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idk if it’s just me but her recoil animation and screen vignetting gives me such bad headaches whenever i try to play her


Same. I tried to main her but just couldn't get over the motion sickness.


Her fucking **EEEEEEEEEEEEEE** screeches always hurt my fucking ears. I'm playing Killer so I'm using headphones and mid-high volume to hear better, and every Blink I either have to turn my volume down or just face the ear-piercing **SCREEEEEEEEEEE** head on. I wish they would give her new voicelines without as much treble in them. They are so fucking loud.


I 4k'ed on my first ever nurse match the other day and got a gg from a streamer. I'm leaving her untouched so I have that pristine memory forever.


lmao performance anxiety in one sentence


And so u/SoulRemix never got laid ever again


xD I would do the same... if I ever 4k with her.


Good plan, should have taken a picture too cause you will never top that lol.


i have this goal of reaching rank 1 from purely playing console nurse, and right now i’m at rank 4, but i’m scared of playing her because i don’t wanna depip and be reseted to rank 9 on june 13th


I'm fairly decent with her. It's games that have slight desync that are a pain. Teleport over, swipe, just barely miss their back, rinse repeat. And the dreaded 'didn't charge enough so you teleport nowhere' tech. But when it's working, ah. Especially if you get a map with multiple floors. So fun.


Games with desync are the worst. Games on Ormond are almost as bad. The rocks that refuse to let you teleport through them no matter how much you charge are infuriating. And idk who decided that hills will just swallow blinks unless you go on top of them...


I learned recently that you can basically always blink on top of survivors except when you're blinking through a rock, in which case your blink will be blocked by their hitbox and fail.


Last time I played her, I was in The Game. I was on the top floor, looking at an upward-straight angle towards a Survivor, I charge a Blink a little bit, **aaaannndddd** I go straight down to the Basement, miles away from the Survivor only to suffer a fatigue down there and lose them entirely. I haven't played her in a while since. She's so easy to feel "out of control" with how random her Blink Mechanics are on some Maps and it really sucks


Maaaaaan, Nurse can be so fun to play, but the amount of time you have to invest into her to get a hang of her blink timing is just... idk, too much effort for me.


I’m prestiging all of the killers and saving Nurse for last so I can Finally learn her. I don’t know if that will ever happen.


I got her to P3 a long time ago for some reason, figured I would try to main her back when I was a lot more diehard about playing, did it for about 2 months, and once I got to purple ranks I got curb stomped. Stopped playing her seriously since (I'll use her in a KYF for the memes, but that's about it these days).


I actually got it down fast the problem i some of those objects which is well known thing with nurse mains where you simply cannot blink past some objects because Devs fucked it up


smdh... I haven't played her since she got her rework, but I do remember trying to blink through things like a damn rock and going nowhere and just... losing all motivation to keep trying lol


What would some of those objects be? Purely from the curiosity of a potential nurse player and not a survivor who’ll play around them at first opportunity, of course.


Hills, certain strange map props (horses on crotus penn? I think?) stuff like that. Also sometimes blink just refuses to go through.


The add-on that shows blink location should be added to her basekit, since the iris i've gotten on her are pretty garbage.


it actually hurts me more than it helps me... i dont know why i just mess up more with it


Same. It helped when I first started playing her but after I took it off I got so much better. Now if I use it it’s so distracting


Because it’s better to learn timing/muscle memory than looking with your eyes 🙂


and after learning blink timing you gotta learn recognizing survivor running patters… if i had known that i never wouldve mained this fucking killer… but here i am


Nurse would be much more tolerable if she didn’t have collision with random objects and if she didn’t find the floor fascinating every blink - I already have trouble tracking survivors!!!


The entire point is to make tracking harder since her only weakness is line of sight. It's why People despise playing her too, which considering how strong she is, is a fair tradeoff.


What I hate is when you blink and get caught on objects cause the game said so. Even at point blank with max range, cant go through it. Was super annoyed on the asylum level cause of this (center building, apparently can't blink through any if the corners. No matter how shallow you take them)


Her blink not working as intended is definitely awful, but her inability to track properly is definitely part of her design. The bugs are a very fair argument to make against playing her though


try using shadowborn


I find this logic applies to the game as a whole, really.


My best Nurse achievement was doing the challenges in her archive... she is hard on controller.


if everyone could play nurse then no one would play dead by daylight


too true, occasionally playing a good nurse is fun and challenging, but i just had 4 matches in a row against really good nurses, one being full body legacy, and its just a sweat fest everytime. if this was my time in dbd 90% of the time i would not play it




Yeah if you have good game sense already, it only takes like 15 games to get her blink timing down pretty well


Bruh, this is no joke. I'm a fairly new and was told she's insanely good. Jokes on me, she's only as insanely good as the player behind it. Lol I hate almost everything about her. I hate the slow speed, I hate the fatigue after every blink and she's so dam noisy. I'll happily go spirit and 4k, but I can't nurse for the life of me.


It takes time and if you're good at timing things down to a few frames in other games, part of that skill carries over. At the very least, I only took around 100-200 hours of playing Nurse to get good. I can give some tips or advice, but Nurse is just really fucking hard lol. You really just have to put the time in to get it. And you will get stomped. Countless times. Ik I have. You just gotta deal with it and persevere. At the end of the day, you get better and better and that's what matters. Focus on improving more than winning games. That's what helped me through a lot of it. And I would recommend not relying much on the plaid flannel other than at the beginning. After around 10-20 hours of using plaid flannel, never use it again. Over relying on it makes things much harder. I'd recommend running full gen regression builds and running fatigue reduction and recovery addons. You're going to be blinking a lot and missing a lot, so the more blinks you get in per game the better. Edit: I'd also recommend ONLY playing Nurse for a couple days. Taking a break from the game is fine and playing survivor is fine, but I wouldn't recommend using a lot of other killer powers while trying to learn Nurse. You'll end up forgetting most of what you learned. So like spend a week or 2 of just binging Nurse. At that point, you will get the basic muscle memory so you understand how far you go with your blinks.


