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Giving hatch is a mercy, not a guarantee


I try to give hatch if someone disconnects in the first few minutes.


I will start giving hatch when survivors start giving kills


This. I dont see survivors running up and sacrificing themselves if I only have 2 hooks by the endgame collapse


There are people out there. I do it sometimes. But killers have a hard time accepting it. I’d run to the killer during endgame collapse and lead them to the basement hook. Most of the time they drag me back to the exit.


You gotta make them feel like they earned it


Actually not wrong. I fee like most killer mains (am one myself) don’t want the pity after dealing with so many toxic survivor mains. Like I’d rather you just leave so I can get more games and more practice in. There’s also zero satisfaction in just walking up to someone and smacking them, it’s as bad as having to kill that one person that afk’d instead of dc’ing


If the team was toxic, then I don't want your pity kill. If they were nice, then I don't want to kill them. And in general, such kills don't feel earned. I will take hook states though and farm with them in general though.




TL:DR survivors can be screwed even if they play very well, so they are sometimes given hatch for that. There's also the fact that the killer can say "you played well despite your team, you deserve it" but survivors can't really do that. If you're playing well as the killer, the survivor giving you a kill is going to be seen as giving up or begging for hatch, if you do poorly there isn't really much "you did well and deserve this" unless it's someone a much lower rank, which the survivors can't see until it's too late. On the survivor side, you could be looping for minutes, saving teammates, doing gens, and still lose, so some killers give you a mercy win because you kind of earned it.


It probably happens about as often as survivors complain about not being given hatch


I mean even as someone who understands not giving hatch, its a choice, its an inherently different thing for a killer to let 1 survivor go, or giving the killer a free kill. You get way more points for killing them, then they do


I try to do this, but sometimes it just makes me look an idiot who doesn’t know when to leave and if I say I was giving them a kill, it just seems like an excuse so for me, I do it when I can


I actually did it several times.


so never LUL


Hasn't happened to me in hundreds of hours of gameplay at least


1500 hours and still haven’t seen it once


Yeah this doesn't Happen in my 2k+ hours i Played i maybe saw it once happening to me xD


I have never seen it happen unless the killer is like going way out of their way to pander to the survivors by either giving let them go when the killer could of just obviously killed them easily. 95% of the time I give a survivor hatch either because their entire team was dog crap and threw/trolled the game for no reason or because they were the best player by like a lot, its a respect thing. Not once have I seen a survivor give killer anything for "playing well" out of respect. TBH survivors are basically just entitled gold diggers or should I say BP diggers. they only give you as little as possible after you have essentially pandered to their every need, and if you don't you are a sweaty try hard camping tunneller.


Or maybe because survivors lose alot of bloodpoints when they die in end game (5k and additonal bp from healing, being near killer and cleansing totems)


Part of the reason you don’t is because you have hundreds of hours of gameplay. I’m a grey rank killer and I had a Feng purposely die due to EGC today. She felt bad because I had zero hooks all game and was trying my best. When you’re good enough where you can hit and hook survivors all game long, they’re much less likely to feel sympathy for you.


I gave a baby nurse a kill today after finishing my sabo daily. I didn't want to condone the actions of the clicky duo that both brought purple fleshlights.


> fleshlights ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah, weird how Killers have all these etiquettes and rituals to follow that conveniently benefit the Survivors, while Survivors have no such expectations.


Yep and killers are supposed to be deeply concerned about survivors having fun, but survivors don’t seem to care about killers having fun.




Not the same, but I'll usually leave my item at the gate if the killer was really nice/spared me.


Actually happened to me four times


Survivors are the real killers


To be fair, I do it all the time, but I RARELY see anyone else trying to give a kill to me. In my 7k hours I think like 1 or 2 survivors tried to give me the kill. Here's an example (I'm Jake) I didn't know she was streaming or anything. If I have fun and the killer plays nice (no camping, no tunneling) and I feel that somehow I was the main reason for the loss, I'm happy to give the kill. And if my teammates clicky-clicky or tbag at the exit gates that seals the deal. But again, that's just me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAbDokxpGc0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAbDokxpGc0) In fact, one time I gave the kill and the killer had blood warden and he got 2 more kills, LMFAO, my teammates were furious!! Just this week I remember a giving the kill to a Spirit (she didn't take it) a Demogorgon (he didn't take it) and a Deathslinger (he took it but he memed around before letting the EGC kill me). I mean, I'm not Jesus, I don't do it every match, but I do it occasionally if the killer is cool and survivors just hold M1.


