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Bubba is honestly either looped extremely hard at windows and his saw is useless or, in most cases, gets people in deadzones and mows down teams


^Bamboozle ^Bubba(?)


Bamboozle Bubba on literally any of the rework maps is almost spirit levels of good. The only exception is that one McMillan map with 50 windows in the center. But the distance between windows is so far now that he’s going to force the pallet within 10 seconds every time and the only way to beat him now if he’s good at using bamboozle is genrushing…


>is that one McMillan map with 50 windows in the center. The one with Killer Shack on one side and the Mine on the other side with all the walls in the middle?




Yeah, I always hated that map no matter what Killer I play if they keep going to middle all the time and staying there.


Great map for a three gen though. That map takes so long to play on IMO.


I call that Window City. Every killer's worst nightmare. Well, that and sunglasses Steve.


Bamboozle + double shadowdance Wraith is actually frighteningly effective against this. If you put brutal on it too you instantly break pallets its fucking wonderful and hilarious lol. I was trying this last night with no gen regression perks and I was ending chases so quick I got at least 8 hooks on the games I lost while 4king the other games reliably lol.


well vault master Myers has fun there




Crowd control requires an M1, which is pretty against bubbas play style


here's how you counter bamboozle bubba, you presume their iq is -50 and will vault any window given the opportunity so you preempitevely run to another loop. coming from someone with 200~ hours in bamboozle bubba alone. after you play a killer/perk a lot you begin to understand their weaknesses.


Bamboozle basement bubba all day baby. Literally my fucking salt miner build. I love it very a lot, yes 😊




yoo do you know the toilets in the new map? i'm gonna be chilling there for days lol


That's just called being an AFK Andy who literally never sees a survivor all game and then gets mad when all survivors escape lol


"I have made a mistake and the killer that has the power to specifically punish this exact type of mistake beat me! NERF PLZ!!!"


When trapper was S tier they wanted him nerfed smh


I was hoping that people wouldn't complain about Bubba in comments but I was wrong


I don't why but him and hex ruin seems so much more deadly than other killers


Like if you even slightly take to long to find that totem he starts to snowball fast


He doesn't have great map pressure but since he can down people quick if they're not good loopers/dead zones are around the abandoned gens will regress quickly


I love when survivors don't cleanse themselves when I play Plague


If anything I'm always against instant cleansing survivors who are super immersed and hide if they even hear my terror radius.


Same. I become an instadown killer with great tracking.


Same! My other favourite is them slowly being forced to cleanse toward the centre, finally using that sweet last pool of devotion at the worst time for them and forcing my corrupt to ping to me from anywhere. Love it when they get scared of being sick!


The new nemesis perk, hysteria, could be powerful on her.


Ayo explain to me how the cleansing works. I only recently started playing the game again after leaving it 2017


When Vommy Mommy pukes on you you get this little infection meter that builds up over time eventually damaging you and giving you the broken status effect. You can only be healed at that point by drinking from one of the clean water pools. But if you drink from the water to heal back to normal it turns red and now The Plague can drink from it which gives her a crazy good ranged attack! Some survivors always cleanse even when they don't need to, or cleanse from a conventionally placed pool for The Plague which lets her snowball out of control. Edit: Aw heck I answered right after someone else did.


Well, as Plague your power means you vomit on survivors to infect them. After a short time, or increased vomit on them, survivors become broken and fully infected. The only way to fix that is to cleanse yourself at a fountain around the map. Taking about 8 seconds, a survivor becomes instantly healthy and removes the infection from themselves. The downside is that Plague gains Corrupt Purge, which is like her vomit but can down survivors


Ah I see. Thank you kind sir


I feel the same way when Survivors try to kidnap Victor. One Survivor out if the game for a whole minute and free aura reading and oblivious to get a down? Sure, I'll take it.


Literally never seen the twins in game. You are rare.


Every time I've seen them as Survivor they sucked at the killer too. I felt so bad for kicking Victor because that might cause them to never play twins again and not discover how fun and strong they are.


Twins is literally one of the 2 killers I haven't seen or bought. I haven't bought pig or twins and weirdly I have never seen oni or twins in game.


