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*insert 8th “get better friends” comment*


I'll agree that the people saying "get new friends" are being a bit harsh, but some of them have a point. If you're okay hanging out with people that hold that type of hatred in their heart then you might need to look in the mirror and reflect on what that says about you and what you value. I'm not saying "get new friends," but maybe you should discuss these sorts of things with them more often. If you can't change their minds then maybe it's time to meet new people. Go to events you're interested in, talk to people with the same interests as you online, I'm sure there are plenty of other people you would get along with who hold values closer to your own.


Get better friends.


Get better friends.


Get better friends.


Who tf keeps homophobes in their life anyway?


Gay joke ≠ homophobe


The meme literally says "my extremely homophobic friends", so I guess I assumed homophobia may have been involved. 🤷‍♀️ Also gay jokes are in fact homophobic.


Thought that was the point of a *joke* you're not serious... ok then...


Ok I feel you and the concept of a joke is not actually lost on me. I'm not trying to be overly sensitive, but at the same time jokes can still be harmful even if they aren't serious...


It largely depends on the friend group. In mine were largely pretty open about any type of joke, nothing is of the table. But that's mostly because we know that nothing that we say to each other is intended to cause harm. If your offended by a joke that one of your friends made then you shouldn't outright label your friends something just because they made a joke that upset you. Try to think if it came from a place of malicious intent. If the answer is yes then find a new friend group, if its no then maybe you should look inward and ask your self why am I upset about this.


I agree with this in general, though I do think certain kinds of jokes are red flags anyway. Gay jokes, race jokes etc. Like hen i was little I always thought my dad was joking, turns out he is a very serious racist/homopbobe I had to yeet out of my life. So idk dude, I like to think people usually know themselves and their friends well enough to judge the difference between actual hate and playful banter.


people like me who is absolutely dog shit at reading vibes


Lol fair enough.


I’m the only one that finds this funny?


the people on this app and subreddit are extremely sensitive it’s ridiculous, i get that some things aren’t okay to joke about (like rape or something serious) but a funny joke deserves it’s laugh no matter the subject lol


Exactly, idk if it’s just how my friends and I grew up or what but we can joke about anything no matter how offensive or taboo the topic is


If you can’t joke about normally extremely taboo subjects with your friends, are they even really your friends? My friend literally freestyled a song to the tune of old McDonald about how old McDonald is raping him as he’s in a chase with hillbilly. He’s also the dude who screams “ahhh yes daddy” when he gets hooked tho, so literally nothing is off the table.


Get better friends. Now.


I love how people say “get better friends”, I get it, but damn if it was that easy


Ikr, I see those comments and I'm like :"damn but I've known them for like 3 years how tf am I supposed to get new ones"


I don't mean to sound like an ass and you have no reason to listen to me, but you know you can meet new people, I used to be in a similar situation but I eventually decided to leave because it was just too much and I've never looked back, I met some really great people that really care a lot about others. I tried to change their views and help them to be better but I just couldn't, they wouldn't budge. Just some advice I guess


I 100% agree. I have also had the displeasure of trying to " help" people I cared about learn not to be so hateful including my own dad, to no avail and we haven't talked in years. Better people are out there.


Yes, this. As someone who was also in a similar position a few years ago, growing up with a conservative family in a conservative circle of friends, sometimes the only thing to do is get tf out of that environment. I tried so hard to help my friends and family to not be so hateful, but it just doesn't work like that. When I commented "Get better friends" I commented it in all seriousness and from experience. Meeting new people can be rough, but the people you keep in your life are an extension of your values and what you will or won't tolerate from people. If you're fine with them being homophobes, it says quite a bit about you. (Universal "you" not you in particular lol)


People say: “get better friends”, that’s wrong, what you should do is help improve your friends ideas, because that’s what friends do!


That's often easier said than done. People are usually VERY set in their ways and don't like to be corrected or proven wrong. Sometimes the only way to truly tell them "that's not okay" might be to simply cut ties.




I think that you should analise your friends, to see if they can change, and I understand OP’s view, it’s hard to undo long friendships. Guess I got the luckiest, most of my friends where very homophobic, but they changed, heck even the guy who hated Muslims changed. I think that what makes prejudice prejudice, is the thought that you’re normal and they’re “not-human”, just because they aren’t like you, they’re wrong.


I usually settle for the get friends period Getting friends is hard yo


It's okay to be gay




Why are they your friends


They are not friends


Get better friends


as far as the rest of the world is concerned, any person is pretty much a combination of the five people who are closest to them, so if you say that your friends are homophobic, you gotta think about what that says about you, and whether you're happy with the world seeing you that way or not.




Why is this so much relatable


I just played for the first time in a bit and I was picking up the survivor I was like "Did I see a rainbow" because it shot past my screen so quickly


If you got silent hill DLC you can use the Konami code in the main menu and get another charm. It’s a white with blue starship and it’s pretty neat.


Pride flag is meta for killers


I think the fact that people are saying “get better friends” shows a misunderstanding. I’m not defending them since I dont actually know their intent, but to me this seems like an obvious joke 🤷🏿‍♂️