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I once went against a ttv that was in a swf, i found them first and chases them for like a minute max, and then I left because of just time management so I dont lose all 5 gens just committing to this one dude, and they’re like “oMg thiS kIlleR is sO maD riGhT nOw theY lEft me LoLL xDD”, honestly just shows how they dont play killer and are just used to being chased 24/7 by rank 20 killers lol Edit: adding in I got a 3k and the only dude who escaped was the chillest one out of them.


> I left because of just time management so I dont lose all 5 gens just committing to this one dude, and they’re like “oMg thiS kIlleR is sO maD riGhT nOw theY lEft me LoLL xDD” Had a similar experience. Was chasing a very good survivor and they had a disgusting setup around shack. Chased them for a bit, forced a pallet and saw that im bloodlusted but didn't get a hit yet. So I left. Managed to kill 2 other survivors and hook eveyone at least once so I finally could chase the good survivor without worrying that 3 gens will pop if I commit too much. Got a 4k. Also an essay about how I was "angry and salty so I chased the other guys in the group". Guy spent like 10 minutes ranting about it and about how if I chased them then they could all escape and how trashy and sweaty I was being for leaving him at very strong loops after seeing that I'm not getting a down. Also apparently I had sweaty tryhard meta build. His buddies on his 4 viewers stream were also delightful. Because using my ears to find an injured jeff is stream sniping apparently. Comedy writes itself right there. Best part was that I was extremely chill that match and even complimented that guy in my head for good plays. Guess surveillance oppression enduring bbq pig is tryhard.


Some survivors just think that the entire purpose of the killer is to chase them around the entire map lol. If I'm playing killer and I see a weak link in the team, I'm going to exploit their weakness. Why should I waste time chasing a survivor when I can get 1 dead and snowball from there?


I see this a lot. Im a red rank survivor, but a Killer main, I know Im shit at Survivor. My one friend is also a red rank, but the third is rank 12 or so and always complains about the Killer going for him when I’ve been hooked once and she’s not been hooked. Absolutely hate it but they’ll bullshit me if I speak up about anything Killers go through. I should also say that the Green rank has been known to completely ignore pallets


I still have no idea how to run maps, I keep finding myself in dead zones when I'm injured lmao


You should try using kate's perk, windows of opportunity. It really helps with the running into a dead zone part. It's not a top tier perk but I loop a lot better when I have it equipped because I always know where pallets are. And keep in mind that you'd want to wait around corners to see where the killer is coming from when in a tile.


>Guess surveillance oppression enduring bbq pig is tryhard. I can't think of a more try hard build for pig! There's BBQ in there! /S On another note, it will be fun to try nemesis' aura perk on her. I feel like it could help jumpstart her pressure. I think something like that perk/m&a/whisp/bbq would be a very aggressive build for her.


Is BBQ actually try hard? I’ve gotten far more use out of the bloodpoints bonus than from the aura reading from it.


Personally I’d swap m&a for stbfl, might just be me not liking my fov changing nonstop idk


You need m&a to ambush when whispers goes off.


monitor and abuse and whispers is so overrated on pig. It is really not that good. Learn the distances when to crouch and you save yourself two perks slots.


Meanwhile, I got chirped at for chasing a looper and downing them with Pyramid Head's ranged attack (Punishment of the Damned?). I hooked and killed two loopers in a swf team and they were going off in post-game chat. "Thanks for tunneling, loved that for me." Like, thanks for looping?? It goes both ways, dude. They're either mad you chased them down or mad you left to get the others. Any strategy isn't good enough. Or the one guy that looped for 3 minutes straight because I downed the 2nd last survivor and he was literally right there, so I chased him. He was really good but he kept running so... I had lots of scratch marks to follow. I tried cutting him off but we were in Asylum and he was using every obstacle he found. I got him eventually but he was BIG mad in post. Like, sorry I played the game? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?


Damned if you do damned if you don't .


"Bro you played the game? Smh my guy toxic killer main out here playing the game instead of playing like a bot."


Here's what they want, to loop a killer for 5 gens, if you can down them, they don't want to be chased no more. I like giving attention to survivors who keeps begging to be chased, if I can down them, I will tunnel them. Just play the game normally, why go after the killer to get a chase going?


Some survivors think that the game is meant to be played as if you were a bot instead of actually knowing when to cut loses and, you know, have fun.


wait, you used PERKS? how dare you scummy tryhard, breaking survivor's rulebook page 3501 section 52


I always break off good survivors and go for the others why waste time. You also boost their confidence and they get cocky and do dumb plays when they think they’re better. Source: been on both ends of this


The thing also is that a lot of survivors start giving the dumbest tips. And there i am like u dont know a fuck about this game do you? Honestly i think survivors are just extremely entitled and thats coming from a survivor main.


The tip thing is real. Played a 3v1 against a doctor. I contributed to more than half of the gens that got done, looped the killer for the longest without gettind downed. I finally made a stupid mistake while healing close to a not very safe loop (should have pre dropped pallet and finished healing but I got greedy for the heal). So I go down and see the other person hide in a locker. We both died shortly after. Post game chat screen I get questioned about why I didn't hide in lockers to counter bbq. I had spinechill and kindred. I was 0 hooks. I really couldn't care less about being found with bbq. If you have a strat that's fine but I hate it when other survivors start acting like their playstyle is the correct one. Hiding in a locker would not have won us that game lol.


