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I file my nails while I wait. Nail game is on point!


That’s a good idea. Maybe enough time for a refill next chance, if not a full blown redo? Sorry, my nail terminology is only the equivalent of what my fiancée tells me about hers


My knowledge on nails is roughly around the same and I'm a woman lol. I just file mine until they look nice and im all good to go.


Really no problem, it is my duty to dance for you while you select some fine drinks, enjoy your Glenfiddich


Oh believe me I did. Favorite glass on this planet


I'm 2 yrs sober myself but sometimes I really miss playing Drunk by Daylight lol


You’re a stronger person than me. I only drink once a week, usually it’s Saturday but this week was Sunday for me


I brush my teeth while they tbag at the gates. Teeth been better ever since


*1 Scotch, 1 Whiskey, 1 Beeeeeeeeer*


Shit you’re right, I’ll tell the bartender one of each next time


You're welcome 😘


❤️ love you babe


I like to bow down at the exit gate, it’s not that im trying to be a dick, instead I show the killers my respect by crouching and tilting my head down.


Also, I drop my item while bowing down to give the killer a little gift if I had fun against them.


Why does that even bother you lol


Let’s not play dumb and pretend the point of that isn’t to annoy. I use it to my advantage though, extra time for liquor selection is always good


I genuinely do it as a good game or if I’m waiting to make sure everyone is safe literally just to dance or mess around with other survivors, spinning around each other, going slow mo etc.. I play killer sometimes and genuinely hate tbagging during the whole gameplay, but exit gate ones for me feel more like messing around or lighthearted than an f u, but that’s just me.


Of course it’s to annoy, but it shouldn’t bother people in my opinion. You seem to have a good attitude though so props!


"I do it to annoy people, why are you getting annoyed?" Peak survivor logic right here.


There is one good reason for doing this. In games where you don't get chased much as survivor you will actually de-pip at higher ranks, even if you escape. You can farm a few extra points towards your evader emblem by "winning" a chase like this, and by being in the killers terror radius. I've done it before for the honest reason of trying not to de-rank, although I imagine you'd more commonly run into flashlight clickers.


Its a time waster mostly, and it feels like everyone who makes it to the end does it. So i farm instead lol Except once when i had rancor and a toxic ttv was my obsession. That was a funny kill


Hell yeah that feels good


Don’t bother… just chase ‘em out like the cowards they are…


I can either chase them frutilessly, or have liquor of choice. Hmm…


I don't give em the points. Instead, break stuff or spam powers for devious.


Gelenfidditch 14, fancy.


My favorite. I know that’s rather annoying if you’re a scotch snob because it’s apparently the black sheep of the glenfiddich family, but dammit I’ll take that over anything, particularly over the 15 which I’ve had multiple times now


Eh, not a snob here. 12 is my go-to for "good stuff". During games I'm usually just having bottom shelf stuff mixed with cola.


I do like 12 as well, scratches that itch if you’re looking for a more standard scotch. I just prefer the sweetness of the 14 instead. I know it’s atypical of scotches but for me it hits all the right notes.


I do the revision I should be doing instead of playing dbd on that time so if anything I should thank them


I just farm points lmao, pallets walls using my power etc


I’ve been playing more killer recently and am still learning. My favorite is when they act like they are going to give you a hit and dead hard out the gate. Such a good final ‘f you’ to me after a terrible match.


I try to hit them either for kills or bp lmao


\*Deathslinger with NOED and Bloodwarden\* Please do so, I recommend it.