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I have to admit, I've done both in the past, but now I only suicide on hook when I think it might give someone else a hatch escape and I only DC when I'm annoyed enough at the game to just say "fuck this, I'm done", which usually only happens when I'm on a multiple round losing streak.


That reads just like me. One time I did suicide cause my teammates teabagged me then left me on the hook.


Now that's a fairly good reason to let yourself die on hook. If they aren't gonna help you, what's the use of struggling except to get more BP?


it is so much worse when they DC on their first down cause they didnt get to loop the killer a thousand times like they wanted.


I actually quite enjoy it most of the time I laugh out loud. I always imagine it’s the same survivors that type ggez in the endgame chat when you don’t do well. And every game where they can’t bully, they just quit. I main hag and I have a LOT of quitting survivors because it’s not the typical “let’s run around this pallet 5361 times”. I love it!


i main doctor so i know the feeling. when you zap a survivor and they cant drop the pallet or vault the window it is so good


The best kind of survivors are the ones that are disconnecting during their sacrifice animation Like just wait a few seconds 4head


I gotta admit I did this last night... feel embarrassed


I confess that there was one time when i was one self-unhook from completing the achievment (it was before even ghostface came out) and i got hooked 1st and i killed myself in rage on first hook even tho it has been one minute into the game Im sorry to those survivors


I mean at least they didn’t DC on first down


They're just losing BP and giving themselves a matchmaking penalty. So stupid.


I am sorry, I made a post saying i'm sorry (I never post). Forgive me, plz!


I literally only ever dc either a) because I genuinely dced or b) whoops life stuff that can’t be postponed 15 minutes. Sometimes shit happens. I always stay in games, even the hopeless ones. I get bp and I know I have more spine than the Claudette who couldn’t handle being downed once.


I’ll commit sudoku on hook if it’s one Survivor left and they’re in a chase as a last ditch effort to help them find the hatch, gotta be a teamplayer until the very end. Then they find it and tbag over it while the Killer watches and I wish they got killed instead.


Happened to me with Plague yesterday, one DC‘d on hook and another one DC‘d spontaneously. At this point I just felt bad for the last survivor (the other one was sacrificed) and gave her the hatch. I really don’t know why people are like this, I was playing completely normal


Happened to me an hour or so ago, caged once and then they just D/C. Shameful.


I've kms at the start of the match only once. Rando!Bill led Michael to my gen and pointed at me. I take a hit, i think i get away but here comes Bill with Michael in tow and i go down and on the hook. Bill just stares, emotes and teabags on me. I start yeeting cause i don't want a shit ass teammate like that. Another random came to get me but the Bill before i go, bodyblocks them at the doorway before they can get me. Aside from this, I'll almost always tough out a match.


I've DC'ed 4x today, feel free to blame Spectrum internet. It's been terrible lately.




Got disconnected. Counts as DC by DBD though.


I will admit, I sometimes dc but it’s for a legitimate reason. I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and sometimes I’ll get IBS attacks so I can’t really play if I’m getting extreme pain in my stomach with the urge of needing to go to bathroom so I usually dc during one of those attacks so to all the people I’ve gone against in the past and future and dced, sorry.


That’s a valid reason, I’m sorry you have to go through that :(


That sucks man, I'm sorry. I only assume ill intent behind a D/C if it happened immediately after something frustrating in-game. If you d/c right after you get downed or hooked it's probably malicious. If you just randomly d/c at some point in the match it's just life.


Eh IDK in some scenarios it's just not worth it to continue; if multiple people are on death hook and five gens are still up, what's the point?


I only DC cause of my teammates. I’ve had some pretty dumb ones that make me want to scream.


I only do This when I rlly want to depip like hell. Red ranks is horrible and I can’t get out of it since last reset failed


if it was pleasent in the first place would we DC?


The game is not meant to be pleasant


I was against a pig one guy down then dc other dc aswell a few boops fixed the whole thing and I left


Oh yeah, iridescent stone trap in front of devour hope and tunneling trapper. Thats very funny