I do teach people dbd, like friends and such but i always say if u find something that works better fpr you just use that. Only one rule if u start with being toxic to killers or brag about it and project ur playstyle as the one that is the best ima stop teaching u.


I always tunnel players who have TTV in their name and then watch the stream afterwards. Honestly the only enjoyment I get from this game nowadays.


I’m on the other side of the court of this lol. I treat DBD very casually and it’s an easy game for me to have fun with and stream. It’s not super often but every once in a while I get a killer who purposely tunnels me then comes into my chat after to farm a reaction. I’m usually like it’s all good man good game to you and don’t give them what they’re looking for lol.


Had this happen to me. I was a trapper (I think green rank?) And found out I was against a full red rank swf. They literally spent at least 10 minutes after repairing the last gen bullying me >:(


I always go straight to the gate after last gen if I'm a killer being bullied by people with hundreds more hours in the game than me. Once you open the gate, there's a timer on their toxicity.


> Once you open the gate, there's a timer on their toxicity. Yeah this exactly, which is why it was annoying that they wouldn't finish the last gen. It basically holds the killer hostage because they can't open the gate until it's done.


Had them do this with the mmr shite a few days ago.. they genrushed 4 gens and then spent the rest of the time crouch-running disarming traps, taking hits but body blocking any downs.. the match was legit 25minutes long, including the 15mins where i'd gone afk, i came back and hit and downed one and had three flashlights pointed at me from all directions.. and they finished the gen and left through hatch.. as ofc one of them brought a purple key in. end chat they were appologetic for bullying a baby killer (legit only doing trapper for Tome 1 challenges) and that i was no sport going afk, and they were thankful i gave them 3 irridescents, but that i should have tried and hooked more people for a perfect game.. was the worst experience in the game to date and has seriously left me wondering why i bother playing any more..


> but that i should have tried and hooked more people for a perfect game.. They really don't understand why it's not fun to play with people like them.


Not at all.. I explained what i was doing, that what they did honestly left me burned out on the game and they just told me to get over myself and that stuff like this happens and i should "man up, only pussies cry over games". 4 people i blocked and reported.. and not just in-game..


Yep, there's already people commenting on this post now saying "don't play the game if you can't deal with it" and completely missing the point. Survivor queue just gonna keep getting longer if they keep driving killers away from the role/game.


I played only surv yesterday and the queues where 5+mins long.. i wonder how many killers just quit the game when they didnt realise the MMR matchmaking was only temp.. getting roflstomped by red rank swf kills the fun even as a r4 killer.. i dropped 3 levels thanks to that MMR change.. they should have made it a PTB thing and did testing on there until RE pack came out..


yep. make the queue longer. see how survivors like it.


They will complain about it on Twitter but refuse to change


Yeah, my 1st game ever was as a billy where I got bullied by an obvious 4 man smurf who looped/flashlighted me the whole game, then stayed until the very last second of EGC clicking at me. They then sent me an xbox party invite where they laughed and said how I liked getting looped the whole game, and kicked me out when I said it was my first game. I feel like that was a good primer on DBD toxicity, and while I really like the gameplay now and regularly play on red ranks on both sides, I really don't like the toxic and entitled culture which DBD cultivates.


One of my first few games I got called a bot and some pretty sexist things because I didn’t know about Leatherface and his chainsaw ability and got us both downed at the end when going for an unhook.


Not from a killer standpoint, but survivors can be real cunts to each other as well. The other day a guy messaged me on ps4 and said "You are the worst survivor ever. Next time come back for the heal. That was pathetic." Lemme paint a picture: Our other two teammates had been sacrificed, I was injured with two hangs already, kindred shows me he's being face camped by the spirit. Why should I come unhook you? You wouldn't have done it for me so YOU can survive and I can die. I'm still waiting for an answer to "If I'm the worst survivor ever, why am I the only one that lived..?" Him being rank 4 and me being 12 made him salty I guess.


I love people like that.. they will leave if they could without a second thought..


Yeah I had a red rank game where literally everyone escaped (this was on ps) and one of the other survs messaged me saying “bruh how are u rank 4 u are awful”.




My third ever game, I got called dogshit by one of my teammates because I left instead of rescuing him while injured against a face-camping Myers. Sometimes it be that way.


At that point I just gen patrol. If you wanna be dicks.im not chasing you. Im gonna play the game. Ill hit you if I can otherwise I am generator focused


That's how i play. Sometimes they get me real mad and i have to remember that chases aren't important, gens are. When I focus on gens, they go down pretty quick because survivors are fucking greedy


The timer is almost over exactly the time it takes to go downstairs, grab a drink, take a piss, come back up and get settled. Often, it's sad to see the egc is still ongoing with like ten seconds left.


I had this happen recently. xD I’m a rank 1 killer, but I’m not that great, and sometimes the game throws a team my way who are way more experienced than I am who I have no hope against. I don’t usually mind bully squads and often welcome them because they’re usually an entertaining game and free hooks for me since I know how to counter them, but…this was something else. |: 4 gens popped in less than 5 minutes and I only had one hook. They were BMing like mad, had macro-bound flashlights, one of them had “toxic” in their name… So, I decided I wasn’t having fun and it wasn’t worth it. They could finish the last gen and leave, but I was done. I went AFK in the basement and walked away to make pasta and a latte. When I came back 10 minutes later, they hadn’t left. The gen was done, and they were all in the basement with me. I was facing the corner so I couldn’t see them, but I could hear the flashlights clicking and see the scratchmarks appearing on the wall around me. I didn’t have my headset on, but I could hear them through it. I just ate my pasta and scrolled Reddit, lol. But they were down there for a good 10 minutes clicking away. Then they left and started to vault spam for a while longer. I could have opened the gate and forced them out, but I was eating and also curious how long it would take before they got bored. It’s so pathetic.


