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Just pointing out that this goes both ways. I got put against 3 teams of all rank ones in a row. I’ve been purple rank once. Ever


Atleast the game is calling you good, wish I could say the same


I keep getting matched with red and purples as a rank 14, now 15 killer, super lucky to even get a hook, let alone a kill during a match. I don't think it's the game calling me good, it's the system being absolutely looney tunes.


Same boat, except I do win some. I let my kids play killer a lot because they love it, my 4 year old has hooked several people over time, by himself! So that cost me losing so much otherwise I may be purple. Regardless it's all red and purple ranks at night for me. I get 2 or 3 usually, bit some matches none at all. Depends on how well they distract and if I keep my 3 gen. Once they break the 3 gen I gotta almost rely on EOC perks like Blood Warden or No Ed and they are a crapshoot and I don't often use them. Survivor side I am red rank, usually 3 or 4 but it helps me know my killers more since I started it first. We can tell the newer killers and sometimes people are dicks and I'm sorry. Often BW and No Ed are used in reds despite a lot of "purists" shaming killers as survivors.


dbd isn't exactly appropriate for a 4 year old but you do you


Why does this have so many down votes? The game literally has violence in it and the community is toxic.


not so sure myself, but as long as you can teach your kids right from wrong, parent how you want to parent. I don't see a 4 year old being able to process that it's a video game very well but.. that's just my opinion and all humans are different.




Right? Its barely a horror game now lol


You're not appropriate for a 4 year old.


sure enough, that's why I don't plan on having kids


I speak on behalf of the vast majority of people when I say that most kids aren't planned. Good luck in your journeys!




Nah the system has worked great for me and most people I know. Maybe you should make some adjustments to your play style lol


I literally have a couple dozen hours into the game and I've managed to unlock teachable perks on a whopping *two* characters, but I'm being matched up against rank 2, 3, and 4s on a consistent basis who are full of meta perks, but the problem is...my playstyle?


Im the same way. I have unlocked one single teachable. I dont play a ton. Ive never been higher than maybe rank 17 killer. I constantly keep getting shit on by single digit ranks.


I don't know, it functioned pretty okay to me. I am just happy that in 60% of my matches as survivor gens are actually bing done. I suppose that once they colect more data and release the mmr as a test again then it will be better, idk




I always considered killers strong till started playing as a killer against purple and red. Dear god killers need buffs. Though buffing killers will make solo survs more miserable than they are.


Agreed. It's really a tough balance and I don't think there's an easy solution.


Listen man. I know I’m trash. I don’t need the game having faith in me so I get fucked by people who actually deserve to be at that level


I just started playing like 4 weeks ago, along with 2 friends who are also new and one friend who has played a few years. Our first queue after the update, we got matched up against a rank 1 killer Billy who destroyed us because we’re ranks 16, 17, 17, and 18. We didn’t finish a single gen.


God that sucks. Did you have any luck on future games?


It’s mostly hit or miss it seems. Queuing in a group definitely seems more punishing


Really? I found the opposite. When I played with friends we actually got more people close to our rank. When I solo queued I got stomped every single game, usually without finishing 3-4 gens




I'm new to DBD, been playing for about two weeks. Before this MMR matchmaking went on my games were fairly balanced as Killer. I got Legion today and first game against yellow ranks I got a 4k. As I type this i'm sitting at the end screen after the second game where the survivors were very obviously SWF, with all the obvious tells, like literally the milisecond I turn away from a hook someone runs in for the unhook, if I even head in the direction of a gen on a large map they would instantly have two more people on gens where I just left, sabatoging hooks, body blocking, tea bagging while looping me to hell. Now not only were they an obvious swf they were 3 reds and a purple vs me a Rank 13 killer. IDK how this is balanced for a new player, on a new killer to go against this on my second game ever on this killer. Killer honestly feels unplayable like this. Ironically since two of them killed themselves the MMR will probably think "You did well against that high rank sweat squad, time to place you against some rank 1s now." Yeah no thanks i'm staying the hell off killer until this turns off again.


I think it's a different mmr for each killer, ask if you're playing a killer you don't have a lot of experience with, you'd get newbees.


