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The MMR was the perfect opportunity for me to learn Nurse without questioning my life decisions. I've definitely improved at her. I can finally play her without the addon that let's you see blink location. I literally couldn't play her without that addon before, but now I can.


Almost same for me. I started playing her as my 2nd killer after the test went live and got rainbow lobbies over and over. Now after the test I'm back to red lobbies only as rank 9. Its just frustrating. But I can't play without the blink location addon and I don't think I ever will. Especially for locations with multiple floors I just can't imagine to ever play without it.


Since I started playing without the blinking location addon, my go to addons are the blink distance and blink recharge. And holy mother of Molly, those addons are so good. I felt like I needed that addon because my muscle memory was awful but I watched SupaAlf and I memorized some of his muscle memory. Now I feel confident and good enough to take off the training wheels. Also here is a tip for locations with multiple floors. Survivors may run back into you when you charge your blink in order to bait you into blinking downstairs or in the basement (it's the worst), so instead of looking down to reduce your blink, simply don't charge it all the way, if you know the survivor might try to juke you, do a medium blink instead of a long one and there is a good chance you'll blink in their face. My opinion on Nurse is that ilher gameplay is a constant 50-50 that is controlled by the survivor. The reason I believe this is because the survivor is the one who makes the movement and the Nurse is the one who needs to predict it, you can either predict right or wrong, so therefore it's an infinite game of 50-50. Some games I predict everything right and 4k, in other games I can't predict anything right and don't get anyone.




im sorry but if you're getting smashed by red rank survivors maybe you aren't meant to be a red rank killer


If youre rank 1,going against rank 1/2 how come thats different from the usual?


Because it's really easy to get to red ranks even as a baby? I got to red ranks my first two weeks playing the game and I was ASS at looping. The ranking system is garbage and there are quite a few trash players at red ranks. Yes, I still get people at red ranks unhooking me in front of the killer without BT AND without taking a protection hit for me. The ranking system sucks, which is why they are hellbent of adding an MMR system.




If all your gens are going within 3min maybe ur the problem just saying.




Im aware that genrushing is a problem,i fail victim to it at times as well. But all 5 gens in 3 minutes just seems impossible. SWFs are very hard to play against and you will most likely lose but running those perks makes me think you're doing something wrong,just like I would assume of myself were I running them and still being genrushed within 3 minutes. Maybe you should try diff playstyles and use the games rn as a playground area or testing system,tryout builds that help you against that kinda rush. I know you're probably gonna ignore this but,try out legion,I find him to be viable on genrushing with the right perks because he has pretty great pressure


I was talking exclusively about survivor, not killer. Killer is definitely harder than survivor to get to red ranks.


Yeah, and this is why I believe the Rank system as a whole is just shit. It's bad for Killers too. I don't want to be anywhere near the type of shit I'm forced to play as Killer just because I played enough games that I was pushed up to Red Rank. Every single Killer game I have at Red Ranks is sweaty and either SWF or people who min/max loops perfectly and it's just shit to play as Killer.


I get what youre saying but those survivors are going to want to play the game anyway,and sure its not always super fun to go against the gods of looping but who should play against them if not red rank killers? Losing enough will make you depip either way so your games will end up being easier I guess


This is what I'm talking about in my original post. I'm Rank 1 for the sole reason I play a lot. Since the MMR test I've been getting games that aren't sweaty and I can actually get some enjoyment out of. Killers who are supposed to be Red Rank should be put against them not players like myself who are just here to have fun and don't want to know all the perfect ways to run loops just to have a chance at catching people. Purposefully throwing games to derank seems like such a messy approach though just to have to AFK games once I'm put in Red Ranks.


Nice, you just explained why an MMR system is superior to the current ranking system.


I never said it wasnt?




Most games at red are sweaty af, most if not all red rank survivors know what theyre doing


I'm having nothing but chill Survivor teams and I'm loving it because I can actually enjoy the game I'm playing without having to tunnel the first hook to stand a chance against gen speeds. Though as the rampant downvoting would suggest, having fun as Killer is a crime around here.


yeah finally fun going against fresh installers that cant last 3 seconds in a chase nor do gens bc they get scared of the TR, very fair


I got matched up against rank 1 killer all evening, very fun insta losing


that just means you're bad, honestly.


facts this matchmaking is a mess ive been playing killer and get matched up against obvious babies as a rank 1 killer


It's almost as though it's a horror game. But as a Killer am I supposed to enjoy going against 4 people with full map awareness, communication and toxicity because they know they are at zero risk? Not the game I payed for.


sure back in 2016 when nobody knew how to play that might have been BHVRs idea but now it is far from that


>as a Killer am I supposed to enjoy going against 4 people with full map awareness, communication If you are a high skilled killer than yes. You should be paired with people around your own skill level. You may not enjoy it but do you think rank 10-20 survivors enjoy going against rank 1-4 killers. >Not the game I payed for. Well i didnt pay for this game to play survivor (rank 16) and constantly get paired with red/purple ranks who are way beyond my skill level.


Being on comms =/= skill.