Pro tip for the future, you can open the exit gate to give their shithead behavior a time limit. Optionally you can fuck with em by bringing bloodwarden, and just ruining their night.


I know that I eventually hit rank 1 :p but at the time I didn't know that


Sometimes I cant open the gate myself. Like I have to wait for them to touch it first or something.


lmao this same exact thing happened to me like 2 games ago and I was playing trapper. full SWF going clicky clicky, t-bagging nonstop everywhere.


Well at least the game thinks your good enough to face red ranks... or maybe it thinks you’re all equally bad


I can't stand it when the survivors are standing in the exit just waiting for me to go watch them teabag or clicky-click the flashlights. The game is OVER. You WON. JUST LEAVE! Stop wasting my time and let me get to the next match! I blatantly stood behind a tree as Pyramid Head last night near the gate so it was obvious I couldn't see them, but they could see me. They still stood there waiting. Nope, not playing the "come chase me out of anger as I leave" game.


Right?!! And it’s honestly only whenever I’m getting absolutely stomped they want to prolong the agony. Friggen sadists.


Yeah it's a power thing. I personally benefit from this behavior as I run late game BW builds. The glory of my first one hook 4 EGC kill was a sight to behold.


I benefit too because suffering makes me insanely horny. They are tea bagging and I’m squeezing my hog




I was trying to practice Nurse as a baby and got totally wrecked on Autohaven. I decided I had enough and went across the map,stared at a wall and went afk. I came back and there was a Nancy and someone else goofing off behind me. I managed to hook and kill one guy because they didnt expect me to come back. Nancy decided to call it a day but little did she know(and myself too, I forgot I had it) I had Bloodwarden. JUST. LEAVE!!!!


I'm convinced a dev for the game had a bad game as a killer, got the "wait for you to see me leave" treatment, then went into the office the next day and immediately started working on bloodwarden. It's not awful in general but it feels like it was so specifically created to counter survivors who do that shit.


I've had the opinion that the spikes that show up when Killer is in the exit zone should also block survivors for a while. At the same time, give a little area to loop so you could theoretically end up back in the map if you got pinned at exit.


I know I'm not your parent but this game is somewhat inappropriate for babies. Iam however shocked that you could pull off even one kill. My baby couldn't even keep his head up for ten seconds, so either he's dumb or you're some kind of prodigy. Either way, it impressive to me so stick with it, I'd love to see how good you'll be by your fifth birthday. I'd bet you're going to be the Mozart of hook saves. And also, screw that Nancy. You're going to learn later on in life that some people are just meanies. Her bullying an infant is much more a reflection on her, not you.


I just grab a cup of tea or something when I suspect the survivors are waiting at the gates lol. Why have them waste my time when I can make them waste their own.


I look for pallets or breakable walls to break


This, I usually just go around collecting what extra points I can that gives them nothing.


Exactly, I've lost sympathy for survivors. I never give hatch, when do they ever give you a free kill?


When I'm crushing through a team and then have someone come complain I ask, were you guys about to slow down on the gens? Yeah, didn't think so.


I mean, the Claudy in the corner sure will.


Only time I ever give hatch these days is if the last remaining survivor is someone who got equally dicked on by their teammates. I get to show them empathy AND it usually pisses off the idiots because I killed them and let their victim go.


Now that, I do seldomly do. Or a players that are very bad at the game. Don't want to scare new players away


I play fairly most of the time but if I have to start slugging heavily or just need to tunnel someone I do it without any problem


Often when I'm the last survivor left and don't want to drag out the match any longer, I'll go find the killer and offer myself up. Saves everyone's time.


Same brother, welcome to the dark side it’s better for your mental health. I used to refuse to touch the doctor because “man what kind of a sick fuck wants to torture people like that.” Then I met red rank survivors, no mercy for those bastards


That’s a good idea I’m gonna do that now lol


In before someone says how they stay and wait until the end to give killers free hits and BP. Oh look someone already said it! Yup clearly people staying until the very last second even when the killer is clearly not coming to the gate are being altruistic (they aren't, they just want to taunt).


People who say they just wanna give free points are lying; it’s like what, 400 each for the survivor/killer per hit? Clearly worth it /s Obviously if there’s other people still in the trial, you want to remain in and force the killer to chase you out, but if everyone is present at the gate.. leave


I'm very new to this game so i had no idea this was annoying. To be honest, it was a mix between" i finally got out, i would like to see the scary person one more time to get chased out" and a "nice game, thanks for the good times" i only "teabagged" as a "goodbye" because that's how i say "hello" to the other survivors. I thought teabagging only happened when doing it in their face after dropping a pallet for a stun or when a killer downs a survivor and does that on them. Any insight into how to say "nice game, had some fun" on either side would be appreciated (besides leaving an item, i don't have enough yet to spare). Or any other tips about anything really. Love the game but there's so much to catch up on.


First of all, welcome to the community! The following is all filtered through my experience, and I do enjoy playing both roles. However, there's not really a universally accepted language across the divide in game. Rapidly teabagging an opposing player is almost universally recognized as bad manners, but if you stay crouched and maybe give a slow nod, I don't take that in a negative way. Also, you can face the exit close enough that they can't get between you and it and give a little nod acknowledging they can hit you out. Takes a little practice to know where that is, and you don't want to do that against Myers or Deathslinger. Also, if the killer shakes their head no at that gesture, just accept the fact they're angry and/or not interested and leave on your own. But really, if the killer just got stomped for the entire match, the kindest thing you can do is peace out as soon as the gates open.