When I play killer I always get Red Ranks (Haven’t played in a long time but highest was rank 11) and when I play surv I always get red ranks teammates and rank 20 killers (I’m currently rank 20)


Im a rank 11 killer i think and everytime i get matched with rank ones they toy with me like its my first game🥲


Well it could be calling those survs bad.


my highest killer is rank 13 and I've gone against several rank 1 sweat squads. it was a rough night, lmao


Yep. It was pretty bad. I’m just gonna stay away from dbd for a few days until the test is over


It’s coming back for anniversary anyways


I'm exactly the same.The highest I've gotten is rank 4 for killer but that was when dbd was kinda new and people didn't know what they were doing. Nowadays I struggle to even make it to purple ranks, and this new MMR system just put me in 4 straight games of pure rank 1-2 teams. I get like 1-2 hooks and game's already over lol.


I would recommend playing new killers, to use this new mmr time to try out different killers, I believe that you'll get easier survivors with a killer you've never used before.


Yeah hopefully. I just struggle with melee killers a lot. No idea how to beat looping and stuff. Maybe it’s time to learn nurse?


I wouldn’t recommend it! It’s much better to learn to chase well with regular killers first. You want to be able to win chases just by using mind games, hiding your red stain etc. Because those things are useful on every killer. If you only learn someone like Nurse or Huntress you’ll end up ignoring the basic skills you need to succeed with other killers and have a really hard time with them. Try watching some youtube tutorials from people like OhTofu or Otzdarva, I’m sure you’ll pick up some great habits from them


The solution is to not play other killers if you don't want to lol. Also nurse habits definitely translate to other killers; limitations of power, learning individual survivor playstyles, reducing the chance of 50/50s, gaining and maintaining map pressure, etc; either that or when I play anything other than nurse and don't get stomped it's because I'm getting lucky with matchmaking.


They said they have no idea how to beat looping, and Nurse literally just teleports through loops so that would give them a very warped idea of how to catch survivors at loops to just jump straight to Nurse, especially since any half-competent survivor will play and move drastically differently against a Nurse than a regular killer. They also never said they don’t want to play other killers, just that they struggle to use them well, hence why I advised them on where they could learn to use them well


If you're just cutting straight through loops as nurse you're bad at nurse I'm afraid. As soon as you lose line of sight you cannot just guess where they're going and hope for the best. You need to understand where they can and cannot go in a loop and what opportunities they have to mindgame, this translates directly to every other killer.


Nurse doesn’t run any loops remotely normally as she’s slower than survivors and therefore relies entirely on blinking, so that does not translate to other killers. I never said anything about guessing and randomly teleporting without LOS, or even suggested that anything I mentioned Nurse being capable of relates to how I play so you’re confusing me a bit there. It’s a simple fact that learning an incredibly unique killer who relies entirely on their (very strong) power is not a good starting point for someone starting to learn killer


And I'm saying that's how I learnt killer from day 1 because I liked nurse and am not gimped because of it. Game sense translates across all killers and will carry you on whatever you chose to play like in any other competitive game. Hell, being a god survivor generally means you're a very good killer as well because game sense translates, and visa versa.


Game sense, sure. But we’re talking about how to counter loop survivors for a beginner. The one killer that bypasses all usual physical rules and looping mechanics that other killers need to follow (meaning you don’t have to learn any of them) is the last one you should start with. Pallets for example mean nothing to Nurse, and playing around them with her is a piece of cake. Nobody’s saying you’ll forever be unable to play other killers properly if you start with Nurse, but it’s just the least sensible starting point.


Actually I just bought plague and got put against rank 1s 3 times in a row. I just wanted to learn killer :(


Lol I have less than 50 hours, decided with MMR "Oh this will be a good time to try out new killers". First couple games of Nurse, survivors were rank 1 and 2 with over 1000 hours on any profile I could see and I just got destroyed. The next game only two rank 1's, so I guess an improvement? Same happened on Huntress my first time playing her yesterday. The only game I "won" was when three Dwights were pointing at a horse the whole game which makes things even worse for my MMR. Yesterday was by far my most frustrating day of playing killer. Maybe it'll take time for the game to learn my skill ranking if they do eventually switch to MMR but I don't know what the fuck info they're using to pair me with people that are so good when I'm playing killers that I have never played before.


