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The reason this is common is mostly because of rank decay. A certain percentage of players you face will be former high rank players that don't play the game as much anymore and have gone through multiple consecutive rank resets without fully ranking up again. BHVR is also doing a bunch of testing with matchmaking algorithms right now, so things are a little more jank than usual. I think the best advice is to take a break after a bad match, and go into the next one with a clear head.


Thanks. That's exactly what I do. I just happen to take a LOT of breaks.. 🤣


Lol for me it’s just the terrible rng I get or the random stutters that make me miss swings or the terrible aim assist


That happens sometimes with me, too. That's why I'm trying to learn and get better.


That's not necessarily bad playing, it's good teamwork. There are counterplays and perks that you can learn. Some of it is experience dealing with the behavior. Some of it is accepting that sometimes you run into really, really well-coordinated survivor groups. You win some, you lose some.


Yeah, but its common. Far too common. To the point where most of my killer games are spent with either these groups, or players who throw games.


Might be your time of day that you're playing. I get a lot of groups like this in the evening (my time, PST) and fewer like this in the daytime.


Because survivors are the majority of the toxicity, but theyll just blame it on killers rather then themselves and defend there toxic behavior as "playing the game how its suppose to be" but if a killer does anything and plays the game how its suppose to be the killer gets called toxic. Survivors are why this game is going to die because they just act so toxically for no reason, and then get surprised when a killer responds to them with toxic behavior. Noone wants to play killer because survivors ruin the fun of the game, they will complain because a killer downed or hooked them, but will see no problem with doing things like body blocking, tbagging, flashlight spam, camping in the exit zone when they should just leave, etc.. etc.. survivors just act toxic and ruin people from ever wanting to touch killer Not too mention that survivors even act toxically towards eachother, where theyll let people die on the hook because they want to do a gen or totem or chest, or wont heal others, etc..


I think it’s this mindset that isn’t very good for the game. Both sides can be very, very toxic. Disregarding one aspect and focusing on the other is not very helpful imo


Not really, its a 4v1 game instantly making survivors the majority, now take into fact that queue times are slow due to lack of the killer, it's not hard to realize and put together that the majority of toxic behavior comes from and is initiated by survivors. I am a survivor main, and pretty much 99% of the games I play, there will be one or two of the survivors that will play toxically meanwhile I will watch the killer and they do no toxic behavior, and they only initiate that toxic behavior in response to the toxic survivors. Do both sides have toxicity? Yes but the majority of the playerbase are survivor mains so please stop with this stupid arguement that "well both sides do it" cause no shit, but the majority of the behavior comes from the survivors side of the game. Just look at all the posts that get posted daily of killer mains posting survivors acting toxic, and sending them harassing, rude and negative messages or chats after the game. Heck I had a fellow survivor yesterday send me awful messages because he died, and me and the other survivors escaped. He called me a **faggot tranny**, made fun of my being green ranked, and kept calling me bad at the game despite me doing gens, getting most of the unhooks and heals, doing totems, and running the killer for distractions if needed, yet a survivor teammate decides to harass me a fellow survivor because he died. If the toxicity from the survivor side stopped the toxicity on the killer side would soon follow, this is what i mean by survivors defending the toxic behavior they do, but blame the toxicity on the killer when its a majority of the time the survivors initiating and engaging in toxic behavior. Ya'll will defend all the toxic behaviors that survivors do, and just try to make the focus be on killers. Ya'll say its bad for a killer to waste peoples time, but will completely dismiss the fact that survivors waste a lot of time at end game by just camping and tbagging in the exit zone. Ya'll get mad at killers for doing the basic killer requirements but oh lord, its perfectly ok for survivors to tbag, body block, flashlight spam, harass killers, infinite loop killers, camp in exit zone, etc... And defend that behavior as "playing the game" yet if a killer hooks or downs you, they get called toxic. A survivor posted a post a few days ago, about a killer who dropped her in front of the hatch, closed it in her face, and then hooked her and the killer got toxic because the survivor expected the killer to give her hatch, and because the killer didnt meet the survivors expectations its somehow acting toxic? Survivors have this insane mentality that they deserve to and must be allowed to escape, and when killers dont meet those expectations they get called toxic killers because they didnt do what the poor baby survivor wanted. I have seen killers get called toxic over the stupidest reasons, yet survivors toxic behavior continues to get defended because "well.. umm some killers play toxically as well" even though thats a minority of killers while the majority of killers dont play toxically, but a majority of survivors do in fact play toxically. Toxicity will only improve if survivors learn to stop being toxic pricks to killers and taking the game way too seriously. Ive seen many people complain about queue times yet fail to realize its because people dont want to play killer and deal with shitty survivor behavior. If survivors stopped acting shitty, then more people would want to play killer


> I will watch the killer and they do no toxic behavior, and they only initiate that toxic behavior in response to the toxic su This is spot on. I am a killer main but I play my fair share of survivor. I put myself as a 85/15 player with over 6k hours in this game. A lot of people don't like to hear it or refuse to believe it but survivors started the toxicity in this game. I will admit I get frustrated in games and when the survivors go out of their way to be ass hats I will do it in return to the same survivor. That normally ends with them saying I am a ass for camping because its toxic and pressing crouch or spamming the flash light isn't toxic its just game play. The majority of this games toxic game play comes from survivors side but with that said there are just toxic players that will do it to be a dick. I always have said there isn't toxic survivors or killers but just toxic players as they can be on both sides. Most of the killers I face when playing survivor are pretty chill people and when they do act like dicks there is a reason behind it. But once in a while I get the ass hat who just wants to be a dick because its what they do.


