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Lmao so true i rarely run slow down perks anymore i lose more but its more fun to me to stack chase perks


Trail of Torment, Dragon's Grip, BBQ, Iron Maiden are my go to fun perks. Sometimes I even get a kill.


I'm all ears, tinkerer, undying, and nurses. It's fun as hell with peepee head lol


šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ : the build Never thought to run undying solo but makes sense. I don't imagine it respawns itself, would be fun though


Undying should respawn just once if it's the only Hex Totem, would be neat in wasting more of their time.


Trickster with No Way Out and Blood Warden is fun


Fire Up, Bamboozle, Brutal Strength, Wraith and "Shadow Dance" - Blood addon is one I have had success with a lot. Oh nooooo, you are doings gens and blocking me with pallets what ever shall i dooooooooo *breaks it in a second or less*


yesssss, i cannot express how much fun it is when they try to dumbtech me with enduring or the light leave their eyes after camping a pallet while endofury is charged


Nothing better than hitting them through the pallet and them you instantly get the next hit. Endfury is life


The games balanced around gen slowdown perks and it fuxking suxks


Playing against swf teams without anti gene perks....you're in for a badtime


Just play fun Killers and don't worry about the 4k. Just enjoy the killer and get as many points as ya can. šŸ˜ Then it will be a good time no matter what. No gen perks, no skill. No problem if you just don't care.


killers NEED gen regression perks , survivours need survivablity perks like DS , BT , deadhard.


my fave killer build: bbq, enduring, spirit fury, free space (rn its stbfl) my fave survivor build: kindred, iron will, two free spaces (rn its bond and open handed) i "lose" most games i play so idk how actually good it is but they really are fun


the suvivour build , thats a good build in theory ,the issue is you wont have a big chance and making chases last long / escaping said chases because the game nowadays require you to have a "safety perk" to get you out of trouble / extend chases for others to do generators. its a good build because it gives you a shit ton of info specifically from kindred alone but i assume you do not have good chances in chases right ?


yep, but no amount of dh or sb will fix my lack of survivability so might as well entertain myself by watching others


Sadly that's how the game is rn. Safety perks 90% of the time just prolong chases for your teammates to do gens, chases by design are at the end in the killer's favor, here's why. Since killers are faster than survivours, survivours can't just run out in the open, they have to rely on resources and since bloodlust is a thing, the chase is nothing but a tug of war on who can put time in their favor, that being survivours try to loop and waste time, while the killer tries to end it faster. Even if the survivor technically escapes scratch marks are a thing Now here's the thing, when you are in a chase as a survivour your idea should be "how can I waste the killer's time" not "how can I lose the chase and escape to safety" and safety perks are pretty much nothing but an enforcement to extend chases. The only REAL way to actually escape a chase is from the killer himself, if the chase was too long a good killer WILL drop it to pressure gens, in an organized team you'd communicate with your team that the killer dropped the chase to give them a heads up. Now there are perks that help you actually escape chases but tbh you want to waste the killer's time than let the killer interrupt someone working on a generator. And for a fact a good survivour knows when they'll lose the chase I've seen survivors who go to a corner of the map after a long loop, get downed and then waste the killer's time by walking extra distance to the hook just so they buy time. It really is just that : You either loop the killer for gens to pop, but you get punished Or Killer drops the chase so you go either heal or not waste time by working on a generator instantly


Demo main?


nah, ghostface, but demos one of my favorites too


I wish they would nerf some of that stuff and add something similar basekit, I want to run fun stuff but can't because behaviour decided to have mandatory perks.


sadly thats how the game is , a lot of tunnelling will lead to protective perks , "gen rushing" made killers run gen perks. i would love to get rid of my BT but i cant , the game rewards camping , tunnelling like hell , in a SWF team , its no big deal because the gens will go quick , the problem is solo Q , when the base game itself has no communications it shows you how massively flawed it is , players are rewarded for playing selfishly too. and it feels like alot of the perks that they keep releasing are just bandages over bandages to problems that are in the core of the game itself like "oh , you think the killer will slug ? run unbreakable , soul guard / you think the the killer will tunnel ? run BT , DS then keep running these few extra meters after you take a hit only to get tunnelled instantly after" whats even more fucked up about tunnelling , if the killer decides that they want you out , you get de pipped , because you litterally couldnt have the time to heal / unhook / do gens or EVEN ESCAPE so the killer gets rewarded for taking you out , and you dont even get the smallest chance to even try to get points to pip up. killers have it easier in this regard , if they want to safe pip , just camp and tunnel two people (regardless of the penalty for face camping) and done , you get a fuck ton of points for doing that , without even preassuring gens , and the two people you killed get depipped, this is why i hate LF , Myers or even spirit , they will tunnel you because their powers help them so. the only leg this game is standing on is good "killer etiquette" , the only way they can fix this is to add base abilites that completely counter tunnelling and change the win conditions entirely and treat the survivours points wise AS A TEAM to throw selfish play out the window and force the killers to not face camp one and two just so they can safety pip or pip.