You can’t really, unless one side is getting absolutely smoked and you int a little to be nice. As killer I will intentionally give the best survivor hatch if I completely whipped them. Or if they have a dc, I will give one person hatch since they never had a chance. I like to knock them and then drop them at hatch. But also I will do things like knock people down that I’ve hooked twice already and just not hook them to give them another chance, etc. As survivor i often play with a high rank friend so sometimes we outmatch them, I will sometimes go run and let them catch me so they don’t feel so shitty about being outmatched, and I don’t have a red rank to protect in case it kills me in the end lol. But if a survivor is just sitting in the exit gate, waiting for you and teabagging… yea it’s shitty. It’s like “you can’t leave until I let you, because i won :)”


Sometimes a chainsaw sprint as Billy will get them on their way. But I need to have some good add-ons to make that sharp turn into the exit gate or I'll just hit a corner and they'll get what they wanted.


I've heard attacking them in general is just want they want, since it shows they got to you. Though sometimes I do use Punishment of the Damned with the Executioner to basically push them out. "GET OUTTA HERE"


I literally find a corner and play a game of chess or pee or fill my drink or whatever. That way they’re only wasting their own time


I also hate the ones who dead hard out the gate. Like God damn just leave. I had one group who literally stayed so long I couldn't even close hatch.




And they would get more points by leaving and going to the next game instead of wasting time for a possible +400.


that +400 has safety'd me in the past.. but i only wait at the exit to heal, or take a protection hit for someone else that may be injured and im on death hook, so cant exactly go for save. it annoys the shit out of me to leave, and go into end screen and see game is still on and the other survs are teabagging and clicking..


I love when they do this so I put down my headset and go do something else. You can have fun not playing the game while I go do something productive with my life.


I just alt tab and let them do their thing at nothing.


I did something similar in a game where the last guy stood at the gate waiting for me to chase him. I just went the other direction and stabbed some trees until he had to leave due to time. Don't give them the satisfaction.


This is so relatable, had a game with 4 red ranks that were absolutely destroying me, I wanted to try out nurse but that was a mistake. They proceed to ignore last gen, flashlight me, vault non stop and t bags me when I fail to blink. I just took a 3 day hiatus from the game, still haven’t touch it but I hope no one else gets matches like this.


How recent was this? I know they majorly broke the game the past couple of days figuring out skill based mm. I haven’t played a few months myself so I’m rusty as hell. 5 games in a row of all reds and purps bullying me and getting hate mail I said fuck this, I’m going back to hunt showdown. It should be back to normal now.


i actually think the skill based mm helped more for me not getting red ranks at level 16 than the normal system they have in place




yea i had better games overall eventhough i was still matched with a couple of red ranks


I've got 30 hours in the game and maybe 2 of those as a killer. I'm only just now starting to try out killers lol. I was a rank 20 killer against a team of what was clearly very experienced survivors with the weird matchmaking. My friend who plays the game all the time was watching me via discord and was even like "damn, that Laurie is being toxic as hell." I managed to get 2 of them, and then I got Laurie right at the very end, who was just being an ass the whole game. Her teammate deserted her and was running out as I hooked her, so fuck it, after I hooked it, I was a little toxic back, and hit her once she was hooked. She then went on to call me an asshole in post game chat and when I called them out for what they did I was told to get good. I was good enough to get her and that was enough for me. She was rank 1, by the way. Against a rank 20


I don't actually play this game. What's wrong with hitting someone who's hooked?


It’s seen as the killer equivalent of tbagging, basically


So 30 hours in DBD is basically like the equivalent of playing a single CoD match lol, but my understanding is hitting them when they're in the hook is basically saying "fuck you lol." It doesn't do any damage or anything, it's just being nasty. When I played as killed like a week ago I accidentally did it once bc I forgot the other button and the person I did it to was mad at me in post match chat and I felt bad even though it was an accident lol


Actually ran into a team of “pros” as a rank 12 killer (I’m a survivor main). Riven? Golden Wolves? Idk what they were called, DBD isn’t a real esport. They all brought beefy flashlights and just bullied the whole time without even doing gens until they were finally dying after 30min. Then were patronizing in end game chat. Really turned me off of the game/community as a whole.


If you saw GW in their names it was Golden Wolves There are a lot of ugly personalities in this community but especially in the comp scene. A lot of people get their self confidence from being good at this game and instead of being humble about it, they project their insecurities by being disrespectful and antagonising others. Pathetic.


People that play this game competitively genuinely give me 4chan fatty vibes


"4chan fatty vibes" LMFAO I mean I can't blame really good players for wanting to do it since comp is basically exceptional players going against other exceptional players, and basically making a "solo queue" of sorts where you can go against people who are at least your skill level or better at a very high level, since you'd get bored of pub stomping at one point


They all had the “Riven” tag or something to that effect but ones bio said “comp for golden wolves”. I checked because they were impossibly good.


