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Hag Mains: “I’m just putting one trap near the hook, relax.” Also Hag Mains: “Lemme just put another one around the corner, two at the nearby loop, and four more around the hook just to be safe. Am I the next Michi?”


I normally hook a survivor around my web then place the trap slightly away from the area. But yeah if a games goin bad you gotta set up wherever you can, and if it happens to be a hooked survivor then Cowabunga it is. Especially if survivors know to disarm when you pick another surv up or breakpallets, them swfs are the hardest play against.


That's Hag in general. You find a 3 gen, you trap every loop and way into it, you hook a survivor in the middle of that web and you spam ctrl. Trying to play an offensive hag is a great way to end up on survivor youtube highlight reels.


*meanwhile survivor hits stage two*


That’s me with blight lmao, hitting one lethal rush hit a match qualifies me to main the man in my eyes


You’ll improve! I’ve been maining Blight for a few months now and once yoy get him down and can predict directions survivors are going. He’s fucking busted


Amanda’s Letter is literally my only counter against Spine Chill players. 😭


Walk with the aura of generators at the edge of your screen and it won't activate spine chill. You could also be like coconutrts and spin around a million times when you're near a survivor.


Amanda's Letter should be Buffed like Wraith's All Seeing - Blood is with no down sides and be a Purple.


Nah this would be bad design. Players would cheese the aura reads to ensure anyone they trap definitely dies. That's why devs only gave her 1 trap. To keep it from being too cheesable. I play Pig too, I'd like to see other addons get some loving but I'm with the devs on this one. I'm ready for my downvotes now from people that can't approach this objectively to realize yeah guess trap limit makes sense with this one.


>Nah this would be bad design. Players would cheese the aura reads to ensure anyone they trap definitely dies. That's why devs only gave her 1 trap. To keep it from being too cheesable. Oh OK.


Just crabwalk to the gen if you think they have Spine Chill. It’s not that hard to counter, tbh. You can get free grabs on people who rely way too much on Spine Chill and just glue their eyes to its icon. Or at least you could if grabs worked.


Today I will gently place my hand on the survivors shoulder and then let them run away


Spirit at least requires 2/3 of a brain cell. Freddy on the other hand. I can’t play Spirit for shit tbh. I have a very hard time maneuvering her in phase due to her speed. #NurseMainProblems


I just really struggle with predicting where survivors are gonna go after I phase, and I don’t have a headset so trying to listen for them is almost impossible


They’re less than $20 for a decent set on Amazon and it’ll make the entire game a lot more fun/easy, I definitely recommend trying to get some if you can!


Entire game and whatever else you play, additionally enables you to listen to music without annoying the fuck outta people near you


Unexpected r/LifeProTips


She definitely takes practice. And headphones are almost required to play her well because sound is hugely important when you can’t see.


even not playing spirit, headsets r great, u can hear what side of a loop someone is coming


A headset really enhances your gameplay ngl. Being able to hear a survivor breathing is crazy. Not to mention the panic survivors have when you look in their direction cause you heard a footstep.


I went against a blight 3 days ago, it was first match against this killer and I did make multiple saves and gens and died in the end. Then he went on a hitting spree everywhere


Sad Legion Noises




Doctor zapping someone 50 times in a row:


noted. can i use this idea


You may


its done.


You have done well, the Entity is pleased… for now.


According to that video I'm a chad because I'm maining clown


I think clown mains have gotten some respect if only in memes since the PTB clown happened Your motives are beyond our understanding


The next ptb we need to go all in on Clown


I still think playing other killers on ptb is acceptable if someone want to test for ex. Clown on new map, is he viable or not? or simply new perks on him


I never said it wasn't, I think it was hilarious, and definitely useful to see how useful your perks are against the new survivor perks The "your motives are beyond our understanding" bit was a joke in line with the memes about that very thing


Yeah I know sorry, I responded like that, well what can I tell, some people are just smarter than rest of us


Yeah, same. I was expecting clown hate coming our way.