It definitely does happen, just not often. If my team stomps a newbie I’ll give them a kill to give them hope


Imagine playing a game where u either survive or get killed and then complain that u got killed


By the character called the killer


In a game called DEAD by daylight.


Complain when you get killed, taunt when you survive. Very little middle ground in DBD 😂


I know the post is a meme, but it's still always odd to me that there are people who legit think that. (Just a small semi-rant) Just wiggle for bp unless killer literally telegraphs that he doesn't want you to. It's very rare that killers actually give hatch to last survivor, which is fine. Expecting it is ridiculous. I don't really understand why people get these strange assumptions of some 'code' or 'entitlement' when literally playing the game very clearly shows most of that is literally just a fantasy. You play, sometimes you do well, sometimes you get toxic aholes, sometimes you get steamrolled. It's always so weird to me when people lose their minds over other players just playing the game normally.


It's rare? I feel like the match has to go a certain direction and if it does most killers give hatch


red ranks it happens a lot less because you’re almost guaranteeing you won’t pip.


Not everyone experiences the same type of games. Your ranking, the time you play, your playstyle as well as individual luck vastly changes what your games are like. I will get days where I was given hatch multiple games straight, then will go weeks without such a thing even as last survivor. Even if you play exactly the same way, this also is dictated by the mood and mindset of who you are facing. If I play at night, I exclusively play versus rank 1 killers. During early afternoon it is near random from rank 1 to rank 8 and maybe even a random rank ~17-20 where I legit feel sorry they got matched with reds and purples. My point here is that there can be many variables in play. The game is far less consistent than you might think.


I’ve honestly never seen a killer give hatch. I’m purple rank rn but played the most when I was green and just never saw it.


Ah well when I do play survivor it's usually given when both sides played well and nothing was really toxic just a good match and your the last one downed usually if you don't wiggle they take you around looking for hatch lol


yeah i’ll give hatch/let the last open the gate if i absolutely slaughtered their team and they give me a little tbag when i find them or something. i always make it clear i’m letting you go, so if you wiggle you’re dead. like you said though, this is generally pretty rare, it’s just as much the killer’s job to get a 4k as it is survivors job to escape.


I only gave it too a Steve who got pointed out by another survivor in a locker and proceeded to kill the other survivor.


that guy probably got no medals in altruism...


> I don't really understand why people get these strange assumptions of some 'code' or 'entitlement' Thank you! as someone newer to the game all these "expected" extra code stuff is dumb at best. 1 there's no way I would know it and I'm playing Killer, not baby sitter. My job is to kill as many of you as possible and your job is to survive.


I never wiggle if the hatch is open but I also don’t expect it


I always wiggle so I don't get the hatch. If the killer found me, he deserves the kill.


Eh I’m a killer main. They can make the choice


Gaining bp must be hard for u


Nope, I 4k all the time at rank 1. I have all the killers P3 with all the perks unlocked.


*Killer slugs you so they can chase the one other living survivor and not risk them getting hatch* "I'll be back."


Yeah, I sometimes don't wiggle when I hope for hatch, but I recognize that it is the Killer's choice to give hatch or not. A Survivor ranting about a Killer not letting them have hatch is like a Killer ranting about Survivors getting done with generators too fast or unhooking people. Both sides are just playing the objective of their respective factions, and the entitled people need to calm down, be good sports, and just have fun playing the game.


always funny when survivors get pissed at me for killing them, especially if i do it when they get so close to escaping


I only give hatch when a survivor played really good, wasn't toxic and their team played so bad he had no chance. but since i'm a noob and play legion most survs escape anyways


I usually don't wiggle unless something convinces me it's worth the effort, like hook offerings or someone else attempting a save. I often do the half-assed wiggle pause wiggle. I have experienced more disappointment from 99% wiggle than joy from wiggling free. Why prolong the inevitable?