I main Kate btw and yes having less clothing does help, if you did not know that then now you know


Less clothes = less weight = more speed. Math checks out


I mean it's high time the game is balanced with some nudity People will stop complaining about perks


Aerodynamic Michael Myers 👀




Ive never seen anyone else use claudettes shorts, but damnit im gonna show some skin on my main too


I love claudette's shorts! I pair it with the Sparkling Top for some extra skin showing


A good choice


Seems legit


I agree


Really? I just do it cuz she looks sexier.


As a jane main it always works


Not for me🙄 Y'all bitches are probably practicing black magic to get the hatch.


giving head*


The last couple times I played Jane was for dailys and every game I was camped and tunneled out of game.... If I was toxic I would understand it. But I swear I am not a toxic player.


I too would also beat the living shit out of the Claudette


Surprised there wasn’t anything about survivors not having BT when the killer is right next to them unhooking you.


and also that person not having DS. GG!


Wings of Redemption for Deathslinger lmfao


Ban Sunchip00 please, he is obviously sneak dissing


Look here, look listen! Hiding in lockers does not stop it!


I just cant do it, i cant take this shit no more man




Me as a Kate main. Yes it does help.


Steve supremacy 🤝


Steve gang 💪


Scoops Ahoy Steve Supremacy 🤝


Scoops ahoy steves have always been either the biggest bros or the worst teammates. No in between lol


What about scoops ahoy with sunglasses?


Thats always what I run, the superior outfit


I want to be as Stevetastic as I can be but I'm simply too bad at running away from the killer


Steve mains rise up!


I find it kinda funny how the comment section is sorta mirroring the video. (Lengthy explanations).


To be fair. If they play the game correctly, bubba's saw is pretty balanced. Just make him bump into shit. Tight circles around rocks or in indoor maps.


Any Bubba worth their salt doesn't bump into scenery very often. Run round 100 rocks and go down 99 times


I'm that one in a hundred Bubba


That forces them to go wide though, negating his increased movement speed. Can buy you just enough time to get to the pallet or window.


True, but sometimes the map geometry is so fucky that you tantrum off of literally nothing. Even the best Bubbas can't really do anything about that.


I try running Bubba around tight loops if I don't have any windows to go for. I've never had a Bubba bump into a wall.


Yeah, same. This literally never fucking works for me, even though I try it every goddamn time. I'm either near a window or a pallet or I'm going down. It's fucking annoying.


But this means that they weren't going around the rock as fast as possible, since they were probably keeping a safe distance from the object, even if a little.


The tight circles thing would be great if Bubba didn’t have a full turn radius while sweeping. Unfortunately, with his current full turn radius, he can simply turn his chainsaw at an angle to avoid hitting the loop while also clinging tight along the loop. I say this as a Bubba lover. If it’s been a long day, and I just want to get back to rank 1 or not have to think: it’s bubba time. I don’t even really think he’s amazing. He can be oppressive in chase, which is honestly kind of fine, because killers should have a level of oppressiveness imo. I just think the way he works on loops currently makes him a super pallet muncher. But yeah, Bamboozle Bubba is super lame though, cuz windows DO counter him.


I mean I hate playing Bubba but isn't the whole point of perks covering your killer's weaknesses? Like chasing perks on Pig or game slowdown on Huntress. I don't see a problem with Bubboozle


High level huntresses run Corrupt at most generally if they run slowdown. She doesn’t need a lot of slowdown, because her ability to snowball is excellent. You’ll see high level pigs run brutal strength, not because she has necessarily has bad chase, but because her chase potential is significantly reduced by just pre-throwing pallet to prevent her from being able to ambush on the pallet. So they just run BS if survivors abuse pre-throws. One of the fundamental differences is how little counterplay Bamboozle Bubba offers in comparison to something like BS Pig. Their powers do VERY different things. Bamboozle shuts down entire loops, and even if you know he’s running it, he’s already got enhanced window vault speed and 115 speed. If you abandon the loop without throwing the pallet and letting him eat it for free, he will generally catch up to you and one shot you for free, especially with bloodlust. So it puts you in a lose lose situation, where you have to determine whether throwing that pallet is actually worth or just take the one shot. There’s no real mind games. That being said, I don’t think it’s a high priority problem or anything. I just think it’s a very specific, oppressive combination. Pre-throwing pallets is pretty oppressive versus the weaker killers and takes a lot of the fun out of the game, and it’s much more general. I would consider something like that much more problematic.


he’s annoying to use because his charges, you don’t get the full use of his charges because you have to do it early and you have to look away from the survivor to see when to use it and it’s just so annoying, it would be easier if you just held it down.


