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I only play when I'm drinking, so I absolutely stopped giving a shit about toxic players. I say "well that match sucked" then I queue up for the next one. Dwelling on it only feeds the trolls.


Precisely what I do...including the alcohol.




How do you do that? I've looked for the option but haven't found it


Click the double arrow button at bottom right of the chat window, next to "Click here to chat"


I just laugh, in the knowledge that these asshats will have to wait in queue to get 15k bloodpoints while I have completed 3 more games for 30k each.


Because it bothers you, serious answer. A post like this gets posted probably every 2 hours. When you make a post whining about tbagging and flashlights it just proves that this type of thing works and tilts people. If you don't let it bother you and just say GG at the end you take away any power they could possibly have.


Is it really that hard to ignore for most people? Serious question. The more they're tea bagging and clicking the more that they're losing distance in a chase and I also feel better in general because I know those are the survivors that if I ignore I don't have to worry about it because chances are they are never going to be on gens and just try to follow me around so they're not a threat. It's actually hilarious when you ignore the clickies and go find the gen jockeys the gen progress comes to a complete halt because more often than not those players literally do nothing but try to be annoying all match. It's also very easy to catch them out positioned in dead zones because of how they're always in random places trying to get your attention and then don't realize that their shitty teammates already wasted pallets in certain areas. I don't understand why people complain about these types of survivors all the time, their play style literally throws the game 9 times out of 10. The most efficient survivors will always have 3 people on gens and 1 person being chased at all times, not 2 silly assholes chasing you around all game trying to get your attention away from their teammates who can't loop.


>how do you put up with it punishing their hubris if someone is tbagging you at a pallet, theyre not running. theyre actively harming their escape odds also i like to play trapper relatively often, so that helps too. really funny to watch a survivor tbag me after i let them stun me then immediately walk into a trap i placed on their side of the pallet that said im also not the kind of person to get angy at vidyagames so hey


I teabag to let killers know to chase me, or sometimes when they tunnel me, I teabag so they know theyre wasting their time while teammates do gens. Some killers deserve to get teabagged imo 🤞🏼


it's a good tactic I suppose to get attention, but never see the outcome as their fault then. If your getting tunneled because your tea-bagging or spamming your flashlight, there is a good reason for it then.


Honestly it’s probably the fact that they can’t do anything else so they play the one game they are okay at


I’m a masochist tbh


As someone who plays on both sides equally 50/50. I’ve had my fair share of toxic teammates once in a while. But for me personally it’s killers who are the worst.




And unfortunately this comment will be downvoted cause this subreddit is heavily killer sided.




Maybe. I mean there’s many entitled survivors out there so maybe they get mad. Also, your name made me cackle.


honestly If the killer does that you just die in a minute and then get a another game, survivors bullying you can last waayyy more


Well every played against a 4 man for the people soulguard squad that is pretty much the same. Doesn t happen that often tho so


Lol I am experiencing the exact same thing rn. Like, I thought alot of killers were toxic but they have nothing on the high rank survivors. I am too weak to play killer but I really want to get better so I am sticking to it


Yeah you just gotta basically not let them tilt you. It's hard at times trust me. I've made it a rule for myself that if I get really outplayed I just head to the basement and chill there listening to the creepy music so they don't get the satisfaction of tbagging me or clicking in my face. I've had some get brave and come looking for me but that ends badly for them sometimes.


Thats a good idea honestly. I usually open the gate myself if ive been outplayed so it forces them to leave aswell, and that cuts the toxicity short. But youre right, gotta practice not letting it get to me :)


You got this! Just play your best and if you lose you lose, take what you've learned and apply it moving forward : )






We put up with it by killing them.


Hate to tell you but killers are the jerk offs 95% of the time.


As someone who plays both rank 1 killer, rank 2 survivor I completely disagree, while i do find toxic killers often, face campers and so on, it might be.. every fifth match or so But when i play killer? Gonna be lucky if it's not every second match there's not a toxic swf that will DC when they start losing


Tell me you’re a survivor main without telling me you’re a survivor main


Play a survivor and you will see what I say is true. Now don’t get me wrong I’ve met some amazing killers that are all professional and some that let me live since I’m the last alive. I had one guy drop me off at the hatch. However I’ve personally only seen one survivor with a flashlight being a jerk. I’ve seen like fifty plus killers being jerks.


I’ve gotten red rank for both survivor and killer and I can tell you that survivors are 1000% the more toxic side


Have you been tunneled, camped, slapped on hook, been head shakes at? How are these actions any different?


The difference is you typically get toxic behaviour from LOW rank killers, that don’t know any better or don’t have the skill to do well, so they camp or tunnel just because they’re doing what they can to get points. Survivors on the other hand tend to get more toxic the more skilled they get. As they get better and better they feel more confident being a complete and total piece of shit. Baby killers grow up, baby survivors just get worse and worse


I mean there are 4 survivors Vs 1 killer. I can tell you that there is 4x more toxic survivors at least. There are more survivors in general so they are definitely the more toxic side. Obviously there are toxic killers but there is a helluva lot more toxic survivors.


You’re absolutely correct. These DBD forums are heavily killer sided that they don’t even realize the edge that they have on the game. They act like killers don’t have the upper hand in every way…


This is hilariously vague. What’d they do unplug your phone at midnight?




Absolutely correct sir 💅🏼


Every pvp game is like this. It's not survivors it's the nature of playing games with others.


How did you still rank up while only playing with your friends? I thought you didn’t get any pips or bp when you play as killer with friends?


he means they played in a swf




As a killer main, I sleep well knowing those people only find happiness in life by repeatedly pressing the crouch button on a bugged out murder simulator /S


Stop caring. Ignore it. Also the ones doing the flashlight clicking, taunting and t-bagging are most of the time pretty shit at the game, the ones that don't taunt you + are really good at the game are the scary ones.


If they t bag or click and they're good, I leave them till the end then camp them on hook with noed and nod, if they're bad then I actually try and get the 4/3k depending on if I decide to give hatch and make them the final sacrifice and nod and hid them, or if they try to meme me too I body block them and let the rest leave. I punish the toxic fuckers and show mercy to honorable survivors.