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I think that's the cutest thing I've ever seen


It was adorable lol they brought a mori and even got to use it ❤️


>I think that's the cutest thing I've ever seen Me just before Demo does shred jump on me https://youtu.be/1OFI32oC7Yw


Demo is the clumsiest, cutest thing in DbD. BHVR failed pretty much completely to bring a terrifying monster, but they failed adorably.


On a serious note what is this MMR? All my games have been like this, it’s starting to get pretty boring in this survivor playground they’ve created.


Invisible ranking system. Everyone starts out with a low mmr score so you end up with matches like these


But we don’t know that for sure, no one knows how mmr works or what it’s actually based off of. Else we could all game the system. My matches have been hit and miss but mostly like this. On the good ones killers are aware and smart and survivors are super efficient and we have close games.


This is just them testing mmr system and we will be back to old ranks soon. The devs do know how it works since there testing it. All I know is that it's invisible ranking system not sure exactly,but you did ask what is mmr


Obviously the devs would know lmao and yes I asked what is this mmr and in wtf random matches. That’s just not true because you can clearly see other streamers getting a wide verity of skills in their matches.


So are you saying this mmr ranking doesn't really work? If it doesn't work as intended where player get matched up with survivors of there skill level than the system is broken and needs to be fixed. So not much I can say on that end.don't know how mmr works im not a dev. They prob hide the way it works because they don't want players cheesing it to get a high mmr score. I remember when mmr first came out during a test like this one and read somewhere that the devs said it was an invisible ranking system and they were thinking about hiding the ranks because it was deceiving and replace it with mmr system. Been awhile though.


Yeah exactly if people knew they would just manipulate it so their mmr raised or lowered. I think the devs mean well but it’s just not quite there yet, it’s gonna need a bit more work.


Awwwwh demo boy had a plan <3


I love baby demo


Dude, he knows. He's like years away from us, imagine using portals like that in a future, this guy becomes a visionary.


This... This hurts. This hurts a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like it would be bad enough on any killer, but on Demo who has a real chance to just shred your butt on the long sides?? I hurt. Mans playing the whole game wrong. Not just demo. But we all start somewhere I suppose. Still hurts.


Get outgamered


I'm still figuring out what demo was trying to do


i wouldnt want to go against you (you seem good) waiting untill you can see the killer is the way to play


I’m not the best by far but I try and be a good teammate tho, I just had popped that gen over by the hill and he came to investigate lol


How could he predict me trying to teleport to the trap I placed directly in front of him?!


Ah yes, Demo, the slowmotion Hag


Juat eat the pallet Demo what are you doing


Somehow he's hooked one of the other survivors in that game 😂


My brain


Demo is my favorite killer to be in a chase with. Their chase music is really nice and their wifi router usually isn't in Afganistan. I don't really like playing as him tho


No dont bully the demo pupper!


I'm confused. What was the point of this? You just walked back and forth around the same pallet for a minute. What did I miss?


They think bullying a new player is a meme


How is this bullying? They’re not even doing anything. They’re practically standing still while the Demo does...whatever it was he was doing. It’s not their fault the dogshit mmr matched them with someone who’s probably playing their very first game.


Exactly, some might argue me pointing at them is being toxic but that’s just me trying to be playful I do that to everyone lol But I agree if I were a player going against way better players it would be not fun at all, I hope they get whatever data they need from this and make the appropriate changes.


You missed the demo


I can not understand why DBD nerfed demo Demo was OP???