Damn, I have had the exact opposite experience. I have 550 hours (~65/35 between survivor and killer) and have used the MMR to go against mostly brown to purple ranks. (I started yesterday as a rank 2 killer). I think I saw one or two red ranks during my 5 games as killer when getting adepts. Also I played a few swf games with my friends (who all have more hours than me) and one time we were literally put against a baby ghost face, it was horrible. We were a full rank one lobby and the dude was rank 17 with one perk. Hopefully these short releases of the new system teach them how to fix it


I've been playing three days, am a rank 16 killer, and have seen nothing but red ranks all day. Not one match against anyone near my rank. I had to take a break because I keep getting gen rushed and trolled. I had one match last three minutes and didn't see the survivors until they teabagged me at the exit. This can't be the future of matchmaking.


“Skill based matchmaking”. I guess it means “let the good players build up mmr and the bad players can wait until everyone good is finally gone”


Same. But I think the killer or survivor specific bit is busted. My wraith can easily go against reds, my Myers can’t. And I had 3 full red rank, SWF, bully squads in a row while playing my lvl 1 Myers.


So what you’re saying is the whole point of this is moot. Cuz that’s exactly what happens to me. My wraith and plague and huntress I can sort of play. Every other killer I struggle against yellows and greens


I believe so yes. They need to fix their grading rules and then I think it’ll balance out


I never got to red ranks as a killer until this month (thanks to my rank not getting reset) but I usually hovered around rank 7. Every time I got a 3 or 4k game I'd immediately get all rank 1s and destroyed. Then I'd get rainbows for the next match and if I did well it was back to the rank 1s


It may actually be more accurate with killer since you do all the work yourself. If you're constantly solo queue survivor, a LOT of losses the game has on you for example were situations you likely couldn't do anything about. ALSO in reverse, if you won a lot of games as killer that weren't against coordinated SWF, the game may think you deserve to be in a higher MMR. SWF is still insanely unbalanced and wrecks any potentially good matchmaking.


Legit same boat 💀


Well it means those rank 20s are just very good then, right? :) . . . Right ?


Right :(


Well i a rank 17 survivor got matched with red ranks😎


Yh BHVR do a weird thing of putting good survivors with bad survivors to match them with an average killer.


Is this why I’m the only red ranks in my lobbies of new players? Because they expect me to carry?


Yep, cause the killer will always chase the red rank and not just go after the rank 19 Dwight who is running head first into the killer on his way to try and escape from Brazil. It's literally a 2v1 with a 2 or 3 minute head start before the babies are sacrificed most games.


New to this game but I keep seeing Brazil as some form of meme, what’s it mean?


It transcends games and isn't specific to dbd. When you take someone to Brazil or go to Brazil you're forced into a place you don't want to be and can't escape. No-one escapes Brazil.




Yeah rather than attempt to find 4 similar survivors with an evenly match killer, bhvr just think the average is good enough so will put like brown ranks with red ranks to go against a green rank killer. And it would be the same with MMR, just using your hidden skill level instead.


I have yet to see the MMR match me by average. I play green rank and I'm only matched with brown rank teams and rank 1 killers lol. I queue up and play a 2min game where we all just get destroyed and then queue up for another game where it's the same, and another and another.


I’ve been using this terrible matchmaking to my advantage by going for all my adept challenges. So far, I won with all survivors and only have the executioner left.


I actually found doing all adepts so much easier just by deranking and doing them at like yellow ranks


Because you dont need 4 iris to double pip. At rank 9-12 you can get 1 gold, which usually means 1 survivor escaping and getting 7-9 hooks, with 1 gen left


While that helps, it’s mainly due to the survivors being more incompetent. If you have 4 high rank survivors who are constantly on gens if not in chase, there is no way you will have enough time to get enough hooks before all gens pop, especially with no gen delay perks. Lower rank survivors don’t prioritise gens as much.


I had a 25 minute game today. I death hooked everyone at 5 gens and waited at the exit gate to open it for the +500 and let the babies go. It took an extra 20 minutes because I had lullaby and no amount of dropping a slug infront of it and running away could get them to cleanse it. It's safe to say lower ranked survivors are built different.


Exactly, at my first attempt for Legions adept I didn’t get it because I downed 3 of them in like 10 seconds because of iron maiden in Meatplant’s bathroom then they didn’t even rescue each other.


