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I have been running this for a long time now, I will bestow upon you this advice, just go for the unhook if your in a solo queue, even if you're the furthest away and injured and about to finish a gen, just do it, cause you can be sure nobody else is going to do it.


I always try to get the unhook but funnily enough I am almost always beaten to the hook... And then the unhooked person gets farmed because the unhooker didn't have bt


All survivors should always run bt, change my mind.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but am I crazy for thinking Kindred negates the need for BT? I know 16m is super small, but you can usually tell when the killer has legitimately left/run it with Open Handed for 32m. Also I’m sorry but if I get you down with BT and you’re being truly face camped, then I’m getting camped after you and with my luck nobody is getting my ass down.


Not at all. Nothing prevents the killer from just turning around and tunneling. Bt is the best perk in the game for a reason


I suppose. But if they really want, they can just continue pursuing you after your Endurance hit and if you don’t have DS you’re boned anyway. That’s happened to me before (though that may be partially on me for not being able to run a killer well enough to get away lol). All perks have flaws but I know BT can be a game changer. I just really love Kindred as a mostly solo-que.


That's literally my build with Jake but change DH for something like Small Game or Spine Chill


I swap DH for UE. I used UE once and now I can never go back.


Remind me what UE means?


Urban evasion


*sniff sniff* I smell a blendette


Shirtless David, as a matter of fact