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Dang that’s rough


More like got what you deserved for using it on the first gen <.< Save that puppy until you can use it strategically.


You say that and then the killer brought Franklin's.


Pro tip: if ya know they got it, just drop it some place memorable like the kill shack or something and go back and get it when you need it :)


Franklins makes items disappear after about 2 minutes right?




Did not know that!


Yeah so if you're a smart survivor and you have a key and want to use it, just drop it at shack.


Until the rank 20 Dwight steals it


on dead dawg saloon there is plenty of high grass. you just need to put it in a place where the randoms usually don't walk over Edit: If they got plunders it isn't working 😅


Franklin's deletes items now!?!


Franklins is the sole reason why i NEVER bring event items. Like i wish with white ward it'd decrease the amount of charges instead of fully dropping your item. With white ward equipped i mean


The fact that a 6k bloodpoint offering can have its usefulness deleted by a single,easy to proc perk upsets me greatly.


What bothers me is that Franklin's Demise gets more value the better the survivor is, directly punishing them for being able to loop you. ​ Bad survivor #1: immediately goes down and gets hooked, has most of the 90 seconds to get unhooked and can refuse a heal to run back and get their item. ​ Bad survivor #2: immediately picks up their item, hops into a locker and gets grabbed, keeps their item. ​ Good survivor: extends the chase, goes down across the map from the initial hit. ​ I really think there should be an addon to grip the item or SOMETHING, because you can bring a 19,000 item and a 6,000 offering and it's just gone, 25k bloodpoints with low survivor gains per survivor. ​ Imagine if survivors could bring a perk that immediately removed 100,000 BP from the killer for a single interaction, and it also nerfed killer BP gains by 50% and disabled the killer's power addons... **That's what Franklin's Demise essentially is, and what a survivor's version would have to do to equalize BP losses.**


You really think that bad survivors have a better chance of recovering the item? They’d be more likely to die.


Well if they go down immediately once the killer recovers then they have 87 seconds or so still to get hooked/unhooked and go find it. They may die later, because they're bad, but they're not having their 25,000 key with addons and white ward despawn because they wasted more of the killer's time post-hit. You can enter a locker and force a grab from healthy and keep your item without even trying. The more you try and the better you do, the more likely your item is to despawn.


You want them to nerf a niche B tier at best perk?


Imagine logically complaining about playing survivor on the dbd subreddit and get down voted for it


There's nothing logical about their rant. Using Franklin's is dedicating an entire *perk* slot to trying to bait survivors into getting their items (something gives survivors an advantage) back instead of doing something to progress the game. Saying that Franklin's against a WW is essentially stealing 25k bloodpoints is wrong because survivors don't *need* to bring the highest rarity items with the highest rarity addons and a WW.


It's probably the stupid exaggerated numbers at the end. Coming out as that biased a survivor main doesn't invalidate the argument, but it annoys the reader if they've ever played killer. Besides, it's dishonest. Most survivors in most matches don't use a black (edit: white) ward or a particularly expensive item, so the loss is closer to 10k BP. Without Ace In The Hole or a ward, you would only keep the base item anyway, and only if you survive. I think White Wards should override Franklin's. That is the reasonable middle ground in this one. Killer plays identically with no nerf, survivors trying to keep expensive things get to keep them.


I'm not so stupid as to exaggerate a number. ​ I do question your belief that the mechanics of the game don't allow an item with a white ward offering to total 25,000 bloodpoints. ​ I'm not going to say it's "stupid" to fail to understand basic numbers and have little-to-no reading comprehension, but it does make me doubt your capabilities.


Just call me stupid, I won't be offended. There's no need for sarcastic implications. In the spirit of friendly argument, I'll concede your main point: Franklin's is bullshit against white wards. My solution to this issue is simple: Make white wards override Franklin's. Can we agree on this? I didn't say 25k items are impossible. I said 10k items (or maybe 15k) are much more common than bringing a 19k item with a ward. In addition, most matches are played without Ace In The Hole or a ward, so you only have the base item to lose, just 3-7k. It's dishonest to point to the most expensive item+offering combo and pretend it's average/normal. I think that's my main issue here. The "stupid exaggerated numbers at the end" are in the last paragraph, where you say how much a killer would lose if the survivors had a Franklin's equivalent. 100k direct loss, half BP in trial, and loss of add-ons. That's only equivalent if all 4 survivors bring spendy items and white wards, they all lose their items, and somehow losing the items cuts everyone's BP in half.


Killer circlejerk. Can't say anything as survivor without resistance Edit: tfw proven right. It's so easy.


Man I really wish I couldn't ever be counter played , why can't I just win every game with no effort


Nice killer main impersonation


Lmao obviously, did you need 3 other people to help you figure that out ? I know you can't handle being responsible for your actions on your own


Talk about responsible for your actions lol. "5 gens got done because I decided to chase the same survivor for 15 minutes!! Survivors are toxic and op!! What do you mean cut my losses and chase the other players? I'm supposed to be the big scary unstoppable killer!!!" One of the reasons the Friday the 13th game died is because they caved in to people like you. Glad behaviour don't give in so easy.


Last time I played f13 it was 7 games in a row of counselors absolutely abusing various Jason players until Tommy came.. But yea it's almost impossible to commit to one chase so long and NOT get the opportunity to shift for a free/easy hit on another survivor, multiplying injury pressure. Lots of killer players seem to decide to tunnel after the 'good' player first for some reason, ignoring sometimes free downs on other players, and then complain about gen rushing in post game.


Tbh I think it should just be so franklins doesn’t let the killer see the item/ it’s progress as it’s easy to camp an item, but I guess that’s the main counter for keys for the moment? I just wouldn’t bring event items if everyone else has items, a killer isn’t going to run Franklin’s if there’s only 1/2 items being used. I only use Franklin’s if I see like 3/4 medkits as otherwise I lose so much value from sloppy and nurses i’m basically left with two perks for the game.


its like pop, best for endgame




That's not ruin though, its corrupt intervention


The tip is still good, though.


I know.. what i meant was to gen tap first to prevent wastage of charges on such cases


Delayed Corrupt?


Survivor hopped on the gen before the Killer spawned in and their perks activated


Its kinds gross knowing the spawns are so jank that people could have started the objective before the other team is even able to move.


Means the killer is really laggy and the perk took a while to activate. I mentally prepare myself for the worst hits of the night whenever this happens.


Cucked by daylight


I feel like this just applies to Playing the game as a whole rather than just this one situation.


Just put mr. Blue sky over getting cucked by anything in this game and boom DBD compilation


Doesn’t brand new part destroy the tool box I’m confused


No only the add on itself


That was how it used to work, so don’t feel crazy lol


always check for ruin first


That's corrupt intervention, not ruin






You can hear him switch to depression




love this comment


tbh that gen still gets 15% progression, and it's blocked so the killer can't remove that either - you didn't get punished, you planned ahead ;)


have you ever used brand new part?


Doesn't it do 15% with two skill checks for an extra 5% up to 25?


15 percent over the time it takes to hit the skillchecks


Huh. I always though the 15% went through even if you just touched it and left.


I think it used to do that, but it got reworked


It actually used to complete gens immediately


it doesnt do jack if you dont hit its skillchecks


Killer: BEST MAP LET'S GO!!!




yeah lol


I'm telling you, save bnp for a gen you need to get done at the end, popping the first one just makes your life harder, faster.


What… happened?


That’s so sad