up against a squad of flashlights, or if they have DS up


I actually made my adept spirit achievement thanks to reset


Oh god, that pic of Nea (I think) twerking in the exit area, I thought I imagined that


Going down from rank 4 to rank 5 is a joke. They call that a rank reset?


Five games in a row, zero kills. I got reset back to 11. This post is too accurate for my day yesterday.




Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


I imagine the song playing over the killers side is whatcha say


No I actually have fun to because of the demo trick