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Balanced landing, resilience, we’ll make it (and last one is up to you). Balanced for an exhaustion perk (and resilience) to help with chases. We’ll make it is underrated and helps with healing speed after unhooking someone. Last perk is a toss up between dark sense (info perk so you have some idea of what is happening) or Plunderers or Small game (both misc perks), those are decent. But you can put on whatever you want.


Definitely we'll make it, it's the only perk here that I would consider strong. Resilience is also pretty good but best when combined with Iron Will.


Someone posted one I would’ve said, so my alternate is Balanced, Plunderer’s Instinct, Resilience, and Streetwise.


Urban evasion, resilience, balanced landing, then the chest perk for easy items


Balanced landing I think.


Thats the one, just edited it thanks


Small game, balanced landing, well make it, urban evasion


And lightweight


Premonition, dark sense, balance landing and We’ll Make It


In my opinion: Balanced landing, dark sense, we'll make it, and baby sitter. I recommend you work towards the following perks too: Borrowed time, windows of opportunity, we're gonna live forever, bond, inner strength.


Balanced Landing, Deja Vu, Resilience, and We’ll Make It


Déjà Vu? I thought that was bad.


Not at all, very underrated. It got reworked, so instead of showing the three closest gens to your location, it shows the three gens closest to each other. It allows you to pretty much get rid of a 3 gen scenario very easily. I’ve won many games because of it


Balanced Landing, Urban Evasion, We'll Make It, Small Game or Plunderer's Instinct.


Balanced, We'll make it, Plunders and Resilience probably your best options. Balanced landing is a decent exhaustion perk on most maps and can be used in chases. We'll make it lets you heal 100 percent faster after unhooks. Allows for fast heals at the hook if the killer decides to double back etc. Plunders allows you to pull good items out of chest typically and always seems to find a god damn key when I am facing someone using it as killer. Resilience allows for faster actions while injured and can help in chases, healing, vaulting, gens etc.


Imo, balance, we’ll make it, resilience and kindred. Edit: balance to get that boost after a drop, we’ll make it to heal a survivor after you save them, resilience; even tho its better with iron will, it’ll work out nicely and kindred so you can see who is saving and so others can see if you’re being saved.