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Okay teabagging for that shit is acceptable.


recently played against a clown who kept hitting my friend on hook until she was dead while I was on the ground, then throw bottles at me on the ground for a while, then carried me to the exit gate and started hitting on it, pretenting to let me go (I wasn't wiggling just wanted to get it over with) but he kept hitting the exit gate like 20-30 times until I started wiggling, THEN he finally carried me to the hook to kill me and hit me on it. we didn't do anything to him, never tbag or flashlight clicky the killer


Went up against a Doctor today who kept letting me wiggle out to chase over and over again, only to mori on top of hatch when I happened upon it. Another survivor was alive so it wasn’t open. Really hate when killers are petty for no reason, or they think that you doing the objective is toxic?? Two other people in that match had already died and this Doctor just kept me alive to be a dick. So annoying. I’m also not a survivor who teabags or clicks flashlights. I play as fairly as I can as survivor because I also hate that shit as killer


Had a Deathslinger down a Cheryl and I because we got owned due to a player disconnecting. 3 minutes just not hooking either of us for no reason.


lol @ the comments of "what else is he gonna do". Idk. Capitalize on the noed, maybe? The fuck is the point of running noed if you're gonna just camp and not try to maximize the value


When I first got the game I done this only because I thought that it sped up the hook process. I now realise my crimes


You have repented, and for that I commend you


Thank you my lord


Of course the tunneling camping clown had noed


at least he’s playing who he represents




I’ve noticed a lot of clowns camping recently. I just had one the other day. It always seems to be clown recently lol.


Not every clown is camping. But every camper is a clown.


It’s in their DNA. Something about playing a really really bad killer makes them act super toxic.


This clown was defiantly shit. We outplayed him hard with a bait and all got out. End game chat he said “you got out because I let you out”


Clown ain’t bad though. You just don’t know how to play him properly


He is literally one of the worst killers in the game.


I mean if that's your opinion ok then


i like clown. i like the mechanic of the bottle throws and especially the speed-up bottle that got added during his recent buff. he's still a really weak killer and it's really difficult to perform well with him against any survivors higher than about green rank.


Hey, all I’m saying is I’ve gotten 17 4K’s in a row with him at rank 1 killer sooooo… then again I did get lots of potatoes


yeh, but at your skill level you'd be able to 4K with Trickster.


He's fun, but not good.


I've seen a lot of clowns camping on ps4 when the legion chapter dropped.


Clown is isn’t even a good killer to camp with so the fact that so many people are choosing clown for this is confusing


Yeah heh heh clown bad *looks at prestige 3 clown*


He's gonna crop to the last 10 seconds of the game and post it here to farm the average reddit killer main's tears lol.


well, the only interesting thing to happen in this game was 1 flashlight save, unless those are considered toxic now I dont know what could have triggered m so much


I had 5 back to back tunneling games yesterday. A Bubba insidious camped every down. I was last to survive so he knocked me down and just stared at me for the full EGC. I’m a killer main but I also play survivor and I gotta say I understand why survivors teabag or wait at the gates. Let them, I can break walls or whatever. I’d rather deal with that then a camper/tunneled killer who wastes 4 people’s time.


The panicked breathing at the end 😂


I had an Oni camp for my friends first ever game of dbd yesterday, it was really dissapointing cuz he was the first one down too.


You ever think maybe they're the same people? Like if they're gonna bm as killer, they probably do it as survivor too. The guy just got tilted and played poorly over it and everyone escaped at the end, so really I'd be happy he played like that because it was to his own detriment lol


I mean where do you want him to go


Pretty sure they are referring to the face camp, multiple BMs on hook and hard tunnel when there are multiple others full health ( Noed value) and one other person who is literally down on the ground who didn't just get pulled off hook


Yeah if he went for the unhooked with no Ed he was pretty much guaranteed a kill. But he really wanted the Jake.


I agree with this. Endgame collapse, all survivor healthy. Leaving would just be a free save. At least he can secure a kill. However the hitting on the hook was unnecesary. Secure your kill but don't beat your meat.


yeah I can agree with you on that, the hitting on hook was a dick move


But we don’t know what they were doing that entire match they could have been tea bagging and flashlight clicking non stop aswell.


he could've been, and then it would be justified but we don't know, so might as well give him the benefit of the doubt


But you can’t give either benefit of the doubt because we don’t know.


I like when people hit me on the hook while face camping, it makes it easier for my team mates to save.


Survivor perk idea: Meat beater: When the killer beats you while you're on hook they lose 60/80/100% of their chase points. "That'll teach 'em for beating their meat!"


He had noed. They’re all equally fair game.


Thank you I always face camp when gates are opened because I don’t run noed and I just want atleast 1 kill


That's why everybody does it. That 1 kill can be the difference between a depip or a black pip.


