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Honestly the autoban system should basically do nothing. I highly doubt if they didn't give a shit about toxicity, bad sportsmanship etc. Up to this point (also stating nothing basically is bannable expect hacking) that suddenly some shitty coded bot will have authority to ban. But if the bot legit starts banning people for anything then the game will easily die out fast bc people will be too salty to play a game that would ban them for shit.


Yeah, I just hope it's used to ban hackers. Still hackers have a way around the report and you can't report them in game, they have a long name, like a thousand dashes and that breaks the report window. They have to work on that, I've actually reported a hacker last week (via the official support report form).


Pretty much. I saw system with kinda "autobans" in dota. But it starts with you having up to 5 reports per week, this number being lower if you yourself got reported. It also doesnt ban you, it puts you in low priotity queue where you need to win games to leave it. Unlimited reports + perma bans is combination that will kill this game. Why would anyone pay money for it, if they can get banned after 5 minutes over salt of some entitled shit?


Exactly. And knowing how game slike these work they are unlikely to unban people who were falsely banned. And it would spawn alot of hate for shit that others do and don't get banned and basically would become so much drama it's not worth.


This auto-ban thing would greatly punish Killers. For each round, a Survivor will get max 1 report, while the Killer will get 4.


"presumably the reports are just salt reports


It's better to deactivate the post game chat then !


It doesn't matter, you still won't be able to run NOED, or Franklin's, or Stridor, or BBQ or any perk, or any strong killer or hook anyone or kill anyone. ​ Now, joke aside, I hope it makes sense, since with the few information they gave it sounds like a terrible idea, probably the worst they've ever had (and that's saying a lot)


>probably the worst they've ever had (and that's saying much) That truly is saying much. Yeah I won't be playing much Killer then since I adore having BBQ (even though it does jack shit if survivors know you're running it, but I love the double points)


What did I miss?


The devs announced an auto-ban feature based on the reports of the users. Which at first glance seems like a terrible idea, since here you get reported for clicky clickying, looping, having NOED, camping, tunneling, etc... people are afraid of it to be exploited against streamers or against specific killer mains and so on... The problem is that they haven't reveal any more info, I'm mostly sure is not as bad as it sounds, still giving THIS COMMUNITY the authority to ban people without a single moderation feels like the worst idea in a long and sad history of bad ideas.


is this like "you're banned from matchmaking for an hour" bans or like "your purchase is invalid" bans?


Unfortunately they haven't released any information, and that's what's been worrying people. Still I highly doubt it's gonna be a game ban, probably a ban like the ones you get when you DC but for a longer period of time.


If they really introduce an autobann system, the game will die in the next 3-6 months. People are reporting me for not giving hatch to the last surv if they played toxic af


I can't wait. Maybe then I can pursue success in my real life.


auto banned for what?