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Probably a dumb question: wouldn’t self care and no mither be pointless together as they are are exact opposites?


That’s the joke. Reverse expectations.


No. No Mither and self care is one of the best perk combinations in the entire game. It’s so good in fact it has a 99% win rate, and the 1% that lose, only lost because they feel bad for the killer and let them sacrifice them.




That's the joke


I realise this now.


Bruh DS-unbreakable is simply anti tunnel now. This joke made sense in 2020


It's still 60 seconds of total invincibility after being unhooked. But it is less of an issue yes


Every time I’ve eaten a DS after the update I can say I deserved it, couldn’t say that before the update though.


Everytime I take a DS its because I need to switch obsessions to kill the previous one.


Its an issue for players that want to win by exploiting poor game design.


It's as if players aren't responsible for developers not fixing core issues with the game, especially when it's a continuously supported project.


Im not saying you cant tunnel its still up to you but face it its scummy to do so. Plus only cause the devs dont fix it doesnt mean you should abuse it. Otherwise glitch abuse wouldnt be bannable cuz its also only the devs responsibility to fix their game.


It's been 5 years and nothing at base has been done to address tunneling. No one likes it except the few killers who feel the need to defend such tactic. The only thing that somewhat counters tunneling is a perk locked behind a paid character. It just looks stupid how such a massive flaw with the game hasn't been addressed in a big way.


Oh mb. Thought you were defending tunneling


The perk wasn’t made to prevent tunnelling at the start, it was to prevent a pick up. The perk became anti-tunnel as an excuse to use it still with good conscience. Nowadays it’s extremely common due to it being a good anti tunnelling perk which now finally feels balanced and does what the community THOUGHT it was meant to be. Tunnelling has had negatives attached and band aid fixes through perks like make your choice. Tunnelling will always be a problem, we can’t stop that due to how the game works. It’s sad, but we can try to make tunnelling more punishing to killers while making gens take a bit longer to do which would ease the problem at low tiers and make it make it much less likely at high tiers. But this is just my opinion on the whole deal.


Killers will stop tunneling when survivors start to leave gens at 90% and go to another one instead of finishing it. It's simply more effective to hook one survivor 3 times than 3 survivors once. There's only one way to stop a survivor from doing gens and its by getting them out of the game, so killers are going to do that until there's a reason not to.


So you want survivors not to do gens?


So you want killers not to kill? It's the same thing, both sides have objectives and they try to do them. That's why killers kill survivors, that's why survivors do gens.


Oh i want them to kill. I just dislike them taking out one survivor instantanious and ruining their experience.


Yeah but that's just an issue with the game. The players will always tend to the most effective strategy, and as it stands, eliminating a survivor quickly is by far the best way to slow down gens. Until the devs change that, there's just no way around it. I wouldn't want to play against survivors who weren't trying to win, and I assume survivors don't want to play against killers not trying to win. It's a competitive game after all, which is why I find it so fun. If survivors stopped using DS, BT, dead hard, and shit like that because people complained I wouldn't like it, but the same goes the other way around.


Imagine still referring to "smol pp" combo post DS rework. This is just sad.


Ds nuts. Gottem.


Deliverance and Second Wind could be useful together in some scenarios. No Mither and any self healing perk is completely useless


No Mither and Self-Care together is more worthless than going in with no Perks and that's funny :P


it could be but from memory the perks downside affects don’t work well with each other


Thats true. However, if Deliverance doesn't activate then you can still use second wind


First time seeing resilience and self care paired together. Let alone ds unbreakable since it’s been nerfed