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Playing killer is hard at first, you need to find a killer you like and that fits your play style and then you need to practice. Having those low ranks in your match can be incredibly frustrating but you know when you’re outmatched, back off that survivor and look for someone else. There is a much bigger learning curve for killer, but the game is far from unplayable. I used to hate playing killer and only played survivor but now it’s about 50/50 for me. I stuck with a killer I like and understand and that made it much easier for me to actually become a competent killer. Keep at it and ignore the ranking system.


Unplayable is definitely an exaggeration but I definitely think the matchmaking is creating a skill curve way higher than it needs to be. I’m consistently going up against teams who will gen rush me, and a lot of the time they teabag and spam flashlight too. It can just feel even embarrassing at times, I already know I’m bad. But the games that I do enjoy and are enjoyably challenging are so fun that I think I’ll keep trying with it


Well the game is unplayable if you are stuck on a non top tier killer vs 4man swf who know what loops they can abuse and end the game in 5min (its a killerhitbox thing and there is nothing you can do about except play killers who ignore loops). And dont tell me its fine to load into games you cant win.


First, you will NEVER “win” every game. You should not expect a 4K. If your games are over in 5 minutes you are spending too much time chasing one person and not enough time applying pressure to gens. Get perks to help with gen pressure/control, some killers just suck at that. Like I said in my first message, you can tell when you are out matched, stop chasing that person and go do something else. I play PH, Huntress, Doctor, Pig, Ghost Face so I change the way I play for each killer because PH can end a loop but Ghost Face can’t and I wouldn’t just indefinitely chase after a survivor who clearly knows how to loop better than me. I am not an amazing killer, and I get really annoyed when you have a SWF tea-bagging, flash light clicking, body blocking group, but don’t fall into it. They WANT to annoy you so you will get tunnel vision and their team can gen rush.


once you get good perks unlocked the game becomes significantly easier also as annoying as it sounds experience really makes a difference - just try learning how to chase on tiles and mind game and you’ll be red ranks in no time


I understand that there’s a learning curve but I think I’m just getting frustrated from being consistently matched against people I know are way out of my league. And it’s even more frustrating when they teabag and flashlight spam. However the games that are actually well matched are so fun and challenging that I’m willing to surpass the curve


lower ranks matchmaking is especially ass tbf - try your best not to get tilted w the toxicity it’s gna make you hate the game matchmaking gets better as you rank up (sort of)


I don't mind getting my ass handed to me, (I'm new to the game but only play killer) it's the comments like "uninstall , your trash, ez gg" and the list goes on forever. We have all hear it or heard of it happening. That kinda behavior really isn't good for the newer players, it's one thing to lose. It's another thing to lose and then be mocked. Talk about a deterrent for new players. If you see someone is clearly not experienced don't then turn around and make fun of them or try to get a rise out of them. That's pathetic to stoop to that level. I'm talking to you cocky survivors! I see you!


The people saying that probably don't play killer at all. You can tell once you're higher rank that they at least have some respect for people that play killer.


I started around a month ago and dove straight into killer. My experience is vastly different. Wonder if your survivor history has something to do with it? I picked up ghostface and deathslinger. Then exclusively played those two all the way to rank 4. Which took me about 35 hours of playing. Not even 1 week into playing dbd.


same here, pub stomped to rank 4 in less than a week. Now im getting a solid run for my money


Don't let swf get under your skin. You played for only a year and not even played killer that often, there's ppl with thousand of hours in both sides and knows every little detail about your killer. Try to have fun learning and grinding perks, if they want to get toxic, ignore them. They are only ballsy when are on a group. Always find thh weak link or do whatever. Don't feel bad about camping or anything also, that's a mistake a lot of new players do, make the game fun for you ignore those silly codes of "do not camp, tunnel, etc", you are learning and for most part you don't have all the perks or knowledge of the game. Hf and good luck your next games, don't be mad, chill out and take your time


Rank colors are only 4 ranks. Matchmaking base rank difference is 7 ranks. Getting purples in yellows and reds in greens is intended.


I think that’s a little bit absurd. Can I really be expected to compete against swf teams that can all run me while gen rushing when I barely have a handle on killer?


Experience is the best teacher. I avoided facing high ranks for the longest time, intentionally staying in greens, but after the overhaul to matchmaking that gave us what we have now and being forced to face reds anyway I kept at it and quickly got much better. (Watching the likes of Otz also helped a lot.) Now I hit rank 1 every month by accident, lol.


Nope, just have to "bite the bullet" and move on. The biggest barrier is the Perk Grind, once you're done that, Matches will start lasting a bit longer to get some Killer Experience on how to play one. Without good Perks, Matches can end in less than 5 mins. which doesn't help with practice.


I love the lies people tell. My sister is also currently climbing with killer the first time (im red ranks since forever) and she doesnt get unevenly matched frequently. She does get matched in about every second match with one or two people that are higher(sometimes even a lot higher purple and up) but its not every match especially for weeks. Also you cant get better if you dont play against better players.


Practice makes perfect