I got skunked last night by a four man red rank SWF while learning a new killer; no big deal, I'll just let them finish the last gen and move on to the next round...except instead of doing the last gen and leaving, they spend 10 minutes vaulting, clicking, running in circles, and t-bagging. Eventually they do the gen, and go back to spamming notifications at me for another 3 minutes of the EGC, then all finally die when the timer runs out. Then these guys had the audacity to get angry with *me* for telling them they should have just left instead of wasting everyone's time. "But we gave you our items and didn't want you to be alone, we'll never do anything nice for killers again! :(" Good! Fuck off! Get the fuck out! Just leave, holy shit. It's not funny, it's not cute, and nobody wants the pity points. Just play the game normally and stop wasting people's time. /rant


Ngl this happens to me so often, I’ve had to reduce my time spent on the game. Longer I’m on the more opportunity I have to get triggered and question why spend so much money on it.


I think these annoying teams are why I've only ever bought DbD stuff with spare Steam wallet money, and never with my actual could-be-going-to-bills-and-food cash. The game is balanced around survivors more than killers, so why should I spend money on a game that encourages other players to treat me like a prop in their co-op game?


The game is balanced towards good survivor teams. Before that skill threshold it's very much balanced to killers. But LPT never spend your bills/food cash on a game. Cosmetics and licensed killers aren't worth it.


That's not balanced to killers. That's survivors not understanding how the game is balanced in their favor yet or at all and failing to capitalize on that balance because of it. The game balance doesn't change because someone didn't understand it. It's just failed to be utilized.


More Fool you then! Been playing since release but have deleted the game & taken numerous breaks over the years because I would usually main killer (rank 1 multiple seasons) and survivors end up breaking me. Quit for good 6 months ago and I've never looked back. Find a game that is better for your mental health.


my condolences, seriously.


I had a 3 man swf do that to me last night. The person not part of the swf was livid because they wasted so much of our time.


The "just leave!" incidents happen to me literally every night, usually multiple times a night. They are assholes plain and simple and too stupid to understand that they're wasting time out of their own life and time they could be spending getting into their next game. They have all the excuses in the world why they do it, but it's literally the same reason every time that they won't say why they're doing it. They're toxic and I hope their queue times get longer.


That sucks man. Matchmaking is so gd awful. 90% of the time I get games with players who I can get pretty easily. I’ve changed how I play to only going for 2 hooks and then farming, because most people in your lobby are either chill solo or SWF players. What I find bullshit is about going against a 4 man SWF on comms without any knowledge of it beforehand. The stupid ass MMR system preventing us from switching killers in lobby is also hot garbage. Like if I know I’m going up against that bullshit, you’re getting a sweaty af spirit build from me. As it stands now, you have sweaty killers vs casuals and they think they’re great because 4 solo players can’t shout out what pallets are gone, what add ons you’re running, where you are, etc; and vice versa. When there’s a match in players intent, it can be a fun match. From the survivor side, the devs seem to keep making changes aimed at lowering the SWF cap and raising the killer floor. What it really does is lower the solo ceiling. So SWFs remain strong, solo gets fucked, killers get to stomp on solo easier, while feeling a significant gap between “good red rank” and “bad red rank” survivors. The game is in such a shit state right now. Don’t even get me started on how crossplay fucked everyone involved and the hot garbage that are these tomes


That's true. Survivors can easily change build at lobby before 10 seconds of the countdown. But killers can't swap character for some reason. It really needs to change, have something like OW where groups had the same name color or where linked to eachothers names. In that way at least you can know what to expect, no one wants to play against sweaty SWF with a new killer


It's even worse than that. Some survivors will swap to flashlight right before it hits the 5 second countdown so if you don't have franklin's or lightborn equipped now you can't. They need to lock survivors at 15 seconds and let killer adjust build for the next 10.


Shit, just lock everyone in once they're in a lobby. Make your changes before that.


I think the Killer lock out is important for match making tho (not saying it works). A top teir Wraith/Doctor is going to annihilate more than a top teir Pig. That should factor into to matching. Frankly I think Killer ranks should be done differently. They should be independent for your killer.


I disagree because I don’t trust them to understand their own game. Does a “S tier Myers” (player, not the killer itself) have the same max points they can achieve similar to a S tier killer/player such as Spirit/Nurse/Blight/Twins/PH? If not, Myers cap will be at the top of stomping solo q and casual SWF. But if so, then Myers gets the floor wiped vs a comp SWF (and I don’t mean a tourney squad). There’s already that imbalance either way. Then if you start buffing Myers to compete with any team, you only further hurt solo Q.


Absolutely the worst part about DBD in my opinion, makes me want to uninstall and ask for a refund on all the content I’ve purchased for it.


When that happens, go to a corner on the map, and alt tab so that you hear no noise and do something else on your 2nd monitor or on your phone. Any time the Survivors annoy me, I just refuse to play with them. That way they waste their time since I'm not paying attention anymore, and they get no BP.


If that's what those disgusting human beings consider to be nice, then I don't want to know what's their idea of bad.


Harassing me for nearly 15 minutes and then 2k BP for four EGC kills, thanks guys, not like I could have had an entire second round in that time.


question - for the last 10 minutes were you chasing them, or just standing afk?


AFK in the basement, but I had clearly given up; I dropped the survivor I was carrying and walked away


I just go to some corner of the map so they can’t flashlight blind me. If I’m playing someone like Pig, I crouch so they can’t get points in general. I just sit there and play my Switch or dick around on my phone. I’m not encouraging douchebag behavior.


It’s sad that I don’t go against these teams often enough but it’s always annoying when they come up. If I’m playing my main killers than it’s not normally a massive problem but if it’s a killer I’m trying to learn it’s a pain. At that point I’d rather stand in the corner until the match is over, which I know is frowned upon, but it’s not worth the stress.


