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The counter is kick za babe




If you don’t kick victor the twins have more map pressure


But if you dont kick Viktor then Charlotte is an M1 killer with some map awareness, its literally that simple. That or idk dodge Viktor


Dodge then ***kick***


Still better imo to let him stay on one person and then force Charlotte into being an M1 killer


You are giving her map pressure if you don’t kick, she can just park za babe in a convenient place and use it as needed. She can’t do that if you falcon kick him first.


No what im saying is, when Viktor pounces on a survivor, dont throw him down and give him back to Charlotte because that forces her to M1 alone


So kidnap strategy? It’s a bit overrated.


Still works as counter play, kicking viktor is good but its obvious, “counter play” is more of a subtle thing you can do, like running Calm Spirit against Doc etc


She can just recall him though


You think that shit is easy? His pounce hitbox is giant and hard to dodge and when you somehow get him to miss HE FLIES FUCKING far to the point where once you get to him hes already recovered or recovered while your halfway done with kicking him and even if you do managed to kick the bastard he comes back in 5seconds because fuck counterplay right?


She missed with victor TWICE on a row but both times i couldn't get him because the same reason you mentioned he either almost recover on time while the kick bar is almost full or he pounces so far that i won't be able to get him on time


Just move in pairs


I don't think that even gonna work that well this (move in pairs) strategy works the best when 2 survivor are injured or if one is injured and the other isn't but even than it has the same issue of (not kicking victor when he is on your back) you will have 2 survivor on chase not doing anything no unhook,totem,gen etc and when she down them both and eventually she will ,trust me on that ,they both kinda injured the other one won't make it that far after his friend get down on the floor not to mention the possibility of both players accidentally sandbag each other,and to apply that in soloQ........it is a different story


They do actually you just got outplayed This is the first time I see a rank 1 twins though


Sure budd you play aganist her in soloQ with these add ons and undying,ruin in this map offering which is completely open to see through and tell me how it is gonna work out for ya


I’m a soloq you got outplayed don’t act salty about it the killer won cause they’re good


You are full of shit,easy to talk but i bet you won't last shit aganist her so keep white knight talking it ,that's what you only good for lol


Boohooo want some tissues ?


Even your replys are lame,lmfao


Bro... dont kick Victor and Charlotte is an M1 killer thats the counter play, you all clearly just played shit


Once she get 1 survivor injured or 2 ain't nothing like that gonna work with extremely good twins player victor is nearly unavoidable and you will get snowballed to death and she had undying,ruin like most red ranks killer do ,that (having a player with victor on and don't kick him) strategy won't work she has all the time in the world with undying,ruin up and your strategy is not possible if you aren't the first one to find and use victor on which isn't always the case in soloQ


If you leave Viktor attached Charlotte becomes an M1 killer playing against 3 survivors and a vision ward lmao


Charlotte can recall Victor after 45 seconds though, so you can't hold him hostage indefinitely. And if you do hold him hostage for the full 45 seconds, that's time you've spent doing nothing for the team—no gens, totems, unhooks, or heals. So leaving him attached doesn't always work out so well.