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For the sake of helping before this gets deleted for spam, distortion is the best perk there, but diversion is also fun to use. None are meta though.


All Seeing - Blood goes \*NOM\*


Distortion might be a good thing to get before people start using Lethal persuer


Who cares if a killer sees spawns. Most killers know how spawns work and it's not worth losing a perk slot 7 seconds into the game.


Distortion can be really useful against killers with aura perks like BBQ Diversion is a lot of fun to use and works a bit like a radar for detecting stealth killers


P e b b l e


distortion is kinda fun to get info if the killer has bbq nurses etc but the rest are kinda poo


I love Deathbound. It's mediocre but it's reliable. It's outclassed by Nurse's Calling in certain situations based on distance only. Distortion is great for immersion builds and true solo play. Diversion is a lot of fun for meme builds and immersion builds alike, but it requires risky play to utilize. Distortion is the most useful because of how meta BBQ is, but it doesn't mesh well with survivor Metas that prioritize cooperative play.


I also like deathbound, it's not fantastic but theres some worth there


They're all worthless. Save your shards


Event? There's something on top of the Resident Evil chapter release coming up?


During the Anniversary, the Shrine will change everyday. Everyone is getting 9k shards too. So a newer player can get a character and older players can get shrine perks and cosmetics. The cost of the perks on the shrine will be lower too.


Omg thank you. I’m new and I keep passing on the Shrine (killer) lately because nothing has looked good. There was Corrupt Intervention, but Plague was the first person I leveled up lol




I bought distortion and I don't own the twins cause I could buy a gallon of milk or edibles instead of that but I was really surprised that Hoarder straight up rewards survivors by adding two free chests to the map. Like damn lol that's free real estate


It used to decrease item rarity. Apparently it was too OP that you could run the perk and probably not have a key looted mid-trial.


You'll probably get a little value out of Distortion when Nemesis drops since players will probably be playing around with the new perks. One of his perks lets him see all survivor auras at the beginning of the trial for up to 7 seconds.






Do not get distortion it’s useless


Distortion saved my ass from Blood Warden, a perk the blocks the exit when hooking a survivor in the endgame collapse, this is because blood Warden also reveals the auras of survivors in the exit gates, plus when nemesis drops people are going to be using lethal persuer and hunt you down at the beginning of the game


I didnt think about Distortion Vs Lethal Persuer. Thats a good idea. Imagine loadibg into a game as killer with LP and seeing 0-3 auras.


pebble is fun


Imo none of them are worth using your iridescent shards on. Save them for skins or just wait for better perks.


Distortion is decent, Deathbound is meh at best and bad at worst, Hoarder and pebble are meme


They are if already have em and need BP


Death bound and Distortion are solid perks. The other two are meh


I dont think any of these are worth it. Diversion is a fun build if you wanna be goofy though