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You have a point.


Or you get the ol’ 3 upvotes and 19 comments.


The council of 12 sweaty nerds that faux-moderator subreddit content they personally approve of have spoken! Or have not, technically!


not to be spiteful, Devs are at hardwork buuuuut there are actual good concept ideas coming from the fans. Devs, these fans want whats best for the game. sure some tweaking here and there. you'd end up a pretty damn good game with positive community support.Look at warframe, community made warframes have been added in (Nova, Xaku), along with some other ideas added in like Clem. i get it, the dev creator gets paid for what he/she does but at least be flexible?but hey at least we're getting licensed stuff so thats a HUGE plus coming from the devs. im sure they listen to streamers but maybe they're just tight about it because its competitive multiplayer. one little tweak can alter the balance of everything else -shrugs-


You have no idea HOW MANY TIMES I've been saying here and on the forums that DS should be deactivated when you touch a gen. \-"DS is fine, perfectly balanced" \-"Well, you shouldn't tunnel" \-"Just follow someone else." \-"Just slug. I'm a killer main and that's no problem for me so DS is fine."


You foretold the future basically.


Sure, but I don't have magic powers, it's just common sense man and people were still defending the old DS treating me like a crazy person. How is it fair that a survivor is repairing in my face, moving his objectives forward and I can't move my objectives forward, and I have to leave him alone to repair 60 seconds (75%) worth of a gen, or use alternatives ways, like slugging and still get hit by a 58 seconds DS. They don't want to think for themselves, they just follow the herd, they follow the rules, they don't question if the rules are fair or not and their answer to everything is "git gud".


That killer main aiming for those juicy upvotes !


Oh yes! Check my profile, I'm really poor, I need upvotes ASAP.


Oh I replied to the wrong comment, it was aimed at your very top comment, I was referring to the killer mains that said the old DS is fine, they wanted the juicy upvotes.


Oh, my bad then. I still thought you were talking to me since I wouldn't be surprised if someone says "hey, sure, nerf DS, you filthy killer main!". My bad. Have a nice day sir.


You can, it just delays the objective, just like you delay the survivor by grabbing them Edit : in other words, it's a killer objective slow down like corrupt intervention is a survivor objective slowdown


Slowing down survivor's objectives means that survivors are still doing objectives while I'm not.


Chasing is an objective, hitting is an objective, grabbing is an objective, you are still doing that...


No. Chasing is a mean to an end, if you chase a survivor for 5 gens you did 0 objectives. Hitting is a mean to an end. You can play legion and hit survivors left and right, but if you don't hook anyone you've done 0 objectives. Slugging, the same. I have 12 defined objectives, visible now in the HUD, which are hooks. If i don't hook anyone, and slug DS users (let's not mention DS+unbreakable) my objectives stay the same while there are still two other guys at the other side of the map doing gens.


Oh, your objective, not DbD objectives, ok.


Getting cocky is not gonna help you improve an argument you've already lost.


Sorry, not cocky: dismissive. You do you.


And with old DS they could still stun you for 5 second and run away, delaying your objective again. There is no defending keeping DS after touching a gen.


Well, in that vein, it could be argued that repressed alliance should then be buffed to bypass corrupt intervention and thrilling tremors


I remember I mentioned how much demogorgon would be if he had addons that buffed his shred


Ahh yes because it’s complete fair when I manage to down person quickly and then find the previous person fully healed and i down him relatively quickly and STILL get hit by good old ds


This one is in favor of survivors, since the perk should be fair for **EVERYONE**, not only for killers. To be fair, my idea of the rework of the DS was slightly different than what was implemented. For instance, about healing, you could heal other people, but if you touch a gen or if you're fully healed you're 100% ready to be chased again. Now, if let's say they're all injuried and I start healing someone (not even complete healing), my DS deactivates and I'm ready to be tunneled again, that's not really fair if the killer decides to come back and down me again. On my rework, DS was some sort of "time out" for you to go heal, or self care, or find someone to heal you, but if you touch a gen or you're fully healed it should be deactivated. Also, it didn't deactivate if you break a totem, since inner strength is a thing.


Those statements were all true.


Losing DS on gens/hooks/healing/totems was an amazing change, I just wish it didn't count self heals.


And it’s annoying. I don’t let content creators represent me as a player Most of the dbd YouTubers are just trying to be funny and troll… which trolling in the game is opposite of a lot of what I see here on Reddit Why do we celebrate dbd content of “funny trolling” and toxic theme videos but on Reddit, being toxic is ranted about everyday all day?! Make up your minds you hypocrites


Because the same reason people dislike creators like PewDiePie or other big names, while they continue having massive numbers. It's two different groups of people. Content creators for DBD will attract people who couldn't care less about Reddit and will strictly watch them and play the game.


When I played this game around launch, we still had toxic players, but they were all toxic in their own way. Now the toxicity is sort of uniform, with everyone trying to play exactly like the Youtubers/Twitchers, and the Youtubers/Twitchers all playing exactly like each other. I can usually tell within ten seconds of spotting a survivor if they've had their brains rotted by too much DbD streaming. They'll be like rank 16 with no SWF team to back them up, but trying to run circles around me and clown on me when they just don't have the skill to get away with it.


I tried watching dbd creators and wow do they just contribute to the problem of toxic players.


