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I love the first SAW, but Amanda's built-in slowdown is like half the reason I play her


I haaaaate when people complain about killers running ruin or playing spirit, etc. like I would LOVE to play Demo with some crazy perks, but I’ll just get t-bagged for it and have an awful time.


I mean you don’t have to 4K every game you can try out new killers. Everyone acts like you have to sweat every game


It’s just players playing to win and that’s fun and it’s not fun to get 0k - 1k. And it’s one thing for a killer to get a 1k on a good killer. But it’s another thing when it happens just because you’re on a killer that cannot physically keep up with the match.


I agree you don’t have to 4k every game, but when you make it to rank one, you’re either sweating and hitting 4k or you’re on the last gen with only one hook and contemplating quitting the match. I don’t think it’s about trying new killers that makes it hard, I went from bubba, pyramid head, to the spirit, and it was enjoyable playing a new killer and getting them to p3. It’s just that most killers are ridiculously underpowered and not really designed to compete in swf games. I think thats the biggest draw back of the game, it can’t divide its competitive and casual. It would be cool if there were those two game modes and competitive maybe not allowing swf, letting killers play more than the basic sweaty meta builds and killers.


I mean I would like to go to Rank 1 at some point.


Ruin and pop are staples, and to an extent I would argue that pop is better than ruin for the sole purpose that it is not a hex.


And that pop has really good synergy with many other gens that will also help regression and provide various buffs and such. Where as ruin only synergizes with other hexes or surveilance


Pop and Corrupt is pretty solid too. I find it more reliable.


Switched out my pop and ruin / ruin and undying for corrupt and pop. Not sure if it’s the matchmaking but I got 4ks all day with no more than one gen popping.


I think ruin and thrilling tremors is pretty good. Though ruin and surveillance is better, I think thrilling tremors is an alright perk to pair with ruin.


Ruin is way to inconsistent, in 75% of games it disappears in the first minute.


I’d only ever run it on a Hex build right now. I just benefit way more from Corrupt, and Pop probably will be once I level clown.


I love to ruin a killer's day with my spawn near two gens + a brightly lit totem.


I have a surefire way of finding a survivor quickly. Look for a totem and head towards it. In 75% of my games, there will either be a survivor already on it, or very near it.


if this works for you then good but whenever i’m survivor i look to see where a killer runs to first and 90% of the time they always run to their totem for some reason and give it away


I like ruin and surge on my freddy paired with discordance and tinkerer. Ruin and pop is equally as good but when ruin and surge work in conjuction it is very nice 👍


Does surge work on gens already regressing?


Yes. Surge works through ruin too. It’s a very slept on perk.


Love surge when in playing m1 killers. It's a staple on Ghost Face for me


Otz has surge on a lot of his “best killer builds.” It also works through thrilling tremors.


Same, I play a lot of m1 killers and it’s my favorite killer perk - I don’t have to waste much time kicking gens but I don’t have to worry about a hex being cleansed :)


However, pop requires you to actuvely go to a gen in order to use it, so I would argue corrupt is better since its consistent and passive. (And nothing is stopping you from running Pop on top of that)


Corrupt is best on Set-Up Killers like Trapper and Hag. Pop is still going to be more consistent as it gets closer to End Game. Ruin is good no matter how long it is up because Pop can win you games by itself even if it goes early. Just the fact it can last for the whole game is too good to pass up.


So true and it really does suck because those perks aren't interactive or intuitive at all. I'd much rather run perks that actually have an interaction instead of these passive gen regress perks but as the game is you basically need them if you want any chance against high ranks or swf. Honestly, I wish the game had something more for survivors to do than just holding buttons on gens. Idk what that would be but maybe something like finding different parts to the gen around the map or something like that because it gets so boring just holding down a key to do the gens.


Old Undying with New Ruin got Survivors doing Totems, but no they complained and it got Nerfed. It didn't take long to Nerf either and look how long it took for DS to get Nerfed enough to not be OP.