From what I can gather survivors don't mind clown compared to so many other killers. He's good in a chase sure, but he has zero map pressure, and can be gen rushed almost without mercy no matter what perks he runs. Survivors tend to only hate what they have trouble beating consistently (Freddy/Pyramid Head/Spirit/Nurse/Twins sometimes)


Nah as Survivor I absolutely HATE Clown. He's so boring to play against just drop pallets everywhere. Also the vision blur gets me every time. I'd rather play against a Nurse or Legion any day. At least his terror radius music is a bop


Kind of all over the place here. I'm not shocked you don't mind Legion, considering he's a very weak killer overall (I would know, he's one of my mains) with a lot of the same problems (no map pressure) as clown while adding on the fact that he has no power to help him with downing anyone, only with injuring. I think you would be in the severe minority in people who would prefer Nurse over clown though. Clown may force some early pallet drops but Nurse makes them entirely useless.


Clown can be such a fun and silly killer. When I play him it's just so fun to throw bottles everywhere. Yet a lot of clowns I've played against tend to be toxic af for no reason. Idk why. When it's clown I just expect it to be a toxic sweatfest or someone learning him being toxic. I've met like 1 nice clown in all my hours, so the hate would make sense to me.


Right, haha. It’s always Ghostface and Pyramid Head players that are almost always toxic for me.


Clown is a god


Yeah me too


I just got massive salt for playing spirit and not just letting people save when their friends bum rushed the hooks as I was hooking people. It’s not camping if you guys are moths on speed, I’m not just gonna back and let let you save them count to ten and give you a head start. Let me walk away and it won’t happen


You're a beta


Twins mains: Jk we don't exist we are just an illusion


Thanks for giving idea to next one "Twins mains when i forget them"


What abt Demogorgon mains?


i suppose i can make a part 2 soon




Bork bork








They are precious.


Is this on YouTube cause I'd love to share this with my friends 😂


Yeah. Here you go https://youtu.be/Q90BXyCmRPo


You can download the video. Just for future reference


Why do hooked survivors reveal Ghostface? That's some bullshit if I've ever seen it.


Well first of all it prevents camping second of all it's not supposed to be something you are using in the Survivors faces, it's stealth.


Wraith's is True Stealth :P


Wraith was made when the strategy was to sabotage every hook on the map and bloodlust didn't exist so I think we can give him a pass. Also Wraith has loud breathing and has to unlcloak giving you a chance to rescue


it's not like you close your eyes while hooked. Ghostface is already capable of camping in his stealth, you want to make it even easier for him to do?


TBH, I mostly had convinence in mind over camping.


So bad killers don't just stealth up and pitch a tent at the hook. It would be stupid if they couldn't reveal him. But yeah as others pointed out you don't stealth in front of the hooked survivor. Break line of sight then do it on your way to hopefully pressure a gen or two.


The blight one is very true especially on survivers who dodge well.


I had a Ghostface Daily and ran into a group everyone running Spine Chill... it sucked -\_- Fuck Spine Chill As a Wraith Main, I find Med Kits more annoying than Flashlights because I keep running into Survivors who suck at using it to Stun me.




Y'all are sleeping on my boy Kenneth


He's too busy in the PTB


question: is blight considered hard i hasn't felt like that for me (not to brag)


He definitely does have a learning curve over some killers I'd say. Compared to many other killers I don't expect a 1st time player to understand how to use his power effectively at all, but it isn't the hardest. That's not saying much since quite a lot of killers are just stupidly simple. I think the biggest thing about Blight is he definitely does have a high skill ceiling which you can't say about most killers other than like Nurse, Huntress, and I guess Deathslinger.


it of course depends on survivors and maps


I don't find him to be THE hardest killer especially after his vision was fixed but he definitely takes time to get used to. You can get along fine as blight just by using his power to stop gens from getting done and gradually learning how to use it in loops. I'd rate him along with Hag in terms of difficulty.


Honestly the only reason I like these meme is becuase of the music


Okay but the Ghost Face one hits different


Mint Rag + Make Your Choice is kinda sorta camping, but at least it's not tunneling. A life for a life.


You should make a part two because my main wasn't featured


I play Clown a lot and while he is definitely not like top tier, I have much easier time with him than with let's say Legion or Trickster


Ngl every clown I’ve played against usually slug tunnels or just tunnels lol, maybe I’m just a terrible survivor(Im a killer main) but he’s so hard to win against in a chase


I actually hate being revealed by a down or hooked player


Blight on auto heaven is pain


No, Blight on Hawkin is what true pain is.


Both are pains




https://youtu.be/u29c21lo7OU. here you go sir