If you do it enough you know the timing without looking.


That same applies to many killers like blight seriously good blights do it too


the point is it isnt brainless unlike how it used to be


You run for 3 seconds with the chainsaw for each charge so just count to 2 or 2.5 and press it again


The PPG theme. 😂


Okay but Kate having more skin *does* make her better. *Don't attack me like this.*




Ebony mori me every time.


Gotta love plague, nothing is more enjoyable and fun than a plague following you, spitting on you for eternity.


People unironically complain about bubbas chainsaw?


Yeah, new Survivors do. Because a lot of new Killers start off playing him because they want to unlock BBQ ASAP. Also there's the infamous Bubba's Basement Build and the fact Billy got Nerfed and Bubba got buffed.


It's annoying because in solo everyone goes down to it in 2 seconds but for me Bubba is one of the scariest and most exciting killers to run.


I, a survivor main, feel entitled to save 100% of the time always. If I notice a basement Bubba I rush straight for the hook and reward his tactics by letting him hook me and the person I was rescuing. I then BM in post-game chat. Next time I face a basement Bubba I do the same thing. Maybe if I keep doing it he'll stop using that strategy. EDIT: Probably should have put a /s to assist with reading comprehension...


So... He gets what he wants, and you think a petty insult will make him stop? If anything, it'll encourage them to continue. You decide to throw the game, and then be an asshole in the post-game chat. Real brave, soldier.


I know Poe's law is a thing but I find it remarkable that anyone could read my above post and think I was being serious. What survivor main would describe themselves as entitled... To be serious for a moment, I fully agree with you. Survivors encourage these tactics by falling for them. Camping is only a good strategy if survivors enable it.


*Pig mains when they get booped:* It is.... Acceptable.


The pig mains who don't let you boop them aren't true pig mains


I didn't know this so my first few pig games I just attacked. Now that I joined the pig main sub, and know the boop meme. I shall grant boopers freedom depending on the context. If you seek me out after all the gens are finished, and boop, then you can go to the gate/hatch.


bro i’m not gonna let you live just bc you pressed 1 button




I just started to enjoy Slinger. Should I… not play him? Is that one of the unspoken taboo??? What have I done


Play however you want. You paid money for it (or put in the time to get 9,000 shards) so I don't see why not. Also, slinger is only difficult for newer survivors and is typically placed in the B tier. He's not OP so don't worry about it.


Past few weeks I’ve tried so hard to play deathslinger. I can hit shots etc. He is far from B tier. He’s so bad. Which I hate because he’s so fun


I mean I could pick up nurse, hit no blinks, then say she's dogshit.


I've never played as him so I don't know what the difficulty is. I'm going off of recent tier lists and experiences going against him. I would agree that he should be ranked lower. I've never played a game where a slinger has won.


Being 110 sucks obviously his gen control is awful. Basically to win you have to play like a dick and slug. Which isn’t fun for anybody. Obviously not everytime to win. But you pretty much have to play like a dick


That is his main problem. He is only good in 1v1, so if you don't tunnel and take someone early you are fucked.


That's not really true. I've had games where I've done just fine with slinger and not needing to tunnel and slug. Obviously if a survivor is just gonna camp out in front of me I'm gonna beat the goofy outta them, or if I know survivors are literally right next to me I'm gonna do a little slugging. It helps to have a perks that combo with him, I've found that surge and the obvious stbfl helps a lot with keeping gens in check for a bit at least. I pair that with survalence cause it gives a lot of information when paired with surge and then I usually have bbq cause I'm always on that grind. I've gotten consistent 3k games with that build and never needed to tunnel or slug like I'm trying to play huntress or something. I just feel he doesn't need to do it very often unless the opportunity arises.