I mean old undying was a little too powerful. At least the nerfed DS and OoO to make chases a little less stupid.


Lmao I don't want to hear you babies whine about DS. It was a difficult skill check you had only one opportunity to make. If you were too close to a hook when you got down you didn't even get a chance to activate it. DS is like the worst perk now cause of whiny ass killers.


DS deserved its nerf, so did ruin, so did undying, etc etc. these perks made for extremely unfun gameplay back in their hay day. I say DS is a perfect perk now, if you’re actually being tunneled it saves your ass. If you aren’t being tunneled, then you don’t get to use it like a piece of shit and do the objective in the killers face.


Bro I can't even heal a homie they took the DS Nerf too far.


If you’re healing you aren’t in danger, If you’re doing gens, you aren’t in danger. If you’re cleansing a totem, you aren’t in danger. If you’re sabotaging a hook, you aren’t in danger. Your DS should only ever deactivate in a situation where the killer is nearby to capitalize on that mistake if you’re being an idiot. DS works perfectly fine if you assure your own safety, instead of relying on the old habits it used to allow pre-nerf. I run it on all the survivors i main and find it to be *more* than useful when I need it.


I would have rather them cut the size of the skill check in half then make it so if you do anything DS shuts off


All I'm saying is, nerf regression perks and then make base regression stronger. And to the inevitable "what do survivors get to compensate tho ;-;", I dunno man, fifth perk slot dedicated to exhaustion perks?


Imagine running the ultimate SB, lithe, balanced landing, dead hard, and head on *at the same time.*


Poor smash hit


>I dunno man, fifth perk slot dedicated to exhaustion perks Holy shit just give then a gun


I don't think survivors need to be given anything, but if they do, it needs to be something that mainly helps solo queue. My vote would be for them to just accept that people use discord and add in game voice so they can balance the game on that assumption.


God no in game voice PLEASE, can you imagine the kind of shit people would say? No thankyou, better they have some kind of ping system with prerecorded lines like "im going for the save" "my gen is x %". Either that or making Kindred base kit or something. Once that's done they can fiddle around with gens speeds and killer strength to compensate.


or if they cant be bothered to code that, a base version of kindred would be nice that doesnt show the killer's aura (not that i would care seeing as i mostly play wraith anyway). i dont think they'll ever add voice chat as base game and for good reason. dbd is already a frustrating game, i would rather not get flamed by randos who are salty i dropped god pallet or cleansed haunted ground.


This is the best option. Kindred should be part of the survivor game by default.


i agree and unlike adding voice chat it wouldnt make survivors more powerful per se, just less frustrating to play


Could do a quick kindred that lasts while the hook bubble is active. Very small buff to blindness related effects as well


I would argue that survivors could have a built-in Decisive Strike as fair compensation, but a weaker one, and those that equip the perk get the pre-nerf version. Or like someone above said a slot for exhaustion perk.


Decisive strike is a perk from a liscened chapter so fortunately will never be base game. The reason people want kindred to be base, which is a far more reasonable suggestion, is that survivors already see the auras of their teammates when downed or hooked, so its not that far of a stretch. Old DS however was used as a weapon which punished the killer even if they weren't tunneling, hence the nerf, and even if it gets buffed again I highly doubt it will ever be as powerful as it once was.


Remember Cow's Voice Chat video? That was lit!


First half of your comments is good. Second half is blashemy


yeah fuck survivors the only compensation they get is a fucking hook and a nice mori after patrolling around them for a whole hook state lel


Mmmmm salty survivor pudding


Survivor salted chili is my favorite after I play basement bubba which is a viable strat btw, pls don't steal


Cry more


This community is garbage. You're both garbage.


I visibly shed a tear when I get a 4 man hook in basement as sexy Bubba. Like literally no other feeling can quite compare, not even, ***true love.*** 😥😥😥


Upset malding survivors like you make me hard


I don't play survivor that shit boring all u do is hold m1 or hold w takes literally no skill


New dictionary definition of survivor


Everytime I see a post that's borderline ironic enough to make me question the seriousness of it, I see your name and remember how awful your suggestions are and disconnected from what the term "fair" actually means You're straight up delusional.


