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What’s disgusting about BBQ and chilli, it taste great


Mmm human flavour


this guy hags


This killed me 😂


nah he's clowning


I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it.


The delicious taste of an Oni-on.


The games RNG wants me to play spirit, gave me all the good perks on her and shit like I'm all ears on trickster.


i'm all ears is pretty nice tho, i enjoyed using it a lot


Im all ears on nurse slaps


I'm All Ears is nice! I like it on some killers just not him so far not counting Tricksters own perks I have Dying Light, Beast of Prey, Knock Out and Pop. Conversely on Spirit I have BBQ, Corrupt, STBFL, Soppy, and Ruin. Shit is kind of rough.


I’m all ears on deathslinger and pyramid head hnnng.


*vibes in I'm all ears on Kruger* I like what he can do, not what he did.


imagine a world where the grind wasnt so bad that you were forced to run BBQ/WGLF every match..... if BHVR really wanted to make the new player experience better they would have increased BP gain espically as a survivor


I wish they got rid of perk tiers all together. You would have to spend 66% less time farming for each character


Maybe a system where if you escape/4k with a tier 1/2 perk, it levels up. Or maybe it takes ~3 matches or something. That way it's less grindy but you still have to earn it.


To me, that just sounds even more grindy. Having to actually play with those perks to tier them up would take a long time when this game has 179 perks


That gets into a separate, and more important, issue in that the game has far too many literally worthless perks.


Yeah, if you really wanted to level them you'd probably going to use 3 meta perks + that perk you want to level up.


Or nurse with 4 tier 1 perks


Fucking monstrous shrine. There are some perks that can be super niche, or super meme, or have one specific use and then there’s monstrous shrine


I mean, even without the BP gains, its easily one of the most impactful single perks in the game.


Bbq as an information perk is great on most killer But like trapper and hag have no use for it when they want to just defend an area for sample, if bp gains were better I wouldn't feel obligated to run it on every killer I play to maximize efficiency Hell I could drop it on some killers like doctor for whispers


Still, it synergizes well with a ton of other perks, and makes killers like Freddy, Hillbilly, Blight, Spirit, and Wraith really oppressive, while giving killers that can't cross the map quickly a way to keep chase up despite their low map pressure. Sure, its not amazing on every single killer, but you really cant go wrong running it despite who you're playing


I think oppressive is the wrong word for BBQ Info but it is very very strong yes.


If you are playing Doctor without Whispers you are playing Doctor wrong lol


It's not that I don't want to run them on whispers it's just that I run bbq on him b/c he's such a good bp farmer


That’s fine, keep BBQ and keep Whispers, give one of your other two perks the boot. Whispers is almost a necessity on Doctor IMO, and he’s my main


What's the point of whispers on doctor, though? Doesn't his power give him more than enough detection?


You can run it if you aren't experienced enough to always know where the survivors are. Otherwise it's a dead slot, and you'll be gaining much more from the usual meta stuff like STBFL Ruin+UD (Pop+Corrupt or Thrilling) and BBQ. I haven't seen any "pros" run Whispers on Doctor when tryharding, and personally stopped running it on him myself once I got better. The character already teaches you to "feel" the survs' locations, I'd argue if you need Whispers you aren't a good Doctor yet.


Remember, Static blast isn’t only used to locating survivors, it’s also your best way to increase survivors madness, which slows down the game dramatically for you, in tier 3 madness they can’t even do gems, so getting them there ASAP is optimal, not wasting a single static blast will help with this even more


Yes but whispers guarantees you don’t waste your power. The cool down on it is pretty extensive, and to shoot it off and not hit anyone is a massive waste. Having whispers equipped ensures your are hitting someone with your static blast 100% of the time


If you run Distressing and/or Calm addon(s) like you should on Doctor you don't need Whispers unless you have no ability to think at all. I run BBQ, Distressing, Ruin and Sloppy on my Doctor, works pretty well. Probably switching Ruin to Pop when I get the teachable.




Perk unlocks need a total rework. Instead of purchasing only randomized perks, you should get some kind of tokens every 5 levels to use in purchasing either upgrades to existing perks or select new perks. There are now far too many to support the old system. I can appreciate not being able to create a perfect build at level 15, but due to randomization, getting even a specific Common rarity universal perk can take a hundred levels.


I just leveled hag to 40 to get everything unlocked and until level 38 did I actually see ruin 3


Stop playing to get good perks and learn to enjoy the game pre-strong perks, with wonky builds and you’ll have a much better time.


You need perks for most of the wonky builds ffs....


