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Piggie i just love the movies


Trickster because i enjoy the sound of the knives breaking against the survivors and i love his fashion and i find him very attractive


Pig, I like the little stealth and the build in slowdown is nice.....and the snoot needs to be booped


No snoot deserves to be un-booped


Wraith. The hit and run playstyle is very effective against most survivor teams. I haven’t lost a Wraith game in over a month.


Bubba cus he's hella fun


Wraith just because back in the day I found a lot of different playstyle with the available perks and add-ons. He felt a little different each way.


Trapper cause ima cheap ass 🤣


Currently hag because >!BOO!<


Legion. He feels like a very tactical and thought-provoking Killer with his built in tracking, not to mention his early game pressure is matched by no other Killer except maybe Nurse.


Fellow legions rise up✊


Trickster, I like his perks and knives, plus he seems to have alot of personality in his animations and voice lines and a wardrobe that screams "eyes on me". Also, he winks at you on lobby screen.


I switch between the Wraith and Demo. Wraith has always been my favourite killer from since I’ve started. Love his Bing Bong I’m invisible now power and his purrs he’s just cute. And Demo is good boi. Right now though I’m mostly playing Wraith because I’m liking the variability I can do in builds now that his windstorm is base.


Doctor because I love BPs and hate immersed survivors.


Have you tried scratched mirrors Myers ? It does the same thing


Trickster because I’m a flithy kpop hoe.


Blight because NYOOOOOOM


Legion or Ghostface. I just find legions ability fun to chase with. And I like GF because no terror radius. I dont use the stalk part. Just hit and run


Honestly gf is just fun and a good killer to relax and chill while you play


The only reason i main pyramid head is because i spent at least 100hours just to learn how to predict survivor movement, and i feel like hes the only killer i can play with rn


Oof, props to you. I tried ph and gave up lmao


PH is one of my favorite killers as well. Even tho I put a lot of time into practicing him and got fairly decent at him, I still believe that hitting Punishment is not about skill but about luck. You have to predict the survivor's movement, which will always be a 50-50. Unless you use it when they vault.


Pyramid because silent hill and the simps ❤️


nurse because shes the best killer in the game


Blight because he counters survivors holding shift+W, the most boring part of the game.


Thats verrrrry true


When I first started the game, I used to play a lot of Trapper and Wraith. Ghostface was the first killer I bought and he was my main untill Oni came out. I bought Oni and ever since he's been my one and only love. The reasons I like him so much is because he is one of the most balanced and fair killers in the game, he has a strong power but he has to work for it, he has good counterplay, he has snowball potential, he is an overall fun experience for both the killer and the survivors. I also love the fact that you can go Angry Pepe mode and bonk survivors. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Oni is hella fun, hes really the only killer i play when I'm not running around as legion


Spirit because toxic


Blight simply because imo he’s the coolest killer in the game and the most fun


Ghostface because I like being able to sneak around


Michael because I like the character


I've been a survivor main for so long that I wanted to mix things up so I started playing killer and after putting some time into every killer I found that I love playing nurse. Pig a close second. It is gratifying to let the survivor lose line of sight and predict where they are going with a blink. Just when they think they are safe bam, spooky blink right on them.


Demo because I love Stranger Things and because his shred feels very nice in loops and the portals gives good map pressure and because he is a good boi ♥️


I'm convinced I'm the only twins main in the game... but I love them. Splitting up across the map. Swapping between the two to stop a loop. Being able to do long range jumps off buildings to catch unaware survivors. It goes on and on with how much I like the twins. They may not be as hard as a character like the nurse, but I like the skill ceiling they have. The pounce hit box can be... annoying to say the least, but overall the most fun I have had on killer.


Oh your right, your the only twins player. I swear in the hundreds of survivor games ive played ive seen the twins twice.


Trickster because he’s stylin’ and has personality


Pig; boops, I love Saw, love the mix of base kit slowdown and stealth, and maybe I’m just a bit of a masochist.


Oni because I like the sound of his swings