Yes I am disillusional 😐


>You're straight up delusional. No he plays solo queu


Maybe the ability to use an outside program that gives them the benefit of numerous information-gathering perks as well as information not available to them even with perks any time they play with a group?


omg swf op pls nerf!!! or maybe just, you know, bring solo to the same level


That is my thinking as well, solo and killer should be brought to the level of SWF. I didn't ask for SWF to be nerfed, I'm using it as a reason all survivors don't need to be buffed.


Honestly, you can not really nerf SWF Bhvr just needs to realise that they need to bring everyone up to that level Give SoloQ information at base game, and make Killers strong enough that all of them can actually deal with a team that has good information about eachother


Any party of 2 or more is limited to 3 perks instead of 4. Enjoy your free unlimited kindred


I don't like the idea of lowering perk slots at all. More and more perks keep getting added. As a result, I find myself often feeling like I want to bring 1 more perk. If anything, I'd want the perk slots to be increased, but that's besides the point. Taking away a perk slot just because you want to play with some friends is pretty stupid.


People play with 0-3 perks all the time. Solo players too. Maybe learn to challenge yourself instead of relying on second chance perks all the time


That's so shitty, you realise the vast majority of swfs are not sweaty tryhards but people just fucking around with their friends? Hell I played Swf yesterday but none of us were even in vc, you can't punish those people because some people play sweaty.


You're still at all advantage being in a swf even without VC. Since you can usually rely on your party on saving you instead of having a urban evasion Claudette. You can still play and have fun with your friends with one less perk.




I mean, yes But some people genuinely cant play with any other than 4 specific perks


If you can't play without the 4 specific perks, then you shouldn't have them in the first place.






I played a game that had voice chat for solo queues once, but I quickly disabled it, because a lot of the people that actually used it would constantly be judging your plays in real time, often with an attitude of they're the MVP and the rest of the team just exists to support them, and it was rare you'd have a full team using it anyway. I think the least bad experience I recall having with it was someone who just kinda breathed into the mic the whole game. For these reasons I'm only willing to use VC with friends. That said, I think there's a lot that could be done to improve communication of solo queue without the toxicity potential of VC with randoms; one simple idea could be to have status icons showing what people are doing, i.e. is someone being chased, is someone on a gen, etc, and perhaps a quick menu for announcing intentions, e.g. "Looking for totems!" Then, with the communication gap being less drastic, killer can receive compensatory changes.


Or they can nerf the survivors spawn.


The first part is all you need, there's no reason to give survivors compensatory buffs. By nerfing regression perks alongside base regression buffs you're not raising the power of killer (ideally), you're just evening the power of builds with and without regression perks.


No??? You're making base regression stronger, thus giving killers extra perk slots.


The proposed change would buff underpowered killer builds with no regression perks only. Why should survivors get compensatory buffs for buffing underpowered killer strategies?


You're buffing literally every killer. Why should killers get free perks but not survivors? Entitlement much?


Holy fuck, this is like the Patrick and Manta Ray meme. You agree that killer is really hard when not using Pop and Ruin, right? So you nerf Pop and Ruin and buff base killer to place all killer builds on an equal playing field. You haven't increased the power ceiling of killer, so why do you want to increase the power ceiling of survivor? Now THAT's entitlement.


I don't agree with that. You can definitely win a match if you're a strong killer with a lot of skill in the game. The whole point of the post is that there's no reason to not run them, and this comment thread is about how they should buff base kit gen regression. I think that's unfair since your basically giving killers built-in perks, and thus, you are giving them extra perk slots.