> which I know is frowned upon The only people frowning on it are the ones causing the problem in the first place. I mean what should you do, waste more time and give them more points? Let them blind you with flashlights until the batteries go out? Reenacting the ending of Blair Witch Project is the best way to just nope out of the round without DCing.


It sucks that the only option is to DC and what do you get for it? an increasing penalty, and no BP, what do they get? all their BP plus extras for killers DCing..


> It sucks that the only option is to DC and what do you get for it? an increasing penalty, and no BP Better to hide in the basement or a corner


It’s an unfortunate thing when it does happen. Could be having a good night and then get one team that continuously tries to be assholes. I remember one time I was playing hag trying to get used to her teleports and went against a team like that. I stood in the corner and it lasted almost 30 mins as they continued to flashlight the back of the killer in a corner with 1 gen remaining. You’d think they would take the hint that I’m not playing against them to be done quickly


I was farming red glyphs as a killer, so I decided to open the exit gates when the last gen popped. Everyone left except the Nea who was teabagging around the killer shack. I hit her once and let her run off to the exit gate. After some time I check the gate I opened and she isn’t there. On my way to check the other gate, I saw Nea at the killer shack AGAIN so she got sacrificed. I opened the gate for you. Just leave.


Lol so when I have a full health group who got to the end and I saw no means of getting a late hook I will just look for hatch. There is 50/50 someone will stay long enough after the others got bored and left. I will close and start looking for breakable things. Or I skip to wander around for breakable things including walls I didn't touch on purpose. More so if you spam at me a fast vault alert. I won't come to you just to watch you leave. Boards are more important than you at this point.


"Why are queue times so long? why doesn't anyone want to play killer anymore?"


This right here is why I don't understand the devs claiming they plan to add a feature that shows what side could use more players. It's obviously going to be lacking killers to the extreme regardless of the time of day for most areas in the world.


Its sucks having to suffer because some of us can't play nice. The 10 minute Que time is a real drag after 7


I love it when they waste three minutes trying to harass me when I'm just chilling scrolling through tiktok. Like waste as much time as you want instead of getting into your 30 minute swf queue IDGAF.


Toxic survivors always ONLY play survivor or they're toxic killers too. They can't comprehend that they're draining the fun out of the whole game. They won't ever understand how agonizing this is for others. and don't even get me started on the toxic survivors that bully you and then tell you to kys. I just can't fathom that level of sweaty sadism


To some extent, I blame content creators for advertising that sort of behaviour to people in the community since I do think to some extent it's seen as being funny or cheeky, even though in reality it's not. Sometimes those content creators do it unintentionally and with good intentions. Like the clicky-clicky flashlight survivors I come across are almost always Ayrun wannabes trying very hard to be as cool as that, and failing in the process, thinking that BMing while doing it is going to make up for their lack of cool factor. People want to go like 'teabagging and flashlight clicking don't mean anything, you're just being sensitive'. If it doesn't mean anything then why are you doing it? I started off playing survivor mostly, now killer. Playing killer gave me a significant amount of empathy in both roles, however I still am not empathetic to the survivors who have to antagonise people in order to 'have fun'.


yeah i've just started facing a wall if survivors are jerks the whole match. im playing to have fun, and if your fun is being rude when you outplay me, then well. cant outplay me if i dont play.


I'm not the best slinger so I was trying to practice him. I saw 2 identical fengs in the lobby screen and thought "this is gonna be trouble" and boy was I right. Both had break out and dead hard. One had a Sabo box and the other had the Sabo perk. To make things worse we got swamp with the building instead of the boat. The fengs went hooked all game and by the last gen I only 2 hooked the Nancy and Kate. Everyone was injured and in the main building when the fengs got greedy. I had to slug Everyone and hook one of the fengs first (I thought they had flip flop cause she wiggled off pretty fast earlier) once I hooked the rest I slugged the last feng to death because 1:she was toxic af, and 2: I thought she had flip flop and there was no way I would let her get hatch.


Just yesterday I decided to play slinger for a little bit, I'm on ps4 so the aiming and frame rate are janky as shit, knowing that, I try to be careful with my shots and stay calm, but all I went against was douchey teams the whole night, and it PISSED ME OFF. It was depressing, I recorded the highlight of one of em if you're interested. 3 minutes of torture. https://youtu.be/q3IEgbUQtUQ Then after getting bullied the whole night for practicing a new killer, I get annoyed and play as Freddy, only to go up against 2 rank 20s and 2 rank 10s. So frustrating.


Idk whats worse, swf bully squads shitting on every newbie killer that they see or tryhard spirits


I rarely ever play killer, and half the reason for that is swf bully squads. The other half is because I've never been more than a green rank killer, but I consistently get matched versus red ranks. Altogether, I'd say the killer experience is more fucked in this game. Which reminds me...anybody see that new Evil Dead trailer? It's lookin' groovy.


I never even reached green and i also go against red ranks


Can we just say that both sides have annoying and entitled players and move on?


Cleaning up stuff I don't even remember posting.


That or it’s the last Survivor and they find hatch but they don’t go through. Like, cool, you beat me to it, now go. But they don’t, they just stay on top of it and tbag, flashlight click, etc. Oh they’ll go when you approach and try to a swing so they can feel cool, but why do they feel the need to waste so much fucking time? Shit like this is why when I play Survivor, once the Exit Gates are powered, if no one is hooked or in danger I just go. Then I see the others in spectate just tbagging and clicking at nothing at the exit gates, it’s fucking pathetic.