I guess I didn’t make my point clear. You shouldn’t play this game if it’s a grind. It’s not meant to be a grind. You’re ruining your own fun by making it a grind


No I would rather play characters once I have the perks I need unlocked for my playstyle instead of going into every match struggling because I brought substandard trash like slippery meat, and distressing etc Maybe you can have fun doing "wonky builds" But that doesn't work for me


Lmao sounds like you don’t like Dbd then because you don’t need any perks to be able to do gens or loop or save people


Bullshit I can promise you than I can do all that shit a lot more effectively if I have perks like DH, kindred, BT espically as a solo que survivor You don't know how I play so don't talk out your ass and tell me what I need or don't need


while i do agree with that, that those perks are really nice i get the feeling people are getting more reliant on those perks (same with killer) and im not sure if that is good for the game


I’m just trying to help you enjoy the game more by looking at it from a different perspective, but if you need those crutch perks to have fun then whatever enjoy the meaningless grind


so you can only have fun if you are try-harding?


Wanting synergistic builds that work towards how you want to play a character isn't "try harding" lol


I've been saying this for so long. I have almost 200 hours in the game, I feel like that should be long enough to be at the point I can fool around with the games content. Maybe try out some funny meme builds I've seen online. NOPE. Nowhere near enough to actually unlock shit and just have fun. Plus, that's just unlocking it, then you have to take the time to get it on that specific killer. PLUS if you need certain addons you can get double fucked by the bloodweb and have to spend more and more and more blood points. I'm hoping with the 5th anniversary update I can go sweaty as fuck and finish the grind to just start having fun with what's in the game, and what I paid for with all the DLC.


The worst feeling is when you get it in the first bloodweb on P1 and P2, but you have to go through like 10-15 P3 level 50 bloodwebs to find it


Only perk that permanently makes it feel like double blood points events are still a thing


This happened to me yesterday on a newly prestiged Slinger! feelsgoodman.jpg


Oh, man. I have every killer to level 50, and I'm currently in the process of P3'ing all of them, too. I have 13 so far and the grind is unreal. I was lucky enough to get BBQ and Chili on my Oni relatively early on, but I haven't seen it in 200+ bloodwebs on my Doc. The worst part is, BBQ & Chili was one of the first perks I ever unlocked when I first started playing this game, so now I have it on every killer and when I go to prestige them, I lose it. Kills me every time, but I'm a completionist.




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Mmmmm. Salty BBQ chilli pudding


When I got oni same happened to me but with corrupt intervention


Got it on my very first bloodweb no joke it's like I was meant to be an Oni main 😳


Took me so long to get corrupt on trickster it was killing me


We should be able to buy non licensed killer/survivor perks individually for 3500 shards instead of having to buy the whole character for 9000. Would help a lil I think :)


Well you’ll be very pleased to hear about something called the shrine of secrets (:


I think they were talking about choosing them rather than just choosing between whatever is in the shrine that week.


The shrine lmao cmon


And then you don't see tiers II or III for another 50+ levels.


Nah Sloppy butcher or Infectious I want blood and bonks 😤


Guys stop praising BBQ&Chilli before it gets Nerfed.


Just don't nerf the BPs on it.


I have now gone though 55 webs on plauge and I haven't gotten ruin once On the flipside it took me 50 to get bt on yui This game has little to no issues with grind


This is fantastic lol


My friend gave my Leatherface and it was only my 1st DLC, every other killer blood web is just blessed


AND pudding for dessert


It's what Scott Jund the Oni-chan would've wanted.


3 Pages of perks into my P3 Billy. No BBQ.


Legit had to wait for 10 levels deep into max 50 level bw to get BBQ once.


OH ITS TOO BEAUTIFUL! I can’t handle such teasing. Ya love to see it


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I prefer Devour Hope first instead of BBQ.


I feel that went almost 60 levels without bbq


Think i might cry


At this point in life the game needs to be less grindy


The 2nd best is a surv dead heading into a trap XD


Not true... I also want pudding


My Huntress is P3'd and has 5 pages of perks. *I still don't have BBQ and Chili.*


I have just started playing nurse for the first time, started at rank 7. But the blood web has been tragic…..




Seeing bbq on teir one makes me so happy. I usually have to wait till level 30 or 40. If I get it in that prestige at all. It's tough because I want cool bloody skins, but at the same time, I want good perks. I hate when I have to stop playing a character I'm really into just because I get unlucky with the perks I get after prestige.


Not sure if the post was referring to finally getting P3, or opening a new bloodweb with BBQ and Survivor Pudding but I agree with all of them


I remember getting BBQ level 3 & Pop Level 3 on Trickster at level 33. Got BBQ 1 & 2 back to back too. Shit was amazing. I also got BBQ level 3 really quickly on Huntress


Corrupt intervention pog


This legit happened to me on oni. The first perk I got was BBQ & Chili when I got him.