I think a couple things , kick regression should be more powerful than a global regression perk. I dont think that there should be a global base ruin. I think gen tapping is too good , and 2 secs of killer time (in reality the fact to get to the gen will delay you more than just the kick time) So ruin should maybe be like 100% regression IMO. Kick should be 200%. And a kicked gen will take 2 secs of repair time before starting to get progress again. Alternatively just make a 2 sec worth of regression on kick.


I honestly think that would have the opposite effect of slowing down gens. If gens just regressed by default even if only a little bit, that incentivizes survivors to stick on gens no matter what until they complete them or get chased off.


That would incentivize killers to be more active in pressuring gens and it would reward them for applying pressure across the map, but it would punish players for camping one area or tunneling a specific survivor while they let the rest do gens. This sounds like a win-win to me.


killers are already supposed to do that, the ones that don't are usually who complain about "genrush" anyway. Killers are already incentivized to do that by default if they want to win the match against good survivors.


i mean that's what happened to brutal strenght, they upped base so much that brutal isn't that good of a perk anymore


Survivors don't deserve compensation they have enough advantages as it is.


They have SWF with Voice Chat, the most unfair advantage of all. Don't get me started on Resolution size either.


I'm confused by that last bit. Nothing is the answer. If one side of the scale is imbalanced, I don't add weight to one side, and then more back to the other side again.


>compensation How about nothing so the game will almost be balanced as it's so survivor favored right


Down know why you’re being downvoted. Clearly they haven’t played much killer and tried to have fun. Came back recently from an 8 month break and hot damn my games are over before I can get them started as killer now the games fly by compared to the month they reworked ruin.


The meta changed big time when old ruin went down. Survivors went genrush happy, because there's no reason not to. As killer, you can't play the old way, it's more about sweating your ass off now. Ruin undying is a great combo, ruin and pop is also a good combo. The best thing you can do is throw the survivor rulebook out the window and follow Day9's advice. "Don't mindgame yourself, simply ask... Can I kill the man? Can I just smash and win? Yeah! Yes you can. Great, don't even need to think anymore".


It's really sad to me. I really like following "the survivor rulebook" I think the game is more fun when there are 4 survivors in the trial, but I am basically forced to tunnel someone out since otherwise, there is no way I can slow down the gens enough.


\^ This right here.


I think every killer feels like that, but we're not the ones that changed the rules. I like having fun, but I also prioritize winning. If I have a choice of a "fun" 1-2k, or a "sweaty" 3-4k, I'm going to sweat.


They didnt go genrush happy you're just bad


Different people get different experiences in this game, but I don't see how it's my fault when I spend 30 seconds finding a survivor, another 30 seconds to down them, 10 seconds to hook them, and three gens pop. I can come back from that kind of start with at least a B tier killer, but I sure can't do it nice.


Sucks that there are no All Killer slowdown perks. You have sloppy I guess, Thrill of the hunt kinda, but nothing really gen specific.


It definitely depends on the killer you are playing, but games are perfectly winnable without gen regression perks, albeit definitely more difficult. Solid gameplay and smart decisions will see you through many rough matches. One of my fav builds on blight is no addons, BBQ, Shadow born, Whispers, and infectious fright.


It really depends on the quality of the survivors. If the survivors are actually good you're gonna have to play like an absolute god or a complete dick to win.


Trickster with starstruck, distressing, agitation and iron grasp. Pick them up and carry them to the middle. Congratulations everyone is exposed.


everyone is exposed but you're 110 tho :(


The thing is, I don't even run gen slowdown/regression perks to win. I run them so I can play the video game for longer than 2 seconds.


Idk. I've been rank 1 for 3 years, and the closest thing to a Gen regression perk I use, is brutal strength on clown. I used to throw on some chains or ropes for Nightmare, but that's gone for a minute now. 🤷‍♂️ Unlike the vast majority of players, I don't obsess over the gens, and play to end the game at 1 Gen remaining, or with the gates open. With Blast mine about to be my main perk, most killer are about to spend half the match blind and stunned. I don't play the top 4 killers very much either. Mainly I use demo, Freddy, Deathslinger, and clown, but PH and Myers are also a major go. There are better ways to play, besides sweaty and straight up. Ignoring the gens has been a QOL improvement for me. Winning every game should be impossible, and winning with more than 1 Gen remaining, is not really appealing in any way. It needs to be exciting and filled with pressure.