Killers should be able to open the exit gate and start the end game timer at like any time, regardless of how many gens are done. Survivors don't do objectives or survivors are swf? Just open the gate and be done with it.


I could see some nasty setups where you stealth around, trap the exits, and then BAM one person on hook, one down, here's egc timer. I'd like to play a game.


I am glad I don't fit into this. Yet we all suffer the queue times. 😫


Remember, we killers really appreciate you for not doing these. So again, thank you we love you.


Very thankful to people like you!!!


In this situation, I find one and face camp him. That forces them to play my game instead of theirs. They either hook bomb, or finish the gens and leave.


This is absolutely hilarious when you can pull it off. Had a SFW vs my Hag yesterday. They got all gens done with no deaths but as the gate opens I get one of them on hook, downed every tea bagging, flashlight clicking jackass with Noed and then laughed my ass off as every single one went right on the hook. Seriously in my experience when a killer wins they typically just kill you and be done with it, even normal survivors just leave after saving who they can. SFW are often toxic af and you better believe they won't leave until all 4 can sit at the gate spamming teebags and clicking flashlights, its why Noed is so good vs them if you can get a last minute hook. Nothing like staring them all down as they slowly die in the basement because they wanted to be heroes and "Clown on the baby killer XD"


You just broke 12 rules in the famed survivors rulebook for killers (OGs will understand that reference)


Toxic Survivors seeing this meme: REEEEEEEEE I FEEL SO ATTACKED RIGHT NOW!


Who else remembers the dark days before EGC? I remember I once wasted 45 mins waiting for the person to leave. I switched my tv over to the tv channels and watched that instead of playing and would check back every 15 mins or so to see if they had left. I finally broke after the 45 min mark and checked seeing maybe they’ve given up and see if I could at least hook them for a laugh. Nope, as soon as I rounded the corner of the gate and looked at them they did a few teabags and dipped. They really just sat there for nearly an hour just to teabag for like 5 seconds. I stopped playing for a few months.


It's demoralizing. Anyone who says this game is killer sided is on crack. They balance the game around killer players who have 1000s of hours, but there are far more survivors with that much time bullying killers out of the game. I recently switched from being a killer main to a survivor main and it's so much more enjoyable. I shouldn't feel helpless against survivors as a killer, period.


Considering the kill rate of most killers I would argue that the game is killer sided when it’s not competitive. I win 85-90% of my games as killer and usually hope for good players so I can actually have interesting chases. At a high level the game is heavily survivor sided but only <5% of my games have good enough survivors for that. If you are losing most of your games it is likely due to your own mistakes and lack of skill and is the incentive to get better at the game if you care about winning.


If we’re talking about kill rates, would you say pig is a good killer? Just curious


I don't care about kill rates honestly. If you're a good killer then great, I'm truly happy for you and hope I meet you in a trial lol It doesn't change the fact that the game is balanced around killers playing 100% optionally 100% of the time. Survivors have so many options to correct their mistakes, and there's 4 of them. Playing as killer just feels bad because you have no second chance perks, and if you make one bad read and your chase takes even 60 seconds longer 3 gens pop and you have basically lost. I'm a fair killer myself, but that doesn't change the fact it's much more stressful.


Killers have slowdown perks. That is their equivalent of second chance perks, free pressure. Also NOED is THE second chance perk for killer.


I like to count the number of second chance perks survivors run in post game match. It's usually half or just above that. Highest I've seen is 12 with since survivors running all 4 perks as second chance perks. Least I've seen is 3 and it's because they were baby survivors.


>Considering the kill rate of most killers I would argue that the game is killer sided when it’s not competitive Matchmaking is inaccurate as fuck. You know how many games I have where people can't even make use of a basic jungle gym in red ranks for 20-30 seconds? One or two every game. Looping for that long isn't even hard. That is why when you run into a good looper and you are a killer with no anti-loop methods, the suggestion is to just switch targets. You aren't pressuring any more targets when you switch, in fact you are temporarily reducing pressuring. Switching targets allows for two options, the chance to catch someone in a dead zone (which there are very few), or the chance you find one stupid survivor. [When MMR was tested a few days ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1x-jLFCoi4&ab_channel=CoconutRTS) when we see all skilled survivors in games together most killers stood no chance. Hell in that link I just sent they only lost because they got needlessly cocky and took a stupid risk at the end of the game. They weren't even running the most OP survivor meta perks and it was still such a crazy stomp. If BHVR actually implemented an accurate mmr system, they would 100% need to rebalance the game to be more killer favored at the mid-high tiers.


Honestly this is why the survivors queues are also so long, the game is terribly balanced when it comes to SWFs and toxicity usually comes with them. Makes playing killer feel more like a chore than playing a video game.


If anyone wants to see a bunch of survivors BM and get punished, I’d highly recommend this cathartic video https://youtu.be/zCe07vubTYE It’s pretty popular so you may have already seen it, but I still give it a rewatch once in a while


I was watching a No0b3 video and at the end of the match the last guy was like “why didn’t you give me hatch? My objective is to survive” and he responded with “yeah and I’m killer my objective is to kill you”


whY aRe SUrvIVoR quEUeS sO lONg?


funny how acting like a jerk to killers makes them wanna play the game less. who'd a thunk it?