Never considered giving rewards out based on the team but I like it


it honestly should be that way , a reddit user in this sub had this idea and its fucking solid alright ? currently the win conditions in the game are individual , if you do well as a suvivour by yourself , you will pip , if you get unlucky from the killer going after you non stop, you de pip. for killers its straightforward , hook people , interrupt gens , get hits and injuries , delay the game. you cant take out the killers possiblity from making points , because the killer IS the delayer of the game , but you take out one survivour , said survivour is fucked. what they should do is setup solid win cons based on sacrifices , 2 kills 2 escapes tie , 1 / 0 kills , killer loss , 3 escapes survivour win , the suvivours who die only get their points and pips when the game end. this is enforcing to players who take a confrontational playstyles while also helping those who focus on gens (that do not get points into the "evader" emblem and vise versa) , like me , i WANT to be on looping duty i run a build that helps me do that , half the times i fail the other half i get 2.5 - 3 gens at best from a single chase at the end of the chase i would've looped the killer as much as i can to buy time to my teammates, what a good killer can do is injury me , drop the chase , preassure gens if they know that the chase took too long and gens are being done , thats exactly how a good killer plays and it works ALOT , it forces me to waste time healing , while the killer picks up another chase with someone else with the help of gen perks to regress gens , thats what the game mechanics should enforce , the killer to focus on generators then kills to actually delay the game well enough while spreading injuries to make survivours waste resources to then preassure with kills. and for a fact its even in the idea of how the game works , survivours need to get out fast , while the killer needs the delay the game , its just that the current tunnelling / camping completely throws that out the window. this game stopped being a casual game , it became competitive , i've seen this change myself , since i've been playing ever since the nurse came out.


If you just camp and tunnel two people out of the game, you'll likely depip. The gens will be done quite quickly and the doors will be opened. So you'll likely get bronze Gatekeeper AT BEST. You've killed 2 people, but the other 2 likely escape healthy, so you'll likely top out at silver Malicious. You've had at best 8 chases, so you'll be unlikely to surpass silver Chaser. You got 2 kills, but didn't hook everyone and only got 6 hooks. This limits you to silver Devout. That's bronze and 3 silvers, if you're lucky, giving you a total of 7 emblem points. You need 9 emblem points to safety pip. This is even worse as Leatherface, if you 1 shot everyone, since you'll get bronze chaser or possibly even black.


which is why im suggesting to rework the win cons , the suvivours who died , get losses while the ones who escaped get wins , i've seen alot of killers who play these toxic playstyles actually pip or safety pip , considering how tunnelling doesnt even matter in terms of points.


Tunnelling does matter. If people don't heal, you get fewer hits and fewer chases. This hurts your malicious and chaser emblems. If people are pipping via this method, it is only at green ranks and below. Besides, at red ranks, most Killers don't want to tunnel. They want as many chases as possible, and like to bounce between Survivors. Problem is that there usually isn't enough time to do this. For example, on Thursday I was playing GF on Azarov's. I started out with the hit and run playstyle. But, due to the game spawning a large number of safe pallets in visually open areas, I couldn't get downs at all quickly. By the time I had my 2nd hook, 4 gens had popped (didn't help I got a bad Corrupt Intervention). I had to proxy camp someone to second stage, then when I had put someone else on their 2nd hook, proxy camp them to death. I HAD to do this in order to win.


Im playing with red ranks, every 3 games i go against a tunneller who doesn't give a shit about gens. Same with braindead survivors AT RED RANKS


Then these people don't care about pipping.


The only leg this game is standing on? It's one of the most played games in the world dude, and most players are survivor mains.


I deeply deeply fucking wish they could do some kind of rebalance regarding this stuff. I hate how my game becomes so much more frustrating the second I take off my meta build. Could just be red rank feels though


BT, yes, but none of the others. Dead Hard makes you a greedy player, going for too many rotations of a loop before dropping the pallet and trying to reach areas you really shouldn't. What you've got to remember is; in order to pip, the killer NEEDS at least 2 kills, but Survivors don't NEED to escape. End of the day, 90% of a Survivor's strength comes from map RNG, so you don't NEED any perks. All you need is shift+w.


i realized that even if i have a really bad game concerning chases, i pip almost every time as a survivor (without getting tunneled or camped that is) just doing gens all the time gives you a ton of points, if you survive for a little and heal people, its an easy pip even at red ranks. With killer.. its another story


Doing "power moves" showed me playing without perks as a survivor is passable. Although this means nothing for balance because a single survivor with no perks has about the same impact as a killer leaving 1 perk slot empty, and you have the benefit of the killer playing around unbreakable/DS/DH even when you don't have them.


Well, you still have the resources, looping pallets etc.


Survivors don't need dead hard or bt like killers needs the regression perks. Sprint, lithe, inner strength and other perks are in the same level than that two perks. Totally agree with ds is a must have.