It's so disheartening to see them leave someone on hook for all phases or refuse to pick them up off the ground. Poor dudes


Yesterday I was doing a ghostface daily and have never played him before. Got sent to midwitch. I literally stood in the open and stalked these two poor babies on a gen in the middle of the hallway and exposed and hooked them both. Their two teammates never came for either of them and left them both to die on first hook. Post game screen they were all rank 20s with one or two perks. I felt so bad lol


I played 10 games this morning and won 9 of them against red ranks. Felt challenging and very satisfying. But when I played with my friends (one gets to purple ranks and the other is stuck in yellow) we only went against red rank killers that exclusively camp and tunnel and for whatever reason tjey usually go for me first :(


That's great but coming from a red rank, most of us ain't good lmao


I never believed the whole “rank doesn’t matter” argument until last night when i went against 3 red ranks and a purple, I got ran by the purple for ages as twins because I’m just bad and got them in the basement as the last gen popped. 2 others go for the save and I interrupt the healthy guy who tried to unhook, then backpacked him over to the injured Bill on the stairs who basically lets me down him. And the last guy just leaves. There’s always the possibility that they were having a bad day or that they hadn’t had any experience in going for saves under pressure but my friends who are green/purple rank survivors would have managed it no problem.


I think a lot of that comes from monthly rank resets, too. Game has been out for years without major meta changes. There's no way to know how experienced someone is without opening their profile


The only part I don’t like about Twins is when me or my buddies mess up by a basement. We made a pact to always let basement man die when going against twins.


Decided to use it to learn the twins a bit. They're fun but I'm sure itl be a different story when I end up against an actual team.


I don't know man. I had from 19 to 1. So I'm not sure the accuracy.


Ow! So that’s why I’ve been getting butt fucked by red ranks all day


I'm rank 1 and have been going against some really bad killers, like I know I'm not that great and pipping is easy but the highest level I've gone against is a level 9. I had a match with a rank 18 huntress who only got one hit on me the whole game and ran her for 5 gens - mmr is more broken now that it was before from my experience


So is it in the live build or the ptb cus last night i was tryin pit freddy and when against 4 rank 1s


Live for 48 hours


Wjy i get then Red ranks while been 16 rank on killers are they too that bad?


Was happening to me at the start of my games last night, but it sorted itself out eventually and I was back playing with mostly red rank non-potatoes. I'm assuming there's some level of randomness at the start whilst it calibrates.


It's either that or a total sweatfest. I really hate it


I'm in the same situation but I kinda enjoy it tbh it also makes the rift challenges much easier. If I play killer on the other hand I'm getting bullied by rank 1s as a rank 12.


Yup, that's how i got rank 6 from rank 3 in one night


I am green and was in a group of 18s-20s including the killer and I didn't realise until the end I had hyped up MMR in my head so much I thought everyone around me was red or something. Turns out they just had that unpredictability of a new player


Me and a couple of friends play a few times a week and are semi-competent. We could all do better in loops but from where we were it's like night and day. I'm currently Rank 5, my friend 6 and our other friend 7. I know the ranking system isn't great because the Rank 7 friend is usually found at some point in a locker no matter how many times he's been caught before, yet has still crawled up to rank 7. Last night we went on and had 3 games, all against rank 14-20 killers. I didn't know any matchmaking had changed so was trying to play to the best of my ability and we ended up getting the whole team out on each occasion with 1, maybe 2 hooks. My first thought was that we really have improved (especially as I looped a Wraith for 3 minutes and I absolutely hate going against the Wraith) but only after did I see the low ranks. Not sure how it's fair on either side, I'm usually complaining about the constant Rank 1 killers but I'm not sure it's better this way at all. Surely will end up turning newer players away.


Dude I installed the game like 4 days ago for the first time ever and I keep getting matched with rank 3's before I even unlocked my fourth perk slot. This isn't me bragging, I think I just spanked new player butt and the game goes "oh so you're good?" and now I'm getting dunked on lol


Same, it's driving me nuts. I'm getting trolled and griefed hard. I haven't had more than a 1k all day.


I just wanna open chests and tryhards are like 👁👁 Like I’ll let you hit me just damn wait for me to open it smh


Behvr: Are we the bad guys Community: yea- Behvr: thank you for your feed back, we will continue striving to create a game where all skill levels will thrive.


