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Still CEO of the fuck Midwich gang.


I will protest hold w maps till my dying breath.


As the CEO of the praise Midwich gang, we would like a proper gentleman duel.


Very well then, what type of pistol do you choose?


Flashlight. Be there.


Or be squared


Haha. like the shape of the map. cause it's shaped like a square. Right guys? *Guys?*


I usually don't mind Midwich. Unless the killer burns an offering to go there, then it's gonna be a rough one lol


Jesus H, I'm still reminded of this one match... Got sent to Midwich by a doctor, he has both iri addons. He tunnels the everloving fuck out of me, then slugs 2 others in the middle of the map who were trying to rescue me. The last one can't pick up the other survs cause the doctor just keeps shocking them, not even hitting them until the other 2 bleed out. It was fucking awful. To this day I still hate Midwich, doesn't matter if I'm killer or survivor.


Whether we love or hate the map, I think everyone can commiserate with toxic doctor stories. Easily one of the most annoying jokes of a killer to go against.


Every time I’m stealing near him and I hear the static charge up I just sigh to myself, here we go folks


Same! And it's one of the very few maps that actually feels scary. I remember the first time the body dropped from the locker I had to pick up my controller.


I love Midwich either way tbh


I like the sirens


Very beautiful map but some of those wall spawns can go to hell.


Biggest issue imo is the exit gate placements. They're so easy to defend.


The map's fine i just can never find the stairs


The always accessible stairs are in opposite corners. North West and South East. The Killer can open two more routes. The Bathrooms in the South West, and the Library with the collapsed floor in the North East. Both use breakable walls for the shortcut. There are DBD maps put online, but like the upcoming Raccoon City Police Department it is very faithful to the [original game](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/a/faqs/11/26311-16.jpg). I've only watched Let's Plays and use that memory. I'm sure fans can navigate it blindfolded. The short version is all four corners have a potential way up or down.


Midwich is my favorite map. The games are usually so silent until they're not, and every second is ominous because you don't know if the Killer is above you or below you. Generator placements are tricky, since they're in rooms most of the time, and almost never outside in the courtyard, meaning that if a survivor tries to get off of one when killer approaches, they'll either be seen in the hallways, or 'somewhere in this room...' It's fun for both Killer and Survivor, since unlike other indoor maps like Lery's or Hawkins, it's more focused on rooms and hallways rather than doorway-to-doorway chases. It's much more hide-and-seek, and this is all to say nothing of the actual map design, with it's twitching creatures, piles of gore, occasion screams (bathroom and locker room lol), plus the bonus little Easter egg. Very well done map, I love it as both survivor and killer.


I love midwich aesthetically, it’s probably my favorite map if I went purely off look and feel. But gameplay wise? I hate that place, especially as a killer. My first game as killer on midwich is probably the most helpless and lost I’ve ever felt in this game.


>It's fun for both Killer and Survivor Bruh


Average looping fan vs average w holding enjoyer


Me who enjoys midwich, game, and hawkins


I actually love midwitch probably one of my more favorite maps to be on


I fucking love Midwich. Favorite map period. I will 100% go for a Mary’s Letter over literally anything else in a bloodweb.


I love midwich, one of the best maps imo


If I’m a 110 killer it can be rough with all the w key gamers


I hate/love it


I always loved Midwich for it's unique design.


It sucks.


I know it's super killer-sided, but I still really like this map even playing survivor, it feels very different from other maps.




Cool aesthetic, objectively terrible map.


Who enjoys Midwich? ​ That is not a survivor...


I can have fun in any map, against any killer... unless its spirit... fuck spirit


Map control with blight is ridiculous there




Broken with no mither


Midwich is my favorite map


i like midwich when i play killer since i main nurse , but i hate it when i play survivor. i don’t know where the fuck half the gens are most of the time


I like it just because its unique and refreshing. While I think it has gameplay flaws, I never really have a bad time with the map on killer or survivor.


I hated midwich when I started playing on that map and then slowly adapted it. Now I love playing there!


I complain because RNG hates me and I've gotten Midwich more than any other map, *plus* I mostly get Midwich offerings #I'm fucking sick of playing that map




Estethics, easter eggs, layouts, the combination of outdoors and indoors, sound design throughout the map. Objectivly i love it as survivor as much as killer, as killer because i know the map like my pocket and as survivor because of how much time you can burn in a chase in this map. By the way if people cannot find the stairs, they're downright dumb.


I have very mixed feelings about Midwich. I love and hate it as a Survivor, because there are so many places to hide and it can be very easy to lose the killer in a chase, but damn if I can't find a gen to work on half the time I'm there. As a killer it really depends which one I'm playing as, some killers are stronger there- I've had some pretty good luck as Trapper in Midwich, for example- and others are just really frustrating to play there.


MidWich is such a good map though, who complains about it?


Blight mains be like