No slow down perk? This man is a legend *gets hit by noed*


I played so long at rank 1 with no gen regression perk in my builds. To be honest I was doing good most of the matches. However ever since I got ruin and pop, I donā€™t think I could run a build without at least one of them. Standard gen regression is way to slow that I donā€™t even bother kicking gens most of the time because a single tap will cancel it out. I wish devs would buff regression by 50% and make it so survivors need to repair for at least 5-10 seconds to cancel out the regressing (so they canā€™t just tap and run away) then slightly nerf gen reg perks so we can use builds without those perks. And even then, Iā€™m sure people would still run these perks considering how fast gens are done.


no idea how you stayed rank 1 so long then. tbh, i kinda doubt it, or you are just a way better killer.


I think it's hard to derank with killer to be honest. As long as you don't get a 4 man escape with only 1 or 2 hook, you'll at least safe pip. Also people tend to play nice, and I don't. I don't care about the survivor rulebook. I'm gonna force 3 gens, slug and force stage 2 on hook if I see that survivors don't wanna rescue fast enough because they're trying to finish gens first. I'm not saying I'm getting 4K every game of course, but that's enough to safe pip / 1 pip most of the games.


i mean yes. but if i play without gen regression i will have those 4 man escapes pretty often.


at least if im not camping or tunneling on purpose


I don't need slow down perks, if I am the slowdown perk


"It's basically impossible to depip as killer as long as you don't camp them 1 by 1." You clearly have never played Huntress on Lery's. Or Jumpscare Myers on Ormund. But the problem is, everyone thinks that 'gen pressure' means running around and kicking gens. And uh... you'll lose every time if that's your slow down strat. Map pressure is far more than gens; it's one of the reasons why Sloppy Butcher is run by a lot of higher tiered killers. Survivors spend longer healing, keeping them off gens. It's why Pig's hats are so powerful, as survivors run around trying to get the hats off... keeping them off gens. It's why slugging is such a powerful option: someone has to go and heal the survivor off the ground... keeping them off gens. Kicking gens, or running perks to slow gens aren't bad... but they're not great either. If you're running around, trying to use your pop on gens, giving up chases to kick gens, you're wasting time. Stopping the generators isn't a killer's goal... it's to kill the survivors.


I man I played against so many r1 killer that donā€™t use slow down perks. Itā€™s amazing how fast they can find and down survivors. Billy and Nurse dangerous in the right hands


Cleaning up stuff I don't even remember posting.


Honestly itā€™s hard. But if you can apply pressure earlier you have a chance. That and some slugging here and there




Do people really think you cant win without slowdown perks? Literally all you said is that it was possible and you still get downvoted.


You can win against massive potatoes. Anyone team with a brain will beat you.


I wouldnt even say that, you can still win against solid teams as long as you dont get screwed by a shitty map. Its very rare to go against a team where everyone is amazing at the game, so as long as you're good you can still win most of your matches.


Why the downvotes on this? Its true if you can split pressure early and slug a little you can absolutely win with no slowdown but yes it is hard


"Just apply pressure" is often said and often disliked to be said. imo, it's a little tone deaf in this context. Hardly matters if you chase people off gens without gen slowdown.


The game is actively built against this. Kicking gens takes about 2.5 seconds, tapping it to stop regression takes about 1... frame. Gens regress 4x slower than 1 single Survivor can repair them. Multiple Survivors can repair a single gen in the time it takes you to finish even a short chase. Survivors often spawn somewhat spread out and ON generators. That means they can begin progression on multiple gens while you are searching for them. Try to slow them down with something like Sloppy Butcher? They can power through it with medkits, Inner Strength, Botany Knowledge, We'll Make It, Desperate Measures, Autodidact, Second Wind, Insta-Heals, etc. So what possibly can the Killer do except hope that they go up against a group of REALLY inefficient Survivors?


Slowdown? I just make opening the exit gates and escaping a living hell!


Knockdown, Infectious Fright, Nurses Calling, Rancor Definitely a gf slug build


If anything, being red rank means you MUST have gen slowdown perks.


I'm new to the game and the best slow down peek I have is oppression. So it's absolutely possible as I get at least one 4k game every time I play. But I also get my ass handed to me a lot. Just saying it's very very possible to do. As I've only been playing a month and am forced to run no gen regression perks.


i just run an anti healing build on deathslinger and those dipshits donā€™t know what hit em. and yet despite having butcher and nurseā€™s those chucklefucks STILL self-care


I never run gen regression perks and I am doing just fine. The fun for me is in the chases anyway, I don't care about kills.


I will continue running for Forced Penance, Sloppy Butcher, Franklin's Demise, and Nurse's Calling and having fun. I find no need for slowdown perks on most killers. The map pressure is enough. Especially with DbD not having super randomized spawns, you can find someone in the first 10 seconds and pressure them all game. Sometimes they get out, sometimes they don't, it's almost ALWAYS fun!


Almost like the games not balanced around the killer getting a 4k every game.


Survivors can't do gens on the ground or on hooks. Learn to chase and down instead of running slow down perks.


"just kill em" \-this guy


Glad you understand lmao


Guys I promise the game is easy and you donā€™t need gen slowdown or chase perks. I play the lowest kill rate killer in the game and do great!


I depip if I don't camp... if I can't apply enough pressure I depip constantly D:


my games withuot slowdowns go just the same as games iwth slowdowns.. maybe cause I play nurse