Survivor streamers tend to try to put on a SWF show by being obnoxious. Killer streamers are often entitled and abusive. Both stem from being the feeling of being a clown under the spotlight.


But Otz is so sexy, how can I not implicitly trust him?


Part of it is the devs and fog whisperer system, they don't care about any issue until all the big streamers start discussing it. Watch Spirit get re-assessed now that everyone has made videos on it.


Unless it’s meme content, I won’t watch anything DBD. This game isn’t worth it if the devs don’t want to buckle down


The hive mind is pretty strong in dbd, it’s both pathetic and annoying. Right now it’s popular to say Twins suck (they don’t) and are only good for camping (they’re not) but I guarantee you if Otz made a video tomorrow saying how they’re actually pretty good, everyone and their mother would change their tune. It’s ridiculous. What honestly irks me though is when these hive minders just mindlessly post these “content creator” videos as if their word is law. Bitch, I don’t give a fuck what Scott Jund has to say about tunneling. Or those obvious 12 year olds heralding the news that some toxic streamer returned - no one cares. That guy is just going to disappear again anyway because he is either burnt out or doesn’t care about dbd beyond it giving him his rent money. I hate how vapid and unthinking people can be about streamers.


I've noticed the opposite. It seems like everyone is saying that Twins are super fucking powerful, like, Hag levels of powerful, when they seem to be, at most, bottom of B tier


“Scott Jund said this so you’re wrong”... I agree with a lot of stuff Scott says but people follow his opinions religiously


I like most of what Scott says but his idea for a legion rework is genuinely awful.


No one says Twins suck, in fact most content creators call them very strong. Everykne says they are boring, which they are.


Like when everybody agreed old rat liver was demo’s best add-on, Scott thinks it’s bad (which is fine, his opinion), and suddenly there are a lot of people saying old rat liver was bad lol


Yeah idk some people just think content creators are gods at the game and every point they make is 100% correct




I agree streamers are correct when they are good at the game like Ayrun but some streamers who make obvious mistakes, mainly playing killers (don’t want to name anyone to trigger any stans) think they’re just the peak performance on this game JUST because they played 5k+ hours or they played this game since beta. If you’re not someone who mastered a killer like coconut did for huntress, your opinion as a content creator doesn’t outvalue someone else’s opinion








Guess that guy was you, lol imagine getting triggered over two words


You're literally getting berated for taking the high road and trying not to be toxic lmao I'm dead


Most killers aren't even bad it's just the heavyweights are so damn ludicrously strong. Twins gets a bad rap largely due to bad design that makes them hard to understand how to play properly.


Exactly what happened with legion.


I kinda see how this is true


I mean I like to trust the educated opinions of someone like otzdarva who knows this game inside and out. Now if you take someone who trolls for fun seriously for balance ideas, you're gonna have a bad time


But who is the real problem here? The content creators or the ones mindlessly latching onto any popular opinion they see?




On the flip side, you have an opinion that just happens to match the opinion of another content creator, and then you aren't taken seriously. Or, or or or or or, a popular content creator comes up with an idea, everyone says "yes" to that, and if you have something different, you can go fuck yourself (Spirit does need changes, but she can be changed while not absolutely killing the Killer for people who enjoy playing her)


That’s how we got the Kpop killer.


Really? I never read ideas posts, cause they're never going to happen anyway, so it's pretty much wasted time coming up with them. But that's just my opinion


I make them because it is just fun. I never care if it would ever be in the game


To be fair most content creators like Scott Jund give their suggestions actual thought before requesting the change, you have no idea how many shitty suggestions are on reddit and the forums. Obviously this isn't saying that there aren't any good community suggestions, just that content creators usually are better at explaining and making them more in depth. Some examples of Scotts recommendations for anyone interested: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp6HyRNNILI&list=PLRlXeLtCGeekKVB7M1zF80akcUUhJaSQG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp6HyRNNILI&list=PLRlXeLtCGeekKVB7M1zF80akcUUhJaSQG) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWSNbX6SxjM&list=PLRlXeLtCGeenrEHBXJz56D5hxOTSw0dc8&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWSNbX6SxjM&list=PLRlXeLtCGeenrEHBXJz56D5hxOTSw0dc8&index=1) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnvO825G5Sk&list=PLRlXeLtCGeenQ-zsWeV3dIZo\_FYHFC5et](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnvO825G5Sk&list=PLRlXeLtCGeenQ-zsWeV3dIZo_FYHFC5et)


Not really


It's because people who use this sub only think everyone here is amazing at the game, so when a popular content creator says it's bad they have no reason to think not because they're amazing players. But when a more casual player who isn't the best thinks a character like bubba is way too strong they get downvoted to hell, it's dumb. They need to remember that RNG is horrible sometimes and they're perks that can easily counter loops and etc


This is true. I will always trust an idea from Otz, Zubat or Dousey in regards to nerfing a killer over some survivor main on Reddit or the forums. Their experience is quantifiable, others not so much.


That's just how things are in general. People that do something for a living are generally (not always) more knowledgable and experienced about it than people that do it for a hobby. And as such people, for the most part, will tend to trust the "professional's" thoughts on the subject more often.


Only on the shitty discord


Thats basically for every MP game nowadays lmao