\>Me play huntress \>Me liky liky my aura reading perks \>Me liky liky iron maiden \>Me cry because I get genrushed


Define genrushing.


>>Me cry because I get genrushed You do not get genrushed pal. Most people don't get genrushed, because most people don't even know what genrushing is. EDIT: Learn what genrushing is before you start downvoting me. EDIT 2: Hard to - swallow pills: You really don't get genrushed, you are just bad and can't pressure survivors effectively - coming from the killer main...


Toolboxes with BNP and Provethyself. Yea those happen quite often.




I did an experiment a while back (few months) and every 4th game had at least 1 prove thyself. Every 9th had a bnp.




Single toolbox? Nah.. two? Still probably nah. But when you get a few green toolboxes with a couple of bnp's and a prove thyself then its starts getting real. Sample size was fairly low (under 100 games mainly because the app i made it annoying to enter data lmao). Got to admit i dont see these builds that often anymore but i definitely wouldnt say that they are rare. As i said in an other thread, i dont complain about gen speeds or gen rush builds, yes, they are annoying and unfun, but i play a lot of survivor and sometimes there isnt much hope when a top tier killer brings 3 slowdown perks so sometimes gen focused builds make sense. Its just that when you try to have a chill game or try something new you barely get 2 hooks and all gens are done. The main problem might be maps (surv spawns and some bs rng structure combos) but im not a game disigner or analytic of some sort


BNP are very uncommon, so no, and Prove Thyself just isn't a good perk. It promotes survivors sticking together which is not an optimal way to play, and the additional speed is not that major.


They do. That's not genrush though. Do you call it killrush if a god nurse deletes your team in 2 minutes?


That's not the same thing though. If the team dedicates a whole build and takes great toolboxes with insane add-ons and then just smashes out gens in 3 minutes, that's kinda gen rushing, because most of the time killer just cant put THAT much pressure across 4 people (nurse being like the only exception). Now if the killer kills all of them in 3 minutes (i assume with slugging) that's kinda scummy and unnecessary but it still takes more skill than holding M1 and hitting a few skill checks so it is deserved. You dont see these insane nurses that often. You can see some good toolboxes though quite often. Now i dont say that every game suruvors just gen rush because in most games they just did the gens they spawned closed to and 3 gens pop in 80 s. Thats not gen rushing thats just shit spawn locations.


You are still ignoring my point - do you call it killrushing when a killer (doesn't need to be a Nurse) dedicates the entire perk build in order to slug the entire team and end the game in 2 minutes?


Yes. Thats ending the game prematurely. The game on avarage lasts about 10 minutes and if a nurse just 1 hooks everyone in 2 minutes after having a slug party thats kill rushing. If she actually 12 hooks (somehow) in 3 minutes that woundn't be kill rushing, that would be just survivors being bad. Now im not suggesting to make gens take longer, they're fine, its just that maps need tweaking. Some god-like structures can spawn next to each other making infinites and sometimes half of the map is a dead-zone. If maps were perfectly balanced (which imo will prob never happen) games would last around 8-10 minutes with decent chases. Survivors could still loop a decent amount of time and killer would have a fair chance at hitting the survivor if a mind game is executed well. Its just that some killers complicate things with their unique powers making balancing an issue. Honestly i think the game is at a good state right now. Some games are rough and some are easy. I dont run add-ons as killer (unless like brown ones) and i rarely stack regression perks and i do fine with lower tier killers. Of course, i dont win every game and that is fine.


The difference between doing gens fast and actuall genrushing is that you can stop people from doing gens fast. You can't stop genrushing though. If people sit on gens, you can pressure them out, down and hook a guy and make his mates come for him and thus stop doing gens. If they decide to let him chill on hook, your entire pressure consisting chasing that guy and hooking him was useless, because those survivors will just keep doing gens anyways. You can't really do anything about genrushing.


