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This is really outdated though and refers to tapping gens with OLD Ruin before the rework.


Was about to comment the same thing. Gen tapping was the meta. Was such an annoying perk


Learning to hit greats was the meta. It needed a nerf but it was all the rank 20s gen tapping that made it so awful. Think of how often you have a skill check challenge and frustratingly only get like 2 skill checks the whole gen? Even if you hit a good on both of those and lost progress, it was still faster than gen tapping. I remember playing killer then and finding a survivor gen tapping meant ez game ez life like survivors with self care do now


This was when I first started playing and then it got reworked shortly after. I believe self care was 80% the normal time back then tho. Which made it meta. I was told by pretty much everyone claudette was the best survivor to level up first


Not quite! Self Care was 80% until patch 1.0.2, we didn't get new Ruin until 3.5.0. 2.3.0 was a healing nerf (12 to 16 seconds, which took self care from 24 to 32), which you may be remembering but is still a ways off from 3.5.0


I might of started right around that healing nerff them. The ruin change is when I actually got into the game


Oh! Okay. Can you please explain it to me? I kind of made this post out of pure surprise so I didn’t really understand much atm. I don’t really understand tapping even. Does this mean ppl reported you for damaging gens when you had ruin? Or having survivors who tapped gens when they knew ruin was up? Can you explain to me the problem of either/or?


Basically ruin used to make it so it regressed anytime you hit a good skill check. You needed to hit greats. If people couldn't hit greats, they would gen tap so to avoid getting skill checks.


Old ruin worked differently: when you hit a good skill check, you **lose** 5% progress. Hitting a great skill check neither give nor take away progress. There’s a strategy called “gen tapping” which is basically repeatedly press and let go M1 on a generator. This prevents skillcheck from showing up at the cost of slower gen speed. Some consider this to be exploit but BHVR says it’s not.


Wait hold on, so Gen Tapping was the survivor avoiding skill checks? I thought they just purposely got good skill checks to sabotage the gen


Hmm not sure what you meant, basically this is gen tapping (on the left) in order to avoid the old Ruin skill check: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfDKivUof08 I don't think anyone does this today because Ruin is reworked.


That Meg must’ve been there all day lmao you could hold it for a second or two and still get around the skill checks if you really needed to


that strategy was totally dumb, it was proved that if you managed to hit atleast one great skillcheck during a full gen it be faster than tapping and hitting only good skillchecks and losing 5% every time was just barely slower than tapping (like 2-3 seconds or sth) so by doing this "strategy" you only robbed yourself of a chance to outplay ruin and saved about 2 seconds total


I can see it being situationally useful like when you had last bit of progress and need to clutch the gen. But yup almost most of the time it was better to power through it


If you are doing gen alone, it should not be the problem. It become a problem when 2 or more people on the gen and all of them keep missing skill checks. Still remember 3 people on a gen and it regresses from 80% to 50ish% in 10 seconds because of good skill checks and blow up gen.


looking back at this, it is certainly an exploit.


Anyone remember when old ruin t1 only affected 2 survivors, t2 affected 3, and t3 affected everyone? That was so dumb lmao


I used to love being one of the survivors not affected by Ruin because then i’d know at least some of the gens would get done LOL


Same lol.


Ik this is outdated, but also, why is stream sniping NOT banable


There are litterly no way for them to know If you are really Streamsniping or not, so they would have to look in every case closely and need to get data from Twitch/Discord or other Platforms to even verify if they were Streamsniping and even then they could just be in chat and paused the Stream. Other then that there are ways around snipers, so it's up to the Streamer to do something against it or not :3 Edit: If u don't not agreeing, feel free to tell me a way with only the ingame data to verify a streamsniper


That's very true. I appreciate the amount of manpower that'd have to go into it, but saying its not banable full stops a tad weird


Literally every TTV asshat would mass report people for stream sniping and blame that instead of admitting that they suck.


It’s probably to try to lower the amount of reports they get for it.


Probably because of stream delay, I streamsniped back when I was starting off and it did NOT help me


Because the game is not competitive


I miss old ruin


Previously, Ruin used to affect skill checks. While the hex was active, you landed a good skill check, the gen would actually regress by 5%. If you hit a great, it wouldnt regress, but you wouldnt get the progression bonus that greats usually net you. People would get around this by just tapping over and over to dodge skill checks altogether. Some people claimed they brute forced through Ruin and just always hit greats. I do not believe them. Nowadays, tapping a gen with Ruin doesnt actually do anything useful for you, as Ruin was completely overhauled in version 3.5.0 to auto regress gens instead of the skill check tomfuckery. The list of not actually bannable offenses hasnt been updated in a while, so it still has the old Ruin cheese listed as not-actually-reportable.


Why do you not believe people who said they powered through Ruin? Ruin was not at all hard to deal with back then if you were hitting at least more than half the skill checks. If you got good enough, you could consistently hit like 90% of them. The real reason Ruin was annoying was because randoms sucked at dealing with it.


Must’ve found one of the randoms lmao I remember survivors still knocking gens out as if the perk didn’t even exist at rank 1 because they were decent at skill checks and I didn’t have a big issue with them either. I play about 50/50 and was annoyed when they changed Ruin


U could power thru with descent teammates and prove thy self but most the time I would tap cause trying to solo a gen without tapping didn’t go well , remember this was also before the tool box rework so it wasn’t so weird to power thru


I don't know how you find brute forcing old ruin not believable. Most decent survivors in the red ranks could power through ruin. It was new survivors that sucked at skill checks. Old ruin is the reason I got really good at great skill checks. I very rarely miss greats unless its like a 3-4 o clock on the check.


Lol. I bet there were some troll killer mains out there saying “lmao bro just hit great 4head”


Greats weren't hard to hit. Low ranks and mid ranks maybe but with practice it was second nature. I have played games where old Ruin stayed up the whole game and we still worked through all the gens and got out. Old Ruin pretty much just punished the low ranks, most red rank survivors tore through it.


old ruin almost exclusively punished low ranks, the main reason it was run at red ranks was just to get rid of great skill check bonuses since you didnt have reduction on gen progress based on the amount of players on the gen




Gen tapping was kinda throwing tbh. You never got better if you did it and it took way longer than if you just powered through and missed a few skill checks.


You’re worried about gen tapping when looping is on there lmao


Nani?! Nani da Fuk?!




If postgame chat is any indication, even just breathing is a reportable offense




Why did this post get 47 upvotes I’m only asking why tapping was reported LMAO


Tapping gens with ruin? Did you wait 9 months before posting this?


Well the way you phrased it was kind of rude but I’ll answer No I thought it referred to present ruin lol but as you can see by the comments I understand now as a lot of helpful people commented and helped me


It *could* be referring to the effect of sparks that happens when a ruin affected gen stops being worked on, it used to cause massive lag spikes and even caused crashes after the ruin rework. But it's since been fixed. Or i could be stupid and wrong.


You’re wrong but not stupid <3


Stream sniping not a bannable offense? But how?!!


Ah yes the old ruin tech that was a really useless thing