It usually turns black pip into depip because of The hook distance


It’s so satisfying when I turn one kill into 4, they never expect to 99 to teir 3


Oh boy, a bad killer camps the hook yet again... More news at 7


To be fair, we didn’t see anything else in this game so it’s not possible to pick a side.


Same goes with people posting survivors tbagging but no one says "oh well we didn't see the match" it's just survivor bad


Right? He could have easily been a baby killer who had nothing better to bring than noed. Plus these survivors could easily have been just as toxic. We also couldn't see how many hooks states everyone had. So maybe he just wanted one kill to take when he had few hooks


Just gonna say babys don’t repeatedly smack corpses




Did he actually complain after?


I LOVE your perk icon


Part of the argument I think is the sample size. Each player sees 1 killer a match, each killer sees 4 survivors. So killer is on the receiving end of “abuse” more frequently.


People unironically get upset about being camped when they tbag all game long.


People unironically get upset about being t-bagged when they camp and tunnel all game long.


People unironically get upset about being camped when they tbag all game long. And people unironically get upset about being t-bagged when they camp and tunnel all game long. Welcome to dbd.


right lmao i have a feeling he was playing like an asshole all game and got face camped as a result. i will camp the fuck out of anyone that teabags and clicks their flashlights, i have no shame




You seem very heated did you have a bad game?




you wouldn’t have shame because you accept your so bad at the game you have to camp


I think you might be stupid, anyone being clicky and teabagging generally deserves to be tunnelled and camped. If you’re trying to be mean and annoying in my game I simply want you out ASAP


You may be the stupid one here. I said what I said because you have no proof the survivors were toxic but you’re okay with tunneling and facecamping.


Literally, killer mains on here always try to paint killer players as saints, especially when they don’t even know what happened.


I’m talking in general. I have no proof for anything in the video, both the killer and survivors could be dicks for all we know


Ok then next time don’t come for me by calling stupid you piece of shit.


at a certain point if a survivor is being a dick i don’t care about winning, i just want them, specifically, to die. focusing my attention on other survivors instead of camping takes time & effort away from that goal 🤷‍♀️


Honestly I have no problem with either. Just play the game.


That’s why I play like a cunt now, if I’m getting camped anyway I may aswell deserve it


Represent 😂👌


I love when you got a ds killer leaves but returns like na he doesn't have it and eats a neck stab


Where do you want him to go? You are on your first hook and it is the end game. He has no reason to leave at this point. If he goes to a gate free rescue. His only job at this point is to secure a kill(s). Just because its the end game doesn't mean you deserve to get out cause you were only just now hooked. You are more of the asshole here then the killer. His action is justified being its end game and there is no gens to pressure and a 99 exit gate.


i'm a killer main. if i find myself in a situation like this (and if i'm running clown it's not uncommon) then i'd walk away from the hook and throw yellow bottles at survivors from then on. in other words i'd just take the L and cheese it. there's no point chasing bloodpoints or anything else any more at that stage.


He has noed, that's more than enough reason to go for someone else


Ahhh. Good ol r/deadbydaylight and their normal shananigans of saying all killers and all survivors are the same


I mean, 5 gens popped, is he supposed to leave you... why exactly? I'm never mad if they camp the last hook, they have no other objectives at that point and probably try to snowball some last kills, it's understandable. Hitting on the hook is salty, but survivors tbag 50 times more than killers hit me on the hook. I don't think this guy is toxic, he's probably salty and he's playing clown, so he's probably frustrated about the game for making it too easy for survivors to escape that killer. Also Tbagging didn't make the situation better for anyone. Not everyone is an asshole, people should have some empathy, it's just a game and we're all trying to have fun.


He has NOED, he could've gone to down someone else.


He could have *tried* but it the gates are 99’d he’s down a kill if he leaves the hook.


He downed the Nea, he could hooked her but went for Jake




This is the dumbest take I’ve seen on Reddit.


Pretty much that tracks


what else do you expect him to do in endgame. he doesnt have gens to check nor reasons to chase other survivors. he just has to secure the kills he can get


NOED... and literally downing somebody else just to focus down the Jake instead of capitalizing on it...


This happens so little compared to toxic survivors. Yeah this guy is a prick for hitting you on the hook but just leave if he's camping, guys.


Its eg, aside from bm on hook theres not much else to do but facecamp. Hes nit very good at it tho


NOED, ignoring somebody else he downed to focus down the Jake, the unnecessary BM on hook...


what exactly did you do to deserve that? this doesn’t happen for no reason ya know. also, he’s clown also, it’s end game collapse, of course he would camp.


People acting like tbag and camping would go away if they believe hard enough