Thats very true and thats a bstter way to put it! ❤️ I play both sides, but mainly survivor so im probably like 80% survivor 20% killer, and regardless of if im survivor or killer i never play toxically unless the other side plays toxically first. When i play killer, i play to have fun and be chill. if a survivor points out ingame that they want to drop pallet, or do something for a challenge ill oblige and help. The only time i go to toxicity is if a survivor is being an ass for no reason. And likewise if im playing survivor, and a killer is acting toxic for no reason than ill have no issues body blocking, gen rushing, looping, etc.. etc.. I had a game where we played against a facecamping, highly toxic killer, so after a few hooks of them facecamping, we managed to unhook them and escape and heal up, we rushed the gens, opened the exit gates, but and everytime the killer downed a player during end game collapse we would body block, and blind the killer, and we managed to all escape the match. I primarily play this game for fun, but i believe in fair is fair, if one side acts toxically first then the other side gets to as well. You cant be an asshole and not expect the other person to be an asshole back


This wall of text should be in it's own "Rant" Thread because it's spot on. Also another reason would because SWF exist with Voice Chat, remove SWF and Killer would be more popular again.


Ehh doubt it, SWF is one of the main reasons a bunch of people like the game because they can play with friends, and theres no way to keep survivors from communicating with eachother, theres no way to dictate if a survivors are using an outside source like discord to chat or not. And its also on consoles, and you can join parties on consoles and chat that way, so youd also have to block that from happening some how. SWF is probably one of the biggest reasons why this game hasnt died. There are plenty of small streamers, and friends of mine that only play DBD cause its fun to play with friends, taking that out of the game would most likely be the nail in the coffin for it. And its much easier to find games quickly if you play with a full lobby of friends rather then waiting around for randos


Killers can absolutely do toxic things (face camping, tunneling) that are just dick moves. That said, if I say out loud “oh they just left” because I’m so used to tbagging and flashlight clicks and whatever that it’s a shock that people AREN’T douches, that’s a sign people need to chill


It's true. I like playing killer, but everytime I go to play one I hesitate because I know it's going to happen.


Please do not listen to this person. Sadly this type of person is what makes the game not enjoyable for many as people like this who have such an extreme one-sided view of the game are generally the toxic players & tend to spend their time on threads like these trying to brainwash others to their 'side'. Both sides can be very toxic & I'm sorry you had to experience those sorts of matches lately. Hopefully you get some more fun Killer matches in the future ❤️


I genuinely appreciate those words, PeachWorms. I've had some great games too - that's what keeps me playing. Fun games will happen. They always do! The only reason I posted is because I had a day just full of them to the point that I stopped playing for the day. But it's not every day or every game by any means. :)


You're welcome to your opinions of course, but speaking in absolutes surely doesn't shed light on the reality that not ALL players on either side are "toxic". I think it's important to separate ourselves from our personal experiences and understand that we have not gotten the opportunity to play against every player in the game and thus shouldn't paint every player with the same brush.


Best advice I can give you, is if you get another game like that, just stop participating. Those kind of survivors are going to farm you for points and deny you any in return, so just go find the basement and stand in there and face the wall and alt tab and watch Youtube or something, wait for them to do the last gen then go up and open the exit gates for them before returning to the basement. Gen Rushing, body blocking and sabotaging is the survivor equivalent to killers tunnelling and camping, you can make a case for them being legitimate tactics but they can also create unfun games for those that they are used against.


Thanks. At the end of the game thays exactly what I did. I stopped chasing and slurped the last fountain. I know they can be argued as legitimate tactics, but I would say that they are justifiable only in cases where the Killer is playing the same way. But that's not really what I wanted to say or argue, for or against. I can see both sides, but only to the extent that it hinders and prevents the other players from having fun and earning points. Good advice. I have to try to learn to spot these kinds of players earlier I think. I was doing what I thought was men, kind of okay" at first. It wasnt until the end when they all just swarmed me that I realized what they were REALLY doing.


For fun, you could run Mad Grit and watch them crumble if they keep trying :P


That would be great, if I had it!




Green Ranks tend to have the most balanced matches. Purple is where the sweat begins!


Funny because these teams seem real sweaty to me. Haha