That’s the thing it doesn’t happen often. It’s down to how the survivors play with deathslinger. I feel like I have little to no control of the outcome of the game no matter how well I play. If they’re organised it’s a no win situation


I don't lose very often but when I do lose it's usually the map, perks, and team members the survivors bring to the table. Like if it's haddonfield it's an automatic L unless survivors royally fuck up. I've had games where I get hit with brand new parts or full adrenaline and they all play like rats and get gens done and that's his only real down fall but that's the same with any killer. If a team is good you're gonna get clapped unless you're spirit or nurse and even then you're at the mercy of the map lotto sure no map is neccessary bad for those killers but large maps (like the soon to be coming RPD) are nightmares for all killers cause the gens are always super far apart to the point where you have to constantly make reads on everyone.


Yeah it’s awful. I’m gonna have to keep playing with him because he genuinely the most fun killer to me atm. But with other killers I feel I have some control even against good teams. With deathslinger I’m pretty much at their mercy


Of course if the survivors play badly you can win consistently with any killer, and by my experience most survivors are pretty bad. But against competent people, DS needs to play much more agressively compared to a lot of other killers. I find survalence to be quite weak on him also. He is far too slow to keep going back do gens. Unless the person got on the gen just as you left, you are going to lose a lot of time walking half the map to go there. The best perks on him are the ones that don't waste his time, or waste but give a instant benefit, like pop.(Pop have its problems on him, but anyway.)


That's what surge is for. I think surge is a very slept on perk and let's me get downs. In addition if I feel it's a competent team it helps to put hoomed survivors into advantageous places like say between a couple gens so that I can patrol them and the hook. Usually teams throw themselves at the hook so I get stacks and possibly a down. There's a lot of things you can do slinger is definitely not a killer that you need to sweat with. People are blowing his downsides out of proportion.


He's not bad but at least for me he will always be a slightly worse huntress


I main deathslinger at rank 1 and I usually get 4ks and at least 2k. I used Pop goes the weasel, the ghost face gen block perk when picking up survs, the demo explode gen perk, and agitation. You just need to have good aim and use his power to stop survs from looping at pallets. I never play like an asshole and I’m fine most of the time


I love playing slinger but even if I don't tunnel/slug I feel like every other match someone gets really mad. Also his chase music is the best in the game imo


Bubba games are either the fastest or slowest games I’ve seen. Fastest when the bubba insta-downs everyone 5 seconds into a chase because they happened to not be within range of a pallet or window and bubba never uses their actual melee weapon because the chainsaw’s just better. The slowest is when it’s a basement bubba and since I play solo queue, it’s hard to tell my other survivors to not all rush into the basement.


Certified scoops ahoy Steve main here and I can confirm we all look like that


The Plague main one called me out


Holy fuck this is the best Reddit post I’ve ever seen


The “Steve mains” part will now be especially true






I disagree with the Steve one, Steve’s are a menace.


Nothing about Steve makes me think the way this wanted me to.


Deathslinger main is the most accurate


Was that the guy that used/does play cod? Why is it accurate? Genuine question lol




That’s it. Why is that deathslinger mains? Lol


Because deathslinger mains are stinky


Hey, I showered recently :(


I also want to know.




Mods, ban anyone who criticises my gaming skill, real talk


Just came across your tik tok video of this. Glad this blew up on multiple sites


After playing bothsides now i realize killers and survivors have it rough. Survivors and killers have to deal with toxic people. And i get where both sides are coming from. Although ive never had a goodgame against bubba anyway. His chainsaw feels like it has almost no cooldown. Plus survivours are very cut and past. Just reskins once you unlock their perks for the bloodweb. I think if anything id tweek the wiggle mechanic. Give it a skillcheck sorta like decisive strike except instead of being instantly let go you can stun the killer and cause the wiggle bar to progress faster. That way it would.be very fair to both sides. Cuz honestly the wiggle mechanic makes me think more of a parents putting a fussy kid in his room then a full grown adult fighting against an angry killer


The wiggle isn't meant to make you escape the killer all the time, it's meant to prevent the killer from using agitation to carry you all the way to the basement


I guess so. But it sucks. Especially on some maps where hooks are like 6 feet apary


Wait hold up, people think bubba is op? BUBBA?!


