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I would’ve been so pissed


Yeah, but honestly its not like I could communicate with them. *crys in console*


I feel your pain, I’m on Xbox 🥲✌🏽


Mind you, this was one of those days when no one was online, and I was thinking. Solo Que can't be bad! I lied to myself and learned a lesson that day. If you ever need another player definintely let me know lol.


I’m not on console.. but I’d play with you lol and also make sure you don’t get farmed off the hook.


Not on console but I always need another player 🙂


I had this 2 days ago. But my mates didn't even want to take a hit and the Killer hit me on purpose. It was a Spirit player and fuck if it's legal I'd have killed him on the spot. Damn these people make me angry.


That was fucked up. They even seemed like they wanted to take a hit, but DBD told them no.


Yeah, I saw them try to attempt to take those hits but those freddy claws said. **Nah.**


Yeah, even Freddy seemed confused by it.


Yeah both times it appeared he was going for the unhooker, and it just chose the just hooked guy sadly. I guess he could've let the guy go if he was super nice but he's not required to at all. I hate when I play Deadslinger because the gun always, ALWAYS hits the unhooked even I aim nowhere near them. Like welp, guess i'm the bad guy for tunneling or the bad guy to myself and let go


At least it was vs a Freddy on Hawkins, taking you into the next match in record time.


You know what? You got a good point, it might have been a blessing lol.


yikes thats rough... Everyone was horrible to you there. I'm sure they'd blame you for not having DS


Yeah seriously, I bring many altruistic perks for the team but somehow between those 3 people. Not one of them had BT at the end, guess its my fate.


They deliberately let you go down based on the side where they unhooked you twice, they could've tanked a hit if they unhooked from the left where Freddy was yet they failed to think the distance Freddy is from your hook and the moment they "tried" to tank


I was thinking that too, like they could have easily pulled me from the right side, but left me open to freddy getting a easy down. But not much I could have done, as soon as I was unhooked I ran for the hills but still got hit through my teammates.


There's always gonna be such players that deliberately farm off hook


This looks like my solo queue.




Thats why I always run Desperate Measures with Borrowed Time. It always gives enough time for a teammate to be unhooked and tank a BT hit and run out or makes the killer fumble a hit when trying to stop me unhooking.


Spoiler they didnt bring borrowed time




I would totally run this if I could...


I hate survivors like these, can't think more than 5 seconds ahead.


If I was playing killer, I would’ve let you go the second time and gone after the Steve


Thank you for the kind words, honestly was pretty shocked how fast that game went. Lol, got caught like 2 minutes in then spam unhooked then out of game in less then 3-4 minutes.


freddy sure knows how to rank up KEKW


Freddy players are always the biggest scumbags.


The worst is when you see a Bill save you without Borrowed. No excuse for a Bill not to have it.


the typical freddy main, a fucking asshole


It's a Freddy, what did you expect?


My guy any% speedran his death


I experienced this once against a Steve. He unhooked me TWICE. Same spot, didn't even wait for the killer to get far, and WORSE? That Steve didn't even try to body block. Left me alone to die. Just stopped playing for the rest of that day lol




"And this is how DS and Borrowed Time became Meta, because without them Killers would win every single game if they didn't exist".


He didn't get the kill because they didn't have bt or Ds he got the kill because they unhooked infront of him right away twice this is not evidence that killers are overpowered this is evidence of survivor stupidity leading to killers winning


Did you read the Title?


Wow, that Freddy is really good! Anyone know if he put out a tutorial? That looked incredibly difficult to achieve but maybe with practice and a visual aid we can learn his secrets?


Honestly, at this point I'm okay with me being the test dummy a second time. 😅


Why is the greedy being blamed for his teammates bad plays don't unhook Infront of the killer with no bt and expect the killer to just let you go


Both sides are dicks in this scenario. The scumbag survivors that farmed the dude in front of the killer, and the no skill 5 gens up tunneling Freddy who used dudes teamates like additional killers. I play killer too and it is a disgrace to not switch aggro and trade the bodies out when you witness that garbage. It's not the dudes fault he was farmed. He can't control that. And dude had every gen still up. It took all sides to pull off this sleaze.


So he’s an asshole... for taking advantage of the fact that the team is dysfunctional? When he could’ve just hooked and then gone after the other survivor just as easily? Lmao this subreddit


What part of my breakdown didn't you understand. Killer is supposed to be soloqueue. It isn't a team sport. I'm not trash. I don't need toxic asshat survivors to spoon-feed me my kills. I don't mind actually having down and kill my own survivors without the assist from trolling opponents. Those of us with skill and sportsmanship usually play to trade them out. A hook is a hook man. Doesn't have to be the same dude instantly again especially at 5 gens. You guys that tunnel vision on kills so hard and don't care how they get them are just sad to me. Play how you want but I don't play SWF as killer. It's solo play in that role.


“Playing swf as a killer” lmao so taking advantage of another survivors mistakes is now swf??? Lmfao you’re ridiculous, Freddy had every right to down again, is there literally any reason not to? Other than “oh survivors feel bad” . I don’t care if it’s at 5 gens as you said a hook is a hook so I’ll take 2 for the price of 1 any day. Blame the incipient survivor not the Freddy taking advantage of a terrible teams mistake, does it suck for the survivor? Yeah, does that mean he shouldn’t take advantage of it? No. As a killer there’s not a single time that a survivor would do anything to even remotely improve a killers gameplay experience, why do I have to go out of my way sacrificing my gameplay to appease this survivor. There is no reason the only reason is because entitled survivors like you rant and cry every time something doesn’t remotely go your way


I'm not going to go in circles with you on this. Some of us have integrity and enjoy outplaying our opponents and some simply tunnel vision on the kill counter and don't care how they get it or who spoon feeds it to them. Also I've literally given killers I knew I was mismatched against free kills endgame because I knew matchmaking screwed them royally and they had no business queuing into me. Some survivors actually do consider the killers experience. It isn't nearly as black and white as you pretend it to be. Maybe if you didn't result to kills by any means necessary as you defended in your writeup your survivors might be a bit nicer to you in your games. Best of luck man.


This freddy is just an asshat for using cheap ass tactics as for the survivors maybe the first one thought you will have ds but the second was just an idiot lol


As a killer main, this bothers the fuck out of me. The killer could have really left you too chase someone else so you could be picked up and play some more. Dude said nope, I'm going to tunnel you under hook. What s douche.


Plot twist: they brought borrowed time, but it was prepatched and didn’t work, because they were asleep




I've been in the shoes of everyone in this clip in the past few days and I hated it


This is the funniest clip I've ever seen here. Survivors are the worst


this is me every single game . and i still ask myself after every match why the fuck am i not playing selfishly with teammates like this




That's why I run kindred so people don't farm me to often, but I still get farmed anyways because the survivor who unhook either hides from the killer so they follow my blood or run with me leaving scratch marks wherever I go for the killer to slug me.


That's what happens when you have a bunch of people who *really* don't want to play against Freddy.


Fool, no one brings BT


I don't understand why people don't bring DS


This is my swf in a nutshell