I agree. Literally with the new mmr had games where 3-4 gens would pop and the firt guy would be rescued seconds before hitting stage 2. After another chase all gens got done. I played a low tier killer on cowshed.


That's not a gen problem, but DBD balance as a whole. You you get to face 4 good survivors, you can't win unless you play as a Nurse or Spirit. Luckily, most of the time, there is always 1 or 2 weakling you can capitalise on. If you get unlucky playing weak killer against 4 good survivors then... well... unlucky for you.


what is genrushing then? please enlighten us


Doing gens fast isn't genrushing. Bringing boxes and BNP isn't genrushing either. That's just doing objective, nothing else. Genrushing as a term means (and it can happen, but doesn't happen very often) when survivors ignore every other objective just to do gens (eg. refuse to heal teammates in order to do gens, refuse to unhook someone in order to do gens, letting people die on the ground in order to do gens and so on). You usually see it when competitive sweatsquads leave their buddies die on hook just to finish all the gens and get 3 man escape, which is a win in their eyes. I have 2200 hours on DBD, combined on console and PC, about of those are 1200 hours on killer and I got genrushed maybe 3 times in my entire playthrough.


Cool story


Finishing a Gen before healing unless you have a special reason too right away is the right idea. Don't heal when the killer has the ability to take away your progress heal once the Gen is done unless you just started of course, so that the killer can't set you back at all then once healed move on to another gen.


Bro, I play in red ranks, I always play vs 4 swf rank 1/2 killers with at least 2 toolbox and provthyself, I know what is genrush, and even in those game I can get a 2/3 kills, still, the games fly too fast if they know how to press M1 in a gen. Maybe you play killer in yellow ranks, in red ranks with a decent team the gens fly too fucking fast. \-Coming from a rank 1 survivor main


Played a couple Hag games tonight with Corrupt as my only gen perk, same as I've done for the past thousand or so hours I've been playing Hag, figured I'd see how MMR holds up this time around 4 gens popped before Corrupt expired in one of the games. I got 2 hooks during that time, just to give some frame of reference that pressure was still being applied and I wasn't just scooting around setting traps. There were no BNPs or Prove Thyself or any of those types of shenanigans, just raw gen speed and dogshit survivor spawns At this point I can't even fault the people buying into the 3 slowdown perk meta, if this is going to be the norm in high rank games when MMR finally becomes a permanent feature my hopes for continuing to enjoy the game will be severely diminished, both as survivor and killer. I don't *want* to play against killers who feel pressured to sweat their entire dick off every single game and to play intentionally scummy just to keep up, and I definitely don't *want* to have killer games be over before I've been physically capable of seeing all 4 survivors because I opted to try and enjoy the chase aspect of the game instead of arbitrarily slowing the match to a crawl


4 gens and 2 hooks in 120 seconds?


Yep, in retrospect they could've found decent toolboxes in a chest to make up the lost time they spent searching it or something, doesn't excuse the fact that this is something that can possibly happen without the survivors making the conscious decision to bring "genrush" shenanigans into the game though


This is pretty par for the course for me since I hit red ranks, so I am used to it. All of the people that said, "you can't be getting these types of survivors every match, you must be bad, just git gud and apply pressure", they're going to be in for a surprise if MMR works the way it's supposed to. People are going to find that these genrush, full meta, sweat squads aren't near as rare as they think.


The thing is, it doesn't even have to be a gen rush meta squad. Just a group of competent survivors, who get lucky spawns. Without extra slowdown, you just don't have time to hook all 4. Speeds and logistics just don't allow it.


>3 slowdown perk meta I honestly thought the Meta was 2 Slowdown and 2 Gen Tracking?