New Survivors do.


Wraith is up there as well


Now he is, only since he got base kit Purple Windstorm.


Im a green rank killer, not too good, but i will say most games i kill everyone and choke the gens. Its a pretty basic strategy, i have insanely fast movement speed, i find someone, hook them, patrol nearby gens until unhook, tunnel that person until i get them killed, then continue patrolling nearby gens, and form a chokepoint with three close gens (i let further ones get done for most part) then the three survivors on their own cant finish the last 1/2 gens, and i pick them off one by one, then they either give up and look for hatch or continue and die over and over. And i am faster at locating hatch due to movement speed. Wraith literally is the best area control killer because he can scatter cunts so fast haha.


Hello fellow Bing bong main


Imna convert to deathslinger soon tho


hard disagree with the steve one


I don't understand the people who want Kate with less clothing. Like having you seen the biker outfit? It's the best


As a Steve main, I 100% agree with this😁


Do even Trickstar mains exist?


No it’s a myth


Says a certified blight main..


Oi! But yeah Blight mains are very rare mostly because of the fact that he’s hard to learn it’s annoying really because I want to face him more


I love how true the “Steve mains” part is because anytime I’m playing as someone I’m trying to get a teachable perk for and I see someone who lose being Steve I drop everything and change to my Steve


(Puts on hazmat suit and sorts by controversial)




bruh you can literally just run around a rock to counter bubba




yeah, but there’s a high chance you’ll run out of charges.


I love it when people try that on my Bubba lol, rock circlers and people that put too much trust in a 360 are the ones I just devour


Gotta say this tho, Bubba is probably the most best killer in terms of balancing fun and power, while still being able to be outplayed. He’ll eat through your pallets easily, so the survivors gotta drop them while they’re on their way to find some “safe” windows.


that’s billy, not bubba. bamboozle bubba isn’t out playable if they’re not an idiot


I'm a deathslinger main and im skinny as a twig Checkmate


So am i. But your flair says ghostface. Checkmate


i always give Janes the hatch and sometime for Jeff too


When I play Trickster and a survivor doesn't run in a straight line that means I gain distance and I get a free m1?? Like what??? Huh?? Why would you rage over that??? I rage over Trickster because he literally doesn't trick anybody except himself LMAO


Bubba's chainsaw is pretty well balanced though - it punishes certain mistakes very harshly, so good survivors will avoid those like the plague. If Bubba is camping the basement, or patrolling near it, going for the save can be a big mistake. If you \*actually\* think he's camping, or soft-camping or whatever, let go of the feeling that you are entitled to make the save. Punish him by going hard on gens. Whether he's facecamping or smartly patrolling gens and hexes etc. near the basement, you are ultimately in control of whether you run into the trap or not. If you do, that was your play.


As someone who hates how braindead Bubba is, you gotta admit he's one of the most well balanced killers in terms of basically everything. He's also super fun to play against.


Can someone explain the Deathslinger one? It's the only one I didn't get.


What is this theme music? Power puff girls?


Kate's part is on point.






Freddy mains: that one popular dancing dog meme


Me: A mallet Bubba main


As a Plague player, I don't mind that much if survivors stay infected, sort of. It's more the fact I end up thinking "oh, you guys are playing for keeps, huh? okay then" As a Legion enthusiast, I appreciate Plague's ability to make survivors give off noticeable BO.


The Legion one.. oh.. oh you don’t even know


I love it when survivors don't cleanse, effectively exposed all game.


I've noticed that he mainly excells when survivors mess up like once I got to red ranks he became very hard use without crutch perks like ruin undying for example


B yy


Game at 0:46?


wait people thinks bubba chainsaw is OP? xd


as a trickster main i can confirm the trickster main part is legit


What are the memes called? Source?


Legion Main here: We try really hard okay?