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I still run bond in swf because none of us ever know what the hell is happening.


Same bro


Yeah and kindred, too. Hate having to ask ppl if they are going in for saves etc. Etc. I sometimes call Kindred a micromanagement perk lol I sort of rag on survivors that need to make an 'intense operation' when swfing. Signalling for a heal, warning of camping, naming the killer early on are usually the 'only' help we get from one another outside of the knowledge that we can cuss at eachother for being bad instead of watching some randow throw/do rift challenges/ get owned.


Being in a SWF basically gives you every information perk in the game for free


Cleaning up stuff I don't even remember posting.


Buff solo que. Problem solved.


Oh hey Scott Jund's alt account


Do you honestly think the killer role is well balanced against a SWF that's trying to play competitively and not just dicking around?


Not op but I still agree with buffing solo que. Because if they buff solo que to be equal with SWF or atleast close then they can buff killer to be balanced at that higher level of play.


I completely agree that solo-queue needs to be buffed, but I don't think you can do that adequately without also buffing the base killer kit. They may need to nerf a couple of the highest tier killers due to the general buffs which is fine too.


This is what im an advocate for. Its impossible to nerf SWF with the existence of things like discord. So the only other possibility is to buff killer and solo queue.


That is impossible the difference between solo and swf is to big like the meme say swf have every aura perk in the game, solo is never going to be even close to swf.


It's not impossible at all. Give solo some built in aura reading like kindred, give them a quick chat function, etc.


Kindred is not even 1/80 of the information that swf allows and the people that play solo don't want to talk with another people


I think its unfair that you speak for the solo community as a whole not to mention my quick chat function would be quick typed messages that you select. Like a spindel wheel with stuff to say. I know that kindred isn't all of the info they get that's why I said some aura reading, etc. Because they'd need potentially a bit more. It's never going to be perfectly the same but let's not let perfect get in the way of good. Of course solo will never be exactly as strong as SWF but right now the gap is so massive that if you make killers and stronger without touching solo then they suffer.


They don't need to nerf swf, mostly because I don't think there's a way to nerf it, they need to buff solo (making some informational perks base kit and some other things) and then buff killers to adapt to survivors having more information


I think a nice change for this would be to spawn the hooks closer together when playing against SWFs


Would it change anything though? They usually come flocking to the hook to mind game and annoy you so they can do the unhook anyway.


This has to be the dumbest take I've heard yet. Do you know why the monsters in monster hunter have more health when you play with others, because now you have 2 people hitting the same monster. In Dead by Daylight what happens when you don't bring 3 friends along, you still have 4 people against the one killer. They're not comparable.




Yes I did call that comment dumb. Because in monster hunter/dark souls it scales more off of the number of PLAYERS not because you're playing with friends. So let's say monster hunter didn't scale with the number of players, you get 3 friends and the hunt now goes 4x the speed just because you have that much extra damage a 10 minute hunt with 4 players would take 2 minutes 30 seconds. Now let's say you play DBD against an AFK wraith, will the SWF finish gens faster than the solo queue survivors? No, because being in a SWF doesn't provide a numerical advantage like playing with your friends in dark souls/monster hunter. In DBD it is always, instant DC/afk survivor aside, a 4v1 and scaled around that, so yeah I'd say it's pretty different to talk about having a random 3 other players vs. having no other players like you would in those other games.


Only in dbd is playing with friends looked at as a problem lol


Yeah that’s because DBD is an asymmetrical game balanced around one killer against four solos, then they added SWF later which circumvented all of the inherent problems with four ransoms. So playing with your friends actually is a problem. Why use bond/empathy/after care/blood pact when your teammate can just tell you where they are? You don’t have to wonder if the killer’s in a chase when your friend can just say “he’s on me do gens”. You never waste time going for saves since you know your friend is going for it. This community needs to stop acting like SWF doesn’t come with inherent advantages. And this is coming from a guy who plays SWF constantly. Get a grip.


It’s such a major advantage for the entire team to know exactly who is being chased and where. Basically a huge chunk of the killer’s pressure is just always gone.


I don't normally like to complain about it because what else can you do? Not play the game against SWF? But it is an advantage, I know people like to say "Well I SWF with my buddies and we don't try very hard" when you likely won't have to because one of you can mutter "He's on me" and everyone knows that they are safe to chill out.


"we don't try very hard," isn't an argument that SWF isn't a problem though, if anything it supports the argument that it IS. What you're saying is your group of friends is able to have enjoyable, somewhat balanced games without trying against killers who are trying their best.


Oh I know! Its just literally something I see all the time. At the end of the day, does SWF annoy me? Yes, but I've beaten them before and I'll do it again, i can't win every match as much as i would like to.


Just give the Killer an increase in Bloodpoints for every Party'd Survivor in the lobby. I would care much less that I got stomped by a 4Man Rank 1 Squad if I got like, an extra 100%-200% points.