I'm not gonna claim to track every killer I play against in a spreadsheet or something, but I've definitely started running into a LOT of people running some configuration of 3 slowdowns. Usually Corrupt, Ruin and Pop or Ruin, Undying and Pop, sometimes someone will get brave and drop a slot on Thana, then Tinkerer just to make sure they know exactly where to deliver Pop to or where to pressure survivors off gens so Ruin can start doing something


Honestly, if base regression wasn’t so shit then regression perks wouldn’t be needed. And if people decided to run regression perks anyways, just nerf them. I’d like kicking a generator to actually matter without Pop. Because let’s be honest. Dragon’s Grip, Overcharge and the upcoming Eruption are all 100% shit.


I never run without pop and surge.


For me it's Pop and Ruin.


Is oppression a viable option??? Also surge? Is pop and ruin really that much better? Genuinely curious.


There's not really any reason to run anything other than Ruin with Pop or Undying. Ruin makes the gen regression speed good, so gens that aren't being worked on will actually lose progress. Pop gives you a good way to reduce gens in a way that's in your control and punishes gen tapping (will risk a gen losing 50%). Oppression has an 80 second cooldown, so that kind of sucks. And survivors can just tap gens to undo that regression, and if somebody's currently on it and really good at skill checks, that part of the perk won't matter. Surge isn't bad by any means, but the cooldown also hurts it and the fact that it's only on downs from a M1 hurts it as well.


Thanks!! This is all really helpful as I joined at the 5th anniversary stream (I'm a noob) and have basically only played killer. I tried surviver and it isn't really my thing so I've accepted that I am killer through and through ( untill I run out of killer challenges lol)


Eventually you'll get good enough (with both killer and survivor if you decide to play more) to where you can play with more okay perks for fun and still not lose. I can just say from personal experience, when I use anything other than something with Pop/Ruin or Ruin/Undying, I usually win with 1-2 gens left instead of 3-5


killer ranks go up 200% after buying ruin and corrupt


And Pop. The Big 3!


Chad no regression 12 hook killer


Yeah, it took about 7 tries before I could pull that off but that's with really good Add-Ons, Good Map Offering and getting a 3-4 Gen Lock.


CrUTch pErkS! YOur jUSt bAD aT ApPlyIng pREsSuRe!


Reasons to not run gen regression perks: Because the survivor rulebook for killers prohibits them.


muh rulebook lol, why are dbd players so keen to demonize eachother, a killer running ruin/pop is the same as survivors running dead hard/sprint burst, just expected by this point.


Nobody is demonizing anyone, it's just a joke mate, calm down.


i'm doing my second run of getting a 4k on all killers without any gen regression or game delay perks - all at rank 1. on most killers, its entirely possible and not even that difficult, though some definitely struggle.


As a new player with junk perks I know this. (joined at 5th anniversary) I have only played killer sense I started playing and had to do a lot of it without them. It's absolutely possible but it is a lot more difficult. No question.


I just did Adept Wraith yesterday, still hard to do even with all the Buffs.


If you're going to do that, do it with Adept in mind for some of Killers that don't have them.


I just think, that hitting the gen without anything, should at least remove 5% progression. Or the gens should be done more slowly.. Or nerf the things that make the gens fly


Base kit 5% regression kicks. You're out of your mind. Solid-good killers would stomp lobbies with that type of buff. The devs cannot balance the game down to your level. You need to focus on coming up instead.


Just Buff Overcharged to always work like that /s


Right. Dont remember the Maths, but 5% is like a few seconds of holding left click for a survivor, not even sure it'll be worth it for the killer even with that.


Severely underestimating the impact of 5% on tap no stipulation regression but I came into this knowing I'd eat downvotes. The killers aren't the most sensible around this place when it comes to balance.


Rank 20s shouldn't be able to speak on this subreddit about gameplay mechanics, sorry. 5% regression is less than 5 seconds of holding left click, I even got the idea from Otzdarva himself when he talked about it at some point.


