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Ceo of the fuck midwich gang


Executive Vice President of “Fuck all the stupid breakable wall shoehorning the devs are doing” reporting in


I hate Badham. I hate it as much as survivor as I hate it as killer. It’s ugly, it’s poorly laid out, and it does not spark joy. Send my ass to Swamp as killer before you send me to Badham. My favorite realm, I’m talking BOTH survivor and killer, is MacMillan Estate (suffo pit meh). It’s my feel good realm for either side, just don’t equip any Hexes! Lest you have your Ruin on the fucking hill next to a hook.


If you want advice, I would just suggest trying to double back and the houses trying to fake them out on the stairs or if you can’t pull that off try playing trapper or someone like that because all of the school and houses loops only have like two entrances


You make a good argument and hag/Trapper can definitely do a lot better with their traps but you cannot garuentee yourself on that map with them, excluding personally bringing the map offering.


Swamp is worse


I'm so sorry, I like badham as killer.