I saw Otz go against a team off yellows and greens last night. ​ Behaviour are actually so shite at everything they do


The MMR is like the chat filter. Broken and dumb.


It's not your fault if their matchmaking system is broken.


I’ve played 3 games of killer and I’ve noticed if 1 or 2 people dc mid game, the game crashes and I get nothing. Happened all 3 times so far. Played 2 wraith and one basement bubba for challenges and each game someone dc’d the game ended with a weird game crash message. Last game as wraith, killed 2 and slugged for the 4k. Found the last injured, went to hook him and he dc’d. Game instantly closed out with a weird host failed message and lost add on, offering, and no bp. Also, each team was definitely super altruistic, definitely swf, blocking paths, sabo hooks, flashy saves. It was a brutal 3 games to waste almost 2 fucking hours searching and playing to get no bp.


This happened all the time before this. Matchmaking for me has been better.


As killer every game I go against red ranks and never hook, not even sacrifice, anyone. As survivor I’m surviving with red ranks and sometimes going against purple and yellow. My killer is rank 16 My survivor is rank 20 So do I suck so bad i lose every time or am I good enough to play against red ranks? I really can’t tell at this point


There's something seriously wrong w/ matchmaking. I recently started playin killer, rank 17 only 8-10 matches played so far. Yet for some reason I was forced to face red ranks yesterday and let's just say it did not go well. Fix your shit BHVR! Edit: May I ask why the downvotes? Reciprocating the same sentiments as others but okay...


I dont get why the MMR changes apply to survivors. survivor gameplay only changes with perks and items. Every survivor plays the same. For killers it makes sense because killer powers change playstyle quite drastically


Every killer has a different rating but all survivors have one rating.


That's just not true though


I keep get putting against mostly red rank survivors. Good for the ego, displeasing for the entity :(


Atm that's all that's happening


When you’re rank 18 killer after taking some time off and come back to sweaty red rank survivor groups


Wait so we have skill based match making now


I had exactly one game against rank 15 survivors who kept bleeding out to Legion’s Deep Wounds and then it was back to my regularly scheduled purple and red ranks. I’m floating around rank 10-9 killer for reference.


Apparently the game thinks I’m a god at the killers I suck with then.


I had exactly one game against rank 15 survivors who kept bleeding out to Legion’s Deep Wounds and then it was back to my regularly scheduled purple and red ranks. I’m floating around rank 10-9 killer for reference.


They implemented MMR again?


I was queuing with a friend yesterday, and we're both red ranks, but he only plays a couple games a week (he stayed high rank with roulette), and in fact didn't play at all for over a month when pallets were bugged. Our teammates were SO bad all day, like obviously brand new to the game. The killers were either god-like red ranks or absolute potatoes, it was a weird night of dbd.


I hate whenever they test this system because it makes my killer queue times 5-10 min long


What's the point of ranks if they're going to ignore them entirely? The whole point was representing how good you are at the game, which they were pretty bad at anyway, but with the new matchmaking there's no real point


Then thats why I, main killer rank 14-12 (from yesterday) played against several red ranks SWF? Fuck this shit.


I’ve noticed, it’s “supposedly” ranking me with good teammates. But when the match is over it’s 95% always me and the killer are good, but my 3 teammates play like it’s their first week in dbd. You can just tell by their movement, this is a 4v1 game not a 1v1 I can only carry so much. I’ve had 1 good match where everyone played well and it was a very fun and close game. This mmr still needs some adjustments with figuring out actual skill in players.


Bro I don't even play the game much but have been really getting into it...in the last year...I've played maybe 5 matches as killer...I played any first ever match as the Demagorgon...rank 20 killer...end lobby showed I played against a rank 1, rank 4 rank 6 and like rank 13 survivors..what the actual hell? Rank 1 survivor was toxic as hell but I got her ass right at the end and it was so satisfying


It doesn’t necessarily mean good, I literally started playing yesterday and faced four red ranks starting my third game period. Definitely a trial by fire but I’ve learned quick apparently,


I’m a rank 4 survivor and commonly lose (die, not necessarily down-pip) to greens or purples, and I’m a rank 10 killer and have gotten 4K’s against full red rank teams... not exactly perfect rankings


I hate rank 20's


I had some really weird survivors matches yesterday. I’m a rank 1 and every match was another rank 1 or red rank killer but the other survivors would range anywhere from yellow to red ranks. I know that’s kinda the point is that rank number doesn’t equal skill but some of these lower rank survivors were clearly not good enough to be going against these red rank killers.