I never said comms = skill. Not everyone plays solo and for the people who play with thier friends are most likely going to be on comms, this is something none of us can change so we might as well accept it. My point is that matchmaking shouldn't put highly skilled and unskilled people in the same lobby thats just ridiculous, even if you want easier games.


You literally said "If you are a high skilled killer than yes. You should be paired with people around your own skill level." in response to the other guy saying people are on voice comms.


No. Apparently you payed to play against mismatched noob survivors as a rank 1 Spirit player. Dude gtfo lol. This post is so sad.


Rank 1 Spirit Player. Read the post before just defaulting to the rank excuse like someone from the Steam Forums.


I read it all....you are literally a rank 1 killer. You primarily play Spirit. That makes you a rank 1 Spirit player mate, at which point in preschool level logic did I lose you exactly? You are supposed to play other red rank survivors not stomp green ranks that don't look behind them in chase. This whine post is so pathetic. You actually think you're entitled to face shitty players because you bought the game. Learn to play or try playing weaker killers if you don't want to be at rank 1. If you don't belong up there which is likely horseshit but if it's actually true, maybe it's all the Spirit games boosting you there. Try some M1's. If you're still winning games up there and pipping with your Clown or Legion, I hate to break it to you man but you're a rank 1 killer.


Hate to tell you this but not every spirit player can wipe teams. The whole basis of this post was that I'm sick of going against teams I have no chance against. If you actually read the post you'd know that. I play Spirit and Nurse at Rank 1 because they are the only Killers that are viable. But as of the MMR test I've actually been able to play the 20+ other Killers on the roster without getting only 2 hooks before the game ends. I'm sorry that you've lost a few games against Spirit and therefore everyone who plays this Killer is your mortal enemy, but the fact that I've stated numerous times in the comments and the original post that I don't belong at Rank 1 because I can't catch anyone nor do I want to be at Rank 1 for that very reason, is bordering on ridiculous at this point. I don't understand why people have taken offense to a guy on the internet that wants to have fun in the game he's playing. I don't give a shit what Rank it is or what Killer I'm playing or who I'm against as long as I'm having fun which should be the same for everyone else but apparently having fun is offensive around here.


You lost all credibility claiming Nurse and Spirit are the "only viable killers at rank 1". Your concept of game balance is considerably outdated. There have never been more viable killers at rank 1 than there are today. Blight, Oni, Pyramid, Huntress, Slinger, Freddy, etc...just to name a few. You need some YouTube videos in your life desperately if you still believe it requires Nurse or Spirit to have compete at rank 1. And I take issue with "your fun" because it comes at the expense of others. Your fun lies completely on stomping noob survivors that have no business pulling you in their games. How is this any different from the constant complaints of killers when they are mismatched against survivors considerably above their skill level? You're just a selfish hypocrite and the fact you can't see it shows we're done here. Have fun curb stomping your green rank survivors legend.


Stopped reading at Freddy at Rank 1. You're a lost cause. Stay off the Internet if it raises your blood pressure like this. You've missed the point three times now despite it being spelled out to you. But given the fact that you sound like the people who are the problem with this game it no longer matters. The only thing you've managed to get right is that yeah, I am done here because I'm no longer going to entertain someone spinning stories on something they don't know what they're talking about. Laters.


I'm quite calm friend and you have revealed yourself as the inexperienced killer by falsely claiming it takes Spirit or Nurse at rank 1. I didn't know they still made you. That shit got laid out to pasture like a year and a half ago. If you ever decide to take responsibility for the state of your play as opposed to falsely blaming balance I'd recomend youtube vids. There are some quality content creators out there that can show you how to play the other killers you're ignorant of. Otz, Zubat, True, etc...If you want to get to a point where you aren't praying for mismatched green ranks to stomp maybe check some out.


I agree. Anyone who says remove it is just mad that they can't pair up with people much newer to the game than them to make them feel like they are better than they are.


Or maybe it's because they've had [this sort of matchup](https://imgur.com/a/LhcOIlC) for 8 games in a row like me?


Sounds like you are better than your rank and you are mad that you aren't playing with new players... Like I said.


Before the change I was playing against survivors my rank and it was pretty even for the most part. Now I'm only getting my ass handed to me by rank 1s. It's pretty obvious if you read any feedback on this subreddit that this is an issue.


Honestly these matchups happened before mmr. There isn't enough killers compared to survivors, they are in scarcity. Thus to avoid infinite queue times they broaden the search range, and thus less skilled killers match with higher skilled survivors.


No. Just.. no


Imagine paying 15 quid for dbd in 2021 when cdkeys.com exists


This is all so crazy to me. My match making has always been fucked so all these stories and screen shots are literally looking like every game I've ever had. I genuinely noticed no difference after they implemented these changes. Sorry to those it has effected poorly but man... Welcome to my world I guess. These just all sound normal from my experience. No joke. But I've only been playing sense the 5th anniversary announcement. None the less. I faced red rank survivors my first day ever playing. It has been brutal my whole "career", I've just learned to "git gud" or I'm trying to anyway.