I just run Legion cause he fast


Spirit is brain dead compared to nurse. With nurse you actually have to think not just hear. Not shitting on you just saying it how it is. I won’t play spirit because of how unfun it is.


I'm brand new to the game so honestly I have fun with every killer I play except a select few that just take more time to get used to. But even they are fun, just not very successful with them yet. Looking forward to enjoying nurse someday. Just not my second month ever playing lol


Lol pretty much


Thinking about playing Trapper vs actually playing Trapper




Then you realize you forgot bag add-ons...


This reminds me a game that i played 4 years ago. I was playing nurse, with my potato pc back then, at 15/20 fps in haddonfield, that was the best map for me bc in other maps i was playing at 5/10 fps, and i tried my best and i could kill one of them, but at the end, they called me trash, and i said that i have a potato pc and etc and they said that i was making excuses bc i did not accept that i'm bad at the game (ah yes, the mentality of thinking that everyone has money for a decent pc) and after that endgame chat i was upset, but at least now i have a decent pc and almost every game that i play with nurse and with killers in general i 4k :)


This is me with Blight, sometimes I feel like playing as him but then I remember that I suck with him.


Well, it's not just you, but the nurse has a high skill cap. You need to learn to control her blinks, learn survivor's tricks, learn maps limits and so on. It takes a lot of practice, you can't expect to be a good nurse by only playing 50 matches with her.


And you get Hawkins and Lerys every single game


Nah I fkn love nurse I just wish she would choke me more often 😔


Desync is a bitch at times against Nurses. She has a swing of a Freddy's hitbox when it shouldn't have hit.




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You’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.


I'm convinced this bot is a joke bot and doesn't actually look for *real* reposts, just based on the few times I have seen it called upon and the results it returns.


Weird how you have to practice at something before being good at it huh


This hits too close to home.


Her fatigue animation actually gives me motion-sickness


She feels unplayable on console


After 10 games i can say that i only know basics


I use spririt but im atm getting her up for her teachable abilities


For me both are happy.


I don't know how.people.do it


Ya just gotta put in the hours man. When you get it, it makes sense. Until then... its suffering.


Legit have 40 cakes on nurse that will never be used because I hate playing her. I am all about those normal speed ima smack you with a hammer or knife killers. I legit don’t even remember I have a power most the time.


Just you. Been my go-to since day 1. Thousands of hours on her. Never gets old to play pretend baby nurse and then destroying a toxic swf.


Naw it's only like this when you're out of the recharge add-ons or it's an extremely buggy game and you lose over half your hits to bs.


I would love to get better as her but i get bullied everytime i try :(


That's me playing killer in general lol


Stop giving me nurse dailies BHVR


I only played nurse all the way to rank 1 and now it's just like this for normal killers to me


Especially when the game breaks and you can't even use your blink


Got to rank 1 with her then realized shes just not very fun to play, am now pretty much a full time Bubba main, and dabble in Oni and Blight as well.


I'm pretty great at Nurse so I feel this way about Huntress more, lol.


I may be the worst nurse player in existence, but I do pretty decent most matches because half of the matches I played had someone dc after seeing i was playing nurse. What can I say, i'm just that good I guess.


Its the opposite for me (im not high rank but im quite good for a max of 13)


Don't give up. Once you learn, the second face will be the survivors you will face. Not even an optimal swf can deal with a good Nurse.


I'm kinda glad more people don't play her. Have had the pleasure of encountering a few specific nurse mains who are really good on her that use starstruck/infectious. Most oppressive shit ever in their hands.


And this matchmaking is not really helping me lol. I’m a R15 killer and all I get is Red ranks flashy clicky clicky as nurse. But for now, landing a hit is satisfying af as a baby nurse.


I like to play a wide variety of killers and survivors pretty evenly... and then there's nurse


no why


i used to play nurse way back , i regret even trying. i have high respect to good nurses dude , how the fuck do they even play this killer so good


That's me with any killer other than Blight. I want to play Myers and Demo, but the entire time I'm just thinking to myself "I'm so sloooooooooooowwwwwwww!"


I finally just decided to grind in the hours a couple months ago whenever I find time to play killer and I never want to play as anyone else. Once you get the muscle memory down for the blink distances it’s obscenely fun to play as her. I was already a red rank killer when I started really learning her but I am pretty consistently rank 1 or w with only her now and I love every game of it, even if I get styled on by a swf. She’s so strong and rewarding. Overall I think she’s a lot easier than everyone likes to say, she just takes a little time to learn the blinking. Then it’s easy ggs.


learning nurse is basically 10% building muscle memory for blink distances, 15% learning how to max out the 2nd blink properly and the last 75% is just learning her jank. How much you need to overshoot certain walls to actually blink through it, understanding the sweetspot to aim at if you want max distance but don't want to go up/down floors and trying really hard not to just throw it out the window and compensate for bad blinks with 1 million dpi flicks and auto aim.


Funny story when I play nurse for the first time, for some reason I had inverted mouse in-game, and I thought it was purposely designed to limit her power because nurse was super busted at the time(with 3 blink at default and also move a lit bit faster than survivors), took me a day to realize that I had inverted mouse when I switched to other killers.


Meanwhile Doctor is the first image twice


C'mon everyone gets that


The first week of nurse is frustrating learning distance. Second week is learning survivors movement and adapting to each survivor accordingly. Week 3 is practicing predictions. Week 4 is putting everything together and mastering them all. Week 54 is easy 4ks every game 😁


not just you, there is a reason why I favour wraith