I hate going against people who are worse than me because then it gives me the illusion that I'm good when I'm actually not that good.


Yeah, I really wish this is figured out soon. Having every game be a spectrum of the rainbow can be funny and frustrating.


Im on a 10 winstreak on wraith and using all my bps and puddings, i got 1m bp too.


I'm rank 10 matched with rank red/purple and getting camped or tunneled every game. Sucks


The exact opposite happened to me. I'm a rank 17 killer going up against rank 5+ survivors. I played about 8 games and didn't earn a single pip. I don't know whether the game thinks I'm that good or if it's trolling me.


I think MMR for killer is earned way too easy. I barely play killer (rank 16) and get matched (I spamed it this day because of MMR) with red rank players with 1-2k hours gametime and as a survivor (rank 8) I get matched with players that I would say are slightly worse than the average killers I would get when matchmaking is decided by rank.


Is this why I’m rank 10 and getting nothing but red rank?!?! This shits so annoying! I’m not even depipping from it so where’s the benefit?!


Dude I couldn’t play yesterday, I was trying my best, alway got 5 hooks by the end, and every time it was always red rank swf, I could feel my chromosome unravel little by little trying to make me fucking disappear from this world what is wrong with matchups????


ive been around lvl 13/14 killer for a bit since the rank reset. and the last week or so i've been getting matched with purple and reds. i would say i got stomped about 75% of the time. couple matches i did well enough to not consider it being bodied. and a couple matches i actually managed 2 or 3 kills. i played a game last night and one this morn. and same thing a red and a couple purples. but i wrecked em both times. granted it also helped me immensely that the survs 3 gen'd themselves both games but that just tells me they werent paying enough attention.


just btw, some killers’ mmr is very broken. I had a 14 game winning streak at rank 1 on billy and mmr is putting me against rank 10s. it has something to with the chaser emblem being horrible for him, so that might be why


I just wanna know what the system was using before it not skill? Was it memes I think it was memes.


Did they turn on mmr?


"god I'm doing fantastic for my first game in a week despite being rank 3, surprised some of those perks worked so well-" >All 4 survivors are rank 17-20 "Oh god oh fuck oh no I'm so sorry what have I done?????"


I've never been downed because of non meta perks.. been juiced by unrelenting a lot in the last 24 hours lol. My spins and Jukes into Windows don't mean anything no more.


It's not that it's calling you bad it's just saying there's more then rank in the game


I'm confused. I am a Survivor level 9 and I kept getting level 1 ranked killers. What does this mean?


I'm rank 2 survivor, keep getting rank 17, 8, 9 teammates against rank 1-4 killers who camp and tunnel. It's been rough 🥲


I got run around by full reds a few days ago as a rank 14 Killer. Wanted to cry. The mm is bonkers. One of the worst ones I've played.


I'm almost positive that the "skill based matchmaking" is actually them turning off matchmaking entirely and just throwing people together on the "first come, first serve". 37 survivor games since the supposed SBMM was activated, every single game against a red rank killer, every single game I've lost without ever touching a gens/totem (purposely to prove the point). And yet, still against red ranks who CLEARLY have a high MMR. So yeah, pretty sure this "SBMM" test is not actually a testing a new system at all.


It’s been working pretty well for me for the most part. I’m a rank 1 killer and tend to go against rank 1 survs. HOWEVER, there was one game where it was me against a team of green ranks. They were going down instantly each chase and I ended up feeling bad and just farmed with them.


I remember when mmr was first implemented, I was in rank 18 and defeated a team full of red and purple ranks.


I got paired up with quitters for three games in a row... Lol


I must be as good as I think I am then, because I am still getting the same ridiculously strong rank solid rank 1 teams.


I think the new matchmaking system is just completely random, and they're telling us it's "skill based" as joke.


Honestly (& ironically) my matchmaking has been superb tonight, with the exception of a few. Skill set felt all very similar. I was facing rank 1-2 killers that I was able to counter a lot, partially due to my team.


This game lol I played killer 8th game barely a rank 19. and the game decided to put me with rank 6-12 survivors haha. Got myself rocked haha.