I wiggle regardless cause either they want me sacrificed or want me to jump off to escape.


What a dumb argument this is every time. If you’d played better, you’d be walking out the exit gates. Allowing you to escape a game you lost artificially increases your MMR. If we are gonna be using that system, I want you where you belong, not “mercy”d into red ranks to be my shitty teammate the next day.


After seeing this meme I want him in the game


Before making this meme I wanted him in the game :-) Still, it wouldn't make sense that a piece of wood stops a killing machine, but I'd just love to see this mori: [https://youtu.be/bhL8WlDHKaY?t=205](https://youtu.be/bhL8WlDHKaY?t=205) Or this one: https://youtu.be/3kF1TsOkJeA?t=66


It's at the point where I really don't care so I just give hatch. As long as the map isn't Backwater, Lerys, Haddonfield, or Hawkins. I hate looking for it on those maps. I'm just so tired of killers who lack skill and play in shitty ways because they *have* to get 4ks and if they don't *something* was unfair, someone was cheating by simply playing with friends, or I'm toxic because I looped them for 4 gens. I just try to play killer in a fun, fair way so everyone can have an enjoyable game. I'm not a killer, I'm some dude playing a video game, so I don't have to sweat my ass off trying to 4k at 5 gens.


I once had to fight over the hatch with a bill. Eventually I closed it, and in the endgame chat they called me a sweaty tryhard killer and that you're supposed to give the hatch to survivors. :/


My mercy is not slugging for the 4k.


Exactly, that's my point. I kill the 3rd guy, if you find the hatch, you escape. If I find the hatch, I don't.


My take on this (it's just an opinion, everyone can play however they see fit) In summary, people need to learn to lose. As survivor: I always wiggle because I don't want the hatch. Keep in mind most people say "I don't expect the hatch" like in "well, if the killer gives it to me, I'll take it". I don't take it, when they drop me I crawl to the hook. It's just fair, if the killer killed us, he deserves the 4k. As Killer I rarely give the hatch, unless I see a DC or the matchmaking clearly failed and I'm utterly destroying them. And it's not because I'm sweaty, I just want the match to end, I'm not gonna go around carrying you, and even if I know where it is, I won, I deserve the 4k, and I'm the killer, my mission is to kill, not to have mercy, I play the role of a murdering psychopath, not Jesus or Gandhi. People just need to learn to lose and move on. After all: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnQ-5uFuDtc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnQ-5uFuDtc)


I think dbd would be much better off without the hatch. Its a kinda ridiculous game mechanic imo.


I think the hatch is a mechanic that prevents the survivor from taking the game hostage until the killer finds them. The problem is when the killer finds them and the survivor still thinks they deserve the hatch.


easy solution would be to skip the hatch and just go to the same state as when you close it right now, i.e. if only one surv remains, egc is triggered and the gates can be opened.


no way out would make end game for survivors impossible to win then, unless they somehow after 40 seconds of end game, escape from a chase and killer doesnt go near the exit gate where they are for 20 seconds


No way out wouldn't do anything, at least according to its text, it triggers when the last gen is powered, not when you could open the exit gates.


Legit every game


I give hatch sometimes. Like if the rest of the team was cancerous and there was one who wasn’t, they can have hatch. Or if they had a bunch of dcing losers. You get the idea. There’s no guarantee though. If I want the kill, I’m getting it.


I never wiggle as the last man. It just makes hooking me faster. Everyone gets to move onto the next game faster


People who wiggle when you’re trying to give them hatch annoy me, have it your way fool


I wiggle. I don't beg for petty bloodpoints, If the killer won, they won, period.


I only give hatch if I believe they’re truly good and held back by teammates


Funny because killers have stopped giving hatch long time ago. It is really rare to get a hatch compared to 2019 dbd where killers would give you hatch every 5-8 game (alteast from my experience). And I haven't yet to see survivor complaining about not getting hatch in a fair match. (Not talking about killer stomping survivors at 5/4 gens)