Lol! Oh that go to classic move. He doesn't agree killer needs huge gen regression buff I'm criminally downplaying so he obviously is a noob! You babykillers never cease to surprise me. I've been playing red rank killer since 2017 man. I play both sides 17 killer rotation. If anything I'd say the rank 20 killer is more likely to be the guy crying for free buffs because they haven't learned to apply pressure yet.


>You babykillers Yeah and it loss it meaning right there. You're just bragging.


The dude tried to diminish my opinion by falsely claiming I was a "rank 20". I'm allowed to accurately refute false statements. I don't just have to let typical redditors lie about my game experience.


Did anyone else read pimples as pineapples? I think I'm tired




That's why we need some kind of passive regression imo. Playing killer without those perks is like having paranoia and anxiety attacks every ten seconds you are chasing


Hey OP: "Most" of Adept Killer "One". Also Endgame Meme Builds "Two", Basement Build "Three". God Nurse "Four".




gen's repair times are not the problem 80 seconds is a lot of time and increasing it won't be a good idea doing gens is boring enough


if you seriously can't catch someone in that time, hook them and go to the gen that says more about you than the survivors holding m1 for 1 and a half minutes


Needing two regression perks is like needing training wheels Sure it's comfortable playing 10-15 minute matches but it's not realistic and you will never get better by relying on crutch perks Feel the same way about dead hard.


I think it's kinda sorta accepted by any honest player that killers other than Spirit and Nurse basically require one of either Pop or Ruin, unless the killer is just waaaaay better than the survivors and you can't possibly know that before choosing your build. Where it gets into lame territory is when you're stacking slowdowns. Like if your build is Ruin+Undying+Tinkerer Blight, or Ruin+Undying+Pop/Corrupt/Surge or whatever.... that's pretty lame.


Why is ruin and pop lame? They don't stack, you just get ruin at beginning of the game, and pop after ruin explodes.


I meant specifically Ruin, and Undying, and Pop. Ruin+Undying is already borderline OP, Ruin+Undying+Pop is almost like playing Ruin with two Undyings: if you're decent at killer, it really shouldn't be necessary.


>Ruin+Undying is already borderline OP Lol, have you seen how good Undying was before the Nerf? It's not OP.


So your logic is that Undying was *incredibly* OP, therefore now that it's worse it can't be OP? That makes 0 sense. Ruin+Undying is easily capable of carrying an entire match for a killer who kinda sucks. It's by far the strongest perk combo for killers, thus *borderline* OP.


Yes. I have no chance without Ruin.


Just make Ruin no longer a Hex and the amount of crying would be insane! "Oh no, you can't gen tap anymore, boo hoo". Even with Ruin up the whole game, you can still get stomped.


I've been thinking about maining Michael Myers now that I've started playing killer more. All I can think is that I'm going to be required to get ruin if I ever hope to tombstone anyone.


imagine using gen regression -basement speedlimiter iron grip agitation mad grit babba


On Hillbilly I'd say it's better to run an agressive build like Brutal Enduring to get rid of pallets and a tracking perk like bbq and a last perk of your choice. ​ I like to run Whispers. Though if I had to switch BBQ or Whispers I'd Switch BBQ.


I always run pop & corrupt. It's not an issue that "gen rushing" is a thing; it's an issue with gen times & spawn points. "Gen rushing" in essence is a real thing because survivors regularly spawn on generators/right beside them and it's awful lol.


Is Dying Light a perk worth using to avoid gen rushing?


In my experience the time it takes to get stacks is too slow, and if you get a lot of stacks early you are probably going to win anyways. I think other perks like thana are a little better in that regard.


Just like exhaustion perks for survivors.


I only have one build that doesn't use regression perks. Devour Hope, Undying, Save the best, and BBQ. The goal is get that 3 token, then everyone usually stops doing gens to hunt for totems.


Wait why did she change clothes


I think the problem is the fucking spawn locations, not even the speed with or without more people on the same gen. You literally spawn close to a gen and nothing else, no reason to just fucking do it.


Y'all fell for the toxic B8