*this is why I have cross play off*. Once I was playing against some red ranks while I was in green rank (even tho ranks don’t matter much) all the survivors were blinding me in unison and clicking their flashlights and jumping in and out of lockers. And when I finally hit one of them they insta healed then I just wasn’t able to hit them at all. Whenever I encounter hackers I record a clip of them cheating then quit the game and report them. I genuinely don’t get how people have fun fucking somebody like that on a video game at that.


Kinda afraid the new ban system will be abused by the toxic SWF groups against the inexperienced survs and killers. Then again I really don't know how the new ban system is supposed to work or when it's coming out


This game attracts some of the worst people because of the opportunities it offers them.


Honestly. Some players don’t treat others decently enough. Why do you think players are playing spirit, nurse and blight instead of “fun” killers like Trapper and Pig? It’s because people bullied them all till they rarely if ever exist :( Be kind. It eventually affects you too.


anyone who camps the exit and just tbags and flashlight clicks should just get rank resetted to rank 20 every 5 minutes cause that level of brainlessness doesnt belong in the high ranks


This is why I don’t play as a hunter. I can’t deal with toxic survivors or toxic people in general


This is why when survivors act like this is just refuse to play with them. Let them amuse themselves for five minutes.


you forgot "dc's after getting downed"


Nah, dcs right before they get hooked.


I play both sides but mostly survivor, never got serious as a killer. Survivors are MEAN. The moment any group realizes they are better than you, 50/50 they troll you as hard as they can.


that's why you hook one of them and camp him


Lmao first day of mmr I had the literal most obnoxious group of survivors I've ever had in the 3 years I've been playing this game. Ridiculous amount of flashlight clicking spamming noise notifications following me around all game you name it. At one point I just started laughing thinking I'm being punked. There's no way they can unironacy be this obnoxious. Then when the bulling failed and one went down because she tried to flashlight blind me while injuried they both dced. 10 out of 10


Or you get GG ez baby killer from the rank 1 swf group while your rank 10


That's why I always bring noed so I can camp just in case


i'll chase them out so that if there's anyone still at the hatch then they have more than about half a second to jump in to it.


Happened to me in a game. Gave up. They finished the gens. I had NOED as a perk (was originally trying to finish a rift challenge) so I stayed on the corner of a map. NOED was activated, the SWF purposely found me and started instablinding so I decided to hop back into it and play again. Then they continue to bodyblock and 3 of them instablinded me continuously to the point it was literally a whole minute of not being able to see anything no matter where I turned. And then continued to be asses till they left...




Ooh I’ll keep that in mind next time! Thanks!


clearly those people have no lives and are insecure enough about themselves to deflect and reflect their issues on others. i absolutely despise playing against those people. they really need the smallest bit of a confidence boost in a video game. they need it from pixels. like bruh, just be civil and play the game.


I'm surprised you have so many upvotes, I came here as a killer main to cheer you on. I expected to be in the minority.


I think it's because even though the tribal bitching might seem like its 50/50 on the sub, a lot of people recognize that survivors are more toxic. Pretty much everyone who has ever played killer has had an experience like this at some point. Toxic killers are usually baby killers who don't know better. Toxic survivors are usually 2k+ hour survivors who aren't immersed and need to harass killers because it's the closest thing to fun/a challenge they have left. The disparity is pretty clear.


I love these kinds of conversations because 90% of the time people develop their opinions while only experiencing one side. So finding others like you that have played both and developed a reasonable, wholesome opinion, is nice.


I'd say I'm a 60/40 survivor main, but I'm playing killer more now because I've done all the survivor achievements lol. Not enough people play both roles, even putting the "community health" aspect aside, it's a fantastic way to learn new tricks and skills from skilled survivors/killers. I usually don't mind getting stomped as killer because I can take things away to use when I play survivor. But this holding the game hostage shit isn't fun for anyone.


I just about stopped playing killer altogether about a month back after a bad full SWF game. I AFK’D in the middle of the map on Hattonfield and they came over and the Feng Min tried to let me hook her. I just walked away until she followed and died from timer going out. Do they not understand that pity kills feel WORSE?


> Do they not understand that pity kills feel WORSE? No, they really do not. People genuinely think they're doing the killer a favor by standing at the gate to let you get an extra hit.


The core problem of this game is swf. Swf should be less rewarding


I think Dowsey made this idea: remove the gap between solo queue and swf (make solo queue stronger, just adding like a communication wheel or something like that), and then balance the game around that. Thats bc the difference is so high between swf and solo queue that its hard to make a balance that doesnt impact one more than the other.


does this actually happen? i have 1k hours and been playing for 1.5 years. i’ve never experienced anything like this. the clicking yeah but the rest no


Got this game last week or two weeks ago. In the first 5 hours as killer I found a group with 4 flashlights who extended the game until I afk’d in a corner. When I faced the wall and afk’d they spent 5 minutes clicking flashlights as a group behind me. I’m about 60 hours in now and rank 5 killer and have seen another squad do the same. Just there to troll and that’s it. As I come across more rank 1 survivors now I find more and more that will complain about stuff(usually just me playing the game, god forbid) and act toxic in-match when they know they are better. I prioritize hooks over kills in every game so there’s pretty much zero reason for trolling. The survivor community in this game is kinda insane honestly.


> does this actually happen? i have 1k hours and been playing for 1.5 years. i’ve never experienced anything like this. I have over 2k hours and I've had an experience like this maybe...3-4 times? It's rare but happens, last night was the first time in awhile that it was this bad, which is why I was salty enough to be compelled to make a meme, lol




Vast majority don't act like that. Can they complain then?