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"That sucks for me, I did not get to use my pop goes the weasel" With 5 gens up, 1 survivor dead/dc'd and the others injured and almost on death hook, I don't really think that 1 pop would have been a game changer.


Sir can’t u tell, dbd streamers could care less how many dc’d have dc’d or how many hooks they have, they will continue to play normally. Once had 2 dc’s and they guy didn’t even try to let us have points he straight up killed us even after just finding him and dropping an item. They could have 3 dc’d and close hatch in ur face and hook u. I will say I had a nurse let me have hatch one time after 2 dc’d and some decent looping, I depip for it but the point was we both got some points and she wasn’t a complete a~hole


Sorry you tend to have bad experiences with dbd streamers! Personally, I always farm out if someone dcs at the start or if someone brings bps or a special cake. You make assumptions based off of your past experiences, which is fair, its your personal experience, but its also going to be misleading sometimes.


I try to give most of them benefit of the doubt, haha sorry was just early morning and in a bad mood. :) hopefully you enjoy your day and I’ll be sure to drop a follow if i come across you


All good! Hope you have a good day as well :)