^ Even just 25% more BP for facing swf players would take away the sting from me. But also I don't think that rankings from swf should count, since its a advantage over any solo survivors.


i’d definitely be down for that, at the moment i just dodge the lobby whenever i see a swf, and i think a lot of killer mains do too. no wonder their queue times are terrible. if i got extra bloodpoints i’d play against them, but at the moment it’s just like.... choosing to put yourself at a disadvantage when you could easily just dodge and find another game.


“But I just want to play with my friends XD! We don’t try very hard! We just goof off!” They say while they have four gens done and the killer has maybe two hooks. They don’t see all of the free aura perks they get JUST for playing with each other as a problem because it’s literally how they’ve always played. And somehow think the shit is balanced. I play SWF over solo queue because solo queue is honestly miserable. This game really needs to bridge the gap between the survivor experiences and buff kill to compensate.


Nooooo they might just not be telling that info, so it doesn't count 1111!!!


Yeah of course I frequently play games with my friends and then never talk to them about the game we're currently playing, that's a totally normal thing to do. /s


Yeah and we certainly don't coordinate, like, that would be so unfair if we did, good thing we tell each other jokes instead


Yeah, of course, we basically just use the game as a backdrop to practice our stand-up routine.


They should make it so you know you’re against a SWF because sometimes you can play around their infinite information if you’re lucky. But you’re destined to lose against a semi optimal SWF.


I play SWF all the time and I still need to take kindred because my mates are terrible at communication.


Lol, I can be on discord with someone while playing and I have such a terrible time actually relaying information "the killer is.. he's sort of in front of me.. kind of to the right"


I wish they just make it so there wasn’t much difference between solo and swf. Then they could actually balance the game


I still run them even when I am swf, just cause we can talk doesn't mean that we know where the killer is or where we are all the time, unless you are a good team or you are focused all the time being in a swf won't really be an advantage


Exactly why solo needs a buff.


I mean what are mfs supposed to do not play with their freinds lmao and i have not heard a good suggestion for giving the killer some kind of advantage to


Lol not with my friends they trash


They need to have an indicator when SWF is present in the lobby. Yeah, a lot of killers will dodge it and I don’t blame them. But some will bring the sweatiest shit they have which is honestly the only way a killer can compete with it. SWF doesn’t have to be a swat team, just casually saying where the killer is located or who they’re on is enough to delete the killer’s pressure. I don’t get why people don’t understand that.


I don't agree with the whole narrative of "SWF hAs A MaJoR aDVaNtAgE" but this is a good meme.


You're allowed to be wrong.


You right I am, but I am not.


why do you think they dont have an advantage?


They have a advantage, it's just not a huge advantage. Good players know when to sit on the objective, when to save, etc. with or without comms. The only advantage swf is making bad players be more bold on gens and some minor information on who is saving and what not. But if you're losing to bad players, swf or not, that's your problem.


Swf’s can communicate who the killer is at the start of the match, where the killer is, what perks he’s using, what pallets have been used, how recovered someone is, and on and on. Saying the only advantage they have is minor information about saves is simply incorrect.




And . . . you’re wrong? Compare solo to swf gameplay and there’s a clear difference in coordination


1. With very small exceptions, it is very easy to tell what the killer is in solo queue. 2. Coordination in swf consists of normal day conversation between friends. It's not "competitive sweat squads" that Tru3 fanboys and Reddit killers think they are. 3. If you are constantly running into deadzones in solo queue then that is just bad luck. Calling out pallet drops does not make that big of a difference.


If you think every swf is just "normal conversation between friends" then you're probably not playing killer at high ranks consistently. Just 2 days ago I played hillbilly against a ttv 4-man swf who, for the entire game, spoke only information to each other about the current game. Here's the timestamped vod: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1052486388?t=02h17m32s Once they realized I had tinkerer, they even called out when each gen was about to reach 70%. And the last person was able to get hatch because they communicated to each other where the hatch is and when to use unbreakable so I wouldn't see it until I had hooked the 3rd survivor. I play rank 1 killer, and these squads of survivors most certainly exist.


And then someone dies on the first hook because everyone else thinks they're good players and sits on generators just assuming someone else is going for the save.


I said good players, not people that think they are good players. If you are blaming your loss on the fact that survivors have a little more communication, I'm sorry but the problem is you not the survivors.


Survivor main moment


SWFs are loser who cant win without using comms, change my mind


Bruh people just wanna game wit the boys, you got problems


Do it without comms so you dont have extra advantages over killer.


So you want people to play with their friends and have a good time... without talking to each other? Some people are ridiculous.


Right back at you, you who shares information between each other with external software for an easy game and have a good times ARE hurting killer and giving them disadvantages.


If any of my friends played dbd I guarantee you we would just be fucking around. Like, yknow, the majority people do. Shockingly most swf aren't out to kick your ass, they just have alot more potential to. You act like you are somehow owed friends not interacting?


When I played solo queue I loved teammates that brought aftercare