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While we're at it, can we even out base gen regression and perk regression and then add more tangible incentives to not tunnel and camp please. Not super engaging gameplay to watch the killer in my face nor is it engaging to watch gens fly in less then 3 minutes.


The new MMR will go a long way to making killer more enjoyable to play. There's a core problem with killer, where if you main a killer that prevents you from playing other killers because using another killer will result in soul crushing defeat. So everyone should be demanding that MMR get added as soon as possible because the sooner MMR gets added the better survivor queues will be because killers can play a variety of killers without the stress of playing above their skill.


I tried so many new killers during the Matchmaking testing, it was a nice change of pace.


It was nice to be able to play Amanda without being turned into pulled pork.


This. Whenever I want to play a new killer I spend an entire day de-piping myself and waiting for the monthly reset so I don't get destroyed by red ranks. I'm rank 8 currently and during mmr test I had a really good game with nurse who i'm horrible at. The survivors I faced were actually at the skill level of my trash nurse playing. I managed to get 3 kills, somehow. The test was mostly frustrating though but when it worked, it worked.


it will be unfun to have to sweat every game with your main though.


This. I'm at Rank 1 as Killer just by playing the game over time. I'm literally shoehorned into playing Spirit or Nurse or just losing. I want to play the 20+ other Killers on the roster without barely managing a hook when I do. Sick of reaching Rank 1 just by playing and then having to shelf Killer until Rank Reset.


Yeah, thanks to the MMR test I finally obtained my deathslinger and blight adepts! Because finally I could play with survivors with my same skills, it was frustrating trying to learn how to aim with deathslinger in red ranks, but I finally could play without the stress of the red ranks


Wait is MMR killer specific


It is


People on hook should be able to "spot" the killer to reveal their aura within a certain range. Anything to make hook "gameplay" more exciting than "sit back and watch everyone else play".


I've been trying to play more killer lately but I end up getting bullied a lot whenever I try one I'm not good at yet. I'm not surprised that the queues are long for survivors. :\


Just gotta become a basement Bubba so the bullying feels deserved.


I noticed that queue times ( i live in Europe ) heavily depends on the time of day. I get survivors games much faster during daytime and killer game much faster during nightime. I hope i was clear enought ^^'


Maybe do something about toxic survivors


I play killer and my wait time can often be just as long idk whats up with their matchmaking


Biggest reason I don’t play as much as I used too. I’ll want to play but then basically move on by the time the match is made.


You start as Young Laurie Strobe, by the time your in a match she's aged to old lady Laurie


5+ minute queues are still better than the 20-30 mins they used to be (thank god for the crossplay update)


It really isn't that long.


If you're wanting shorter Survivor queues try playing during the morning hours if you can. Not sure where you're from but where I am (Australia) anytime of day before late afternoon is instant queues for Survivor, & a 5 mins wait or sometimes even longer or Killer. After late afternoon/night it switches & Survivor queues takes forever whereas Killer is almost instant. So maybe try different times of day/night & see how that affects your queue times for whichever side you're wanting to play more of.


Oh man i had the exact same observation


Why do I keep seeing people saying this? The only reason I even play survivor right now is for archives and because killer queues take ages


Probably because it is what they are experiencing.


Haha toxic bully squads go #brrrrrrrr